Dali on Biowulf

The three-dimensional co-ordinates of each protein are used to calculate residue - residue distance matrices.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session (user input in bold):

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --ntasks=4 --nodes=1
salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226
salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources
salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources
salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226
salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc.exe: Nodes cn3144 are ready for job

[user@cn3144 ~]$ module load dali
[user@cn3144 ~]$ cp /pdb/pdb/pp/pdb1ppt.ent.gz .
[user@cn3144 ~]$ cp /pdb/pdb/bb/pdb1bba.ent.gz .
[user@cn3144 ~]$ import.pl --pdbfile pdb1ppt.ent.gz --pdbid 1ppt --dat ./
[user@cn3144 ~]$ import.pl --pdbfile pdb1bba.ent.gz --pdbid 1bba --dat ./
[user@cn3144 ~]$ dali.pl --pdbfile1 pdb1ppt.ent.gz --pdbfile2 pdb1bba.ent.gz --dat1 ./ --dat2 ./ --outfmt "summary,alignments"
[user@cn3144 ~]$ cat mol1A.txt
# Job: test
# Query: mol1A
# No:  Chain   Z    rmsd lali nres  %id PDB  Description
   1:  mol2-A  3.6  1.8   33    36   39   MOLECULE: BOVINE PANCREATIC POLYPEPTIDE;

# Pairwise alignments

No 1: Query=mol1A Sbjct=mol2A Z-score=3.6

ident  |  | |||| |  |        |  | |  ||

[user@cn3144 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$

Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Create a batch input file (e.g. dali.sh). For example:

module load dali
import.pl --pdbfile pdb1ppt.ent.gz --pdbid 1ppt --dat ./
import.pl --pdbfile pdb1bba.ent.gz --pdbid 1bba --dat ./
dali.pl --pdbfile1 pdb1ppt.ent.gz --pdbfile2 pdb1bba.ent.gz --dat1 ./ --dat2 ./ --outfmt "summary,alignments"

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.

sbatch dali.sh
MPI batch job

In certain circumstances, dali can be accelerated using MPI. To do so, include --np $SLURM_NTASKS with the command, and submit the job using --ntasks=# --nodes=1 , where # is the number of MPI tasks requested. MPI only works on a single node, so # must be less than the maximum number of cpus available on a single node. At present the maximum is 128; however, most nodes have only 56 cpus and so jobs requesting more than 56 cpus may wait a considerable time in the queue.

dali.pl --np $SLURM_NTASKS ...

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.

sbatch --ntasks=32 --nodes=1 dali.sh
AlphaFold searching

Running with the AlphaFold database:

module load dali

zcat /pdb/pdb/fd/pdb1fd3.ent.gz > 1fd3.pdb
import.pl --pdbfile 1fd3.pdb --pdbid 1fd3 --dat ./ --clean

dali.pl \
  --title "my search" \
  --cd1 1fd3B \
  --dat1 ./ \
  --db ${DALI_AF}/Digest/HUMAN.list \
  --BLAST_DB ${DALI_AF}/Digest/AF.fasta \
  --repset ${DALI_AF}/Digest/HUMAN_70.list \
  --dat2 ${DALI_AF}/DAT/ \
  --clean \
  --hierarchical \
  --oneway \
  --np ${SLURM_NTASKS}

Type ls ${DALI_AF}/Digest to see all the lists.


Swarm job

Running dali in a swarm presents some complications because dali creates temporary files with identical names in the current working directory. Running multiple dali instances simultaneously in the same directory will cause file clobbering.

To prevent this, each step must be run within its own unique directory. To simplify this, a convenience script auto.sh should be used, rather than calling dali directly in a swarm. Here is the code:


# this script is 'auto.sh'

# require a 5 character pdb string

[[ -n ${pdb5c} ]] || { echo "No 5 character pdb string given"; exit 1; }

# base directory where everything stored


# Check if a .dat file exists, and if not run import.pl

if ls ${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}/${pdb5c:0:4}*.dat 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo import.pl ${pdb5c:0:4} done

# run import.pl in a unique temporary subdirectory to prevent file clobbering

    mkdir -p ${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}
    t=$(mktemp -d) && cd ${t}
    import.pl --pdbfile ${pdb5c:0:4}.pdb --pdbid ${pdb5c:0:4} --dat ${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}/  --clean
    cd ${here} && rm -rf ${t}

# check if dali has already been run

if ls ${here}/OUT/${pdb5c:0:5}/*.blast 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
    echo dali.pl ${pdb5c:0:5} done

# check if the .dat file actually exists

if [[ ! -f ${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}/${pdb5c:0:5}.dat ]]; then
    echo "${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}/${pdb5c:0:5}.dat does not exist"

# run dali.pl in a unique subdirectory to prevent file clobbering

rm -f ${here}/OUT/${pdb5c:0:5}.txt
mkdir -p ${here}/OUT/${pdb5c:0:5} && cd $_
dali.pl \
  --title "mysearch_${pdb5c:0:5}" \
  --cd1 ${pdb5c:0:5} \
  --dat1 ${here}/DAT/${pdb5c:0:4}/ \
  --db ${DALI_AF}/Digest/AF.list \
  --BLAST_DB ${DALI_AF}/Digest/AF.fasta \
  --repset ${DALI_AF}/Digest/AF.list \
  --dat2 ${DALI_AF}/DAT/ \
  --clean \
  --hierarchical \
  --np ${SLURM_NTASKS:-2}

This script assumes that the pdb file (e.g. 1efe.pdb) exists in the current working directory, and can be run like so:

module load dali; bash auto.sh 1efeA

The script will create files in a distinct hierarchical layout in the current working directory:

├── 1efe.pdb
├── DAT
│   └── 1efe
│       └── 1efeA.dat
└── OUT
    └── 1efeA
        ├── 1840494.blast
        ├── 1840494.fasta
        └── 1efeA.txt

This script can be used to run a swarm job. A swarm file swarm.txt is created:

#SWARM --sbatch='--ntasks 16' --module dali --logdir LOG --time 120
bash auto.sh 1efeA
bash auto.sh 1fd3B
bash auto.sh 1fldA
bash auto.sh 1aieA
bash auto.sh 1c26A
bash auto.sh 1hgvA
bash auto.sh 1hgzA
bash auto.sh 1hh0A
bash auto.sh 1ifpA
bash auto.sh 1oiaA

Again, this assumes all pdb files exist in the current working directory. The swarm can be launched as follows:

swarm swarm.txt