NIH HPC News & Announcements
REMINDER: Important change to MATLAB on Biowulf coming in June 2016
Date: 16 May 2016 10:05:30
From: Helix Systems Staff
Starting in June 2016, the Biowulf system will be configured
so that MATLAB licenses can only be used for interactive
programming sessions. MATLAB licenses will no longer be
allocated to batch jobs, but compiled MATLAB code will still
run via batch. Octave has recently been installed on the
system to provide users with an additional alternative to
running un-compiled MATLAB code.
The reasons for this change
License limits restrict Biowulf users to running only a
small number of simultaneous MATLAB jobs, so users do not
receive much benefit from running un-compiled MATLAB code
in batch mode on Biowulf. Users must specify the licenses
they need when submitting their jobs, and mistakes can lead
to jobs failing with license errors. To make matters worse,
one user's mistake can cause another user's jobs to fail.
(See for details.)
After trying several approaches, the HPC staff has concluded
that the best solution is to reserve all licenses for
interactive use and to require non-interactive MATLAB jobs
to be compiled.
What this means for you
If you always use the MATLAB interactive GUI to run your
code on Helix, Felix, Biowulf, or Sciware, this change will
not affect you. But if you use swarm or sbatch to schedule
non-interactive MATLAB jobs containing un-compiled code,
this change will affect your workflow. You will now need to
compile your code before running it in batch mode. This
will allow you to run hundreds or thousands of instances of
your code simultaneously, and will also allow your code to
run safely without the possibility of interference with or
by other users' jobs. To learn more about compiling your
MATLAB code to remove the need for licenses, see the
following links:
Compiling Matlab code:
Video tutorial on compiling workflow:
Octave on Biowulf:
[Last 12 months of HPC announcements]