TElocal: a tool that utilizes both uniquely and ambiguously mapped reads to quantify transposable element expression at the locus level.
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive [user@cn0861 ~]$ module load TElocal [+] Loading singularity 3.8.5-1 on cn4177 [+] Loading TElocal 1.1.2 ...
[user@cn0861 ~]$ TElocal -h usage: TElocal [-h] -b RNAseq.bam --GTF genic-GTF-file --TE TE-annot-file [--stranded option] [--mode TE counting mode] [--project name] [--sortByPos] [-i iteration] [--maxL maxL] [--minL minL] [-L fragLength] [--verbose [verbose]] [--version] Measuring TE expression per-locus, per-sample. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b RNAseq.bam, --BAM RNAseq.bam An RNAseq BAM file. --GTF genic-GTF-file GTF or db file for gene annotations --TE TE-annot-file locInd file for transposable element annotations --stranded option Is this a stranded library? (forward, no, or reverse). For "first-strand" cDNA libraries (e.g. TruSeq), choose reverse. For "second-strand" cDNA libraries (e.g. QIAseq stranded), choose forward. DEFAULT: no. --mode TE counting mode How to count TE: uniq (unique mappers only), or multi (distribute among all alignments). DEFAULT: multi --project name Name of this project. DEFAULT: TElocal_out --sortByPos Alignment file is sorted by chromosome position. -i iteration, --iteration iteration number of iteration to run the optimization. DEFAULT: 100 --maxL maxL maximum fragment length. DEFAULT:500 --minL minL minimum fragment length. DEFAULT:0 -L fragLength, --fragmentLength fragLength average fragment length for single end reads. For paired-end, estimated from the input alignment file. DEFAULT: for paired-end, estimate from the input alignment file; for single-end, ignored by default. --verbose [verbose] Set verbose level. 0: only show critical message, 1: show additional warning message, 2: show process information, 3: show debug messages. DEFAULT:2 --version show program's version number and exit Example: TElocal -b RNAseq.bam --GTF gene_annotation.gtf --TE TE_annotation.locInd --mode multietc.
[user@cn0861 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226