TORTOISE (Tolerably Obsessive Registration and Tensor Optimization Indolent Software Ensemble) is for processing diffusion MRI data, and it contains three main modules:
- DIFF_PREP - software for image resampling, motion, eddy current distortion, and EPI distortion correction using a structural image as target, and for re-orientation of data to a common space
- DIFF_CALC - software for tensor fitting, error analysis, directionally encoded color map visualization and ROI analysis
- DR_BUDDI - software for EPI distortion correction using pairs of diffusion data sets acquired with opposite phase encoding (blip-up blip-down acquisitions).
- C. Pierpaoli, L. Walker, M. O. Irfanoglu, A. Barnett, P. Basser, L-C. Chang, C. Koay, S. Pajevic, G. Rohde, J. Sarlls, and M. Wu, 2010,TORTOISE: an integrated software package for processing of diffusion MRI data, ISMRM 18th annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, #1597
Please note that this page refers to TORTOISEV3 which has been superseded by TORTOISEV4; see TORTOISEV4 on Biowulf.
- Module Name: TORTOISE(see the modules page for more information)
- IDL: Part of the DIFFCALC module requires IDL. Specifically, if you want to do "RESTORE tensor fitting", you will need to load the IDL module as
well as the TORTOISE module. There are 20 IDL licenses on Biowulf/Helix. Each IDL run requires 6 licenses. Thus, it is only possible to run 3 total instances of IDL on Biowulf. (multiple Tortoise/IDL processes on a single node count as a single IDL run for licensing purposes). You can check the current IDL license status by typing 'licenses' on the Biowulf command line, or by checking the
licenses webpage.
- DIFF_PREP and DR_BUDDI are fully implemented in C++ and do not require IDL.
- The DR_BUDDI GUI on Biowulf has been replaced with the DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI executable. This does not require OpenGL, and is therefore more suitable
for batch jobs on Biowulf. If you want to use the GUI version of DR_BUDDI, please download a copy to your local desktop system.
- The ComputeGlyphMaps executable also relies on OpenGL. It is only for quality control purposes and should not be run in a batch mode in Biowulf. The user shold run this JUST ONCE locally and make sure everything is okay. After that for batch processing on
Biowulf, there is no need to run this at all.
- Multi-threading: DIFF_PREP and DR_BUDDI will use every allocated CPU by default. If 'jobload' indicates that the job is over-
or under-utilizing allocated CPUs, you can also set the following two variables in your batch script:
The following example shows one method of processing several subjects. The example below is courtesy of M. Okan Irfanoglu (NIBIB).
The data in this example is from the Human Connectome Project. A copy of this data is maintained on Biowulf: to get access, please contact Adam Thomas, NIMH. (
The read-only Connectome data needs to be copied to the user's data directory, gunzipped, and processed with Tortoise. In the example commands below, the following variables are assumed to be set:
dir=/data/$USER/TORTOISE (top level directory for data) subject=###### (subject, e.g. 100206)
Copy the data and gunzip it:
cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii.gz ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval ${dir}/${subject}/ gunzip ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii.gz cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii.gz ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/${subject}/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval ${dir}/${subject}/ gunzip ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii.gzImport the data:
ImportNIFTI -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii -p horizontal \ --bvals ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval \ --bvecs ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec --small_delta 10.6 --big_delta 43.1 ImportNIFTI -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii -p horizontal \ --bvals ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval \ --bvecs ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec --small_delta 10.6 --big_delta 43.1
Remove temp files:
rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec
DIFFPREP -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.list \ -s ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz --will_be_drbuddied 1 --do_QC 0 DIFFPREP -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.list \ -s ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz --will_be_drbuddied 1 --do_QC 0
DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI \ --up_data ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc.list \ --down_data ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR_proc.list \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz -g 1
EstimateTensorWLLS \ -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final.list ComputeFAMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii ComputeTRMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii ComputeDECMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii
All these commands can be put into a single script that will run sequentially. A more efficient way to utilize the Biowulf resources is to parallelize the independent commands so that they can run simultaneously. In additional, all the subjects can be processed simultaneously in separate pipeline runs, as in the next example.
The following script takes the subject as an input argument, sets up all the dependent subjobs and submits them. This script can be used to process a large number of subjects. Example below:
TORTOISE pipeline script
#!/bin/bash dir=/data/$USER/TORTOISE cd $dir if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "*** ERROR *** No subject provided" echo "Usage: subject (e.g. 100206)" exit 1; fi subject=$1 echo "Processing subject ${subject}" mkdir ${dir}/${subject} module load TORTOISE #------------- copy the data ----------------------------- echo "Copying data... cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii.gz ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval ${dir}/${subject}/ gunzip ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii.gz cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii.gz ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec ${dir}/${subject}/ cp /data/HCP/HCP_900/s3/hcp/100206/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion/100206_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval ${dir}/${subject}/ gunzip ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii.gz #------------- import the data ----------------------------- echo "Importing...." # import ImportNIFTI -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii -p horizontal \ --bvals ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval \ --bvecs ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec --small_delta 10.6 --big_delta 43.1 ImportNIFTI -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii -p horizontal \ --bvals ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval \ --bvecs ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec --small_delta 10.6 --big_delta 43.1 #------------- remove temp files ----------------------------- rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval rm ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec #------------- create and submit a DIFF_PREP swarm file ----------------------------- cat > diffprep_$subject.swarm << EOF DIFFPREP -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.list \ -s ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz --will_be_drbuddied 1 --do_QC 0 DIFFPREP -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.list \ -s ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz --will_be_drbuddied 1 --do_QC 0 EOF # submit the diffprep job and capture its jobid. Each DIFF_PREP subjob can multithread to use 32 CPUs, # so the swarm is submitted with '-t 32' diffprep_jobid=$( swarm -f diffprep_$subject.swarm -t 32 -g 20 --time=24:00:00 ) echo "Submitted swarm of DIFFPREP jobs: $diffprep_jobid" #------------- create and submit the dependent DR_BUDDI job ----------------------------- #create a DR_BUDDI job script cat > drbuddi_${subject}.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash cd $dir module load TORTOISE DR_BUDDI_withoutGUI \ --up_data ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc.list \ --down_data ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_LR_proc.list \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_T2W_structural.nii.gz -g 1 EOF # submit the DR_BUDDI job to run after the diffprep jobs complete. DR_BUDDI requires lots of memory drbuddi_jobid=$( sbatch --depend=afterany:${diffprep_jobid} --exclusive --cpus-per-task=32 --mem=128g --time=18:00:00 drbuddi_${subject}.sh ) echo "Submitted drbuddi job: $drbuddi_jobid" #------------- create and submit the dependent DIFF_CALC job ----------------------------- #set up a diffcalc job cat > diffcalc_${subject}.sh <<EOF #!/bin/bash cd $dir module load TORTOISE EstimateTensorWLLS \ -i ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final.list ComputeFAMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii ComputeTRMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii ComputeDECMap \ ${dir}/${subject}/${subject}_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_proc/${subject}_RL_proc_DRBUDDI_final_L0_DT.nii EOF #submit the diffcalc job to run after the DR_BUDDI jobs complete diffcalc_jobid=$( sbatch --depend=afterany:${drbuddi_jobid} --exclusive --cpus-per-task=32 --mem=20g --time=12:00:00 diffcalc_${subject}.sh
Next, a swarm command file is set up with one line for each subject:
# this file is called tortoise.swarm cd /data/$USER/TORTOISE; ./ 100206 cd /data/$USER/TORTOISE; ./ 162228 cd /data/$USER/TORTOISE; ./ 175540 [...]This swarm of independent jobs is submitted with
swarm -f tortoise.swarmThe swarm submitted in this command will only import the data and set up the DIFFPREP, DR_BUDDI and DIFF_CALC jobs, so the default 2 CPUs and memory are sufficient for this swarm. The DIFF_CALC, DR_BUDDI and DIFF_PREP jobs require more CPU and memory resources, and these are requested appropriately by the sbatch and swarm commands in the 'TORTOISE pipeline script' above.