biobakery_workflows: workflows and tasks for executing common microbial community analyses.

bioBakery is a meta’omic analysis environment and collection of individual software tools with the capacity to process raw shotgun sequencing data into actionable microbial community feature profiles, summary reports, and publication-ready figures. It includes a collection of preconfigured analysis modules also joined into workflows for reproducibility. Each individual module has been developed to perform a particular task, e.g. quantitative taxonomic profiling or statistical analysis.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive 
[user@cn0861 ~]$ module load biobakery_workflows 
[+] Loading samtools 1.15.1  ...
[+] Loading bowtie  2-2.4.5
[+] Loading trimmomatic  0.39  on cn4276
[+] Loading singularity  3.10.5  on cn4276
[+] Loading metaphlan  4.0.3
[+] Loading biobakery_workflows 3.1  ...
All workflows follow the general command format:
biobakery_workflows $WORKFLOW --input $INPUT --output $OUTPUT
where $WORKFLOW is one of:
16s, 16s_vis, isolate_assembly, wmgx, wmgx_vis, wmgx_wmtx, wmgx_wmtx_vis
The basic usage of the biobakery_workflows executable is as follows:
[user@cn0861 ~]$ biobakery_workflows -h
usage: biobakery_workflows [-h] [--version]

bioBakery workflows: A collection of AnADAMA2 workflows

positional arguments:
                        workflow to run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
To see the usage of biobakery_workflows for a particular workflow, say, "wmgx", enter the command:
[user@cn0861 ~]$ biobakery_workflows wmgx -h
usage: [-h] [--version]
               [--input-extension {fastq.gz,fastq,fq.gz,fq,fasta,fasta.gz,fastq.bz2,fq.bz2}]
               [--barcode-file BARCODE_FILE]
               [--dual-barcode-file DUAL_BARCODE_FILE]
               [--index-identifier INDEX_IDENTIFIER]
               [--min-pred-qc-score MIN_PRED_QC_SCORE] [--threads THREADS]
               [--pair-identifier PAIR_IDENTIFIER] [--interleaved]
               [--contaminate-databases CONTAMINATE_DATABASES]
               [--qc-options QC_OPTIONS]
               [--functional-profiling-options FUNCTIONAL_PROFILING_OPTIONS]
               [--remove-intermediate-output] [--bypass-functional-profiling]
               [--bypass-strain-profiling] [--run-strain-gene-profiling]
               [--bypass-taxonomic-profiling] [--run-assembly]
               [--strain-profiling-options STRAIN_PROFILING_OPTIONS]
               [--taxonomic-profiling-options TAXONOMIC_PROFILING_OPTIONS]
               [--max-strains MAX_STRAINS] [--strain-list STRAIN_LIST]
               [--assembly-options ASSEMBLY_OPTIONS] -o OUTPUT [-i INPUT]
               [--config CONFIG] [--local-jobs JOBS] [--grid-jobs GRID_JOBS]
               [--grid GRID] [--grid-partition GRID_PARTITION]
               [--grid-benchmark {on,off}] [--grid-options GRID_OPTIONS]
               [--grid-environment GRID_ENVIRONMENT]
               [--grid-scratch GRID_SCRATCH] [--dry-run] [--skip-nothing]
               [--quit-early] [--until-task UNTIL_TASK]
               [--exclude-task EXCLUDE_TASK] [--target TARGET]
               [--exclude-target EXCLUDE_TARGET]
               [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

A workflow for whole metagenome shotgun sequences

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --input-extension {fastq.gz,fastq,fq.gz,fq,fasta,fasta.gz,fastq.bz2,fq.bz2}
                        the input file extension
                        [default: fastq.gz]
  --barcode-file BARCODE_FILE
                        the barcode file
                        [default: ]
  --dual-barcode-file DUAL_BARCODE_FILE
                        the string to identify the dual barcode file
                        [default: ]
  --index-identifier INDEX_IDENTIFIER
                        the string to identify the index files
                        [default: _I1_001]
  --min-pred-qc-score MIN_PRED_QC_SCORE
                        the min phred quality score to use for demultiplexing
                        [default: 2]
  --threads THREADS     number of threads/cores for each task to use
                        [default: 1]
  --pair-identifier PAIR_IDENTIFIER
                        the string to identify the first file in a pair
                        [default: .R1]
  --interleaved         indicates whether or not sequence files are interleaved
                        [default: False]
                        do not run the quality control tasks
  --contaminate-databases CONTAMINATE_DATABASES
                        the path (or comma-delimited paths) to the contaminate
                        reference databases for QC
                        [default: /fdb/biobakery_workflows_databases/kneaddata_db_human_genome]
  --qc-options QC_OPTIONS
                        additional options when running the QC step
                        [default: ]
  --functional-profiling-options FUNCTIONAL_PROFILING_OPTIONS
                        additional options when running the functional profiling step
                        [default: ]
                        remove intermediate output files
                        do not run the functional profiling tasks
                        do not run the strain profiling tasks (StrainPhlAn)
                        run the gene-based strain profiling tasks (PanPhlAn)
                        do not run the taxonomic profiling tasks (a tsv profile for each sequence file must be included in the input folder using the same sample name)
  --run-assembly        run the assembly and annotation tasks
  --strain-profiling-options STRAIN_PROFILING_OPTIONS
                        additional options when running the strain profiling step
                        [default: ]
  --taxonomic-profiling-options TAXONOMIC_PROFILING_OPTIONS
                        additional options when running the taxonomic profiling step
                        [default: ]
  --max-strains MAX_STRAINS
                        the max number of strains to profile
                        [default: 20]
  --strain-list STRAIN_LIST
                        input file with list of strains to profile
                        [default: ]
  --assembly-options ASSEMBLY_OPTIONS
                        additional options when running the assembly step
                        [default: ]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Write output to this directory
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Find inputs in this directory
                        [default: /gpfs/gsfs7/users/$USER/biobakery_workflows]
  --config CONFIG       Find workflow configuration in this folder
                        [default: only use command line options]
  --local-jobs JOBS     Number of tasks to execute in parallel locally
                        [default: 1]
  --grid-jobs GRID_JOBS
                        Number of tasks to execute in parallel on the grid
                        [default: 0]
  --grid GRID           Run gridable tasks on this grid type
                        [default: slurm]
  --grid-partition GRID_PARTITION
                        Partition/queue used for gridable tasks.
                        Provide a single partition or a comma-delimited list
                        of short/long partitions with a cutoff.
                        [default: serial_requeue,shared,240]
  --grid-benchmark {on,off}
                        Benchmark gridable tasks
                        [default: on]
  --grid-options GRID_OPTIONS
                        Grid specific options that will be applied to each grid task
  --grid-environment GRID_ENVIRONMENT
                        Commands that will be run before each grid task to set up environment
  --grid-scratch GRID_SCRATCH
                        The folder to write intermediate scratch files for grid jobs
  --dry-run             Print tasks to be run but don't execute their actions
  --skip-nothing        Run all tasks. Rerun tasks that have already been run.
  --quit-early          Stop if a task fails. By default,
                        all tasks (except sub-tasks of failed tasks) will run.
  --until-task UNTIL_TASK
                        Stop after running this task. Use task name or number.
  --exclude-task EXCLUDE_TASK
                        Don't run these tasks. Add multiple times to append.
  --target TARGET       Only run tasks that generate these targets.
                        Add multiple times to append.
                        Patterns with ? and * are allowed.
  --exclude-target EXCLUDE_TARGET
                        Don't run tasks that generate these targets.
                        Add multiple times to append.
                        Patterns with ? and * are allowed.
                        Set the level of output for the log
                        [default: INFO]
This output indicates, in particular, that the biobakery executable can be run with multiple threads (option --threads THREADS) if an appropriate number of cpus is allocated for the interactive session, which should speed up your processing.

Besides, there's as number of other relevant executables available:
[user@cn0861 ~]$ ls $BW_BIN                                                                     merge_paired_ends.R                            phylogeny.R
biobakery_workflows                           python                             R               
dada2_version.R                               shell                    strainphlan_ggtree_vis.R                       strainphlan_ordination_vis.R
In order to run biobakery_workflows on sample fastq or fastq.gz data (single-end or paired-end), enter the following commands:
[user@cn0861 ~]$ biobakery_workflows wmgx --input $BW_EXAMPLES/wmgx/single/ --output /data/$USER/workflow_output
(Apr 28 09:03:50) [ 0/52 -   0.00%] **Ready    ** Task  3: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:03:50) [ 0/52 -   0.00%] **Started  ** Task  3: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:03:58) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Completed** Task  3: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:03:58) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Ready    ** Task  8: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:03:58) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Started  ** Task  8: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:05:41) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Completed** Task  8: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:05:41) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Ready    ** Task 34: strainphlan_sample2markers____demo2
(Apr 28 09:05:41) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Started  ** Task 34: strainphlan_sample2markers____demo2
(Apr 28 09:06:18) [ 3/52 -   5.77%] **Completed** Task 34: strainphlan_sample2markers____demo2
(Apr 28 09:06:18) [ 3/52 -   5.77%] **Ready    ** Task 13: humann____demo2
(Apr 28 09:06:18) [ 3/52 -   5.77%] **Started  ** Task 13: humann____demo2
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Completed** Task 24: humann_renorm_pathways_relab____demo1
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Ready    ** Task 28: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Started  ** Task 28: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Completed** Task 28: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Ready    ** Task 31: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Started  ** Task 31: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Completed** Task 31: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Ready    ** Task 32: humann_merge_feature_counts
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Started  ** Task 32: humann_merge_feature_counts
(Apr 28 09:12:25) [52/52 - 100.00%] **Completed** Task 32: humann_merge_feature_counts
Run Finished
[user@cn0861 ~]$ tree /data/user/workflow_output
├── anadama.log
├── humann
│   ├── counts
│   │   ├── humann_ecs_relab_counts.tsv
│   │   ├── humann_feature_counts.tsv
│   │   ├── humann_genefamilies_relab_counts.tsv
│   │   ├── humann_pathabundance_relab_counts.tsv
│   │   └── humann_read_and_species_count_table.tsv
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── demo1_genefamilies.tsv
│   │   ├── demo1_humann_temp
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_aligned.sam
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_aligned.tsv
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.1.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.2.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.3.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.4.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.rev.1.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_index.rev.2.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2_unaligned.fa
│   │   │   ├── demo1_custom_chocophlan_database.ffn
│   │   │   ├── demo1_diamond_aligned.tsv
│   │   │   └── demo1_diamond_unaligned.fa
│   │   ├── demo1.log
│   │   ├── demo1_pathabundance.tsv
│   │   ├── demo1_pathcoverage.tsv
│   │   ├── demo2_genefamilies.tsv
│   │   ├── demo2_humann_temp
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_aligned.sam
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_aligned.tsv
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.1.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.2.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.3.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.4.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.rev.1.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_index.rev.2.bt2
│   │   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2_unaligned.fa
│   │   │   ├── demo2_custom_chocophlan_database.ffn
│   │   │   ├── demo2_diamond_aligned.tsv
│   │   │   └── demo2_diamond_unaligned.fa
│   │   ├── demo2.log
│   │   ├── demo2_pathabundance.tsv
│   │   └── demo2_pathcoverage.tsv
│   ├── merged
│   │   ├── ecs_relab.tsv
│   │   ├── ecs.tsv
│   │   ├── genefamilies_relab.tsv
│   │   ├── genefamilies.tsv
│   │   ├── pathabundance_relab.tsv
│   │   └── pathabundance.tsv
│   ├── regrouped
│   │   ├── demo1_ecs.tsv
│   │   └── demo2_ecs.tsv
│   └── relab
│       ├── ecs
│       │   ├── demo1_ecs_relab.tsv
│       │   └── demo2_ecs_relab.tsv
│       ├── genes
│       │   ├── demo1_genefamilies_relab.tsv
│       │   └── demo2_genefamilies_relab.tsv
│       └── pathways
│           ├── demo1_pathabundance_relab.tsv
│           └── demo2_pathabundance_relab.tsv
├── kneaddata
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── demo1.fastq
│   │   ├── demo1_Homo_sapiens_bowtie2_contam.fastq
│   │   ├── demo1.log
│   │   ├── demo1.trimmed.fastq
│   │   ├── demo2.fastq
│   │   ├── demo2_Homo_sapiens_bowtie2_contam.fastq
│   │   ├── demo2.log
│   │   └── demo2.trimmed.fastq
│   └── merged
│       └── kneaddata_read_count_table.tsv
├── metaphlan
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── demo1_bowtie2.sam
│   │   ├── demo1_taxonomic_profile.tsv
│   │   ├── demo2_bowtie2.sam
│   │   └── demo2_taxonomic_profile.tsv
│   └── merged
│       ├── metaphlan_species_counts_table.tsv
│       └── metaphlan_taxonomic_profiles.tsv
└── strainphlan
    ├── 0_clade.log
    ├── 0_clade.tree
    ├── 10_clade.log
    ├── 10_clade.tree
    ├── 11_clade.log
    ├── 9_clade.log
    ├── 9_clade.tree
    ├── clades_list_order_by_average_abundance.txt
    ├── clades_list.txt
    ├── demo1_bowtie2
    │   └── demo1_bowtie2.pkl
    └── demo2_bowtie2
        └── demo2_bowtie2.pkl
[user@cn0861 ~]$ biobakery_workflows wmgx --input $BW_EXAMPLES/wmgx/paired/ --output /data/$USER/workflow_output
(Apr 28 09:14:52) [ 0/52 -   0.00%] **Ready    ** Task  4: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:14:52) [ 0/52 -   0.00%] **Started  ** Task  4: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:15:05) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Completed** Task  4: kneaddata____demo2
(Apr 28 09:15:05) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Ready    ** Task 10: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:15:05) [ 1/52 -   1.92%] **Started  ** Task 10: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:16:49) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Completed** Task 10: metaphlan____demo2
(Apr 28 09:16:49) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Ready    ** Task 36: strainphlan_sample2markers____demo2
(Apr 28 09:16:49) [ 2/52 -   3.85%] **Started  ** Task 36: strainphlan_sample2markers____demo2
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [46/52 -  88.46%] **Completed** Task 22: humann_renorm_genes_relab____demo1
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [46/52 -  88.46%] **Ready    ** Task 28: humann_join_tables_genes_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [46/52 -  88.46%] **Started  ** Task 28: humann_join_tables_genes_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [47/52 -  90.38%] **Completed** Task 28: humann_join_tables_genes_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [47/52 -  90.38%] **Ready    ** Task 31: humann_count_features_genes
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [47/52 -  90.38%] **Started  ** Task 31: humann_count_features_genes
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [48/52 -  92.31%] **Completed** Task 31: humann_count_features_genes
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [48/52 -  92.31%] **Ready    ** Task 26: humann_renorm_pathways_relab____demo1
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [48/52 -  92.31%] **Started  ** Task 26: humann_renorm_pathways_relab____demo1
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Completed** Task 26: humann_renorm_pathways_relab____demo1
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Ready    ** Task 30: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [49/52 -  94.23%] **Started  ** Task 30: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Completed** Task 30: humann_join_tables_pathways_relab
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Ready    ** Task 33: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [50/52 -  96.15%] **Started  ** Task 33: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Completed** Task 33: humann_count_features_pathways
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Ready    ** Task 34: humann_merge_feature_counts
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [51/52 -  98.08%] **Started  ** Task 34: humann_merge_feature_counts
(Apr 28 09:27:03) [52/52 - 100.00%] **Completed** Task 34: humann_merge_feature_counts
Run Finished