extrautils on Biowulf

Extra command line utilities not available by default, all in one convenient location, as simple as module load extrautils.

Extrautils includes some modernized, alternative verions of classic command line utilities as well as novel CLI or TUI utilities, including some you might be surprised to learn about!

Search Tools
File metadata
fd A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
File content
ripgrep A fast, modern alternative to grep.
ugrep A faster, more-featureful drop-in replacement for GNU grep.
File Information
lsd An ls rewrite with added features.
eza / exa A modern, maintained replacement for ls.
tre tree command, improved.
Disk Usage
dust A more intuitive version of du in rust.
ncdu Ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
diskonaut Terminal disk space navigator.
File Contents
bat A cat(1) clone with wings.
sd Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative).
micro A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
nnn The unorthodox terminal file manager.
JSON/YAML Manipulation.
dyff Diff tool for YAML files, and sometimes JSON.
yq A portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor.
fx Terminal JSON viewer & processor.
jc Utility to JSONify the output of many CLI tools.
jello CLI tool similar to jq with Python syntax.
jtbl Convert JSON to tabular form.
Fuzzy Finding
fzf A command-line fuzzy finder.
sk Fuzzy Finder in rust!
Live Updates
hwatch A modern alternative to the watch command.
entr Run arbitrary commands when files change.
Code Utilities
scc A very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations.
delta A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output.
httpie API testing client that flows with you.
hyperfine A command-line benchmarking tool.
Documentation and Cheatsheets
tldr Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands.
navi An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.
Other Utilities
progress Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd, ...
await Run lists of commands in parallel and waits for their termination.
rng Stream range of input to stdout.
Just for Fun
figlet A program for making large letters out of ordinary text
lolcat Rainbows and Unicorns!

fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. While it does not aim to support all of find's powerful functionality, it provides sensible (opinionated) defaults for a majority of use cases.

  # Standard search
biowulf$ fd bam

  # Regex search
biowulf$ fd '^.*\.bam$'

  # Extension search
biowulf$ fd -e bam

  # Command execution
biowulf$ fd bam -x ls -lh
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 98M Feb 26 12:15 ./SRR15982321.bam
-rw-r--r--. 1 user group 13M Dec 28  2022 ./53JKL.100K.rep-1.bam

fd has many of the same features as find, but frequently does just what you expect with a minimum of extra flags you need to memorize.

ripgrep (rg)

ripgrep (rg) is a line-oriented search tool that recursively searches the current directory for a regex pattern. ripgrep is much like grep, but with Unicode suppoert, a better user experience, faster, and tailored for searching code.

biowulf$ rg FastAPI .
1: from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
3: app = FastAPI()
ugrep (ug)

A faster, more-featureful drop-in replacement for standard grep. Unlike ripgrep, ugrep may be safely symlinked as grep, egrep, etc.

biowulf$ ug FastAPI .
     1: from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
     3: app = FastAPI()

LSDeluxe (lsd)

lsd is a rewrite of GNU ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc. The project is heavily inspired by the super colorls project.

Note: lsd works best with either nerd-font or font-awesome fonts available to your remote terminal to provide icons. Have a look at the Nerd Font README for more installation instructions. Don't forget to setup your terminal in order to use the correct font.

biowulf$ lsd -la ~/code/
drwxr-xr-x user group 4.0 KB Tue Sep 26 15:29:32 2023  .
drwx------ user group 116 KB Mon Apr  1 11:57:34 2024  ..
drwxr-xr-x user group 4.0 KB Mon Jun 12 11:38:27 2023   __pycache
.rw-r--r-- user group 252 B  Mon Jun 12 11:38:26 2023   app.py
eza (formerly exa)

A modern, maintained replacement for ls. A replacement for the now-unmaintained exa

biowulf$ eza -la ~/code
drwxr-xr-x   - user 12 Jun  2023 __pycache__
.rw-r--r-- 252 user 12 Jun  2023 app.py

The extrautils module also provides exa as a symlink to eza for convenience.


An improved version of the tree command that:

biowulf$ tre ~/code
├── app.py
└── __pycache__
    └── app.cpython-311.pyc

du + rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive. dust provides an easy-to-use visualization tool for disk space usage allow you to easily find the subfolders eating up all of your quota.

biowulf$ dust ~/code
4.0K   ┌── app.py               │                           ██████████ │  25%
4.0K   │ ┌── app.cpython-311.pyc│                  ░░░░░░░░░██████████ │  25%
8.0K   ├─┴ __pycache__          │                  ███████████████████ │  50%
 16K ┌─┴ code                   │█████████████████████████████████████ │ 100%

dust has additional flags to control search parameters, output, exlusion criteria, and more!


ncdu is an interactive disk usage analyzer with a text UI designed to find space-hogging directories.

biowulf$ ncdu
ncdu 1.18.1 ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ? for help   
--- /spin1/home/linux/user/code ------------------------------
    8.0 KiB [#################################] /__pycache__     
    4.0 KiB [################                 ]  app.py

 Total disk usage:  16.0 KiB  Apparent size:   9.0 KiB  Items: 3 

ncdu includes an interactive help menu if you hit the question mark key.


diskonaut is an interactive disk usage analyzer with a semi-graphical text UI with a treemap view to visualize space usage in your directories.

biowulf$ diskonaut
Total: 8.0K (3 files), freed: 0 | /spin1/home/linux/user/code     
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│       __pycache__/ (+1 descendants)        │                  app.py                   │
│                                            │                                           │
│                 4.0K (50%)                 │                4.0K (50%)                 │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
│                                            │                                           │
                                                                        (x = Small files)
 ←↓↑→/<ENTER>/<ESC>: navigate, <BACKSPACE>: del

bat is like cat, but so much more, supporting syntax highlighting, paging (like less or more), git integration, and more while still being able to operate as a drop-in replacement for cat in non-interactive context.

biowulf$ bat app.py
       │ File: app.py
   1   │ from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
   2   │
   3   │ app = FastAPI()
   4   │
   5   │ @app.get("/")
   6   │ async def root(request: Request):
   7   │     user = request.headers.get("X-Remote-User", "user").split("@")[0]
   8   │     #return {"message": f"Hello {user}!"}
   9   │     return request.headers

sd is an intuitive find & replace CLI. In particular, sd uses now-familiar regex syntax from languages like Python or JavaScript. Introduces very basic "string-literal" mode for simple replacements to avoid the need for complex shell quoting, and generally makes simple find/replace easier. More limited in scope than sed but with common-sense defaults.

biowulf$ rg FastAPI .
1: from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
3: app = FastAPI()

biowulf$ sd FastAPI SlowAPI app.py # Defaults to in-place

biowulf$ rg SlowAPI .
1: from fastapi import SlowAPI, Request
3: app = SlowAPI()
biowulf$ sd '\n' ',' app.py # Simple manipulation of newlines (newline to comma)

biowulf$ bat app.py
       │ File: app.py
   1   │ from fastapi import FastAPI, Request,,app = FastAPI(),@app.get("/"),async def r
       │ oot(request: Request):,    user = request.headers.get("X-Remote-User", "user").
       │ split("@")[0],    #return {"message": f"Hello {user}!"},    return request.headers,

micro is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the capabilities of modern terminals.

As its name indicates, micro aims to be somewhat of a successor to the nano editor by being easy to install and use. It strives to be enjoyable as a full-time editor for people who prefer to work in a terminal, or those who regularly edit files over SSH.

biowulf$ micro app.py
 1 from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
 3 app = FastAPI()
 5 @app.get("/")
 6 async def root(request: Request):
 7     user = request.headers.("X-Remote-User", "user").("@")[0]
 8     #return {"message": f"Hello {user}!"}
 9     return request.headers

app.py (10,1) | ft:python | unix | utf-8               Alt-g: bindings, Ctrl-g: help
^Q Quit, ^S Save, ^O Open, ^G Help, ^E Command Bar, ^K Cut Line
^F Find, ^Z Undo, ^Y Redo, ^A Select All, ^D Duplicate Line, ^T New Tab

Tip: Hit Alt-G to see a list of useful key bindings.


nnn is a full-featured terminal file manager. It is designed to be unobtrusive with smart workflows to match the trains of thought.

biowulf$ nnn
1 2 3 4 ~/code


 1/2 2023-06-12 11:38 drwxr-xr-x 4K

dyff is a "diff" tool to compare YAML or JSON files by showing only the parts of the files that changed, ignoring formatting and whitespace.

biowulf$ dyff between data.json data2.json
    _         __  __
  _| | _   _ / _|/ _|  between data.json
 / _' | | | | |_| |_       and data2.json
| (_| | |_| |  _|  _|
 \__,_|\__, |_| |_|   returned one difference

- two list entries removed:     + two list entries added:
 - id: sample1                   - id: sampleA
 | data: sample1.fastq.gz        | data: sampleA.fastq.gz
 - id: sample2                   - id: sampleB
 | data: sample2.fastq.gz        | data: sampleB.fastq.gz

dyff follows the convention of diff and shows the change by going from the from input file to the to input file:
dyff between <from> <to>


A portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor. Similar to jq, with the same syntax, but supports YAML, XML, and more.

biowulf$ yq '.[]' data.json
11:13:59 initCommand [WARN] JSON file output is now JSON by default (instead of yaml). Use '-oy' or '--output-format=yaml' for yaml output
    "id": "sample1",
    "data": "sample1.fastq.gz"
    "id": "sample2",
    "data": "sample2.fastq.gz"

biowulf$ yq -oy '.[]' data.json
- id: sample1
  data: sample1.fastq.gz
- id: sample2
  data: sample2.fastq.gz

Interactive terminal JSON viewer & processor.

Interactive demo coming soon!


CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools, file-types, and common strings to JSON, YAML, or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts.

biowulf$ ls -lh | jc --ls | jq
    "filename": "app.py",
    "flags": "-rw-r--r--",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "user",
    "group": "group",
    "size": 242,
    "date": "Apr 2 08:24"
    "filename": "data2.json",
    "flags": "-rw-r--r--",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "user",
    "group": "group",
    "size": 108,
    "date": "Apr 2 08:37"
    "filename": "data.json",
    "flags": "-rw-r--r--",
    "links": 1,
    "owner": "user",
    "group": "group",
    "size": 107,
    "date": "Apr 2 08:36"
    "filename": "__pycache__",
    "flags": "drwxr-xr-x",
    "links": 2,
    "owner": "user",
    "group": "group",
    "size": 4,
    "date": "Jun 12 2023"

CLI tool to filter JSON and JSON Lines data. (Similar to jq, but with possibly more-familiar Python syntax)

biowulf$ jello '_["samples"][0]' -f data.json
  "id": "sample1",
  "data": "sample1.fastq.gz"

CLI tool to convert JSON and JSON Lines to terminal, CSV, HTTP, and markdown tables.

biowulf$ jq '.["samples"]' data.json | jtbl
id       data
-------  ----------------
sample1  sample1.fastq.gz
sample2  sample2.fastq.gz

biowulf$ jq '.["samples"]' data.json | jtbl -c

🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder

Interactive demo coming soon!


Fuzzy Finder in rust!

Interactive demo coming soon!


A modern alternative to the watch command, records the differences in execution results and can check these differences later.

biowulf$ hwatch ls
Every     2.000s: ls       Display help with h key!       2024-04-02 14:04:24.345
            [Number] [Color] [Output:Output] [Active: history] [Diff: None      ]
app.py                                                  >>latest                 
data2.json                                                2024-04-02 14:04:02.312

Run arbitrary commands when files change.

  # Launch and auto-reload a node.js server
biowulf$ ls *.js | entr -r node app.js

Sloc, Cloc and Code: scc is a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure Go.

biowulf$ scc ~/code
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
JSON                         2         2        0         0        2          0
Python                       1         9        2         1        6          0
Total                        3        11        2         1        8          0
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $169
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 0.51 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 0.03
Processed 457 bytes, 0.000 megabytes (SI)

A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output.

biowulf$ delta *.json

Δ data2.json ⟶   data.json

• 1: │
{"samples": [{"id": "sampleA", "data": "sampleA.fastq.gz"}, {"id": "sampleA",
"data": "sampleA.fastq.gz"}]}
{"samples": [{"id": "sample1",
"data": "sample1.fastq.gz"}, {"id": "sample2", "data": "sample2.fastq.gz"}]}
\ No newline at end of file


A simple yet powerful command-line HTTP and API testing client for the API era.

biowulf$ https httpie.io/hello
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Age: 0
Cache-Control: public, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 264
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 18:19:48 GMT
Etag: "fcegchauwd78"
Server: Vercel
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000
X-Matched-Path: /api/hello
X-Vercel-Cache: MISS
X-Vercel-Id: iad1::iad1::8q5nz-1712081986564-3c141ddb1231

    "ahoy" [
        "Hello, World! 👋 Thank you for trying out HTTPie 🥳",
        "We hope this will become a friendship."
    "links": {
        "discord": "https://httpie.io/discord",
        "github": "https://github.com/httpie",
        "homepage": "https://httpie.io",
        "twitter": "https://twitter.com/httpie"

A command-line benchmarking tool.

biowulf$ hyperfine "grep -P '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l" \
                   "rg '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l" \
                   "ug '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l"

Benchmark 1: grep -P '\s18005[0-9]+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l
  Time (mean ± σ):     810.5 ms ±   4.9 ms    [User: 768.0 ms, System: 84.3 ms]
  Range (minmax):   807.7 ms823.9 ms    10 runs

Benchmark 2: rg '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l
  Time (mean ± σ):     130.9 ms ±   1.8 ms    [User: 103.8 ms, System: 53.9 ms]
  Range (minmax):   128.6 ms137.2 ms    22 runs

Benchmark 3: ug '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l
  Time (mean ± σ):     320.4 ms ±   0.8 ms    [User: 278.6 ms, System: 59.0 ms]
  Range (minmax):   319.2 ms322.0 ms    10 runs

  rg '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l ran
    2.45 ± 0.03 times faster than ug '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l
    6.20 ± 0.09 times faster than grep -P '\s18005\d+\s' allchrs_data.txt | wc -l

Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands

biowulf$ tldr sd


  Intuitive find and replace.
  More information: https://github.com/chmln/sd.

  Trim some whitespace using a regular expression (output stream: stdout):

    ffff99echo 'lorem ipsum 23   ' | sd '\s+$' ''

 Replace words using capture groups (output stream: stdout):

    echo 'cargo +nightly watch' | sd '(\w+)\s+\+(\w+)\s+(\w+)' 'cmd: $1, channel: $2, subcmd: $3'

  Find and replace in a specific file (output stream: stdout):

    sd -p 'window.fetch' 'fetch' path/to/file.js

  Find and replace in all files in the current project (output stream: stdout):

    sd 'from "react"' 'from "preact"' "$(find . -type f)"


An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line.

Interactive demo coming soon!


Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd, ... (formerly known as cv)

Interactive demo coming soon!


A single binary that runs lists of commands in parallel and waits for their termination

Interactive demo coming soon!


rng streams input from a file or stdin to stdout. It is the love child of sed -n '<START>,<END>p' and tail -n.

biowulf$ rng 3,5 app.py
app = FastAPI()


biowulf$ rng 6 app.py
async def root(request: Request):
    user = request.headers.get("X-Remote-User", "user").split("@")[0]
    #return {"message": f"Hello {user}!"}
    return request.header

FIGlet is a program for making large letters out of ordinary text.

biowulf$ figlet extrautils
           _                   _   _ _
  _____  _| |_ _ __ __ _ _   _| |_(_) |___
 / _ \ \/ / __| '__/ _` | | | | __| | / __|
|  __/>  <| |_| | | (_| | |_| | |_| | \__ \
 \___/_/\_\\__|_|  \__,_|\__,_|\__|_|_|___/

Do you need more color in your life?

biowulf$ figlet EXTRAUTILS | lolcat
 _______  _______ ____      _   _   _ _____ ___ _     ____
____\ \/ /_   _|  _ \    / \ | | | |_   _|_ _| |   / ___|
|  _|  \  /  | | | |_) |  / _ \| | | | | |  | || |   \___ \
| |___ /  \  | | |  _ <  / ___ \ |_| | | |  | || |___ ___) |
|_____/_/\_\ |_| |_| \_\/_/   \_\___/  |_| |___|_____|____/