Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
NAMD 2.10 Benchmarks

To find the most appropriate number of nodes for a specific type of job, it is essential to run one's own benchmarks. The sections below contain benchmark results for some standard benchmarks.

May 2015

STMV benchmark, 1,066,628 atoms, periodic, PME (available from here)

Benchmarks performed on 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2), 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband.

# cores Compiled with OpenMPI 1.8.4
Intel 2015.1.133 compiler
days/ns Efficiency days/ns Efficiency
1 109.344 100 111.308 100
2 55.0939 99 58.3188 95
4 29.692192 31.1797 89
8 16.323284 16.2814 85
168.815578 8.85272 78
32 4.65757 73 4.30852 80
64 2.39583 71 2.10381 82
128 1.23227 69 1.04778 83
256 0.644897 66 0.540371 80
512 0.375016 57 0.27197 80
10240.220472 48
2048 0.101662 53

ApoA1 benchmark, 92,224 atoms, 12A cutoff + PME every 4 steps, periodic (available from here)

All runs performed on 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2), 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband
# cores days/ns Efficiency
1 11.0285 100
2 5.51269 100
4 3.1165588
8 1.84353 75
160.967223 71
32 0.610894 56
64 0.305278 56
128 0.148188 58
256 0.0760402 57
512 0.0398997 54
10240.0244494 44
2048 0.0165738 32

Nvidia K20x GPU benchmarks

STMV benchmark, 1,066,628 atoms, periodic, PME (available from here)

GPU runs were performed on: 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2) CPUs, 2 x NVIDIA K20x GPUS, 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband
IBFDR runs were performed on: 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2), 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband

Single-node performance on CPU+GPU is better than on a standard node. However, for small molecular systems (e.g. ApoA1, 92K atoms), the absolute performance in days/ns is better on multi-node IB jobs than on GPU nodes. For large molecular systems (e.g. STMV, 1M atoms), multinode jobs on the GPU nodes have better price/performance than on IB nodes, so that it is worthwhile to run simulations of such large systems on the GPU nodes.

Thus, the performance of an individual job depends on the size of the system and may depend on other simulation factors. It is therefore vital to run your own benchmarks to determine whether there is an advantage to using the GPU nodes.

1 9.35 6.56 5.02 4.47 115.56
2 5.75 4.24 2.93 2.66 60.54
4 3.07 2.78 1.62 1.80 32.75
8 1.58 1.38 0.85 0.80 21.96
16 0.84 0.73 0.45 0.45 14.85
32 7.81
64 3.78
128 2.10
256 1.31
512 0.69
1024 0.40

ApoA1 benchmark, 92,224 atoms, 12A cutoff + PME every 4 steps, periodic (available from here)

GPU runs were performed on: 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2) CPUs, 2 x NVIDIA K20x GPUS, 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband
IBFDR runs were performed on: 16 x 2.6 GHz (Intel E5-2650v2), 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband

1 0.87 0.600.48 0.5111.03
2 0.530.340.290.305.51
4 0.30
8 0.16 0.140.14 0.141.84
16 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.110.97
32 0.61
64 0.31
128 0.15
256 0.08
512 0.04
1024 0.02
Nvidia K80 GPU benchmarks (currently only available to NCI CCR users)

STMV benchmark, 1,066,628 atoms, periodic, PME (available from here)

GPU runs were performed on: 28 x 2.3 GHz (Intel E5-2695v3) CPUs, 2 x NVIDIA K80 GPU cards (each having 2 GPUs), 56 Gb/s FDR Infiniband

The data shows that using nodes with Nvidia K80 GPUs provides a substantial speedup over nodes with K20x GPUs. Note that each K80 card has two GPUs on it. It takes 8 K20x cards to match the performance of 2 K80 cards. However, each K80 card contains 2 GPUs, so in this benchmark, each of those GPUs provided about the same performance as a K20x (results for the K20x are from the prior set of benchmarks described above). However, the STMV benchmark is a very large system, and it is probable that smaller systems with less computation will not fare as well.

As when using the K20x GPU nodes, it is vital to run your own benchmarks to determine whether there is an advantage to using the GPU nodes and K80s in particular. Note that there is no real advantage to using more than 2 nodes with K80s, as parallel efficiency drops dramatically after that point.

# K80 card used (#GPUs/2)Performance (days/ns)K20x Performance (days/ns)

* - Used 16 CPUs and all 4