UNAFold on Biowulf & Helix


UNAFold (Unified Nucleic Acid Folding) is a comprehensive software package for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction.


See the UNAFold reference page on the mfold site for a detailed list of references.

Web sites

Man pages for the commands are available as well.

On Helix

mfold can process a single sequence in genbank, embl, or fasta format. As an example, let's analyze a yeast tRNA-phe (using a simple constraint file with forces base pairing between the first 7 NTs and their complementary bases from the known structure):

helix$ module load unafold
helix$ UNAFold.pl \
 -c /usr/local/apps/mfold/TEST_DATA/Phe-GAA-1-1-nointron.constraint \
Checking for boxplot_ng... found, supports Postscript
Checking for hybrid-plot-ng... found, supports Postscript, GIF, JPEG, PNG
Checking for sir_graph_ng or sir_graph... found, supports Postscript
Checking for ps2pdfwr... found
Calculating for Phe-GAA-1-1, t = 37
Energy dot plot created.
Rotation angle: 0.00 degrees
Input File: Phe-GAA-1-1-nointron.fa_1.ct
Sequence length: 73
Using 356.0 degrees of the circle
Output:  Phe-GAA-1-1-nointron.fa_1.ps

UNAFold will generate output files in different formats for the energy dot plot, the optimal structure, and suboptimal structures (if any). The command above, for example, produces these two graphs amongst others:

Energy dot plot
Optimal structure

The loop containing the 'GAA' anticodon is at the top.

Batch job on Biowulf

The following batch script will analyze the first 10 sequences in the fasta file, one at a time:

#! /bin/bash
# filename: unafold_batch.sh
set -e

module load emboss || exit 1
module load mfold  || exit 2

mkdir -p mfold.out
cd mfold.out
for sname in $(grep '>' $MFA | grep -v '\?' | awk 'NR < 11 {print substr($1, 2)}'); do
    echo "processing $sname"
    mkdir -p $sname
    cd $sname
    seqret -outseq ${sname}.fa ${MFA}:${sname}
    UNAFold.pl ${sname}.fa
    cd ..

A batch process is then started with

biowulf$ sbatch unafold_batch.sh
Swarm of jobs on Biowulf

To process a number of sequences in parallel, set up a swarmfile like this:

UNAFold.pl seq1.fa NA=RNA
UNAFold.pl seq2.fa NA=RNA
UNAFold.pl seq3.fa NA=RNA

and start your swarm with

biowulf$ swarm -f swarmfile --module unafold
Interactive job on Biowulf

To use mfold interactively, allocated an interactive session with

biowulf$ sinteractive
salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 614363
salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc.exe: Nodes cn0016 are ready for job
cn0016$ UNAFold.pl seq1.fa
cn0016$ exit

Man pages for the commands are available as well.