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Appendix 4

Summary of Changes to SOLAR

This appendix is a concatenation of all the change notes from the SOLAR change-notes command. More recent changes appear earlier.

****   New in version 8.1.1

1. Speed improvements in all SOLAR operations thanks to improved
   compiler optimization.  Polygenic runs 1.73 times faster compared
   with previous official version 7.6.4.  The biggest improvement is
   in C++ intensive mathmatrix operations based on Eigen; as a
   result of this and other changes "fphi -p" is now 25 times faster
   than in version 8.0.6.

2. The implentation of fphi p value estimation, working since 8.0.6,
   is made cleaner and slightly faster.  The use of a new mathmatrix
   operation PermuteY which eliminates the need to create an
   intermediate shuffled vector for each column of the permuted
   matrix (as had been done in 8.0.6).  Far fewer temporary matrices
   are created.  These changes had only a small effect on speed
   compared with the improved compiler optimizations.

3. fphi p value estimation now uses better random numbers to shuffle the
   Y matrix: Mersenne Twister mt19937 which has a period of 2^19937.
   AFAIK this is the best quality fast random generator available, and
   it is included in the recent C++11 standard so is widely available.

4. fphi p value calculation numerator was off by one.  Now p values
   from "fphi -p" are slightly smaller (better).

5. Other changes to fphi: Tcl code is cleaned up with much junk removed,
   variables given meaningful names, obsolete -method argument
   removed, -testonly is now called -indicator.

6. option ShuffleReseeding controls how the mt19937 random number
   generator used for matrix shuffling is seeded.  The default value
   is 1 which means the generator is reseeded to the default value
   5489u at the beginning of each matrix shuffle operation.  This
   gives consistent p value results every time, and the most
   comparable results when the same sample is used across a range of
   models.  The options are:

    1...seeded on every shuffle to 5489u for consistent results (DEFAULT)
    0...seeded first shuffle to 5489u, then free running
   -1...seeded every shuffle to time() for purely stochastic results
   -2...seeded first shuffle to time(), then free running
    Other values: seed to this value at beginning of each shuffle

7. Errors in test models in mga (either the regular test model or the
   interaction test model) would cause mga to exit.  Now such errors are
   reported to the screen and a line with SNP name but blank results is
   written to the output file.

8. option MatrixNumberFormat controls the formatting precision of numbers
   output by matrix operations such as "show".  The default of 15 eliminates
   long unrounded numbers such as 0.4999999999999999.

9. This version is the first ever to have a public source code
   release, along with the usual binary releases for Linux, Mac, and
   Microsoft Windows.  The binary releases are fully tested and
   replace Official Version 7.6.4 on the general download links at
   http://solar.txbiomedgenetics.org.  Due to the now distributed
   nature of SOLAR Eclipse development, this release is not called
   Official but instead General as in intended-for-general-use.  An
   Official version with coordinated updates from all developers may
   be available soon.

**** Skipped versions 8.0.7 to 8.1.0

These versions were experiments in how to increase speed of fphi p
value estimation.  Sadly it is far easier to make it slower than
faster, and so relatively code changes were chosen for 8.1.1 that
help a bit but don't attempt to tackle the biggest bottleneck.  The
biggest bottleneck is the big matrix multiply with dimensions (nS x
nS) times (nS x nP).  For typical 1000 person sample and 5000 nP,
this would require 15 billion floating point calculations.  Eigen
already optimizes this by a factor of 5.  Additional optimizations
specially applicable to a permuted matrix could also improve
performance by a factor of 5.  But to be better than Eigen already
is, we would need to combine their optimization with the special
ones, which is very difficult.  So until that can be done we are
just letting Eigen optimize the multiplication as it already does.

****   New in version 8.0.6

1.  fphi -p has been corrected and appears to give reasonable p
    values, BUT this is still Highly Experimental. (1) Speed is an
    issue here, but 95% of the time is spent doing a single large
    matrix multiplication in C++/Eigen.  This will be addressed with
    a virtual-shuffle-matrix-multiplication in the next version(s),
    and also by adding a completely different implementation of fphi
    to SOLAR.  (2) We are also concerned about the p values possibly
    not being accurate, and it is true they do not match another
    implementation of fphi.  We are continuing to investigate.  The
    h2r values in both implementations match and we believe they are
    "correct" as far as an fphi approximation can do.

2.  MathMatrix objects (such as used by fphi) can be written to files
    using the new "output" command. Matrices are written without csv header.

        output $m         ;# write out matrix as csv file

    This can be combined with "evdout" to write out the X, Y, and Z
    matrices computed by SOLAR EVD:

        model new
        trait q4
        covar age
        set X [evdinx]
        set Y [evdiny]
        set Z [evdinz]
        output $X Xmatrix.csv
        output $Y Ymatrix.csv
        output $Z Zmatrix.csv
3.  evdinz command to obtain Z matrix from evddata.out.

4.  shuffle command added which can shuffle a vector into a vector,
    or shuffle a vector into n columns of a matrix (MathMatrix).

        shuffle $v         ;# shuffle the elements of vector v
        shuffle $v n       ;# shuffle the elements of vector v into n-1 cols
                           ;# retaining first column unshuffled

5.  identity  creates an identity matrix with the specified number
    of rows.

6.  "mathmatrix debug" shows lots of info and especially prints before and
    after each multiplication.  "fphi -debug -p" turns on this feature to
    highlight the time taken by multiplication of the shuffled matrix.
****   New in version 8.0.5

1.  fphi now computes p value for h2r (but not yet correct in 8.0.5).

2.  concatenate command concatenates two matrices, either vertically
    or horizontally.

3.  power command still works as before to perform power calculations, 
    but has been extended to also do elementwise power (square, cube,
    inverse, etc) operations on MathMatrix objects.  This occurs if the
    first argument to the power command is a MathMatrix, the second
    argument will then be interpreted as the power to which each element
    of the matrix should individually be raised or lowered, for example:

        power $M 2

4.  max command has been extended to perform an elementwise maxing operation
    which returns a matrix with each element either the original value
    the second argument to the command.  For example the following command
    would truncate all the negative values in a matrix to zero:

        max $M 0

    If there is no element in the matrix which needs to be changed, the
    original matrix is returned.  Otherwise a new matrix is created.

5.  Documented traditional sample matrix format better for "help matrix"

****   New in version 8.0.4

1.  fphi is now producing reasonable approximations of heritability.
    Several implementation errors from 8.0.3 had to be corrected to make
    this possible, and the procedure now uses "Method 1" consistently.
    See "help fphi" for more information on FPHI methods 1 and 2.

2.  "option ResetRandom 1" will reset the random number sequence used during
    maximization to its initial starting value at the beginning of
    maximization for the current model.  This is for experimental use in
    solving convergence inconsistencies.

3.  fphi has a -method2 option which attempts to use "Method 2".  This
    does not appear to be working yet.

4.  The first value returned by fphi is now correctly labeled an
    "indicator variable."  The actual test-statistic is still being
    implemented.  The primary significance of the indicator variable is
    that heritability estimation is impossible if it is non-positive.

5.  evdinx now loads the X matrix without a leading column of 1's as
    as required for Method 1.  To get the column of 1's as required for
    Method 2, give the command "evdinx -method2", or simply use the
    command "fphi -method2" which takes care of this.

6.  fphi now allows the direct specification of X, Y, and Z matrices.
    If all three are specified, it is not necessary to specify trait and
    covariates, and "evdout" is not invoked.

****   New in version 8.0.3

1.  New procedure fphi calculates a test statistic and fast estimated h2r.
    The model trait and covariates must have already been chosen.  If the
    -testonly option is specified, only the test-statistic is returned and
    h2r is not estimated.

2.  Matrix operations "ols" and "solve" now have X and Y arguments reversed
    as is common practice (octave, matlab, R). So now the commands are
    "ols y x" and "solve y x" corresponding to the standard description
    "regress y on x" where Y is the dependent variable and X is the design

3.  The diagonal command now does one of two things: it returns a vector
    when given a rectangular matrix, or (new) it returns a "diagonal
    matrix" when given a vector.  A "diagonal matrix" is a square matrix
    with non-zero values only on the diagonal.  A "rectangular matrix" has
    more than 1 rows and more than 1 columns.  A vector has either 1 row or
    1 column.  SOLAR does not keep track of which matrices are diagonal.

4.  New dinverse command does a fast matrix inversion on a diagonal matrix.
    The matrix must be a diagonal matrix and dinverse does not check this.

5.  The plus and minus commands now permit one or two scalar arguments
    so you can add or subtract: 1) matrix and matrix, 2) scalar and matrix,
    and 3) scalar and scalar.  The times command already allowed scalars like
****   New in version 8.0.2

1.  evdout is entirely redesigned to output the just the EVD transformed
    variables, unless the -evectors option is used.  The transformed variables
    are writted to evddata.out.

2.  New procedures evdinx (reads in X matrix), evdiny (reads in Y matrix), and
    evdinev (reads in eigenvectors matrix) added to read EVD data written
    by evdout into matrixes.

3.  evdmat is obsoleted.  Use evdout then evdinx, evdiny, and/or evdinev.
    Memory-to-matrix commands evdmatx, evdmaty, and evdmatev were designed
    but not finished in time for version 8.0.2.

****   New in version 8.0.1

1.  Interactive and scriptable matrix algebra is now supported.  Commands
    include new, load, show, row, col, diagonal, rows, cols, times, plus
    minus, transpose, inverse, ols, solve, evalues, evectors, mean, min
    and max.  See "help mathmatrix" for details.  MathMatrix objects are
    different from the sample relationship matrixes used during maximization.
    They are implemented in C++ using Eigen.

2.  evdout will output phi2 eigenvectors and eigenvalues as
    used by SOLAR for EVD2 maximization.  See 'help evdout' for details
    on evdout, evdin, and evdmat.

3.  evdin will read in the matrix file(s) created by evdout and
    create MathMatrix object(s) representing them.

4.  evdmat creates MathMatrix object(s) directly from the
    current phi2 eigenvectors without writing or reading a file.  
    See  'help evdmat' for details.
5.  zscoring using a command like "define zt = zscore_trait" generated
    spurious messages about zscores being deleted.  These messages had no
    useful meaning and have been removed.  The zscoring feature works fine.

****   New in version 8.0.0

1.  Version 8.0.0 is compiled with 64 bit memory model (linux releases
    only) to enable handling larger numbers of traits, parameters, and/or
    individuals per pedigree.  However, memory beyond 2 Gb can not usually
    be allocated because contiguous memory is currently required.  That may
    be addressed in future updates.  However 64 bit compilation is a
    necessary first step, it sometimes helps, and also failed memory
    allocation is now usually reported with an error message rather than
    causing an unexplained crash as usually happened before.
    Maximization is about 2% faster for all model types.

****   New in version 7.6.6

1.  polygenic -residinor fixed, was mistakenly using previous null output.

****   New in version 7.6.5

1.  polygenic -residinor computes a residual trait from the final
    sporadic model and inormalizes it as the final trait to determine

2.  restore_phen restores the original phenotypes file after running
    polygenic -residinor

****   New in version 7.6.4

1.  residual now works correctly with long SNP names (snp_*) when the
    snp variable only has two consecutive values.

2.  mga now permits having snp covariates in the null model while defaulting
    the list of snps to all those in the phenotypes files.  Previously this
    would cause either the snps to be double included or erronously removed.
    Previously users were expected to use -snps or -snplists options to
    restrict the list of snps to be tested to those not in the null model in
    cases like this, but that requirement was too easily overlooked.

****   New in version 7.6.3

1.    p value produced by polygenic for C2 parameter no longer truncated
      at 0.0000001 due to obsolete formatting code.

****   New in version 7.6.2

1.    Additional results have been added to mga.out:
          est_maf (estimated minor allele frequency: mean/2)
          est_mac (estimated minor allele copies: mean*samplesize)
          dosage_sd (SD of the SNP dosage variable)
****   New in version 7.6.1

1.    The formula used to compute standard errors for mga has been
      corrected.  The correct formula is sqrt($beta*$beta/$chi).
      The variable "chi" is actually "chi-square" and does not
      need to be squared.

****   New in version 7.6.0

1.   vcfselect extracts genotype per sample data for a single SNP from
     vcf files.  vcfinfo extracts genotype information, with or
     without the per sample data.  These are very experimental and
     feedback is requested.

2.   32000 mztwins and 32000 individuals now supported (was 20000 mztwins).

3.   400 simultaneous traits now permitted (was 20).  Standard polygenic
     models with >50 traits may cause memory exhaustion during maximization
     due to the large number of rho*_ij parameters (ntraits*ntraits).  This
     memory exhaustion problem will be addressed in future versions.  With
     standard parameterization, memory required during maximization is a
     cubic function of the number of traits multiplied by the square of the
     size of largest family.

4.   Memory leak related to use of the zscore_ operator in defined
     expressions now fixed.

5.   Now linked with 2014 update to imaging libraries.

6.   Improperly formatted mibd file names now cause error message rather
     than crashing multipoint with no explanation, or skipping name.

7.   fakedata generates large pedigree/phenotypes files with small
     families and random data.

****   New in version 7.5.9

1.   Up to 20000 mztwins are now supported.

2.   "load pedigree" will use 5 columns for the mztwin id in the pedindex
     if more than 999 mztwin groups are found in the pedigree.
     Otherwise, it will use only 3 columns, to ensure compatibility with
     previous checksums stored in matrixes.

****   New in version 7.5.8

1.   Up to 15000 mztwins are now supported (7500 pairs of twins).

2.   CSV matrixes can now be loaded even if they have ID's not in the
     current pedigree.  Warnings are displayed and written to a file
     named matrix.load.err, but in the end the matrix is loaded and
     may be useable.

****   New in version 7.5.7

1.   Commands "house" and "polygenic" now preserve an existing loaded
     house matrix filename and options.  So they save the new "-sample"
     and "-allow" options.

****   New in version 7.5.6

1.   Matrix options -allow and -sample are saved in model files, as
     needed for correct operation with many commands.

****   New in version 7.5.5

1.   Matrixes are now checked for completeness during maximization.  All
     individuals in the sample must have at least a diagonal matrix entry.
     If not, an error occurs and the missing individuals are printed. There
     are two options to modify this.  "load matrix -allow" permits missing
     individuals and defaults their diagonal to 1.0.  "load matrix -sample"
     removes the individuals from the sample, and a count of individuals
     removed for not being in matrix is written to the maximization output

2.   Documentation for CSV matrix files is added to "help matrix".

3.   mga -ixsnp now computes SE's for the bIX by default.  Previously
     they could only be estimated if the now obsolescent -evdse or -slowse
     options were used.

****   New in version 7.5.4

1.   stats now has -sample option, which calculates stats for the current
     model sample.

****   New in version 7.5.3

1.   SOLAR is now called SOLAR Eclipse in the startup message, in honor of
     its use in imaging research where the Eclipse name is used.

2.   A private option is added to the key command to help determine
     the linux system compatibility on different linux distributions.
     This is intended to make the SOLAR installer more reliably select
     the best binary version on a particular system.

****   New in version 7.5.2

1.  "matrix debug" now reads matrixes in memory, rather than relying on
    statistics accumulated as the matrix file was being read.  This way it
    can find values that are defaulted to 0 or -1.  Matrixes are traversed
    from 1,1 to max,max.

****   New in version 7.5.1

1.  "matrix debug" now shows the minimum and maximum values for both
    on and off the diagonal.  For each such minimum or maximum, it shows
    the first pair of IBDID's found having that value.

****   New in version 7.5.0

1.  Matrices can now be read in CSV format, using user ID (not pedindex)
    as the index.  If FAMID is required to disambiguate ID's, famid
    should be included for each individual (famid1, famid2) since not
    all matrices are limited to family interactions.  The required fields
    are id1,id2,matrix1.  The optional fields are matrix2,famid1,famid2.
    All other fields in a csv matrix file are ignored.  The mapping from
    ID to pedindex is obtained from the currently loaded pedigree

2.  CSV matrices must be gzipped just like original format matrixes and
    have filenames ending in ".gz".  The matrix commands are identical, the
    actual type of matrix file is autodetected.

3.  Matrix reading code has been largely rewritten to attain much greater
    speed than before, despite now also having to detect and process two
    different kinds of matrix files and also having to translate ID's to
    pedindex, which might have made it far slower.  Notably matrix files
    are now usually read in one pass whereas it used to require two passes.
    Also, the association from ID's to pedindex is now done using an
    advanced C++ object known as unordered_map, which has only officially
    become part of C++ in recent years.  This is a hashtable equivalent in
    function to the associative array in Tcl, whose speed of access does
    not decline exponentially with pedigree size, nor does it require
    NxN memory increase.  This may be applied to other machinery inside
    SOLAR in the future to obtain further speed increases and better

4.  Though matrix handling is only a small part of MGA, matrix reading has
    gotten sufficiently faster that MGA overall runs about 3% faster.  (This
    test was done using original format matrices.  The speed increases should
    apply to both types, but original format will generally be faster.)

5.  A CSV matrix may have a checksum field comparable to the one used for
    original format.  The checksum field is optional (not required). The
    matcrc command will prepend a checksum to a CSV matrix just
    as it does for an original format matrix.  The checksum must be in the
    first data record of the file, and it has id1 named "checksum" and id2
    named checksum.  The actual checksum value is in the matrix1 field,
    preceded by decimal point.  The checksum comes from running cksum on
    the pedindex.out file, so that any changes to the pedindex following
    creation of the matrix will give an error.  This is useful as often
    people forget to update their matrices after updating a pedigree.

6.  "matrix debug" now shows the sum of all matrix values, as taken from the
    matrix file.

****   Versions 7.4.6 through 7.4.9 reserved

****   New in version 7.4.5

1.   matrix debug now shows the actual minimum matrix value for both
     one data column and two data column matrix files.  Previously, for
     one column matrix files, it showed the minimum value that was greater
     than zero.

****   New in version 7.4.4

1.   polygenic now has option -testcovar, to test a single covariate.
     All other covariates are fixed and untested.  The tested covariate
     is not removed from the final model in any case.  The default
     probability level for declared significance is changed to 0.05.
     The proportion of variance is reported only for the tested covariate.

****   New in version 7.4.3

1.  mga now starts covariate beta parameters at 0.001 instead of 0.0.
    This has not changed results in any regression tests, but might help
    increase sensitivity for troublesome models.

2.  solar -niskey  is now available for use on clusters or clouds where
    a fixed username and home directory are not available.  -niskey uses
    the nisdomainname shell command to obtain the nis identity, for which
    a key should be requested. If the name is dotted, only the second
    to last dotted portion is used for identification.  For example on
    solar.txbiomedgenetics.org only txbiomedgenetics is used as identity.

****   New in version 7.4.2

1.  mga now by default outputs standard errors for the snp beta
    that are calculated from the chi and the beta value
    (sqrt(beta^2/chi^2)).  You can still use the -evdse and
    -slowse options for estimated standard errors as before.
    If the standard error cannot be computed because chi is exactly zero,
    which should never happen, the SE will be reported as 10e20.

2.  polyclass -maxsnp will now output computed standard errors as is
    the default for mga.  (Note: as a result, -maxsnp will use EVD1
    fast maximization without standard error estimation.  Previously
    -maxsnp had invoked -slowse.)

****   New in version 7.4.1

1.  A new session option ExpNotation has been added, to force output in
    exponential notation (such as -1.004e-4) in specific cases where needed.
    Normally, many commands such as mga output in fixed point notation as
    long as there are a few digits shown, and then they switch to exponential
    for tiny values which would otherwise be reported as zero.  So if a value
    is shown as 0.00000 by mga it must actually be zero.  But sometimes
    people wonder if that is actually correct.  So the ExpNotation
    option has been added to force output of all numbers in exponential
    notation, so there can be no doubt.  Currently this option only affects
    the output of mga, but it may be applied to other commands in the future.
    It defaults to 0 (zero) meaning to use the default auto mode, and is set
    to 1 to force exponential:

        option ExpNotation 1

    This option remains in effect during a single session of SOLAR.  It is
    not saved to models, and will return to default for subsequent or
    concurrent sessions of SOLAR.

****   New in version 7.4.0

1.  When parameters are constrained to zero, it is necessary (per the design
    of the Fisher/Mendel Search program) to set the lower boundary slightly
    below zero.  Previously that adjustment had been -0.01.  This has been
    changed to -0.001.  A new global variable SOLAR_constraint_tol is
    set to the absolute value (0.001) of the adjustment when SOLAR starts.
    A user can change that global variable before running polygenic to change
    the automatic boundary adjustment, which cannot be made smaller than
    0.00011 without changing Fisher code.  Generally the automatic boundary
    adjustment for constraints can now be bypassed by setting the boundary to
    a non-zero value before calling polygenic or maximize.

****   New in version 7.3.9

1.  Sometimes e2 would get lower boundary set incorrectly to -0.01.  This
    has been fixed.  It would especially happen when household effect was
    being added to a polygenic model in which e2 was previously estimated
    to be zero.

****   New in version 7.3.8

1.  Some maximization errors that could occur during twopoint could cause
    the scan to stop.  Errors are now caught, reported, and the twopoint
    scan continues.

****   New in version 7.3.7

1.  polyclass -maxsnp now writes results to file named polyclass.snpname.out
    in addition to the usual polyclass.out, where snpname is the name of
    the snp with the leading snp_ removed.  If the -append option is used,
    previous contents of the polyclass.snp are retained, so one can accumulate
    results from a large number of SNP tests when polyclass -maxsnp -append is
    used.  Files are written to the output directory (usually named after the

****   New in version 7.3.6

1.  polyclass -maxsnp (without -comb) now does not include the SNP
    covariate in the initially estimated model or residuals.  SNP covariates
    are added later when running mga on the residuals.

2.  polyclass -maxsnp now checks to ensure the snp name is prefixed with
    snp_ or SNP_ since that is required by mga.

****   New in version 7.3.5

1.  polyclass -maxsnp (without -comb) has been fundamentally changed.  Now
    it produces residuals for a fully loaded model, then uses mga to
    evaluate each snp for each class with other classes blanked.

****   New in version 7.3.4

1.  polyclass -comb -maxsnp  was broken by the changes in 7.3.3 but
    is now fixed.
****   New in version 7.3.3

1.  polyclass -maxsnp now produces residuals in a file named
    polyclass.residuals.out in the output directory.  The file
    includes fields ID, residual, trait, and all covariate variables.

2.  twopoint could fail if some particular model failed in a particular way
    when testing the log likelihood.  That is fixed now.

3.  intraitclass command added.

****   New in version 7.3.2

1.  Under unusual circumstances, SOLAR was exhausting available
    logical file units because of leaving many copies of
    polygenic.logs.out open.  This is now fixed.

    The problem only occurred with thousands of back-to-back
    runs of "polygenic" with very small sample size.  In the end,
    when no additional logical file units were available, SOLAR would
    crash.  The exact cause of the problem was unclear, and was not
    fixed by creating an exception handling wrapper around polygenic
    to ensure that close is invoked on the polygenic.logs.out logical
    unit, but instead has been resolved by creating a new set of file
    writing procedures (see below) to be used for polygenic.logs.out.

2.  A new set of file writing procedures (putsnew, putsa, and putsat)
    is available which obviates the need for the user to open and close
    an output file, or to write to both terminal and output file at the
    same time.  These procedures are intended to replace the old, tricky,
    and inefficient "putsout" procedure that many users found too
    convenient not to use.  They are not a replacement for the built-in
    Tcl procedures open, puts, and close, which should still be used in
    cases where efficiency is paramount and a tight writing loop is
    possible without intervening maximizations.

****   New in version 7.3.1

1.  polyclass -maxsnp has been changed so that when not in -comb
    mode, only one snp p value is calculated and only snp
    related statistics are reported.  All classwise snp betas
    are constrained to be the same value, and the p value is
    calculated by constraining all of them to zero, a one degree

2.  polyclass now reports the class number that fails when attempting
    to initialized parameters.  Users may get an error that says there
    are no individuals available for analysis which may seem unbelievable
    unless the class number is also reported.  It is easy to overlook
    the possibility that some variable is not defined for a particular

****   New in version 7.3.0

1.  polyclass -intrait is corrected.  Previously it summed the first
    specified class twice, resulting in SD of 2.  The defect had
    been present since version 7.1.4.

****   New in version 7.2.9

1.  polyclass -maxsnp now works with -comb.

2.  the formatting of chi and varexp for polyclass -maxsnp has been
    corrected to the formatting used for other outputs.

****   New in version 7.2.8

1.  polyclass now has option -maxsnp  which will do a
    classwise association analysis of one snp.  Results reported
    include the snp beta value, chi square, p value, and variance
    explained.  The residual heritabilities are shown with and without
    the snp.

****   New in version 7.2.7

1.  This version uses the new C++0x (2011) C++ standard libraries, so
    that unordered_map (hash table) can be used in a future version.

****   New in version 7.2.6

1.  polyclass now works with discrete traits, and for bivariate models
    with one or two discrete traits.

****   New in version 7.2.5

1.  New option RicVolOffset allows adjustment to the volume numbers in
    the phenotype file, and it defaults to 1 instead of the previous
    fixed zero adjustment.  This means that if the volume "1" is specified
    in the phen file, 1 is subracted to get the actual array index of "0" in
    the RicVolumeSet image data file.  This prevents segmentation violation
    in test file split_csv_0029.csv which has 859 volumes and the last one
    listed is 859.  With the new default the range of array indexes used is
    0-858 which is typical C programming. In addition, it produces a
    non-zero heritability for the trait FA_0029.

2.  RicVolumeSet volume specifications in the phenotypes file are now tested
    (after being adjusted by the new RicVolOffset) to make sure they do not
    exceed the range actually found in the image file.  This replaces the
    previous segmentation violation with an error message.
****   New in version 7.2.4

1.  polyvoxel command does routine polygenic analysis on voxel

****   New in version 7.2.3

1.  polyclass -resmax -comb now works.

****   New in version 7.2.2

1.  polyclass -resmax option maximizes the polyclass model using residuals
    which it computes first.  If -intrait is also specified, it is the
    residuals which are inormalized (inormalization is not done on the
    initial model from which the residuals are derived).

2.  residual now works on polyclass models if the -class option is specified.

3.  polyclass -maxi option is renamed to -max for consistency with -resmax.
    The original -maxi will continue to work.  The maximization output file
    is renamed to polyclassmax.out from polyclass.all.out and the model
    saved is now called polyclassmax.mod.
****   New in version 7.2.1

1.  polyclass -g -intrait is now working correctly for univariate and
    bivariate.  Although declared working for univariate in 7.1.4, it was
    not including all classes in the inormalized traits.

****   New in version 7.2.0

1.  Boundaries used by polyclass -maxi have been corrected to fix
    convergence issues.  When paremeter h2r is constrained to zero,
    parameter e2 has to have an upper bound of 1.01 to permit
    numerical imprecision.

****   New in version 7.1.9

1.  polyclass -maxi now writes results to file named polyclass.out in the
    output directory defined by trait name or outdir command.

****   New in version 7.1.8

1.  mga -ixsnp has been fixed, the null model always has the bixsnp,
    the test model has the two snps and their interaction, and the
    interaction test model just has the two snps (and no interaction).
    Previously it was all wrong.

****   New in version 7.1.7

1.  polyclass -maxi now computes p value for each h2r by class.

****   New in version 7.1.6

1.  mga -ixsnp  option added for interaction analysis.  An interaction
    covariate is added to the test model, and a 3rd model in run in which
    the SNP is included but not the interaction.  Additional chi, p value,
    ix beta, ix beta se, and variance are added to output file.

****   New in version 7.1.5

1.  polyclass with the -intrait and -g options at the same time is now
    fixed for univariate models but not yet bivariate models.

2.  imout polygenic volume assignments have changed, allowing 8 reserved
    volumes for linkage or association use.  Covariate information now
    starts at volume 20.  See 'help polyimout' for the assignments and
    more information.

3.  imout now uses the dimensions of the loaded mask if available.  The
    mask must be loaded first with the mask command.  If a mask is loaded,
    the only arguments the user need specify are the output filename and
    the number of volumes:

        imout image2 -nvol 40

     If the dimensions are defaulted to the mask, all required arguments
     must be given in one imout command like the one above (since
     that creates the imout object).  Within that same command line, it is
     possible to override the mask dimensions individually.  It is also
     possible to ignore the current mask file with the -ignoremask argument,
     in which case all the dimensions must be given but multiple lines could
     be used as when there is no loaded mask.

4.  imout -ncovar allows the number of volumes to be specified as what
    would be required for that number of covariates.  For example, the
    above imout command could also be given like this:

        imout image2 -ncovar 5

    which would allow for 5 covariates (which requires 40 volumes).  There
    is also a -ntrait argument but it defaults to 1 and any number other than
    1 is currently an error, as the polygenic multivariate volume
    assignments have not yet been made.

5.  Attempting to use voxel coordinates outside of the range of the imout
    now returns an error message rather than crashing SOLAR.

****   New in version 7.1.4

1.  polyclass -intrait is now working correctly with univariate and
    multivariate traits.  Previously it derived all inverse normals from
    Class 1 only and therefore generated hugely incorrect models.  One
    remaining problem is that the combination of -intrait and -g doesn't
    yet work, it causes an error.  This will be fixed asap.

2.  The equation parser used for omega, mu, and defines has been enhanced
    to permit unavailable variables if they are multiplied by zero (the zero
    must come first) similar to the way this works in C++.  For example
    the following definition permits the class based inormal functions
    to be used in a definition so that it has a value for both classes:

        define i_q4 = (class==1)*inormalc_1_q4 + (class==2)*inormalc_2_q4

     Depending on whether class is 1 or 2, only inormalc_1_q4 or
     inormalc_2_q4 need be defined (and only one is defined for any
     individual, depending on their class).  If the class is 1, the
     term (class==2) becomes zero, so the following multiplicand 
     inormalc_2_q4 is ignored.

3.   polyclass -comb and -maxi options added.  -comb creates a combined
     class model using the class-specific traits (if -intrait is used).
     -maxi performs ordinary maximization after the polyclass model
     is created.

4.   polyclass now gives error message when classes are not specified.
     Previously, if no classes were specified, polyclass would crash
****   New in version 7.1.3

1.  Linked with new version of RicVolumed.a libraries.

****   New in version 7.1.2

1.  EVD2 models now initialize beta variable boundaries in the same way as
    is done for standard models.  Previously, boundaries were set by the
    default mechanism as applied to the Stage 2 model, with EVD
    transformed variables, which generally resulted in larger boundaries
    than desirable.  Boundary setting for EVD2 models is now done in Tcl to
    avoid having to go through the internal data packing required for
    "maximize -initpar" which  would be simpler to program but less
    efficient.  This is the first time the boundary algorithm has been
    coded in Tcl.

2.  polyclass and sporclass now have arguments -intrait and -incovar to
    inormalize all trait and class variables respectively.  -incovar is
    not currently working due to mu command limitations that will be
    corrected in the next version.

3.  Previously, polyclass simply omitted all covariates if the -g option
    was used.  This has been fixed.

4.  inormal now has a -class option, which restricts the sample and the
    means to individuals with the specified class number.

****   New in version 7.1.1

1.  Old style text file line termination is now detected when phenotypes
    files are opened, and an error message is given:

        File old.txt has unsupported text line terminators
        Use retext command to fix file before using

    It is not possible to handle this issue automatically as is done
    with Windows style text files.  But now a translation program is
    provided...which is really just a call to the system program tr.
    Previously using files like these would produce this useless message:

        Short record in input file

2.  New command "retext" translates files in old Mac style which is still
    used by some Mac programs to modern Mac and Unix/Linux style.

****   New in version 7.1.0

1.  imout command added to select and enable binary image output.  See
    "help imout" for command description and options.

2.  The fixupper and fixlower parameter options introduced in version
    7.0.7 is  extended to multivariate polygenic models, and also
    to a few other obscure cases that were not working as intended.

3.  imout now enables image output for the polygenic command.  See 
    "help polyimout" for how this would be used and what volumes are used
    for each type of polygenic analysis results.  Currently only univariate
    polygenic models are supported.

4.  polymod no longer forces all models to start with h2r set to 0.1.
    Instead, if a model already has valid e2 and h2r, they are left alone.
    This does not change the operation of the polygenic command because it
    always starts with a sporadic model anyway.  However, a future update
    to polygenic will save the initial variance component parameter values,
    if any, in order to use them to start the polygenic model

****   New in version 7.0.9

1.  Some bivariate multipoint runs would fail with an error:
    "No parameter H2r has been created."  This was because one
    section of the retry code had not been generalized to
    multivariate parameter names, such as H2r(q4).

****   New in version 7.0.8

1.  Parameters now have optional fixed upper and/or lower boundaries,
    specified with the "fixupper" or "fixlower" identifier.  For
    example:  parameter h2r fixlower 0.1 fixupper 0.5

    If a fixed boundary is set, it will not be changed by automatic
    boundary adjustment procedures.  However, it can be reset to
    another fixed or non-fixed bound by the user.  Regardless of whether
    a fixed or adjustable boundary is in effect, the regular boundary query
    returns the boundary value.  However, the "fixlower" or "fixupper"
    queries return null ("") if the current boundary is not fixed.  Fixed
    boundaries are saved to and read from models, so long as the solar
    version is 7.0.8 or later.

    [this feature is not yet fully supported for mulitivariate models when
     running polygenic or polymod]

2.  mga now has -fixupper and -fixlower arguments which control the
    boundaries of the snp beta parameters.
****   New in version 7.0.7

1.  An error in accessing the RicVolumeSet object while reading
    binary data has been fixed.

****   New in version 7.0.6

1.  The mask command is created to read binary image files as masks and
    use them to set the current voxel value, which is then used in the
    reading of binary image phenotypes.

2.  The voxel command can be used to set or read the current voxel value.

3.  The format for specifying binary image files within CSV files has
    changed.  Now all fields which point to binary files must identify
    themselves as type "nifti" in the header line following a colon
    delimiter from the field name.  For example, a valid CSV header
    could look like this:


    As with the field names, the field type is not case sensitive.  Other
    types are currently ignored.  Once a header like the above has been
    read, all the non-blank fields identified as type NIFTI must have fields
    which are the filenames of RicVolumeSet files in NIFTI format.  Following
    the filename there must be a colon separator followed by the number of
    the Volume Set (volset) corresponding to the individual in that record,
    for example:


****   Version 7.0.5 was preliminary to 7.0.6.

****   New in version 7.0.4

1.  RicVolumeSet is now accepted for phenotypic data.  To use this feature,
    the regular text phenotypes file has alphanumeric field(s) which specify
    the filename of the RicVolumeSet and the 4 arguments required to
    identify the specific voxel.  The leading delimiter to specify this
    kind of data is "<" preceding the filename and ":" for delimiting each
    numeric index field required.  For example, to specify file named
    input.gz, volume 1 and 2 for ID's 1 and 2, and x,y,z coordinates 2,3,4,
    you would have a phenotypes file like this:

        covariate sample()

    This would have the effect of blanking records for which the age
    value is greater than 40.  Since the "sample()" covariate is
    declared as having null trait, it is not actually included in
    maximization, but helps to delimit the allowed sample.  There is
    nothing special about the definition name "sample", any other name
    could be used.

    The blank constant must be multiplied only by 0, 1, or a conditional
    expression as shown or multiple conditional expressions.  If blank is
    operated on numerically, it will just become a small number with no
    special meaning.  The actual blank value is -1e-20 which has always had
    this special meaning in Fisher, Mendel, and other classic programs.

4.  read_output now has a -d option which reads whether a variable was
    determined to be discrete by maximize or maximize -initpar

****   New in version 6.6.0

1.  The Pearson Residual has been corrected by subtracting from the 0,1 
    scaled discrete trait value, so it is actually a residual now rather
    than the predicted value.  You get Pearson Residuals automatically
    when you run residual on a discrete trait model.

2.  New command "maximize -initpar" does not maximize but reads the
    phenotype variables, determines the sample, and initializes
    parameter starts and bounds exactly as a normal maximize does.

3.  If an attempt is made to maximize a discrete trait model for which
    the omega has not been defined, the user gets a more helpful message
    as with quantitative trait models that commands polygenic or polymod
    will do the required setup.  Previously, the error message complained
    about the lack of SD constraint, which was not helpful because typically
    without calling polygenic or polymod there is no SD parameter to be

4.  If an attempt is made to maximize a quantitative trait model for which
    the omega has not been defined, the message used to suggest using
    the polygenic command but now also suggests polymod, the command which
    only does setup rather than a full test.

****   New in version 6.5.9

1.  Within EVD2 phase 2 models (using evd2 transformed variables) option
    MergeAllPeds, if present in the original model, is not included
    because it is not applicable to the phase 2 models which are all

2.  Within EVD2 phase 2 models, all the transformed covariates are scaled
    to zero, as required by the mathematics.

3.  Within EVD2 phase 2 models, the phony phi2.gz matrix containing all
    unrelateds is no longer loaded as it is not needed.  This makes the
    models more efficient (matrix loading skipped) but does not change
    the results.

****   New in version 6.5.8

1.  mga (mgassoc) no longer requires the -noevd option to
    evaluate an evd2 model.  Simply give the command
    "option modeltype evd2" before running mga.  In this
    case, standard errors may be specified with either -evdse
    or -slowse arguments, either way it is the evd2 standard
    errors for an evd2 model.

****   New in version 6.5.7

1.  mga (mgassoc) now handles multivariate models.  There is
    a beta value, a beta se, and a varexp value for each
    trait in the output file.  The chi square is evaluated
    as the number of parameters, and there is one beta
    parameter for each trait, so the p value is computed
    accordingly.  To use evd2 give the "option modeltype evd2"
    prior to running mga, and specify the -noevd or -slowse
    option to suppress the evd1 default.

2.  mga (mgassoc) output data columns are reordered so that
    NAv (number of available individuals in sample) now follows the
    SNP.  Otherwise the columns are unchanged, except that the last 3
    (beta, betase, and Varexp) are repeated for each trait if there
    are multiple traits.  In the comma delimited output file, the
    trait names are suffixed, for example, Varexp(q4).  In the fortran
    style tab delimited output file, a dot suffix indicates the trait index
    if there are multiple traits, for example, Varexp.2 for trait #2
    (because otherwise the columns could be too wide to be readable).

3.  A small problem with snphap fixed.

****   New in version 6.5.6

1.  EVD2 model translation from the EVD domain back to the original user
    model has been simplified for better speed, reliability, and 
    maintainability.  Now it is simple: the original user model is
    re-loaded, then the maximized values from the phase2 model are
    assigned to model parameters, and rather than parsing the phase 2
    model file to get the parameter values, they are now put into a Tcl list
    after maximization.  The mapping between the original user
    parameter names and the phase 2 names is remembered through an
    associative array.  Previously the translation code attempted to parse
    and convert the entire phase 2 model file back to the user's model,
    which was very complicated and could fail in some unusual cases, and
    in all cases the parameters would get re-ordered (which no longer

2.  parameter command has new option "parameter -return" that returns all
    current parameter information as a Tcl list.

3.  matrix command has new option "matrix -return" that returns all current
    matrix information as a Tcl list.

4.  Trait specific covariates (such as "covariate age(q4)") are now
    translated correctly from the original user model with _evd applied
    both to the covariate variable name and the trait qualifier.

****   New in version 6.5.5

1.  EVD2 trivariate omega fixed.

****   New in version 6.5.4

1.  EVD2 now correctly preserves matrices, constraints, and options, and
    correctly translates them to the EVD2 parameterization and back.
    As a result, sporadic models are now analyzed as sporadic, and so
    on.  Previously all EVD2 models were treated as polygenic, and
    pre-existing constraints were ignored and eventually lost.

2.  As a result of #1, some EVD2 models that converged incorrectly will now
    not converge.  Models including squared covariates like age^2 appear
    to have difficulty converging.

3.  EVD2 now correctly preserves starting values and bounds for covariate
    parameters.  As a result, retry operations which move these bounds now
    work as intended.

****   New in version 6.5.3

1.  The bivariate omega used for EVD2 now applies abs() to all parameters
    for which a sqrt() is taken, to prevent domain errors from negative
    numbers very close to zero.

****   New in version 6.5.2

1.  EVD2 now handles interaction covariates and covariates with exponents

****   New in version 6.5.1

1.  Users of Condor parallel system can specify -condor option when
    starting SOLAR.  Then the userid will be obtained through Condor.
    The key should then be specified with a -key  argument, which
    must follow the -condor argument.  For example:

       solar -condor -key userkey

    Condor users should not change the current directory (using cd) from
    the default either before or while running solar.

****   New in version 6.5.0

1.  The EVD2 omegas have been simplified, reducing the need for sqrt
    operators and eliminating sqrt entirely in the univariate case.

****   New in version 6.4.9

1.  EVD2 maximization is now seamlessly integrated so that it seems
    just like regular maximization.  You just set "option modeltype evd2"
    and run "maximize", "polygenic" or other model maximizing command
    and you end up with a normal looking model, with the original
    phenotypes and pedigree files loaded, hiding the way that temporary
    transformed variables and special parameters were actually used during
    the second phase of maximization.  Results from the EVD domain get
    translated back into the original model with the original pedigree and

2.  The EVD2 transformation of the sex variable was incorrect in the
    same way as other transformations were prior to version 6.4.8.
    That was fixed, but it was still not correct until changing the
    interpretation of male,female as 0,1.  Now it works.

****   New in version 6.4.8

1.  EVD2 now appears to produce correct phenotype transformations, and
    EVD2 maximization is now a reality.  However it is still very clunky
    to use (see "help evd2").  That that it actually works, EVD2
    maximization will be streamlined in the next version.

2.  "mga" is the new official name of the mgassoc command.  Files such as
    mgassoc.out are renamed mga.out.  The old command can continue to be
    used.  Output file is mga.out for "mga" command and mgassoc.out for
    "mgassoc".  The command mgassoc_topedsys is renamed mg_topedsys.

3.  If the user key is found to be invalid (not matching username) the error
    message now prints the username, actual key filename, and key string.
    When using batch queing systems, sometimes a different username or
    home directory is used and this will help sort out problems more quickly.

****   New in version 6.4.7

1.  tmean values corrected in evddata.out (see help evd2).  Both the
    tmean values and the lambdas produced match the reference data.
    This shows the eigenvalues and vectors are being computed correctly.
    But the transformed phenotypes are still not computed correctly.

2.  The stats command now accepts files with Fortran D style exponents.

3.  d2e and d2e2 commands handle conversion of D style exponents to the E
    form more generally understood.  Generally this is not needed anymore
    since SOLAR understands D style exponents in phenotypes files.

****   New in version 6.4.6

1.  invert inverts the rows and columns of a comma delimited file.

2.  timediff returns the difference between two system time strings.
    startclock and stopclock conveniently measure time using timediff.

3.  countfields shows the largest and smallest record sizes in a file,
    helping determine if it is internally consistent.

****   New in version 6.4.5

1.  The command line editing feature no longer requires the creation of
    a temporary "starting" file when starting solar, eliminating the danger
    of these files accumulating.

2.  A recent update could lead to multipoint failing with "invalid command
    name last_maximize_goodlod".  This is fixed.

****   New in version 6.4.4

1.  Additional changes to the command line editing feature added in version
    6.4.1.  It is now possible to turn it off in 3 different ways.  This is
    in case it causes problems or inefficiencies in parallel or batch
    operations (though no such problems or inefficiences have yet been
    found).  1.  You may invoke solar with the leading argument -noce.
    2.  You may define a shell variable SOLAR_noce to any non-null value.
    3.  You may run solar with arguments (solar commands) which is one
    variation of batch mode (non-interactive) operation.

2.  Parallel margin is increased to 3500 to prevent problems with current
    parallel operation on medusa2 when too many machines are started at

****   New in version 6.4.3

1.  Fixes to the command line editing feature added in version 6.4.2 in
    certain obscure cases.  For example, when TERM=dumb as inside the
    emacs shell mode, in which case command editing is impossible anyway,
    rlwrap is no longer run, avoiding a useless error message.

****   New in version 6.4.2

1.  Command line editing is now available.  This means you can recall
    previous commands with up arrow, and use right and left arrows to
    position cursor and edit them, just as with most command shells.
    A program called rlwrap is used to provide this capability, and it
    uses the readline library.

****   New in version 6.4.1

1.  An improvement has been made to solar file input routines
    for better speed with large files.

2.  Use of matrix checksums created with matcrc is now documented for
    the ibd and mibd commands.  Previously it was only mentioned within
    the documentation for the checksum in section 8.3 of the
    manual which actually concerns the phi2.gz matrix file.  The
    documentation for matcrc itself has also been clarified.

3.  If a user has not registered, the "please register" message now
    prints the short form of the user's login name which is needed
    in order to obtain a working SOLAR key.  Many systems now hide this
    login name behind the user's full given name.

****   New in version 6.4.0

1.  Negative LOD scores during some multipoint runs have been fixed by
    adding a new set of retry strategies if the likelihood is smaller than
    the null model likelihood.  The actual retry strategies and means of
    controlling them is described by "help maximize_goodlod".  This is a
    private procedure not normally documented in the manual.

****   New in version 6.3.9

1.  The "load phenotypes" command now only shows the first two lines of
    phenotypes for each file.  If there are more phenotypes, the list is
    ended with an ellipsis (...) and a comment is given that you may show
    all the phenotypes with the "phenotypes" command.  Previously, for
    files with thousands of phenotypes, the mere act of listing all the
    phenotypes could take a long time, and such a long list would not be
    ordinarily read anyway.  This makes the "load phenotypes" command 
    much faster in these cases.  It also keeps the your terminal session
    from scrolling off the window.  A phenotypes file may have up to
    40,000 phenotypes.

2.  The method EVD2 uses for ensuring IBDID's are in increasing order has
    been greatly improved in efficiency for large pedigrees.  It used to
    require NxN data shuffling, which is time consuming for large
    pedigrees.  Now the data ordering requires less than N operations.

3.  The testing of duplicate individuals for EVD2 is no longer an NxN test,
    but a N test based on the assumption that pedindex.out is in sorted
    order, as it always is when created by the "load pedigree" command.
    Also, unnecessary pedigree tests during maximization are skipped for

****   New in version 6.3.8

1.  IBDID's in evddata.out are now in consistently increasing order, and
    as a result the IBDID and lambda's match those in the reference dataset.

****   New in version 6.3.7

1.  When a specified phenotype name is found in several loaded phenotype
    files, the error message now correctly identifies the phenotype name
    rather than calling it (null).

****   New in version 6.3.6

1.  Precision for output of parameter values to model files and script
    queries is increased from 10 to 16 digits.  This fixes some model
    problems identified with mgassoc.  The precision can be controlled
    with a new option ParameterFormat which defaults to 16.

****   New in version 6.3.5

1.  mgassoc now handles discrete models which had not previously been
    maximized.  Previously you would get an error about SD not being

2.  mgassoc now updates the "mgassoc_start" model to reflect changes needed,
    such as polygenic omega and constraint of SD for discrete models.
    This makes it faster to create new "mgassoc_null" models when needed,
    avoiding incomplete maximizations, and resulting in a 1% overall
    increase in speed in a large test.

****   New in version 6.3.4

1.  mgassoc now tests sample regardless of whether using EVD or not.  So in
    non-evd cases, it need not re-run null models for each SNP *unless*
    sample has changed.  Previously it was only able to test the sample
    if evd was used, and therefore was forced to run null models for each
    SNP with discrete traits.

2.  -runwho is a new option for "maximize" which does the maximization and
    produces a who.out file listing all the individuals in the analysis.

****   New in version 6.3.3

1.  If option EnableDiscrete is 0, an otherwise discrete trait univariate
    model can now be handled by EVD.  This also means that such models
    can be handled by the default EVD mode of mgassoc.  HOWEVER, a
    preferred way of handling discrete traits as if they were quantitative
    is to multiply by a useful factor to increase the standard deviation
    above 0.5, such as:  define qt = dt * 5.

****   New in version 6.3.2

1.  mgassoc will detect model types which do not permit EVD1 processing
    (discrete and multivariate models) and revert to -noevd mode
    automatically.  This prevents errors resulting from sample
    differences when user forgets to specify -noevd.

2.  By default, mgassoc no longer runs standard errors, and the standard
    error field in the output file will be all zeros in this case.  There
    are two mutually exclusive standard error options, -slowse and -evdse.
    -evdse runs EVD if possible, and gives a warning that EVD1 computation
    of standard errors may be inaccurate in some cases.  -slowse runs
    standard maximization for the model being analyzed.

3.  "option samplesametrustme 1" may be used to bypass null models for each
    SNP when EVD is not being used (either because -noevd is specified or
    not applicable).  This allows faster processing for non-EVD models.
    EVD models always do automatic fast sample checking, and new null models
    are forced by sample changes.  The -notsame switch to mgassoc overrides
    option samplesametrustme.  Previously some of these features were
    documented but not working.

4.  mgassoc output for null models is streamlined and better formatted to
    make it easier to follow null models and SNP results.

5.  If EVD1 is not used during maximization because model is discrete or
    multivariate, this is noted in the solar.out file.  Previously this
    information would only appear in terminal output.

****   New in version 6.3.1

1.  bayesavg changed so that will run with any N value rather than crashing
    with insufficient memory for N > 25.  It now only computes the first
    few million combinations upfront, adding more as needed.  The -stop
    rule set with -qtn will hopefully be satisfied before needing to
    compute and maximize more than the 30 million combinations (which
    would take years anyway) which would exhaust memory with too many

2.  mgassoc p values and EVD1 (option modeltype evd) likelihoods fixed for
    certain difficult examples by making using the proper quantitative conv
    value.  Previously conv(discrete) was being used even though these
    models are actually quantitative.

3.  Added -saveall option to mgassoc so that all solar.out files are saved.

4.  Changed occurrances of sfbrgenetics to txbiomedgenetics.

5.  Changed matrix file CRC to start with "0" so that matrix writers
    can line up decimal point of CRC with their data

6.  Changed the display format of the omega (print ) operator to remove
    trailing imprecision 99999's with matrix single precision data.

****   New in version 6.3.0

1.  The Pearson residuals (which you get when running "residual" with a
    discrete trait) have been corrected.

2.  EVD2 now writes transformed phenotypes file correctly when a defined
    trait is used.  Previously, it messed up the file header.  Thus you can
    now use inormalized traits.

3.  "help evd2" is now available though it doesn't show up in command list
    because this is still being debugged.

4.  If the sample includes no individuals of any kind, you no longer get
    the confusing error message "No non-probands have complete data" which
    is especially confusing if you have no probands in the first place.
    Instead you get this message:

 No individuals have complete data.  Check that ped and phen IDs match.

    It mentions the possibility of ped and phen mismatch because that is
    one error that can cause this, say, if the formatting of ID's is
    different, as sometimes happens.  The situation where there ARE
    individuals in the sample, but they are ALL probands, gets a different

 No non-probands have complete data.  Every ped must have one non-proband.

5.  Updated internal contact addresses to solar@txbiomedgenetics.org.

****   New in version 6.2.9

New features which assume use of Grid Engine software as at Texas Biomedical
Research Institute.

1.  A new parallel option "ignore" is added to deal with users who submit
    jobs running in automatic fallback mode.  Such jobs previously restricted
    machines available for "stepup -par" and "stepfor -par" which could not
    compensate for automatic fallback jobs.  Other parallel parameter
    defaults have also been adjusted a bit.

2.  New command "howmanyuser" shows how many jobs a particular user is
    currently running on parallel resources.  To see jobs run by everyone
    use existing command "whoranch".

3.  Online documentation of whoranch and howmanyuser added.

****   New in version 6.2.8

1.  Sometimes, usually because of some mistake in datafile preparation,
    a trait ends up having just one non-blank value in the phenotypes file.
    When that happened in previous versions, you used to get a very
    confusing error message (terminating maximization) complaining about
    discrete trait coding which many people could not understand because
    they weren't intending to have a discrete trait anyway.

    Now if a trait has just one value, you get error that a trait has just
    one value.  The error message also suggests a new option SingularTrait
    which you can set to 1 to have such trait(s) considered discrete, and 2
    to have such trait(s) considered quantitative (as now documented in 
    'help option').  It was never possible to maximize such models before.

2.  The determination of whether a trait is considered discrete or
    or quantitative is now tightened up to the documented rule, and it
    is possible to maximize models when a quantitative trait only has two
    non-blank values.  Now to be considered "discrete" the two non-blank
    values do actually have to be integer values (as documented) which
    means having no non-zero fractional part.  (This is not affected
    by the presence or absence of decimal points in the data file or
    "data types" in a code file.)  If there are just two values in the
    file, but either they are not integers or they are not consecutive
    integers you will just get a warning and the trait will be considered
    quantitative.  (Previously if there were just two values, integer or 
    not, but they did not have a difference of 1, you got an error about
    discrete trait coding and maximization could not be done.)

3.  The doc command now simply returns URL's where the solar manual may
    be found locally and at the Texas Biomed SOLAR website.  It no longer
    tries to run Netscape.

****   New in version 6.2.7

1.  Very rare internal error in 'chi' command fixed.  This only appeared
    on Linux system we currently use, appears to be GNU Fortran compiler
    optimization bug.

****   New in version 6.2.6

1.  EVD2 has been completely rewritten for efficiency and transparency in
    Fortran, attached directly to the main phenotype input and sample
    sizing routine pinput and called immediately after sample is determined.

2.  Phenotypes files are now permitted to have fortran "D" style floating
    point numbers, so the new Fortran-written evddata.out file can be

3.  EVD2 now creates fake pedindex.out and pedindex.cde and phi2.gz.  (It
    also saves the old files for later restoration via evd2_restore_phen.)
    Thus the evddata.out file does not need to be "loaded," a potentially
    very time consuming operation for large pedigrees.

****   New in version 6.2.5

1.  Fixes pedselect for multiple pedigrees on linux.  Fixes "model new"
    not clearing out entire list of pedselects.

2.  Bypasses writing unbalanced trait individuals to evddata.out.

****   New in version 6.2.4

1.  Additional changes for EVD2.  lambda variable is added to evddata.out.
    Model file required for second phase is automatically generated.

****   New in version 6.2.3

1.  Additional corrections to evddata.out files for EVD2.

****   New in version 6.2.2

1.  Highly experimental EVD2 now generates evddata.out files for
    multivariate models.

****   New in version 6.2.1

1.  Highly experimental EVD2 is now available by specifying
    "option evdphase 1" in addition to "option modeltype evd".  This
    is intended for internal development only at this time.

****   New in version 6.2.0

1.  mgassoc has been rewritten to meet the needs of more users.  nGtypes is
    no longer used (wasn't always useful) to outline the sample.  Instead,
    the first SNP is used as a null covariate in the null model to accomplish
    this.  If all SNP's have the same sample, everything works as before.
    However if any SNP has a different sample, this is now detected, and
    it forces a new null model for each such SNP.  The user can also
    specify -notsame as an option.  Note: automatic sample validation is
    not available with -noevd option, so -notsame mode is assumed unless
    you set option SampleSameTrustMe 1.  Because of reduced memory usage,
    the MergeAllPeds option is no longer used by default.

2.  EVD model processing has been improved in a few ways.  The ID validation
    no longer uses phi2, it simply compares IBDID's, which is far faster and
    uses less storage (an NxN comparison of floats has been replaced with an
    N comparison of ints).  Thus in many cases there is no significant
    improvement by using the SampleSameTrustMe option anymore.  A new
    option, DontAllowSampleChange forces an error during EVD processing
    if the sample *has* changed.  That error is now caught and handled by
    mgassoc automatically (as described above).

3.  evd flush is a new command that flushes out all memory used to store
    EVD matrices.  This should not be needed generally, except it is
    also invoked by "load pedigree" to allow for the fact that IBDID's
    could change rendering stored values incorrect.

****   Versions 6.1.1 through 6.1.9 skipped

****   New in version 6.1.0

1.     The selectrecords command now permits the use of Tcl variables with
       $$ operator.  The single dollar sign $ operator is used for file

2.     The documentation for using "snp effnum liji" has been clarified.

****   New in version 6.0.9

1.     The option pedselect can be added to using a new + modifier.
       For example, to include 2 pedigrees 1 and 2 you can do this:

           option pedselect 1
           option pedselect + 2

       To clear list of pedigrees selected this way, you can select 0 again:

            option pedselect 0

       If option pedselect is currently 0, you can start pedselecting either
       with or without plus sign, instead of the first example shown above,
       you could now do this:

           option pedselect + 1
           option pedselect + 2

       The list of pedselects is written to file when model is saved, and
       restored when the model is loaded.  Like most other options,
       model new will restore the default value 0 which means all pedigrees
       are included.

****   Version 6.0.8 skipped

****   New in version 6.0.7

1.   Discrete and mixed-trait models cannot currently be analyzed by EVD.
     If the "option modeltype evd" command is given for a discrete or
     mixed trait model, it will now have no effect, other than to generate
     a warning message in the maximization output file.

2.   Mainly intended for testing purposes, a new option "SampleSameTrustMe"
     disables the phi2 comparisons normally done during EVD processing.
     This could make a series of EVD maximizations faster, but only if the
     user is absolutely sure that the underlying sample of individuals has
     not changed.  Note that the selection of a different set of covariates
     often changes a sample.  Testing has shown that bypassing the phi2
     comparisons during large scale mgassoc processing improves performance
     by about 1%, which is not considered worthwhile in view of the added
     risk of user error, except inside well written scripts.

3.   If "premax" verbosity (0x800ff) is selected, the size for each EVD
     matrix will be reported.

4.   residual now completes successfully when some individuals are missing
     the variable sex and sex is a covariate.  Previously it would abort on
     encountering the first such individual because previously missing
     sex was not allowed.

5.   residual now computes residuals for discrete traits (previously you
     would get an error message).  These residuals are adjusted to be
     "Pearson Residuals."

6.   Added documentation of options for "string plot".

****   New in version 6.0.6

1.   mgassoc command added for measured genotype association analysis.

2.   "z" format added to fformat to permit output files having identical
     precision in fixed and csv formats.

3.   ped2csv command added to convert pedsys files to comma delimited format.

4.   selectrecords now ignores BLANK fields and elides them from the
     comma delimited output.  Previously BLANK fields would cause an error.
     This fix makes it possible to use selectrecords to reformat pedsys
     files to comma delimited, as in the new ped2csv command.

5.   mgassoc_topedsys converts mgassoc.out from comma delimited format
     to pedsys format for those more comfortable with handling pedsys
     files.  This can be used after the mgassoc analysis has been run.

****   New in version 6.0.5

1.   "fastmod" sets up polygenic model with evd for fastest maximization
     using evd.

2.   iteration information is not output for normal EVD models to improve
     speed.  To restore iteration information, use "evdd" (EVD Debug)
     instead of "evd" in "option modeltype".
****   New in version 6.0.4

1.   Omega equation only evaluated once for each likelihood evaluation
     for normal diagonals (phi2=1), and for all non-normal diagonals.

****   New in version 6.0.3

1.  Omega equation only evaluated once, unless sample has diagonal
    members with self phi2 is not 1.0.  (Evaluation only, replaced by
    approach used in 6.0.4.)

****   New in version 6.0.2

1.  EVD model maximization available for sporadic models.

2.  Omega equation only evaluated for diagonal elements where i and j
    are equal.

****   New in version 6.0.1

1.  A redundant internal copy of the phi2 matrix created during EVD model
    maximization is eliminated.  This reduces memory requirements greatly
    for very large pedigrees and may even prevent a SOLAR crash on some
    machines.  Performance improved by 2x over 6.0.0 version.

****   New in version 6.0.0

1.  EVD modeltype with greatly enhanced speed for polygenic models.
    To enable this experimental feature, give the command:

    option modeltype evd

    The options is only applicable to polygenic models, for all other
    models this option will be ignored.

2.  .solar_model_new file may be created by user, if present this file
    will be executed at the beginning of a SOLAR session and whenever
    the "model new" command is given.  This file must only contain the
    following types of commands:

        option trait parameter covariate constraint omega define

    Any other command, or any invalid command, will cause the entire
    .solar_model_new file to be rejected and an error returned.

****   New in version 5.0.0

1.   Version 5 was developed to improve maximization performance by
     used pre-compiled FORTRAN code for the polygenic omega.  This
     was successful in boosting performance about 3x.  However, the
     EVD modifications used in version 6 boost performance by about 60x.

     Version 5 was only used for certain internal projects.

****   New in version 4.4.0

1.   zscore_ prefix now available in define statements to specify
     zscoring of prefixed phenotype.  Such definitions can be used
     as traits and covariates.  Mean and Standard Deviation are
     obtained from the actual maximization sample.  This is meant
     to replace the old and clunky zscore command (though that
     command is still available).  "help zscore" describes the new
     prefix operator.

2.   -rhopse option added to polygenic to compute and save SE of
     rhop to SOLAR_RhoP_SE.

[Versions 4.3.4 through 4.3.9 were reserved for development of 4.4.0]

****   New in version 4.3.3

1.   If a rho or other variance component is constrained, it will
     not trigger a retry if is also at a real boundary.

****   New in version 4.3.2

1.   Use of x_variables (variable means) in mu and omega commands for
     discrete and mixed models is now fixed (never worked before).

****   New in version 4.3.1

1.   qtld now writes the output file qtld.out with a one line header
     identifying the field columns.  Existing scripts which read this
     file should either skip one line or skip the line which begins
     with "Trait" (the first column).

****   New in version 4.3.0

1.   snp ld -plot is fixed so that it reflects the latest updates to the
     map file (as loaded with the load map command).  Note that it is
     still not necessary even to load a map file, but if you do it will
     control the horizontal axis of the plot.

2.   joinfiles was supposed to ignore fieldnames duplicated in a single file
     such as BLANK which can't be selected anyway.  However, if such a
     field occurred an odd number of times, it didn't get ignored, leading
     to problems.  This has been fixed.

3.   The version of selectfields from version 4.2.9 (which allows
     multiple files including the loaded phenotypes file) could not
     handle a few cases that the old version could: files in which
     there is no actual ID field.  So a -noid option has been added
     to selectfields which makes it work like the old version.  Also,
     selectfiles no longer complains when loaded phenotype files are
     also listed explicitly.

4.   Clarify the rules regarding the user-construction of matrix files
     in the manual and documentation for matrix and matcrc commands.  The
     data values should begin in character position 14 or higher.

5.   Added option -d to polymod.

****   New in version 4.2.9

1.   stepfor -par parallel option for stepfor, similar in design to
     parallel option for stepup.  Only available on SFBR compute ranch
     using GridEngine.

2.   Useless parameter rhoe is removed from the rhop test model created if
     the -testrhop option of polygenic is selected.  Otherwise, this would
     cause errors in standard error estimation if later attempted by user.

3.   multipoint -restart was not updating models that had previously
     terminated with convergence error, but maximized correctly this
     time.  This has now been fixed.

4.   At the beginning of each pass through the selected genome, multipoint
     calls a user script named multipoint_user_start_pass which takes one
     argument, the pass number (which starts at 1 for the first pass).
     Within this routine, the user can change the selected chromosomes or

5.   Now you get an error message if you try to compute residuals for
     other than a univariate quantitative model.  That was the original
     design of the residual command, but it was inadvertently broken by
     the addition of new model types.  You also now get an intelligible
     error message if you try to compute residuals for a non-univariate
     model, or any model that does not have a mean parameter.

6.   Documented the fields in qtld.out and mgeno.out

****   New in version 4.2.8  ****

1.  selectfields can now work with multiple input files, and includes the
    currently loaded phenotypes file(s) by default.  New option -np
    excludes the phenotypes file, option -list allows you to specify a
    list of fields from a file, and -sample limits the output to
    individuals with complete data.

2.  solar can be started with -key  argument to specify user key.
    This is required for some job queing systems when .solar_reg file
    cannot be accessed.  This feature was originally introduced in version
    2.0.4 but was broken by a later update.

3.   New command showspace uses new command option "doranch finduser -all"
     to create a sorted list of all /tmp space on the ranch.

4.   New options -dash and -linestyle for stringplot (plot -string).

5.   Fixed using .CDE files in parallel stepfor.  Previously code files
     had to have .cde extension in lower case for this procedure.

6.   To keep standard errors turned off during the polygenic command, you
     can now simply give the command "option standerr 0" before running

****   New in version 4.2.7  ****

1.  New option -finishlogn for stepup allows completion of previous stepup
    run which failed due to inability to compute logn.

2.  stepup now reports log(n) actually used in stepup.avg as well as the
    incredibly verbose stepup.history.

3.  New retry method in multipoint prevents many convergence errors.

4.  "snp ld -plot" is now working again, having been broken by snp update
    in version 4.2.6.

5.  Changes have been made to "plot -all" to make it useable again.
    plot -all now produces and saves all the individual chromosome plots,
    and a page of "miniplots" if there is more than one chromosome plot.
    It does not try to display the postscript files, but instead lists
    the names of the postscript files produced, and suggests using lp to
    print them.  It also suggests the alternative genome plot command
    "plot -string" which most people have been using instead.

6.  stepup -par now handles problem of running out of space in
    /var/tmp (using by Unix sort) by using tmp subdirectory of home
    directory instead, if necessary.

****   New in version 4.2.6  ****

1.  If snp.genocov is created outside of SOLAR, the maximum number of
    markers allowed by "snp ld" and "snp qtld" is now increased from 3000
    to 10000.  The limit is now tested rather than causing error.

2.  Changed the default method for computing the effective number of
    SNPs to that by Moskvina & Schmidt, which is more conservative.  The
    previous method due to Li & Ji may now be selected by option.  And even
    results from Li & Ji method would have previously been incorrect because
    of an error in reading snp.ld.dat file.  Note that all these "effective
    number" calculations are highly experimental at this time.

3.  snp.ld.pos was previously written when genotypic correlations are
    computed.  Now it is written whenever LD plot is created, so that
    any changes to the SNP locations in the map file will show up.

4.  A check has been added to be sure that there is no SNP in snp.genocov
    that is not also in the loaded map file, if any.  Previously a missing
    SNP in the map file would cause a crash.

****   New in version 4.2.5  ****

1.  For qtld, mean results will be output to the measured genotype file
    mgeno.out even if the standard errors cannot be calculated.
    Individual standard errors which cannot be calculated will be
    reported as zero.  Slightly negative values for h2m will be
    trancated to zero.  Other error handling has been improved.

2.  "snp ld" and "snp qtld" commands can now be used even if the SNP
    genotypes file is not loaded.  All that is required is the snp.genocov
    file produced by "snp covar".

3.  "snp ld -plot" can now be done without loading a map file.  Without a
    map file, however, dummy sequential integer basepair locations will be

4.  "snp ld" now has a window to limit the number of correlations that
    will be computed.  By default, the window is 1 million basepairs wide
    so that only those pairs of SNPs separated by no more than 1 million
    basepairs will be considered.  The window size can be adjusted with
    a new -window option.  A map file with basepair locations must be
    loaded to use this option.

5.  New command "snp effnum" will estimate the effective number of SNPs
    based on the genotypic correlations among the SNPs.  This is an estimate
    of the number of independent statistical tests performed using these
    SNPs and can be used to determine an appropriate significance level
    for the analysis.  At this time the only method implemented is the
    method due to Li and Ji.

6.  Derived estimate of RhoP from version 4.2.4 was incorrect.  It was
    fixed just before Feb 19 so any result before Feb 19 should be

7.  Documentation added for define command so that it is
    understood how to enquote phenotype names with special characters in
    angle brackets <>.  Documentation for constraint and omega commands
    also added.

8.  Under some circumstances, the snp command would produce an erroneous
    error message about "Name not found: snp_d".  That has now been fixed.

****   New in version 4.2.4  ****

1.  polygenic now computes a derived estimate of RhoP, the phenotypic
    correlation, for bivariate polygenic models only.  An additional
    -testrhop option determines the p value for rhop being different from
    zero by maximizing models with a rhop parameter (rhop.mod) and
    a rhop parameter constrained to zero (rhop0.mod).  Global variables
    SOLAR_RhoP and SOLAR_RhoP_P are set to access the rhop and p values
    after running polygenic, and variable SOLAR_RhoP_OK should be
    checked to ensure the likelihood of the rhop parameterized model
    is correct.

****   New in version 4.2.3  ****

1.  Under very unusual circumstances relating to retries with multivariate
    models, or loading unmaximized multivariate models, the SD parameter
    upper bound could get initialized incorrectly to 1.  This could cause
    multivariate models to maximize incorrectly to a likelihood which is
    too small, however there are no reports of this actually happening.
    Now the standard SD parameter bound initialization will be applied
    whenever the current SD upper bound is obviously wrong.

2.  When given an ambiguous command abbreviation, "help" was not helpful
    in listing all the possible completions.  Now it does.

****   New in version 4.2.2  ****

1.  Redesign of overlapping commands "pedigree classes", "relatives", and
    "relpairs" provides information in a more useful way.  Now classes are
    listed in descending order of phi2, and, by default, the counts
    for relationships of 3rd degree or higher, as well as some 1st and
    2nd degree relationships, are combined, except for "relpairs" and
    if the -full option is used.  When using -full, an additional option
    -phi2 adds a column containing the phi2 value for each class.
    A -model option restricts the scope of the tally to those individuals
    who have data for the null0 model of current trait.  There is also a
    -meanf option for computing "Mean f".  The "relatives" and "relpairs"
    commands now simply invoke "pedigree classes" with options (-model
    for both and -meanf and -full for "relpairs").  An error in the
    calculation of "Mean f" has been fixed.  If the -full option is used,
    a warning is displayed if any of the relative classes cannot be
    handled by SOLAR's native method for computing MIBD's.

2.  Quite a few new relationship classes have been added, and missing
    phi2 values inserted.

3.  The array size limits in "mibd relate" (also used by "pedigree
    classes" and related commands described above) are eliminated,
    except for one limit which may be increased by the user with the
    new -mxnrel option.

4.  Error messages are now properly provided for "maximize -who" and
    "maximize -sampledata", such as for missing covariate or missing
    omega.  And since these commands are also used by other commands
    (such as "relatives" and "stepfor") those commands now show proper
    error messages rather than terminating mysteriously on user errors.

5.  "selectfields" command added select some fields from a file and
    copy them to a new file.  In addition to the previously existing
    "selectrecords" and "joinfiles" command, this permits the user to
    do basic database operations on comma delimited and Pedsys files
    from within SOLAR.

6.  "multipoint -restart" lost records in multipoint1.out under some
    circumstances.  That is now fixed.

7.  "stats" can now compute statistics for variables created with a
    "define" command.  This also fixes the use of some other commands
    with defined variables.

****   New in version 4.2.1  ****

1.  Fix for a multipoint -restart problem.

****   New in version 4.2.0  ****

1.   New -max option for stepfor sets the maximum dimension.  stepfor
     now displays Chi^2 and p value for each model tested.

****   New in version 4.1.9  ****

1.   New Official version.

2.   Cleanup routines for /tmp directories on SFBR compute ranch have been
     added.  See"help doranch".  These are a set of utilities which can
     also be used to create custom cleanup procedures, such as
     the new "stepup -parclean" for cleaning up after an emergency
     shutdown of stepup -par.

3.   ID names in pedigree files were unnecessarily limited in size on
     linux and mac distributions.  Combination of ID and FAMID is now
     correctly limited to 36 characters on all distributions.

****   New in version 4.1.8  ****

1.   The residual command now properly accounts for snp_ and hap_ variables
     (which are "noscaled" by default) and for the use of the "scale"
     and "noscale" commands.  Previously, residuals from models which
     used snp_ and _hap variables or scale/noscale commands would
     be wrong by a constant, which would be of little consequence for most
     users (for example, it would not affect the kurtosis).

2.   The file snp.ld.dat now always contains signed genotypic correlations
     rather than the previous options (absolute value, squared).  The
     "snp plot" command now has options to display either the absolute
     value or square of the correlations.

3.   "pedigree show" now displays a new column, labeled #bit, which gives
     the number of bits of complexity for each pedigree.  This number is
     equal to 2 x #non-founders - #founders.

4.   Discrete traits were broken in experimental version  4.1.7 (only)
     because the mean boundaries were not initialized correctly.  That
     is now fixed.

5.   When snp names are misspelled in the list file, stepup used to fail
     with only a "file missing" message.  Now better messages are given, and
     if a covariate variable is missing that message is shown.  Also, all
     names in list files (read with the "listfile" command) are trimmed of
     extra spaces on the left and right sides.
6.   A fix has been added for a potential divde-by-zero bug in "snp ld"
     which would occur when everybody is missing one or the other of a
     pair of SNPs.

7.   "stepup -par" had two problems that are now fixed.  If any snp name
     in the snp list is misspelled, a cryptic error would occur.  Now
     that error is detected and reported.  Also, for some user
     environments, parallel stepup would not run because the program
     name couldn't be determined from the usual convention, so a symbol
     is used instead.  The symbol, SOLAR_PRGRAM_NAME, had been created some
     time ago in the "solar" startup script.

8.   The "snp covar" and "snp qtld" commands now produces files
     snp.geno-list and snp.haplo-list (respectively) which list
     all the SNPs processed.  These list files are useful for bayesavg
     and stepup.  They may be used as-is or edited to list the SNPs
     desired in a particular case.  Previously it was tricky to get
     such a list.

9.   The "snp ld" command now automatically computes and displayes the
     "effective number" of SNPs, which is useful in correcting
     association-test p-values for multiple testing.

10.  New cleanup routines for removing /tmp junk from SFBR Ranch machines
     have been added.  See "help doranch" for details.  Also "stepup -parclean".
     doranch is an open-ended tool that permits users to easily write their
     own cleanup routines.

****   New in version 4.1.7  ****

1.  Trait and covariate names up to 80 characters can now be handled
    without any problem.  Also, the trait command now tests to ensure
    names are not any longer than 80 characters to prevent problems
    later.  Previously the limit was 18 characters.

2.  If a standard parameter (mean, sd, e2, h2r, h2q1) is given a starting
    value by the user, but the bounds are not initialized, SOLAR will
    initialize the bounds.  This was supposed to happen in previous
    versions but didn't in many cases.

3.  If option maxiter is set to 1, which only provides the likelihood for
    the starting values, no retries are done for boundary errors,
    misconvergence, incorrect quadratic, or any other such issue in
    maximization.  This is generally what you would expect for having
    maxiter set to one, and in this case all retries would be futile anyway
    since the starting values are never changed no matter how many retries
    are done.

4.  Problem with freq command on linux fixed.

5.  All the remaining error messages that prompted the user to report
    problems to "solar@darwin.sfbr.org" have been changed to prompt
    the user to report problems to "solar@txbiomedgenetics.org".  These
    were for very unlikely scenarios that have probably never occurred.
    This change had already been made in all the documentation.

6.  If restarting a multipoint analysis in which there were convergence,
    boundary, or other errors, the results with errors will be removed
    and replaced by the new results, rather than being left in as

7.  The -logn option now works properly in stepup.
****   New in version 4.1.6  ****

1.  Pedigree files need no longer include mother and father ID fields if
    the "load pedigree" command is used with the "-founders" option.

2.  Missing value is now allowed for sex.  The missing value may be coded
    as 0, U, u, or blank.  If a parent is found with missing or incorrect
    sex code, e.g. female for a father, the code is automatically fixed
    in the pedindex.out file and a warning is given instead of stopping
    with an error.

3.  If a parent record is missing, a founder record is automatically
    created in pedindex.out and a warning is given instead of stopping
    with an error.

4.  More robust handling of SNPs or markers for which there is no genotypic
    data in the genotypes file.

5.  The "snp ld" command now offers 3 options for correlations: rho,
    abs(rho), and rho^2.  rho^2 is now the default.  The -locn option
    is removed.

6.  Maximum size of phenotypes (and tablefile) records is increased to
    800,000 characters, appropriate to recently increased maximum of
    40,000 fields.

7.  It is now possible to specify terms having parentheses in constraints
    without using angle brackets.  For example, the constraint:

    constraint  +  = 1

    may now be specified much more nicely as:

    constraint e2(q4) + h2r(q4) = 1

    However, this is still not true for the omega specification, and
    the polygenic and other commands still use the angle brackets by
    default.  Those qualifications will be addressed in future updates.
****   New in version 4.1.5  ****

1.  multipoint -cparm is now much less likely to cause convergence errors
    because the prototype model is reloaded at the beginning of each
    chromosome, and whenever there is a gap greater than 11cm.

2.  The linux edition version of mlink (used during ibd file creation) had
    the default fastlink limits instead of the bigger SOLAR limits.  This
    has now been fixed. (For example, in the linux edition you used to be
    limited to 25 alleles per marker instead of 100, and 1000 individuals
    instead of 10000.)

****   New in version 4.1.4  ****

1.  power now works for discrete traits, and a -prev option
    has been added to specify the prevalence of the trait.  A new
    more accurate method of estimating power as a function of
    observed h2r is used.  The method for smoothing the power curve
    has also been improved.

2.  h2power now catches the error in which "simqtl.phn" appears to be
    the loaded phenotypes file after an earlier h2power run was aborted.

3.  chinc now catches errors that could occur in the case of a very
    large non-centrality parameter (lambda > ~740).

****   New in version 4.1.3  ****

1.  polygsd is now fixed for multivariate models.  The problem was that the
    external kinship matrix was not being loaded, which is required for the
    standard handling of unbalanced traits.

****   New in version 4.1.2  ****

1.  There is now a parallel stepup procedure (stepup -par) designed
    for use at SFBR's gridware based GCC "ranch".  This is highly
    EXPERIMENTAL and not supported elsewhere.

2.  Further improvements have been made to stepup so it produces the
    same results as bayesavg in even larger cases.  The "strict" rule
    is now suspended until the very end.  This keeps models that may
    seed higher dimension models that appear in the final window.

3.  The maximum numbers of phenotypes, parameters, and covariates
    have been increased to 40000.

4.  h2power now works for discrete traits, and a -prev option
    has been added to specify the prevalence of the trait.  A new
    more accurate method of estimating power as a function of
    observed h2r is used.  The method for smoothing the power curve
    has also been improved.

5.  Added -qter option to "mibd prep" which extends the range of MIBD
    estimates to the end of the chromosome when using imported MIBD's.
    "mibd prep" no longer requires the map file to be ordered by
    marker location.

6.  Added "snp unload" command to unload both marker and map files.  Error
    handling is improved for the "snp load" command.

7.  Added "map names" command which displays the names of the markers in
    the map as a list on a single line.  Added "map chrnum" command which
    returns the chromosome identifier from the map file.

8.  Previously only 2000 markers were allowed for MIBD computation.  This
    has been increased to 3000 markers.

****   New in version 4.1.1  ****

1.  The EXPERIMENTAL stepup algorithm has been improved to capture
    the same models as bayesavg, and it now creates window and average
    files just like bayesavg.  The new algorithm applies a looser selection
    rule, including all models better than the null model, up to the
    3rd degree of freedom, which can be set to other df's with the
    -cornerdf option.  THIS IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL.

2.  Both stepfor and stepup now retain the fully_typed() covariate upon
    successful completion, however it may be removed using the new
    "stepclean" command, which also unloads the fully_typed.out phenotypes

3.  There was a problem during the "sort" phase of bayesavg on some linux
    systems.  This was supposed to be fixed in 4.1.0 but wasn't completely
    fixed.  Now it is.

4.  Multiple runs of stepup or stepfor could cause a fatal error related to
    the multiple loading of the fully_typed.out phenotypes files which is
    now fixed.

5.  polygenic and residual commands had problem with ID names containing
    an embedded space.  That is now fixed.

6.  SOLAR now works on some 64-bit and other linux systems on which it
    previously crashed during user registration.

****   New in version 4.1.0  ****

1.  Important fix made for multivariate use of traits created with the
    define command.  Under certain circumstances, maximization would
    fail with a cryptic message, or trait values would get replaced with
    covariate values during maximization.  The latter would typically
    result in convergence errors, but could also cause extremely strange

    (Two basic circumstances would elicit this problem: 1) First trait
    defined, second trait ordinary phenotype, combined with two or more
    phenotypes files loaded simultaneously in which second trait is NOT
    found in first phenotypes file but in a later one, 2) First trait
    defined, combined with two or more other traits (trivariate or higher)
    at least one of which is an ordinary phenotypic value.)

2.  If zscore is in effect and the trait is changed without invoking
    "model new", zscore will be canceled.  This is considered more
    intuitive than having "zscore" apply to subsequent traits by
    default, but only if "model new" is not given.  Note that it is
    recommended to give the "model new" command before changing traits
    anyway.  (Note: more changes to zscore were made in version 4.0.9.)

3.  On some of the newest versions of linux, bayesavg would not sort its
    output file, resulting in incorrect operation.  This has been fixed
    by using the correct "sort" arguments depending on what system is being

4.  Full plotting support is now provided for Intel Macs.

5.  The linux edition of SOLAR is now provided in two binary forms: static
    and dynamic linked.  It appears that some linux distributions work with
    one better than the other, and vice versa.

6.  Sun's newest compilers are used for the Sun/SPARC edition of SOLAR.
    It has been tested, but keep your fingers crossed.

****   New in version 4.0.9   ****

1.  zscore has been changed.  The mean and SD used are taken from
    the actual sample that will be used in maximization, instead of
    from all trait values in the phenotypes file.  Often the actual
    sample is a smaller set, restricted by the availability of
    covariates.  zscore is also much less verbose.  Now, only one
    line is displayed for each trait showing the trait name, mean
    and standard deviation.  Even that line is not displayed if zscore
    is called in a script, or if the "zs" abbreviation is used to
    invoke the command.  The warnings about zscore being obsolescent have
    been removed.

2.  stepfor command added to do forward stepwise covariate screening.

****   New in version 4.0.8   ****

1.  Residual fixed when there are many many phenotypes files loaded
    (total characters in filenames exceeding 1000).  Residual now uses
    currently active phenotypes files rather than list found in maximization
    output file because the latter gets truncated at 1000 characters.

2.  joinfiles -add and -list options added which permit the use of
    wildcards, directories, and a file containing names of files to be
    joined.  These options also overcome the system limit on open files
    so you can join thousands of files at a time.  For example:

        joinfiles -all phen.*

3.  polygsd and linkqsd commands have been extended to support multivariate
    models with the esd, gsd, qsd1 parameterization.  In this version,
    however, linkqsd doesn't work with trivariate and above...that will
    require changes to the omega command in a future version.

****   New in version 4.0.7   ****

1.  Version 4.0.7 is now an Official public release, the first
    Official release since 2.1.4.  All incremental updates that
    went into 4.0.6 over several months are included.  Early
    beta copies of 4.0.6 did not include all of these updates,
    so a new version number is now used.

2.  Added warning about using the zscore command.  See "help zscore".
****   New in version 4.0.6   *****

1.  Definitions may now be used as covariates as well as traits.
    This includes the ability to apply the inverse normal
    transformation to variables used as covariates.

2.  The variable "sex" may be used in all definitions.

3.  Problems with multivariate discrete and mixed quantitative and
    discrete models have been resolved though a refinement in the
    conditioning step of the discrete likelihood evaluation code.

4.  lodadj is now permitted for multivariate models.

5.  multipoint -cparm now permits multivariate models

6.  bayesavg -qtn and -cov now report h2q1 results if h2q1 is
    present and not constrained to zero.

7.  Maximization errors during qtld with some snps don't prevent it
    from going on to other snps.

8.  On Mac OS X, all forms of plotting are now supported.
    See notes in README.Mac in Mac distributions dated
    December 22, 2006 or later.

9.  plot -title is now supported for regular multipoint plots.  Also
    plot -subtitle is available to set subtitle.  For regular and
    string plots either "" or " " may be used to specify a blank title.
10. For "plot -max  -overlay", test for plot width is done correctly
    to allow overlay of same or narrower width.  Incorrect error message
    for attempted wider overlay is corrected and reworded for clarity.

****   New in version 4.0.5   *****

1.  Very large pedigrees now require much less memory for loading because
    unrelated individual pairs are no longer included in the phi2.gz matrix

2.  simqtl no longer requires that user provided genotype files be in
    exactly the same order as pedindex.out.

3.  The command "ibs" had unknowingly been broken in Version 4.0.0, it is
    now fixed.  Probably nobody noticed.

4.  Show actual file error when reading phenotypes file.  Previously,
    the "missing FAMID" error message was shown incorrectly in many cases.

5.  toscript command is nicer.  Command numbers and script name and -ov
    argument can be in any order (see updated documentation for details).
    Invalid argument formatting checked in advance.  If there is an error,
    a bad script (which prevents SOLAR from starting) does not get created.

6.  pedlike now works for discrete and mixed models

****   New in version 4.0.4   *****

1. Mac edition of SOLAR 4 is now available (on request).

2. "newmod" command takes place of "model new", performing
   "outdir -default" automatically, and optionally setting trait.
   (model new command itself remains unchanged.)

3. The linux edition of SOLAR is now statically linked, in the hope of
   resolving library conflicts that sometimes occur with linux.

4. max # markers increased to 3000, max # in a pedigree increased to 30000

5. "snp qtld" now 2x faster and -xlinked option allows X-linked SNPs.

6. "mibd prep loki" now defaults to letting Loki estimate allele freqs,
   but -usefreq option forces use of currently loaded freqs.

7. map file need not be sorted by user, it is automatically sorted during

8. New deputy registration feature allows select sites to make
   solar keys for local use only.  See "deputy" command for more

9. register command is more user friendly.  You can overwrite invalid
   key immediately, or choose to overwrite one believed to be valid.
   Key is validated immediately.  Lengthy "registration help" message
   is only displayed if there is no .solar_reg file so that error
   message can be seen easily.

10. Trait qualification for covariates now checked for redundancy and

11. bayesavg defaults to polygenic model type if the omega is undefined.
    Previously, bayesavg gave a confusing error message unless the
    user knew to run the command polymod first.

12. It is now no longer necessary to give the command "verbosity min"
    when running commands to compute freq mle's, ibd's, or mibd's.  The
    normal verbose output is automatically suspended during the operation
    of these commands.  Also, load freq and load marker have improved
    error handling.

13. plotqtld command added to plot various qtld results.

****   New in version 4.0.3   *****

1.  unbalanced trait-specific covariates now permitted in sample

Trait-specific covariate variables are now only required in the sample
of the trait to which they apply, so you get the maximum sample size
possible for every trait in a multivariate analysis even when you have
covariate variables that are only defined when one of the traits is
defined (i.e., unbalanced covariates).

Though they were handled as documented, there was a serious flaw in the
practical usage of the previous implementation of trait-specific covariates
which some might have overlooked.  Sample sizes might have been
unnecessarily reduced because trait-specific covariate variables were
required even in the sample of traits to which they did not apply.  For
example, the following did not work well if there were some drinkers who
never started smoking:

    trait drink smoke
    covar age_started_smoking(smoke)

Even though the "age_started_smoking" variable would never be used in
estimating the mean for "drink", it used to be required in the sample
for "drink" anyway, thus rendering moot the normal ability of SOLAR
to handle unbalanced traits.  Now "age_started_smoking" would not
be required in the sample for "drink".

As is further described in Note 7 in the documentation for the covariate
command, in a UNIVARIATE analysis ALL covariate variables are still
required in the sample even if they are specific to a different
trait.  This behavior may be changed in a future update, and for that
reason the use of trait-specific covariates is not recommended in a
univariate analysis. There is no real need for them anyway.  Also,
variables which appear in a user-specified mu or omega command are (at
this time) required for all traits.

"null" covariates (such as clinic() ) will always be required for all
traits because "null" covariates were designed for the specific purpose of
restricting the sample to those having the null covariate variable.

2.  unbalanced defined traits now permitted

SOLAR now only requires the phenotypic variables actually used in the
definition of any trait (using the "define" command) in the sample
of that trait. It determines the variables used in the the definition
of any trait, and specifically requires those variables in the sample
of that trait, but not necessarily any other trait in a multivariate
analysis. Missing any of the variable(s) used in the definition of
a trait is equivalent to missing that defined trait.

Previously, all the variables in all definitions were required in the
sample of every trait, even if those definitions were unused.

3. h2power

A new command "h2power" is added to compute the power to detect a trait
with a given heritability (h2r) rather the power to detect a given effect
size (h2q1). Currently this is restricted to a single trait (univariate).
There is also a new plot option, "plot -h2power" to plot the results.
See the h2power documentation for more details.

4. Upgrade to Tcl 8.4.12

For the first time in 6 years, the version of Tcl used by SOLAR has been
upgraded to version 8.4.12.  The motivation for this was that the newer
TCL now supports 64 bit integers, which may be useful in dealing with
numbers and lists larger than 2 billion.  But there are also many other
new features in the latest Tcl which we may in time come to appreciate.
Fortunately, performance and reliability enhancements in Tcl 8.4.x have
eliminated problems that arose in intermediate versions 8.1.x through 8.3.x
(some of those versions were notoriously slow, for example).

5.  Fix embedded blanks in ID for inormal

Previous 4.x versions could not handle ID or FAMID fields with embedded
blanks using the "inormal" command or "inormal_" in trait definitions.
That is now fixed.

****   New in version 4.0.2   *****


The discrete trait code has been extensively rewritten and is far better
than before.  The "mean" parameter now accurately tracks the "threshold"
as intended, and can range from -8 to 8 in standard deviation units
(which is about all that can be done in double precision).  Operation of
the new discrete trait modeling code has been verified through extensive
simulation.  Heritabilities and likelihoods may differ significantly from
previous versions when discrete traits are involved.  The "mean" parameter
is now correctly initialized (when maximization starts) to the inverse
normal of the difference from 1 of the prevalence.

Unfortunately, the new code does not appear to handle multivariate mixed trait
(quantitative and discrete) or multivariate discrete models correctly.
Trait correlations appear to go too high.  So in these cases, use an earlier
(or later) version of SOLAR.

2. "print" function for debugging omega, define, and mu

You can now use a "print" function in SOLAR omega, mu, and define statements.
This function prints and then returns the current value of its argument, which
can be any expression valid for the command.  For example, in place of the
standard omega:

For example, in place of the standard omega:

 omega = pvar*(phi2*h2r + I*e2)

You could have:

 omega = pvar*(print(phi2)*h2r + I*e2)

and this would print each phi2 value as it used.  An omega,
mu, or define statement can include any number of print functions.
They are evaluated in the order of evaluation, starting with the
innermost subexpression.  If you simply want to print some value
without including it in the rest of the expression, you can multiply
the print function by zero, for example:

 omega = pvar*(phi2*h2r + I*e2 + 0*print(delta7))

As each print function is evaluated, it is printed in your terminal,
and you may press RETURN to continue to the next.  To skip past a lot
of prints, simply hold down the RETURN key.

3. globals for accessing polygenic results

The polygenic command creates 4 global variables which may
be accessed later (which is often useful in scripts).  The
variables are:

  SOLAR_H2r_P        p value for h2r
  SOLAR_Kurtosis     residual trait kurtosis
  SOLAR_Covlist_P    list of p values for covariates
  SOLAR_Covlist_Chi  list of chi values for covariates

The covariate lists are created only if the -screen option
is used.  All screened variables are included, regardless of
whether they were retained in the final model.  Before you
can access any of these variables in a script, you must
use a "global" command.  For example:

  global SOLAR_Kurtosis
  if {$SOLAR_Kurtosis > 4} {puts "Very bad kurtosis!"}

4. chromosome command options: all * show showm

It is now possible to select "all" available chromosomes for multipoint
scanning using the command "chromosome all" or "chromosome *".  This will
include numeric as well as alphanumeric (such as 11p) chromosomes.  Also,
a new command "chromosome show" will display all available chromosomes,
and a command "chromosome showm" will show all mibd files selected by
the current "chromsome" and "interval" commands.

5. custom omegas for trivariate and above models

It is now possible to create custom trivariate and above models without
including the previously mandatory rho parameters such as rhoe_12, rhog_12,
rhoc_12, rhoq1_12.  Sometimes it is convenient to write custom omegas where
such rho's are implicitly assumed to be 0, 1, -1 or some other value.
Now, only if the particular rho appears in the omega, or if the
corresponding generic parameter (such as rhoe_ij) appears in the omega,
are the rho parameters required.  Also, if a parameter required by the
omega is missing, an error message specifically identifies the
missing parameter by name (such as mean(q1).

Also, there are now extra generic rho's available for custom use.  The
available generic rhos are now rhoa_ij to rhog_ij and rhoq1_ij to rhoq10_ij.
Thus, there are generic parameters rhoa_ij, rhob_ij, rhod_ij and rhof_ij
which have no previously reserved function.

Also, there are now special "si" and "sj" variables which return the indexes
of traits i and j (1..ntraits).

6. normal -inverse

Not to be confused with the "inormal" command and "inormal_" define command
operator (described below as "new in version 4.0.0") there is also a new
"normal" command which currently has only one option: -inverse.  This will
return the inverse normal for any single p value.

7. maximize -out

Previously "maximize" only permitted "-o" and "-output" options to identify
the output filename.  This was inconsistent with most other SOLAR commands,
which use "-out".  So, maximize now allows "-out" also.

8. option BounDiff

One small part of the improvement in handling discrete traits is how
maximizing is done near parameter boundaries.  Part of the improved
method may be altered for unusual "hard" boundaries using the
"option boundiff" command.  See "help option" for details.

9. Missing mean parameter message

A missing mean parameter is now identified by name, such as
"Missing parameter mean(q1)" instead of by the confusing phrase
"Missing mean parameter for trait q1".

10.  New mlink

A new version of mlink from the latest fastlink release is used during
mibd creation.  This was necessary to run on recent linux releases, but other
than that, we are not aware of any operational difference.

11.  qtld

A problem with snp names longer than 10 characters was fixed on Dec 13 2005.

12.  define inormal_

inormal_ prefixed variables in define statements can now be used in expressions such

      define a = inormal_q4 * 10


      define a = inormal_q4 >= 1

13.  "ibd prep merlin" and "ibd import merlin"

Added commands for using merlin to compute IBD files.

14.  "mibd prep" starting location 0

"mibd prep" now requests starting MIBDs with location 0 instead of
first marker.

****   New in version 4.0.0   *****

1. The "define" command

The "define" command enables you to define an arithmetic expression to use
as a trait.  The expression may include phenotypic variables, math operators,
functions, and constants.  For example, give a quantitative phenotype named
"q4" you could define an expression named "alpha" based on a normalized log
of that phenotype:

define alpha = 100*log(q4/11.43)
trait alpha
covariate age sex age*sex
polygenic -s

Now you can apply any desired transformation to a trait within SOLAR itself.
Definitions become part of models, and are saved to them and loaded from
them.  Eventually, the use of definitions will be extended to covariates.

The math functions available include everything available in C++.  See
"help define" in solar4 for a list.

By default, all definitions result in "quantitative" traits, unless
the top level operator is a comparison operator such as >=.
Comparison operators return 0 (false) and 1 (true) and so produce
"discrete" traits.  The comparison operators are available in two
varieties: Fortran and C-like:

FORTRAN    C-like
.eq.       ==
.ne.       !=
.gt.       >>
.lt.       <<
.ge.       >=
.le.       <=

(Note the use of >> for > and << for < in the C-like operators.  This was
necessary to be compatible with other parts of SOLAR syntax: < and > are
already used.)

2.  Comparison operators in mu and omega

The comparison operators described above are now also available for
use in the "mu" and "omega" commands.

3.   Inverse Normal Transformations

Within the "define" command, there is a now a built-in "inormal_" (inverse normal)
transformation which has quickly become quite popular since it makes
traits with problem distributions (such as extremely high kurtosis)
behave as if having something close to a standard normal distribution.

 define a = inormal_q4
 trait a

See "help inormal" for a complete description of this transformation.
It is also possible to do relational tests such as >= on expressions
to produce expressions which are like discrete phenotypes.

There is also a separate command "inormal" which performs the inverse
normal transformation on a variable in a file and writes out a new file.
For traits, it is more convenient to use the "inormal_" operator in
a define command, but if you need to use this transformation for
covariates, you must currently use the "inormal" command to write the
transformed values to a file first.  This should not be confused with
obtaining the inverse normal for a single p value, which is done by
the "normal -inverse" command described below.

3.   plotqtn (and qtnm) handle huge X values better

     The qtnm and plotqtn commands now handle large numbers (up to 2B
     anyway) nicely.  Tick labels are now kept in "integer" format as
     long as possible (up to 2 billion), and extra spacing is allowed for
     large X tick labels so they don't run into each other.

4.   Phenotypes file change detected and handled automatically

     Changes that might be done to the "phenotypes" file(s) after they are
     first loaded are now detected and "fixed" at the beginning of
     maximization. If necessary, the phenotypes file is automatically
     re-indexed.  Also, change in the field mapping of FAMID is detected
     and handled automatically.  Previously changing a phenotypes file
     outside SOLAR or changing the field mapping of FAMID could have cause
     SOLAR to crash or give incorrect results.

5.   FAMID tested more consistently in multiple phenotypes files

     Previously you might get inconsistent and incorrect results and even
     cause SOLAR to crash if one phenotypes file has a field named "FAMID"
     in it but the others don't.

     Now the presence or absense of a FAMID field is handled more
     consistently across all phenotype files as a group.
     If any phenotypes file lacks the FAMID field, and FAMID is required,
     that is properly detected as an error.  If one or more phenotypes
     files have a field named FAMID, but the ID's are unique anyway, that
     will not be a problem.

6.  maximize -sampledata

There is also a new option to the maximize command called
"-sampledata" and it causes maximize to write out the sample data,
including computed trait values (if applicable), to a file called
sampledata.out in the current maximization output directory.  IT DOES
MAXIMIZED.  This was needed in order to seamlessly compute the
"residual kurtosis" for the polygenic command when definitions are
used, but you might also find it useful for other purposes.  It is a
comma delimited file that can be read by "solarfile" and "tablefile"
and could be used as another phenotypes file by SOLAR.  This file
includes only the individuals included that would actually included in
the analysis.

8.  Stringplot overlays

The "plot -string" (and "stringplot") command now accepts options
which facilitate overlaying multiple LOD plots.  The -name option lets
you save any stringplot for later overlay usage.  The -layers option lets
you add previous plots to any new plot.  The -replay option lets you
display any combination of previous plots.  Also, a -color option is
available for stringplots now (replacing the previous -colorname)
and accepting X11 defined color names.  The specification of layers
may default color specification, use previously stored color specifications,
or make new color specifications.

9.  Pedigree Matrix Checking

Matrix files are now automatically checked to be sure that they were created
using the currently loaded pedigree.  To get the benefit of checking, you
must consistently use SOLAR version 4.x for both creating and using matrix
files.  Otherwise, to allow both forward and backward compatibility, no
checking is done.

A polynomial CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), sometimes called "checksum"
but much harder to fake than a simple sum, is added to the beginning of
each matrix file as the 1,1 (or first) element.  Since it is immediately
followed by the real 1,1 value, it has no effect on matrix operations
and is backwards compatible with previous versions of SOLAR.  Currently,
the lack of a CRC is ignored to allow older matrix files to be used, but
if the CRC is present it must match. You can also bypass checking
by editing out the CRC line at the top of the matrix. The private
"matcrc" command is used to add CRC's to matrix files.  The possibility
of the CRC not detecting a pedigree/matrix mismatch is astronomically small.
Since the checking is based on the actual data content, it is
unaffected by file copying and creation dates.

****   New in version 3.0.4   *****

1.  Household effects are now supported for multivariate models with
    more than 2 traits.  (Attempt to run houshold analysis with
    more than 2 traits in previous versions of SOLAR 3.x would have
    yielded invalid results.)

2.  When exporting ibd or mibd files, it is no longer necessary to
    re-enter the ibddir or mibddir in the current session.

3.  mibd export is now compatible with SimWalk2 Version 2.91.  An option
    "-version 2.82" supports the earlier version.  Also, marker names
    are checked for uniqueness in 8 characters as required by SimWalk2.

4.  The snp and snphap commands no longer limit SNP allele names to only
    one character.  The snphap command checks for uniqueness in 8 characters
    as required for SimWalk2.

5.  Multivariate household models are now supported.

6.  The "multipoint" command now works for multivariate models without
    using the -cparm option.

7.  The "qtld" command now produces a measured genotype file, mgeno.out.
    The format of the output produced by qtld has been greatly improved.
    Analyses run with SOLAR versions prior to July 19 2005 should be re-run.

    An additional problem for big qtld runs was fixed on November 18 2005.
    An error message "Unable to open simple output file" could appear.

    A problem with snp names containing hyphen was fixed on Nov 28 2005.

8.  mibd import/prep

    "mibd import" now checks unrelateds for for non-zero MIBD;
     Kosambi->Haldate conversion in SOLAR since Loki didn't do it correctly

9.  ibd import

    "ibd import" now checks unrelateds for non-zero IBD; -xlinked
    option added to do appropriate checks for that case.

10. plot -min

    The "plot -min" option now works properly, adjusting the scale and
    removing markers that are out of range.  You can use the -min and -max
    options to zoom in on a particular part of the plot.  Using the xmgr
    menus to do this is likely to mess up the display of marker positions.

11. Mixing ID and EGO in multiple files

    Loading multiple pedigree files where one used "ID" as the indentifier
    and another used "EGO" previously caused a problem with "residual"
    because the redundant EGO field was not removed from an intermediate
    file by the joinfiles command.

12. joinfiles fixes

    In addition to the above EGO/ID fix for joinfiles, another problem with
    multiple occurrances of the same named field in the same file was also
    fixed.  This commonly occurs when PEDSYS files have a field named BLANK.

13.  dominance

    The command "dominance-notes" gives pointers on how to do analysis of
    dominance (it's described in Section 9.4 of the documentation).

14.  fformat

    fformat is a replacement for the Tcl "format" command which enforces
    field widths for floating point numbers better than "format".  The
    modified %f and %e formats do a better job enforcing field widths
    by reducing precision slightly when required, and a new %y format
    is added which works much  %g format, except it reverts to exponential
    format and reduces precision to maintain column width much better.
    Even while maintaining column width as well as possible, fformat
    prevents non-zero value from being printed as zero (except for the
    true fixed width %f format).  Also, a center justification feature
    is added.  fformat is used by qtld to make for nicer printing of

15.  allsnp hint

A hint is added to qtnm to use the allsnp command first.

****   New in version 3.0.3   *****

1.  loaded "map" file used in qtnm and plotqtn

solar3 now uses a loaded map file for most stages of QTN analysis,
including the qtnm and plotqtn commands.  In earlier SOLAR versions,
you would encode the SNP location into the snp name, but those names
did not match up with the common SNP names.  So now the name and the
location are entirely separate, but related through a map file, which
is now a standard map file (though the "basepair" function would
typically, if not necessarily, be specified instead of Kosambi or

If you are using the old-style SNP names, and don't have a
map file for them, you can invoke the qtnm command with the "-nomap"

2.  qtld command does association analysis for SNPs

3.  plot -max and -min arguments fixed

The -min and -max options to plot were not working as intended, but now they
are fixed in version 3.0.3.  Previously, if you specified -max or -min,
several bad things might happen.  Now:

  a) Marker labels will NOT get pushed to the right of the plot window, and
  possibly off the page.

  b) Marker ticks outside the specified range will not be included.
  Previously they could go on and on and outside the plot window.

  c) The LOD curve will be truncated at the exact -max and -min points
  specified.  Now there is a 5% blank margin at the beginning and end of the
  plot window, as intended and as there is when -max and -min are not
  specified.  This give you complete control over what the displayed range
  is, and makes plots look neater.

4.  allsnp

The "allsnp" command includes all covariates which are SNPs in the
current model.  This makes it easier to run qtnm.

5.  Plotting for qtnm (plotqtn) now scales the X axis automatically.
Previously the X axis was simply set by the qtn.gr file, which often
caused range and "too many tics" problems because people didn't bother
to edit the file as needed.  Note: If you have a custom qtn.gr file,
it will override automatic scaling.  I recommend you fetch a new
qtn.gr file from /opt/appl/solar/3.0.3/lib/qtn.gr and add your
customizations to that, or comment out the following lines by
prepending # in front of them:

    @xaxis tick major 2500
    @xaxis tick minor 500
    @xaxis ticklabel start type spec
    @xaxis ticklabel start 0

6. Memory leaks in simqtl and tablefile fixed.

7. Maximum number of MZTWINs per pedigree increased from 1 to 10.

8. Save Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) and allele freq Standard Errors
   (SE) in external freq files created with 'freq save' which are
   loaded when freq files are loaded.

9. simqtl gets kinship coefficients from phi2.gz rather than computing
   on-the-fly to allow user-supplied values.

10. Fix bug in 'snp ld -plot' which caused command to fail in some cases.

11. (11-Apr-05) Fix error in implementation of algorithm for computing
    QTLD covariates.  Analyses using these covariates should be rerun
    from scratch because this will affect results.  Create QTLD covariates
    file from SNP genotype covariates file rather than directly from SNP
    data for efficiency.

12. Change snp plot x-axis label to "Nucleotide Position".

****   New in version 3.0.2   *****

1.  Experimental support for bivariate models with "mixed" quantitative
    and discrete traits or multiple discrete traits.  Trait types should
    be autodetected correctly now, so no option is required for simple
    mixed trait models.

2.  The "mean parameter" in a discrete trait model has changed so that
    the sign is now reversed from before.  The "mean parameter" in a
    discrete trait model is now the distance of the threshold from
    the mean, whereas previously it was the distance of the mean from
    the threshold.

3.  Multiple phenotypes files supported.  Simply list them all in
    "load phenotypes" command.

4.  SNP processing is now available with snp and snphap commands.

5.  -nose (skip standard error calculations) and -hwe (test Hardy-Weinberg
    Equilibrium) options have been added to "freq mle" command.  When -hwe
    option is chosen, the test results are shown by the "marker show"
6.  "lod" command can compute multivariate LODs corrected to 1df for any
    number of traits.  "lod" command now allows arguments and options
    with an improved syntax replacing the cumbersome "clod" command.
    A new -v option shows exactly how the LOD is calculated.

7.  "option discreteorder" can be used to reverse ordering for
     multivariate discrete, or print out ordered data to file

8.  The -cparm and -ctparm options of multipoint now permit embedded
    expressions as well as parameters to be printed to the output.
    Also, a -se option has been added to multipoint and linkmod to
    enable the computation of standard errors, which may be output
    using either -cparm or -ctparm option.  See multipoint documentation
    for an example.

9. "loadbinary" command added to load Tcl binary packages.  (Most Tcl
    applications use a "load" command for this, but we already use "load"
    for other things.)  Many Tcl binary packages are available, including
    one which provides command line editing.

10. selectrecords command added to select records which match one or more
    conditions and copy them to a new file.

11. Properly handle c2 (house effect) boundaries in bivariate models during
    multipoint (where they should float), do_boundaries, and perturb.  Previously,
    c2 boundaries were untouched.  Identify null model as "household
    polygenic" in bivariate multipoint (as for univariate multipoint).

12.  SNP covariate names (after the snp_ or hap_ prefix) can now be
     descriptive alphanumeric names, and can be mapped to their location
     through a snp.map file handled by the snpmap command.  See details in
     the documentation for snpmap and qtnm.  The qtnm.out file now has a
     fifth column to allow for the SNP descriptive name, though plotqtn will
     also accept the original 4 column qtnm.out files.  The descriptive names
     will appear at the top of the qtn plot.

13. Correctly report null0 values for bivariate models at the
    beginning of the multipoint command, as for univariate.  Previously,
    if multipoint were started without having the null0 model in memory,
    the values would not have been correctly reported.

14. Multivariate mixed and discrete trait types are now detected
    properly when there are multiple phenotypes files.

15. Bogus warnings from perturb are now suppressed.  When there is one
    fewer constraint than there are variance components (such as in
    sporadic models) perturb is not possible anyway, so perturb now
    doesn't complain about it.

16. Attempting to re-load pedindex.out as a pedigree is disallowed and
    there are some comments about this in the help for pedigree.

17. There is a new "snpdir" that works like ibddir and mibddir for snp
    related information (though this is not supported yet by the snp

18. Fields named PEDNO and GEN in the marker file are ignored, and the
    help for marker now lists all ignored fields.

19. The snp command now creates "covariates" using the snp names instead
    of locations.

****   New in version 3.0.1   *****

1.  Support for multivariate up to 20 traits

****   New in version 3.0.0   *****

1.  Added basic support for trivariate models in polymod, linkmod, maximize,
    and multipoint (using -cparm) commands.

2.  Added basic support for multivariate in polymod command.

3.  Added basic support for multivariate in linkmod command.

4.  Improved rho "tracking" by linkmod command for trivariate linkage

****   New in version 2.1.4   *****

1.  A major advance in maximization: most convergence errors are "fixed"
    internally by the mechanism previously used to handle very large
    negative changes in likelihood: a step is taken 0.1 times the
    previous stepsize.  (This applies to quantitative traits; a similar
    change was made last year for discrete traits, but it seems to
    work even better for quantitative traits.)

2.  New -ctparm option for multipoint works more reliably than -cparm
    in some cases by rebuilding every linkage model from the prototype

3.  Maximum number of constraints increased from 99 to 999.

4.  Bug in sorting probands when there is more than one proband per
    pedigree (or group, if "house" command is used) is now fixed.
    had been present in SOLAR for many years.

5.  joinfiles command added to join data files horizontally.

6.  Non-existant mibddir or ibddir doesn't cause error message on startup
    or cause mibddir.info file to get deleted.  Error is detected
    and gives nice message when twopoint or multipoint is run.

7.  Correctly report null0 values for bivariate models at the
    beginning of the multipoint command, as for univariate.  Previously,
    if multipoint were started without having the null0 model in memory,
    the values would not have been correctly reported.

8.  When bivariate sporadic models don't converge on the first attempt,
    the "perturb" operator now doesn't violate constraints.  It properly
    checks for constraints when the constrained parameters are <> quoted.

****   New in version 2.1.3   *****

1.  Clarification in the documentation that lodadj is not (yet) applicable
    to bivariate models, and that lodadj is ignored when computing LODs
    for bivariate models.  Previously, lodadj was ignored when computing
    1dF equivalent LODs for bivariate models, now it is ALWAYS ignored
    when computing LODs for bivariate models, and a warning message is
    shown when previously the LOD adjustment factor would have been
    reported, such as in the multipoint.out file.

2.  -font option has been added to string plot.  For example,

    plot -string -font *bold-r*

    There is also a -titlefont option to just change the font used in
    the string plot title.  Also new: if the script "stringplotk" is
    copied into the working directory and modified, it supercedes the
    standard one in the SOLAR bin directory.

    Available fonts are listed with the command "xlsfonts | more".

3.  "residual" command now works properly with phenotypes files having
    "ego" as ID specifier.  "residual" command now also works properly
    for phenotype names including "." (period) and "-" (hyphen).

4.  As a result of the above change, the residual kurtosis is now
    computed properly when "ego" is used as ID specifier.  In any
    case where residual kurtosis is NOT computed, a warning message
    is given.

5.  If marker file does not have FAMID field, but pedigree file does,
    error messages from "load marker" will not attempt to include

6.  Allele names are mapped to consecutive integers for input to

7.  The power command will now automatically re-do a bad replicate
    (when maximization had convergence failure) rather than just skipping

8.  A bug in the rewrite of the "relate" code (introduced in version
    2.0.8 Beta 1) was fixed.  In an inbred pedigree, this bug could have
    resulted in an incomplete enumeration of the ways in which a pair
    of individuals are related.  For example, a parent-offspring pair
    who are also 1st cousins once removed might have been classified as
    simply parent-offspring.  The effect of such a misclassification would
    have been limited to an incorrect tally of relative classes by the
    "mibd relate" command.   Since SOLAR is not able to compute its
    approximate Multipoint IBD's for an inbred pedigree anyway, this
    bug could not have produced incorrect linkage results.

 9. Multiple solar jobs running in parallel from the same working directory
    used to have a crash caused by "phenotypes.info" file being deleted and
    recreated on startup.  This now no longer happens, phenotypes.info
    file is only deleted IF there is an error with an explicit "load
    phenotypes" command, and it is only re-written if when a different
    phenotypes file is selected.  IT IS STILL NOT GOOD TO CHANGE phenotypes
    file loaded IN A PARALLEL JOB, but simply re-specifying the phenotypes
    file already loaded is harmless.

10. Likewise, use of mibddir or ibddir command in a script would cause
    multiple jobs running from the same working directory to fail because
    state file was always being deleted and rewritten.  Now it is deleted
    ONLY if there is an error, and re-written only if changed.  IT IS
    simply re-specifying the directory already selected is harmless.
11. Coefficients for class 49 (Double 2nd Cousins, 1 rem) have been added.

12. Bug in polygenic fixed: if all covariates are removed by screening,
    "residual kurtosis" computation failed.

13. "mibd prep merlin" now correctly handles alpha allele names (i.e.

14. "mibd prep simwalk" now handles consecutive integer locations in
    the map file correctly.

15. If an imported mibd contains an ID which is NOT in the SOLAR pedigree
    file, a helpful error messages is given.

16. "hap_" prefix has been added to qtn (in addition to "snp_") but
    is not completely supported in this release because "noscale" is
    not correctly being defaulted for "hap_".  This will be corrected
    in 2.1.4.

17. Buffer limitation in handling map files fixed.

18. Maximum number of markers per chromosome (or marker file) is
    increased from 500 to 2000.

****   New in version 2.1.2   *****

1.  Fixed bug which caused simqtl to compute a value of rhoe (for a
    bivariate trait simulation) which was too small.

2.  Fixed bug which caused SOLAR to crash whenever the omega includes
    a x_ min_ max_ prefixed variable, or an _i _j suffixed variable when
    that variable doesn't exist in the phenotypes file.  Now you get an
    explanatory error message, and another SOLAR prompt.

****     New in version 2.1.1 *****

1.  All chapters of the documentation have been reviewed, clarified,
    corrected, updated, enhanced, reformatted to the new style (if
    necessary).  The documentation for some commands has also been

2.  The change-notes have been updated.

****     New in version 2.1.0 Beta 3 *****

1.  The restriction about giving matrices only lowercase names has
    been removed.  (This refers to their identifiers in the "matrix"
    command, the actual filenames don't matter.  None of the built-in
    commands such as "multipoint" will do this anyway, but if you
    are building up a model by hand you just might.)  This bug had been
    introduced in 2.1.0 Beta 1.  You might notice the bug if you
    manually tried to load an imported MIBD file with a command like
    this (note uppercase "MIBD"):

        load matrix mibddir/mibd.10.1.gz MIBD

****     New in version 2.1.0 Beta 2 *****

1.  Documentation updates.  The "help" command message summary and html
    command index have been cleaned up.  Chapter 7, which introduces SOLAR
    scripting, has been largely rewritten and reformatted.  The new commands
    toscript and and showproc are described.  There is an all new section 7.7
    which explains how to break-out of SOLAR to run a Unix command with
    wildcards.  There is also a new section 7.8 describing commands which
    might be useful in writing scripts.  A number of previously undocumented
    commands are now documented (with more intuitive names and interfaces in
    some cases.  The newly documented commands are:

read_model           Read a parameter value or likelihood from a saved model
read_output          Read variable statistics from a maximization output file
read_arglist         Read hyphenated optional arguments
solarfile            Read datafile allowing for optional field name mapping
is_nan               Check if a value is NaN (Not a Number)
if_parameter_exists  Check if a parameter exists
if_global_exists     Check if a Tcl global variable exists
remove_global        Remove a Tcl global variable
catenate             Concatenate strings
string_imatch        Case insensitive string match testing
remlist              Remove element from a list by name
setappend            Append only new elements to a list (keeping it like a set)
stringsub            Simple verbatim string substitution

****     New in version 2.1.0 Beta 1 *****

1.  When using imported MIBD files using the "-1" convention to indicate
    pedigrees with no genotypic data, you would get invalid LOD scores
    because the -1 convention was not being applied to MIBD files.

    Warning: at this time, you must not give matrices uppercase names such
    as IBD or MIBD1 when using imported matrix files.  (This applies to the
    matrix identifier name used in the model files, not the matrix filenames,
    which have always been case sensitive.)  None of the built-in commands
    will do this anyway, but you might do this if you were editing scripts or
    models by hand.  There is now a case sensitivity bug bug in applying only
    the -1 convention.  This will be fixed in a future update.

****     New in version 2.0.9 Beta 2 *****

1.  Starting lower boundary for bivariate e2 parameters is now 0.03 (or
    "e2lower") just as for univariate.  This artificial boundary prevents
    some convergence problems by preventing heritabilities from shooting up
    to 1.0 (where there are often singularities) in one go.  If maximization
    stops on this artificial boundary, the boundary is moved, ultimately all
    the way to zero.

****     New in version 2.0.9 Beta 1 *****

1.  Fixed Memory leak in "twopoint", and also any "load model/maximize"
    sequence.  Expansion per "load model" was equivalent to the length
    of all ID's and FAMID's in the sample, typically about 20kB per
    maximization.  This could possibly lead to 100Mb or more of wasted
    space in a long running analysis, and therefore also to
    paging/swapping and a major slowdown.  "multipoint" had not been
    as much affected by this leak, since it doesn't much reload models
    except when there are convergence problems.  This leak had been
    present since 2.0.0 in 2002.

2.  Alphanumeric entries in phenotype fields are now detected as errors.
    Previously, if you had an alphameric string such as "null" it would
    get read as "0", leading to incorrect results.  Also, invalid
    exponents (such as "D4") and other alphameric suffixes will get
    detected as errors.  Previously, invalid exponents and alphameric
    suffixes would be ignored, having the same effect as "e0".

3.  Tabs in most comma delimited files, including the phenotypes and
    pedigree files, are now ignored just as spaces are.  (Previously,
    because of the bug fixed by change 2, trailing tabs were
    inadvertently ignored but not leading tabs.)  Note that the commas
    are still required; tabs are not (as yet) read as delimiters in
    phenotypes and pedigree files.
4.  Clarified comments regarding kurtosis (see: stats) and the warning
    about high residual kurtosis (see: polygenic note 5).  Also updated
    html documenation to include 2.0.7 and 2.0.8 updates.

5.  Updated classes.tab and relate.tab to reflect some new relationship
    names and indexing.

6.  Re-write of relate code so it handles all possible relative classes
    correctly. Previously, some complex relationships could have been
    incorrectly characterized. However, since such relationships fall
    into the "Unknown relationship" category and are not supported for
    computing SOLAR's multipoint IBDs, the problems with the old relate
    code did not have any impact on previously obtained results.

****     New in version 2.0.8 Beta 2 *****

1.  With all pedigree individuals typed, "ibd" would choose the "Monte Carlo
    method" even with the "Xlinked" ibdoption.  Now it correctly chooses the
    Curtis and Sham method if you select the Xlinked ibdoption.

2.  Memory violation with "ped show all" under certain circumstances fixed.

****     New in version 2.0.8 Beta 1 ******

1.  Bug in freq mle (usually only seen on linux systems) fixed
2.  Added -nostop option for bayesavg -qtn
3.  Added c0v to bayesavg_cov.win file for bayesavg -qtn, showing posterior
    probability of cov0.

****     New in version 2.0.7 Beta 3 ******

1.  Bug in use of simqtl for bivariate traits fixed (caused crash)
2.  Bug in loading haldane map fixed
3.  Corrected max bits for Merlin and Genehunter
4.  Enforced "ibddir or mibddir must be declared in session when writing
    new ibd/mibd files" rule consistently.
5.  Documentation Chapters 1-6 and 9 have been revised and formatted to
    an improved style for clarity.
6.  If simqtl genotypes were read from a file, that file would not get
    closed.  After multiple runs, user could run out of available files.
    This bug has been fixed.
7.  Output frequency of 10 chosen for Loki, which makes using Loki to
    calculate MIBDs faster than it (Loki) was previously.  This change
    was recommended by Simon Heath, the author of Loki.

*****    New in version 2.0.7 Beta 2 ******

1.  Support for Merlin and Genehunter for mibd prep and mibd import
2.  Added -byloc for mibd export to create a separate mibd export file
    for each solar mibd (otherwise, the file can get so large as to
    make file management difficult)

*****    New in version 2.0.7 Beta 1 ******

1. Plotting for power calculation (plot -power) is now available which
     plots power vs QTL heritability.

2. The restart for power calculations (power -restart) now permits changing
     the number of replicates and grid sizes.

3. Dominance matrices (delta7 and d7) are now supported as intended by
   twopoint and multipoint.  Previously these "second column" matrices were
   ignored by the custom parameterization (-cparm) options of twopoint
   and multipoint.  

4. Other problems with "second column" matrices are fixed, including one which
   caused SOLAR to crash if you used one second column matrix to override
   a previously loaded second column matrix, then did "model new".
   Now, when you override a matrix though a second column entry, the old
   one is deleted (or renamed if it is the first column and the second
   column is loaded also) as required so that the result is unambiguous.

5. The -cparm options of twopoint and multipoint and twopoint automatically
   seek out the highest indexed ibd* or mibd* matrix for scanning, which
   means you can scan custom parameterized models with multiple linkage

6. The linkmod -noparm option has been renamed "-cparm" for consistency
   with twopoint and multipoint.  This has the new behavior required
   to support dominance and other second column matrices, and multiple
   linkage elements.

7. The broken "-saveall" option of multipoint has been fixed, and a
   -saveall option has been added to twopoint.  These options save
   all the linkage models tested.

8. The "Advanced Modeling Topics" Chapter 9 of the documentation has
   been updated, clarified, and the examples presented (regarding
   dominance, household groups, and custom parameterization)
   have been tested to actually work as presented.  There is now
   advice as to handle covariates with multiple "classes."
   The command documentation for related commands has also been
   clarified and updated.

*****    New in version 2.0.6 Beta 3 ******

1. It is now possible to do "polygenic -testrhoe" and "polygenic -testrhog"
   on bivariate household polygenic models.  Also there is a new test,
   "polygenic -testrhoc" that tests the rhoc parameter.

2. "twopoint -parm" has been renamed "twopoint -cparm" for consistency
   with multipoint and the documentation.

*****    New in version 2.0.6 Beta 2 ******

1. A "saved state" has been added to the field, mibddir, and ibddir
   commands.  This means that once you give one of these commands, it
   remains in effect in all futures sessions within the same working
   directory.  The state is saved in the files field.info, mibddir.info,
   and ibddir.info, respectively.

   In the case of mibddir and ibddir, the saved state only works for
   reading purposes, not writing new ibd or mibd files.  In order to
   write ibd or mibd files, you must explicity enter the ibddir or
   mibddir commands within the current session.  This is to prevent
   you from accidentally overwriting previous files.

   For the field command, it is now possible to restore a field to it's
   "full default" state using the -default argument.  For the ID field,
    for example, the "full default" allows either ID or EGO.

1. For the polygenic command, the "Residual Kurtosis" test now works as
   intended.  Previously, you were only getting the stats on the trait itself,
   and no test was done if there were no covariates.  Now you are
   actually getting the stats on the residuals, unless there
   are no covariates, in which case you get the stats on the trait
   itself.  Also there was a bug in writing the first line of the residuals
   file if the -q option (used by polygenic) was used.  And the warning
   about residual kurtosis being too high points you to some helpful
   suggestions which have been added to the "help polygenic" message.

2. sporadic command now properly does variance due to all covariates and
   computes sporadic residual kurtosis.  A bug in the last update broke
   these.  However, sporadic does NOT save or overwrite null0.out.  It
   is not appropriate to use a sporadic model as the null in linkage

3. rhoc is used for bivariate household models in place of rhoh (since
   household parameter is c2).

4. The residual command defaults to using the output file null0.out
   rather than poly.out.  This makes more sense.

5. The "residual" command will not run on discrete models.  It is not
   appropriate.  Likewise, the polygenic command will not attempt to
   report the residual kurtosis for discrete models.

6. If you are analyzing a discrete trait as quantitative, polygenic
   will not now attempt to compute the Kullback-Leibler R squared.

7. The note about loglikelihoods and chi^2's being written to
   polygenic.logs.out was been made neater and is written to the terminal
   as well as the polygenic.out file.

*****    New in version 2.0.6  ******

1. Bivariate household (household polygenic, etc.) models are now supported.
   Previously, you would get a cryptic error message if you attempted
   to add household effects to a bivariate model.  That was because
   none of the "house" and "polygenic" code had any inkling of how to
   deal with bivariate household models.  Much work was needed to add
   this capability, it kept falling to the bottom of our priority
   list.  Also there is a new "-keephouse" option which forces the C2
   parameter into models even if C2 is estimated at 0 in the household
   polygenic model.

2. "polygenic" now permits covariate beta variables to be constrained
   to particular values.  When a model contains such beta variables,
   the "variance due to all covariates" or the "Kullback-Leibler R-squared"
   cannot be computed.  Also, covariates with constrained betas cannot
   be screened, but other covariates in effect may be.

3. One unanticipated form of convergence error could cause multipoint
   scans to crash.  This convergence error would take the form of
   constraints not being satisfied.  It was hoped to be able to fix
   the problem altogether, but that turned out not to be possible within
   current numerical limits.  But now the problem is correctly handled
   as an individual convergence error, and multipoint scans continue.

4. Various bugs and inconsistencies in the "stats" command have been fixed.
   It should not crash in any eventuality.  In some cases, uncomputable stats
   are correctly shown as NaN (not 0, or crash).  Alphanumeric fields are
   identified as such.  Discrete fields are identified as such, and discrete
   coding errors are identified correctly following the same algorithm as
   during maximization.

5. Discrete trait handling improved: An inconsistency in the identification
   of discrete variables has been fixed.  zscore is permitted for "discrete"
   variables when they are analyzed quantitatively (by setting option
   enablediscrete to 0).  When discete variables are being analyzed
   quantitatively, a warning is given by polygenic.  The discrete notes
   have been updated to remove some areas of confusion.  The warning
   about discrete traits being analyzed quantitatively appears (just)
   once in the multipoint.out file, and not in between every line of
   multipoint scanning.

6. A bug in the use of the "field" command to permit a different label
   to be used for famid has been fixed.

7. simqtl now properly closes input file after each use (eventually, you
   could have lost the ability to open more files).  map unloads current
   map before loading new one.  "mibd prep" checks for markers in map but
   not in marker file, and also checks for zero recombination between

8. sporadic command has been merged with polygenic command to be more
   consistent (and easier for us to update!).  Some of the polygenic
   output messages have been clarified.

******   New in version 2.0.5 or before *****

(Some of the following changes might actually have been made in releases
prior to 2.0.5, but were only documented for the 2.0.5 release.)

1.  QTN

Quantitative Trait Nucleotide (QTN) analysis is provided for with the
"bayesavg -qtn" command and the qtnm command to do marginal testing and
plot results.

2.  SOLAR user identification (matching key)

       SOLAR KEY consistent with "su -c" (but possibly not "su")
       Previous versions of SOLAR based the KEY verification on the
       "username" or "login name" you ACTUALLY logged in on (regardless
       of any "su" change) and the key found in the directory pointed
       to by the HOME environment variable.  In many cases, this worked
       with "su" (because that doesn't update your HOME directory), but
       not "su -c" (which updates your HOME directory).  After much
       agonizing, I decided it was more consistent to support "su -c".
       So, the key can now match the identity you assume with with
       "su -c" or a similar command, so long as the matching key is found in
       the current HOME directory (which is pointed to by the environment
       variable HOME...use the shell command "echo $HOME" to see it).

3.  Cryptic errors when using the residual command when there are special
    characters such as % in the phenotypes file have been fixed.

A bug involving the usage of special characters (such as %) in
    the phenotypes file and the "residual" command

******   New in version 2.0.5  ******

Note: This is the 3rd release of SOLAR 2.0.5 (beta), properly known
as SOLAR 2.0.5 "c".

Here is a summary of the updates in version 2.0.5 as compared with 2.0.4
(details follow):

* trait command changed (-noparm not needed)
* Univariate models compatible with 1.7.3
* Alternate parameterization incompatible with 2.0.4
* ibd,mibd import and export
* zscore command
* stats command
* empp command
* New Batch Interface
* multipoint -saveall
* showproc command (really new)
* bad script identified
* missing FAMID checked for
* "undefined" phenotypes file
* multipoint -cparm
* multipoint -link
* esd,gsd,qsd parameterization
* spurious multipoint LODs fixed
* polygenic command tests residual kurtosis
* gridh2r
* d7 convergence problem fixed
* Automatically updates "last updated on" date
* multipoint -plot fixed on linux

Now, here are the details (some of them, anyway):

* trait command changed (-noparm not needed)

It is no longer necessary to give the "-noparm" option to the trait
command when setting up models with non-standard parameterization.
The trait command no longer adds or removes parameters in your model
to correspond with the trait(s).  If you are attempting to change from
a univariate to a bivariate model or vice versa, and trait dependent
parameters have already been created, you are now given an error
message telling you that you must use the "model new" command first.
At that point, you cannot inadvertantly continue with invalid
parameters or the previous trait; any attempt to continue with a
maximization will repeat the message about the need for using the
"model new" command first.  (The trait takes on a special value
"Must_give_command_model_new" in order to assure this.  If you need to
recover this invalid model anyway, for the sake of previously maximized
parameters, you can save it to a file and edit it.)

You can still change from one univariate trait to another if desired,
but this is only recommended if the two traits have similar behavior.
During a univariate trait change, some parameter values and boundaries
will be adjusted. The documentation for the trait command gives more

If you wish to set up the standard parameters (mean, sd, e2, h2r) for
the currently selected trait(s), you may use the "polygenic" command,
the "polymod" command (to set up the parameters without maximization),
or you may set up the parameters, constraints, and omega required by
hand.  This was how it worked in earlier releases of SOLAR, but the
original solar2 assumed you wanted the standard parameters and set
them up for you whenever the trait command was given.  I thought this
would simplify things for most people, but in the end this assumption
proved to cause too many problems and misunderstandings.

* Univariate models compatible with 1.7.3

As a result of the changes to the trait command, univariate models from
SOLAR 2.0.5 are now compatible with SOLAR version 1.7.3 and earlier releases.

* Alternate parameterization incompatible with 2.0.4

If non-standard parameters (such as esd, gsd, and qsd) are in your
2.0.5 model, it will not be compatible with 2.0.4, since that version
required the "trait -noparm" option for such models to be permitted.

* ibd,mibd import and export

The ibd and mibd command now have new options designed to permit the use
of ibd and mibd files from other software packages to be used in SOLAR, and
for SOLAR ibd and mibd files to be used in other software packages.  The
new commands are:

        ibd export
        ibd import
        mibd export
        mibd import
        mibd import 
        mibd prep

See the documentation for further details.

* zscore command

The zscore command will compute statistics about your selected trait
and then automatically "zscore" it during maximization.  This is a
transformation in which the trait mean is subtracted from each trait
and then the result is divided by the standard deviation.

    zscored = (value - Mean) / SD

The zscore status is stored in several model options (zscore, zmean1,
zsd1, zmean2, and zsd2, the latter two being for a second trait) and
can be adjusted if desired.

* stats command

The stats command can report basic statistics including mean, minimum,
maximum, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis about any (or all)
phenotypic variables.  The default variable is the current trait.  For
use in scripts, a helper procedure stats_get pulls named statistics out
of the record returned by stats.

* empp command

empp computes an empirical p-value from lodadj results.

* New Batch Interface

There is a new "batch" interface to solar.  From the shell, you can now
invoke SOLAR with solar command(s) or the name of your script procedure
followed by its arguments, just as you would do at the "solar>" prompt:

    solar2 [ []+ ]

For example, you could invoke the tutorial script "makemibd" like this:

    solar2 makemibd

You can even string together multiple SOLAR commands using the semicolon (;)

    solar2 trait q4 \; covar age \; polygenic -s

You need to put backslash in front of semicolons because otherwhise
the shell will interpret those as requiring the execution of new shell

You can still do things like this (as many Unix experts know):

    solar2 << EOF
    trait q4
    covar age
    polygenic -s

That is a feature of Unix shells and has nothing to do with SOLAR.

This is a change from how the argument(s) to solar2 were handled.
Previously, the arguments only allowed you to specify the NAME OF A
FILE containing a LIST OF SOLAR COMMANDS to process, not the name of a
SOLAR procedure ("proc").  This meant that if you wanted to execute a
predefined SOLAR proc, you had to create a second file simply
containing the name of that proc.  This was very cumbersome and also
very hard to explain to people, who just wanted to use commands like
they do at the SOLAR prompt.  Now you can do that.

* multipoint -saveall

The -saveall option of multipoint saves all models tested in a multipoint
analysis.  It was present before but not documented.

* showproc command (was writeproc)

There is now a "showproc" command which will display any built-in or
user-defined procedure ("proc" or what most people call "scripts")
that is implemented in Tcl.  You can also copy the script to a file.
The proc name will be suffixed with .copy so as not to collide with
the built-in script name.

    showproc  []

If you do not specify a filename, you will view the procedure in your terminal
window using the more pager.  For example, if you want to view the
"polygenic" procedure (which is very complicated!), you could give the

    showproc polygenic

Even if you don't fully understand the built-in procedure, it is
sometimes useful to look at the code.  Unfortunately showproc does not
show comments or the exact "pretty" formatting of the code.  The real
code looks a little nicer than what gets shown.

* bad script identified

When SOLAR finds a seriously bad script when starting, it will identify
the bad script by name (rather than giving a cryptic message like it
used to).

* missing FAMID field in phenotypes file now checked for

Often people use ID's which are only unique in each family.  When
doing this, they must also include a FAMID field to disambiguate ID's
in both the pedigree and phenotypes files.  Previously, however, only
pedigree files would be checked for having unique ID's.  Sometimes people
would forget to include FAMID in the phenotypes file, or forget to
name the applicable field in the phenotypes file as FAMID.  Now
SOLAR checks for missing FAMID when loading the phenotypes file by
searching for duplicate ID's.  If FAMID is already present in the
phenotypes file, or if the pedigree file does not have FAMID, this
check is not required.  It is usually very fast.

* "undefined" phenotypes file

If there is an error loading the phenotypes file, the phenotypes file
status becomes "undefined," even if you exit from and restart SOLAR.
Previously, if you restarted SOLAR this "undefined" status would be
lost, and you might have continued with an obsolete phenotypes file.

* multipoint -cparm

The "-parm" option for multipoint has been renamed "-cparm" which signifies
"custom parameterization".  See below for an example.

* multipoint -link

The -link option to multipoint allows you to specify a custom "linkage
model creation" procedure.  This is useful if you use a custom
parameterization (such as esd,gsd,qsd) which is not supported by the
built-in linkage model creation procedure linkmod which uses the
standard parameterization.  Two such procedures are "linkqsd" and
"linkqsd0" (see below).

* esd,gsd,qsd parameterization

The custom parameterization using esd, gsd, and qsd parameters (in
place of the standard e2, h2r, and h2q1 parameters) is now
EXPERIMENTALLY supported by built-in procedures polygsd, linkqsd,
linkqsd0, and gsd2h2r.  Here is a sample analysis:

    model new
    trait q4
    covar sex
    polygsd       ;# sets up esd and gsd parameters
    save model q4/null0
    gsd2h2r       ;# reports equivalent h2r value
    chromosome 9
    interval 5
    mibddir gaw10mibd
    multipoint -link linkqsd0 -cparm {esd gsd qsd}

* spurious multipoint LODs fixed; polygenic h2r over 0.99

In some multipoint scans, positive LOD scores were being shown where
the h2q1 was zero.  The true culprit was that the h2r in some polygenic
models was being improperly estimated as 0.99, which was not the
highest likelihood estimate.  These invalid estimates were being
caused by singularities in the covariance matrix as h2r gets very
close to 1.0 when there are monozygotic twins.

This has been addressed in two ways.  The default e2lower has been
raised from 0.01 to 0.03 which prevents the sum of all heritabilities
from being estimated over 0.97 on the first attempt.  This stopped the
problem in the dataset at hand because h2r doesn't get close enough to
1.0 to cause singularity problems.  Also, if h2r is estimated above
0.90 during the "polygenic" command, you now get a warning:

    Warning.  Unexpectedly high heritabilities might result from
    numerical problems, especially if mztwins are present.

* polygenic command tests residual kurtosis

During a univariate polygenic analysis in which there are covariates, the
kurtosis of the residual is tested and reported.  If it is above 0.8, you
get a special warning:

    WARNING!  Residual Kurtosis is 0.81, which is too high

* gridh2r

You run gridh2r after running polygenic to take a look at the
likelihoods for fixed h2r values around estimated h2r if you are
suspicious there was a problem with the h2r estimation.  You can set
the upper bound, lower bound, and steps, or simply use the defaults.

* d7 convergence problem fixed

There was a bug in the code which was supposed to default missing d7 to the
delta7 value.  This caused misconvergence in some dominance linkage

* Automatically updates "last updated on" date

When starting, SOLAR now scans all the SOLAR binary files and the solar.tcl
file to determine the correct "last updated on" date shown in the
copyright message.

* multipoint -plot fixed on linux

Previously, multipoint -plot did not work on linux.  In fact, once you did
a plot on linux, many things wouldn't work.  That has now been fixed.

******   SPECIAL 2.0.4f update ******

1) h2q1 values for bivariate models were too low by an unpredictable
   amount (some reports say a very tiny amount, but we're not sure
   that's always true).  LOD scores are unchanged.  Sometimes convergence
   is better.

2) hlod fixed for bivariate models or other models where phi2.gz is
   explicitly included.

******   SPECIAL 2.0.4b update ******

This distribution includes the 2.0.4b bugfix update which fixes the following
bugs.  When running, this version will identify itself as version 2.0.4,
but if you check the solar.tcl file it will be dated March 28.

1) p values for rhoe and rhog being different from zero were not being
   calculated correctly.  The previous values were too high.  Better
   (and correct) values are reported now.

2) If C2 in household polygenic models went to zero, the polygenic
   command crashed.  That has been fixed, and now also the
   documentation clarifies that if C2 is 0, it is removed from the
   model, regardless of whether the -screen option is in effect.

3) Some standard errors might be reported as 0.0000000.  Now they are
   reported as "not computable."

4) The Kullback-Leibler R^2 might be reported for non-discrete models
   when the user has constrained SD to zero.  Fixed.

******   NEW in SOLAR 2.0.4   *******

1. A bug disabling the variance component boundary management for bivariate
   models, which was introduced in version 2.0.2, has been fixed in this
   related to them.  If you have any important models that were created by
   release 2.0.2 or 2.0.3, you should do one of the following:

      1) recreate those models using version 2.0.4
      2) check all variance component parameters (e2 h2r h2q1 rhoe rhog rhoq1)
         that they are not sitting on an artificial boundary.  If you don't
         know what this means, see option 3.
      3) Reload those models in the new SOLAR 2.0.4, and run the
         check_artificial_boundaries command.  It returns a list of errors.
         If it returns nothing, your model is OK.

2. Maximization of troublesome discrete models has been improved,
   partly by relaxing the required convergence precision slightly, and
   partly by handling "over the cliff" problems consistently in a
   useful way.  There may be very insignificant changes (in the third
   or lesser signficant digit) in typical cases, but that is a small
   price to pay for much greater chance of proper convergence in the
   difficult cases.  (I can still concoct some model which don't
   converge, but it's fairly difficult.)  If you are still getting
   convergence errors with any type of model, please bring them to the
   attention of the SOLAR developers at solar@txbiomedgenetics.org.  We are
   getting a better handle on these things.
3. Unsatisfied constraints involving more than one parameter (such as
   e2 + h2r + h2q1 = 1) are now identified clearly and conveniently during
   maximization and don't cause bouts of unnecessary retries and are not
   mistakenly identified as "CONVERGENCE FAILURE."  (Unsatisfied
   constraints involving only one parameter are automatically fixed...that
   has been a feature of SOLAR for some time now.  The parameter is simply
   set to the value it is constrained to.  But with multiple parameters, it
   is non-obvious how this should be done, and is probably best left to the
   user, though I may invent some script to make it easier for the user to
   deal with in the future.)

4. Bugs in multipoint scanning on linux have been fixed.  Any convergence
   error would abort the scan, and proper sorting of the output files wasn't

5. "marker discrep" and "freq mle" will complete an entire list of markers
   rather than terminating at the first error.

6.  detection and reporting of various errors has been improved for pedigree, 
    marker, ibd, and mibd commands.

7.  New relative classes have been added.

8.  Internal Tcl search PATH has been simplified, which may improve efficiency
    when NFS is used and eliminate conflicts on sites where other Tcl
    versions have been installed locally.

9.  Bivariate LOD now automatically adjusted for constraint of rhoq1 (or
    rhoqN) if present.  Minor improvements to clod and lodp interface.
    Buggy auto-constraint of rhoq1 for convergence purposes eliminated.

10  Bug in perturb fixed.  Perturb also now has multiple phases to deal with
    difficult cases where there isn't much "room" between the boundaries.

11. -key  argument to SOLAR permits operation without a permanent
    .solar_reg file.  This is useful for remote job execution under some
    circumstances, and reduces related NFS traffic.

12. install_solar has been improved, now permitting you to give special
    names to solar releases.  Internally we call SOLAR version 2.0.x

*******  NEW in SOLAR 2.0.3  ******

SOLAR 2.0.3 now allows the same flexibility for bivariate models which
had been available for univariate models.  In addition, there is a new
command "toscript" which automatically writes your commands into
scripts, and support of arbitrary non-standard parameterization and
better "mu" editing.  Details are discussed below.

1.  toscript command (writes commands to a script file)
2.  Trait-specific covariates
3.  Null covariates (useful for locking-in phenotypes)
4.  Trait change cleanup
5.  Constraint cleanup
6.  Arbitrary parameterization
7.  -parm option for multipoint and twopoint (and linkmod -noparm)
8.  Omega "(ti)" and "(tj)" variables generalized
9.  Bivariate (and Univariate) Mu's
10. Bugs fixed

1. toscript

The new command "toscript" will automatically create a script based on
the commands previously entered in this session or a set of ranges of
those command.  For example:

    solar> trait q1 q2
    solar> covar age sex
    solar> toscript begin

Will create a script named "begin" including the two previous
commands.  You may begin using the new script immediately, and it is
also saved in a file (begin.tcl in this example) in the current
directory.  You may also specify ranges of commands to use in the
script.  To see the numbered list of all commands (up to 200) in the
current session, use the Tcl "history" command.  To overwrite a
previous script, use the "-ov" argument.  For example:

    solar> history
        1  trait q1 q2
        2  covar age sex
        3  toscript begin

    solar> toscript -ov begin 1-2

You can use any number of single command numbers or hypenated ranges:

    solar> toscript analysis 1-5 11-15 25 20

As the script is being created, you also see it displayed on your terminal.

2. Trait specific covariates

It is now possible to specify exactly which trait a particular covariate
should be applied to.  Previously, all covariates were "generic" and applied
to all traits, which was not always desired.  To specify the trait to which a
covariate should be applied, include the trait name in parentheses following
the covariate.  For example:

    solar> covariate sex age(q1) age*sex(q2)

Here "sex" is a "generic" covariate to be applied to all traits, "age"
is only applied to trait q1, and age*sex is only applied to trait q2.
If you change trait(s), the specific covariate betas will change
automatically (see section 3).  The help documentation for the covariate
command has been updated and has more detail.

3. Null covariates (useful for locking-in phenotypes).

In addition to trait specific covariates, it is now possible to create
"null covariates" which don't apply to any trait.  These are not true
covariates in the usual sense, but serve the same function of
"locking-in" a phenotype so that only individuals including that
phenotype are included in the analysis.  For example:

    solar> covariate dob()

This forces the requirement that all invididuals in the analysis have
the variable dob, but no beta variable is created or estimated.

In the past, people have tried using "suspended" covariates (which
were really intended only for temporary hypothesis testing) and other
problematic ways to do this.  "Null covariates" accomplish what is
required in an elegant way, and it fits in perfectly with how
trait specific covariates are handled when the trait(s) are changed.

4.  Automatic trait change parameter cleanup

Previously if you ever changed trait(s) without giving the "model new"
command you could get into serious trouble, including fatal errors.
Now pretty much everything you absolutely need to do is taken care of
automatically.  Covariates are "renewed" automatically.  This means
that the old beta parameters are removed and new beta parameters are
created which correspond to the new traits.  The covariate beta values
and boundaries are also reset (which is likely to be appropriate).
Finally, note that beta parameters are created only for those
covariates which are applicable to the new trait(s).  Covariates which
were declared as specific to trait(s) not in the current model will not
have betas.  For example:

    solar> trait sex age(q1) age*sex(q2)
    solar> trait q1

Since trait q1 is now in effect, beta parameters are created for sex and
age, but not age*sex.

    solar> trait q2

Since trait q2 is now in effect, beta parameters are created for sex and
age*sex, but not age.

    solar> trait q1 q2

Since traits q1 and q2 are now in effect, all three covariates are
applicable, and sex is applicable to both traits.

Even if a covariate is "inapplicable" to the current trait, the underlying
phenotypic variable is "locked-in."  This is appropriate to most analysis
situations.  If this is not what you want, you can always delete the
covariate or start from scratch with "model new".

The variance parameters, trait parameters, constraint, and omega are
also re-created as needed for the new trait(s).  Optional constraints
on any of the above parameters are removed when the parameters are
deleted and then re-constructed.  (The removal of optional constraints
might not be what you want in all cases, but it does prevent a number
of problems.  For example, if a previous univariate trait was discrete
and the new trait is quantitative, the old constraint on parameter SD
would get you into trouble.)

If you don't want the trait command messing with any of your
parameters, omega, or constraint, use the -noparm option.  In that
case you had better know what you are doing.  You could end up with
models that will not maximize or worse.

Another alternative is that you can still use "model new" to start from
scratch when you change the trait.

5. Automatic constraint cleanup

Whenever a parameter is removed, contraints on that parameter are removed

6. Arbitrary Parameterization

SOLAR is now designed so that the "standard" parameterization is no
longer required.  Parameters also need not necessarily appear in a
particular order (as was also previously required).  If you want to create
a model with arbitrary parameterization, be sure to use the -noparm
option of the trait command when specifying traits.  You will notice that
models also include this option because they might or might not include
non-standard parameterization.

    solar> trait -noparm q1

Otherwise the standard parameters will be created in the standard order,
which is more convenient for most people most of the time.

It is not even necessary to have "mean" and "SD" parameters in models
anymore.  Of course, all models must still have "omega" and "mu"
equations; those are actually required for variance analysis to work.
The "mean" could simply be a constant in the mu.

To facilitate the use of linkage models with arbitrary parameterization,
the linkmod command (which builds linkage models) now has a -noparm
option.  With this option, linkmod adds a linkage matrix to the current model,
replacing the previous matrix (if applicable), but does not touch the
the parameters, constraints, and omega in the model.  It then becomes your
responsibility to set those things up correctly.

7.  -parm option for twopoint and multipoint

To enable linkage scanning for models with non-standard parameterization,
the twopoint and multipoint commands now include a "-parm" option which
allows you to specify a list of alternative parameters to be displayed for
each model.  For example:

    solar> multipoint -parm {esd gesd}

This would print the values of parameters esd and gesd for each linkage model
(in addition to the loglikelihood and LOD, which are always included).
If you are using non-standard parameters, but there are no particular
parameters you need in the output file, you can indicate this with the
"empty list":

    solar> multipoint -parm {}

When you use the -parm option, a non-standard parameterization is assumed.
is done simply by substituting the one ibd or mibd matrix after another
into the model (using the "linkmod -noparm" command).  There must also be
a maximized null0.mod model in the output directory, but it is only read
to find the null loglikelihood for LOD calculation.  It is not used as
a basis for creating new linkage models, since SOLAR only knows how to do
that for the standard parameterization.

8. Omega "(ti)" and "(tj)" variables generalized

Bivariate models require (ti) and (tj) subscripted variables in the
omega for each variance component.  Previously these (ti) and (tj)
variables were provided for only e2, h2r, and h2q1.  Now they are
available for ANY parameter for which there is a subscripted version
for each trait.  This allows for household effect parameters and any
other variance terms you can imagine.  For example:

    solar> trait q1 q2
    solar> parameter c2(q1)
    solar> parameter c2(q2)

After defining c2 for each trait, you can use variables c2(ti) and
c2(tj) in the omega.

9.  Bivariate and Univariate Mu's

Previously there was no practical way to use mu in bivariate models.
They were broken in several different ways.  Now there are "t1" and
"t2" variables which reflect the trait being estimated at the time.
(For example, t1 is 1 if the first trait is current, 0 otherwise).

    solar> trait q1 q2
    solar> covar sex
    solar> mu
mu = \{t1*(+*Female) + t2*(+*Female)\}

There is now a much better explanation in the help message for the
mu command, but I'll go over it briefly here.

First notice that the default mu has separate terms corresponding to
traits q1 and q2, and that they are activated by the t1 and t2
variables.  Following this example, you can create custom mu's for
bivariate models.  (You don't actually have to follow this example
precisely, you could repeat the t1 and t2 terms as many times as you
like.  But I thought this clear division of the parts for each trait
is easier to read.  I would have preferred to create entirely separate
mu's for each trait, but that turned out to be much harder to do.  I
hope to do that in a future release.)

Second I'll explain why you see the "\{" and "\}" (quoted curly brace)
delimiters around the entire default mu.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO ENTER
merely delimit the "default" portion of the mu which is determined by
the mean parameters and covariates.  Previously I used "[" and "]" to
delimit the default mu, but that made it impossible to use verbatim.
You always had to edit those characters out.  Now, you can keep them,
and the default portion of the mu in, if you would like, simply by
enclosing that portion between "\{" and "\}" delimiters as shown.  It
is convenient to leave the default portion of the mu in because it
automatically changes based on the covariates selected.  (I suspect
people are using "residuals" and other features because they have
never known they could do this.)

Suppose I want to keep the default part of the mu, but add an additional
"log(g)" term.  I can do that like this:

    solar> parameter g
    solar> mu = mu + log(g)
    solar> mu
mu = \{t1*(+*Female) + t2*(+*Female)\}+log(g)

This will *augment* the default mu, which is (now) still shown when you
display the mu.  (Previously it became the cryptic "mu" term, and most
people didn't understand what was going on.)  You can keep on adding terms
to the mu in this way.  You can also cut and paste the entire mu shown and
edit it as desired, for example, imagine that I have pasted then edit the
previous line as shown to change log(g) into log(1-g):

solar> mu = \{t1*(+*Female) + t2*(+*Female)\}+log(1-g)
solar> mu
mu = \{t1*(+*Female) + t2*(+*Female)\}+log(1-g)

SOLAR will accept this, and continue to understand that the portion between
the quoted curly brace delimiters is the default part which is dependent on the
covariates chosen.  Editing that part will have no effect.  If you want to
edit the entire mu, you must remove the delimiters.

10.  HLOD now available.

Homogeneity/heterogeneity testing is now available in SOLAR.  See the
documentation for the "hlod" command.

11.  Bugs fixed

An cryptic error occurred when special characters (such as %) were included
in phenotype names and the "residual" command was used.  An appropriate
error message is now given.  Also there *may* be special characters in
the data file (for example, in strings) and the residual command will now
handle those properly.

Other bugs have been fixed also, but this is a very big update and it is
unfortunately quite likely that new bugs have been added.

Please report all bugs.

******  NEW in SOLAR 2.0.1 ******

Bivariate LODS are now reported as "1df equivalent" LODs which are comparable
to univariate LODS.  See documentation for clod and lodp commands.  You
should use the lodp command if you are intentionally constraining rhoq1

pedlod and pedlike now provide accurate results so that when all
numbers are added up they should equal scores for the entire pedigree set
(except for small differences due to rounding errors).  They are also
*much* faster, especially for large number of pedigrees.

There are now -testrhoe and -testrhog options for "polygenic" for
bivariate models.

ibd and mibd code is now fully updated with latest fixes (for x-linked
markers and some new relationship classes).

Probabilities are now reported with scientific notation if they get very

linkmod -2p option for setting up twopoint models (replacing linkmod2p).
(Or, you can simply use the "twopoint" command; this now works).

To set traits with no parameters use "-noparam" option; this permits
arbitrary parameterization.  Models are also saved this way, which is
why they can't be read by earlier releases.

Bivariate with FAMID fixed.

Do not use new "hlod" command yet.  It is only experimental now.

Changes from the earliest distributions of 2.0.0:

Documentation is somewhat updated.  The tutorial (Chapter 3) is revised
and corrected in a number of important places.

Too many fixes to remember.

**** New in version 2.0.0 ****


Two traits may now be specified by the trait command, and the
resulting bivariate models may be used in standard SOLAR commands
as with univariate models.

"Unbalanced" traits (individuals having one trait but not the other) are
supported by default.  However, there is an "UnbalancedTraits" option to
turn this support off is required.


Note: Changes between beta versions prior to version 1.7.3 are NOT

Changes to SOLAR 1.7.3 from 1.6.6

      The Monte Carlo method of IBD computation (used when the Curtis and
      Sham method is inappropriate) has been made faster by use of a
      local likelihood approximation.  In the imputation step, possible
      genotypes are weighted by probabilities conditional on the
      genotypes of immediate family members (parents, siblings, and
      offspring) rather than conditional on the entire pedigree.  For
      large, complicated pedigrees the speedup can be quite substantial
      (many fold).  Though tiny differences might be observed in IBD
      files, we have not found the approximation to change our analysis
      results, which is the bottom line.  Curtis and Sham IBD computation
      has also been made faster through various efficiency measures.

      Multiple marker names may now be specified in IBD and MARKER
      When loaded into SOLAR, some matrices could become quite large:
      hundreds of megabytes or more.  Under some circumstances, you would
      get an error about a matrix "not found" or "empty" when in reality
      the problem was insufficient memory for loading.  Improvements were
      made to greatly reduce memory usage by matrices.  In one typical
      case, memory usage is reduced from 300 megabytes to 20 megabytes.
      (The greatest reduction of memory usage comes when you have a large
      number of separate families.)  Also, if there is a memory shortage
      when loading matrices, it is now correctly reported.  In addition,
      the Delta7 and D7 matrices are not loaded unless Delta7 or D7 is
      actually included in the Omega.  (This cuts matrix memory usage in
      half regardless of family sizes.)

      The changes made for matrices seem to have made some previously
      uncomputable discrete models now maximize properly.  Also, some work
      was done to prevent discrete models from "hanging."  It is still
      true, however, that not all discrete models can be maximized by

      We found that dozens of large simultaneous SOLAR jobs were running
      our network into the ground.  Several changes have been made to
      SOLAR to greatly reduce network loading.  Some of these concern how
      SOLAR finds its libraries and anciliary programs; it is now done
      without unnecessarily searching directories (which on our network
      and maybe yours are NFS mounted).  File operations are now done
      internally rather than using external programs such as "cp" and
      "rm" which also caused much path searching over NFS.  A very big
      improvement was also made by eliminating the storage of pedigree
      and phenotypic data in "scratchfiles" during analysis.  This was a
      carryover from core SOLAR routines which had been written in the
      1980's to run on memory strapped PC's.  These scratchfiles might be
      read over and over hundreds of times for a single maximization,
      resulting in tens of megabytes of file I/O.  On a single machine,
      this was not much of a problem because of Unix file caching.  But,
      across a network using NFS mounted directories, it was disasterous.
      Elimination of the scratchfiles has also improved maximization
      speed by about 20% even when the working directory is not NFS

      The bayesavg algorithm has changed so that it is not necessary to
      compute standard errors for every model, particularly for the
      "saturated" model (for which standard errors might not even be
      computable).  This doubles speed in typical cases.  Also, there is
      now a -max option to limit the maximum subset size, and this can
      reduce computation time astronomically (!) when it is applicable.
      Models are now built in an intuitive bottom up order.  Much less
      time and memory are required to generate the subsets
      ("combinations").  (These changes are also reflected in the
      combinations command.)  Additional changes include: starting models
      with interactions or household effects can be used, all models in
      the window are saved by default, saved models use constrained betas
      instead of "suspended" covariates, the "best" model is loaded at
      conclusion, the log_n and other information is shown during
      operation.  If you have used the bayesavg command before, it may be
      a good idea to re-read the help documentation before using the
      new and improved version in this release.  Also, the numerical
      results may differ slightly from previous versions of SOLAR.

      SPORADIC command
      A new "sporadic" command has been added having most of the same
      features (including optional covariate screening) as the
      "polygenic" command.  For some data, it is preferable to do
      covariate screening with a sporadic model.

      simqtl genotypes are now written to a file named simqtl.qtl.
      Previously they weren't being written out at all.  simqtl has been
      upgraded to handle MZ twins and multiple QTL's.  A linux-specific
      bugfix (also included in linux release 1.6.7) is added.  AGE
      covariate no longer required (nor is a dummy covariate).

      Alphanumeric chromosome names (e.g. 2p and 2q) now work properly
      with multipoint analysis and plotting.  In multipoint output files,
      a leading zero is now automatically prepended to single digit
      chromosome names so that ordering is done properly with or without
      the alphanumeric suffixes.  However, you need not specify leading
      zeros in your commands.

      SCALE command
      There is now a command "scale" to change the adjustment of covariate
      variables.  Previously they were always adjusted to the sample
      mean, and there was no way you could change that.

      Options -colorname, -linewidth, and -datestamp added.

      The MU (Mean Equation) is now written to all saved models.
      It also shows all the actual covariate adjustments used.

      You can now delete a constraint by specifying its full left hand
      side.  Previously, you had to specify either an internal index, or
      (possibly ambigously) specify just one left hand term.

      TWOPOINT saves and loads best model when finished.  As a result,
      PEDLOD or PEDLIKE may be run afterwards.
      999 MZ TWINS SUPPORTED (previously only 99)

      BUG FIXES:
      RELATIVES (and RELPAIRS) command returns correct counts (previously
           counts were off by one per family so the error could be quite
           large for analyses based on nuclear families or sib pairs).
      PEDLOD and PEDLIKE work when FAMID is used.
      MULTIPOINT -EPISTASIS fixed for discrete traits.
      BAYESAVG gets better results because boundary problems fixed.
      PEDLOD may be run after TWOPOINT.
      Convergence errors now shown on string plots (previously crashed).
      Fewer than 10 chromosomes may be string plotted (previously garbled).
      Better handling of files passed through Microsoft Windows.

Changes to SOLAR 1.6.6 from 1.5.7

   SOLAR now supports a single discrete trait using the liability threshold
   model.  A discrete trait is automatically detected as two integer values
   INCORRECT RESULTS IN SOME CASES.  There are two discrete trait
   implementations included whose results can be compared (the default one
   is more reliable but possibly less accurate due to numerical problems).

   A "string plot" is a condensed method of showing the results of a
   genome scan (one pass) on one page.  The command is "plot -string."
   Miniplots are ordinary one-chromosome plots shrunken down so that an
   entire genome scan can fit on one page (even if some of the legends,
   etc, are unreadable).  The command is "plot -all."  Miniplots
   require that Python 1.5.2 or later be installed on the users system.
   We prefer string plots, for which no external software is required.

   EMPIRICAL LOD ADJUSTMENTS can now be calculated and applied to
   all LOD scores.  See "help lodadj" for more details.  (This feature
   may have been present but was not supported and was incomplete in
   earlier releases.)  There is also a command "madj" to apply a
   LOD adjustment to previously computed multipoint files.

   The documentation has been restructured and formatted in html.  The
   "doc" command starts a Netscape browser (if available) to read the
   documentation.  The "example" command copies the standard example
   to the working directory.

   "simqtl" command added to simulate one or more quantitative traits
   controlled by a QTL with (optionally) a linked marker locus.  This
   is an early release and does not yet handle MZ twins correctly,
   multiple QTLs are not implemented, and QTL genotypes cannot be read
   in from a file.

   Marker files can now be checked using the "markertest" command.  If
   errors are found, markertest will try to find the discrepant
   individual, family, pedigree, or pair.

   Math functions (all of C's math library including exp, log, sin, and
   many more) now work in both Omega and Mu equations.  (This was an
   advertised feature that didn't work previously.)

   Phenotypic variables now allowed in the omega equation.  Must specify
   varname_i or varname_j for individual i or j.  Also may use
   x_varname, min_varname, max_varname.  For sex, use female_i, male_i,
   female_j or male_j.

   Added new command "pedlod" which computes pedigree-specific LOD's.

   Added new command "pedlike" which computes pedigree-specific

   Added new command "relatives" which lists relationships of relative
   pairs included in an analysis (those having all variables).

   "plot -liability" command plots discrete trait liability vs. age.  This
   is automatically separated in to male and female curves if there is
   a sex or age*sex covariate.

   Added new command "ibd mito" for computing mitochondrial IBDs.

   Added -min and -max arguments to ordinary "plot" command to zoom in on
   a desired range.  If no chromosome is specified, the one with the
   highest LOD score is plotted.  Plot files may be written to postscript
   files with the -write option.  (See also new types of plots above.)
   Plot command checks for most errors before putting up ACE/gr window.
   Error checks now include check for presence of specified chromosome
   number in multipoint run.  On Solaris and Alpha platforms up to
   1000 marker ticks can be shown.  Marker labels and/or ticks can be
   optionally supressed.

   Basic statistics (mean, min, max, std deviation) about variables
   can be retrieved from maximization output files using the "getvar"
   command.  (There has long been a "oldmodel" command to retrieve
   parameter information from model files.)  This makes it easier to
   write certain kinds of scripts (like the "residual" command).

   Pedigrees containing "unknown" relationships (usually involving
   inbreeding) are now permitted for twopoint analyses.  The user is
   warned that multipoint analyses are not possible.

   Missing genotypes may now be coded as '-/-' as well as blank and '0/0.'

   Added a new command, ibs, which computes IBS (identity-by-state) matrices
   for markers in the ibddir directory.  This command should be considered

   By default, the locations in the map file are mapped to recombination
   fractions using the Kosambi mapping function.  It is now possible to
   use the Haldane mapping function instead (see "file-map").

   Marker names are now treated as case insensitive in commands.  The
   name as specified in the marker file is the "official" name used by
   the IBD files created.  The map file may also use a different case.

   You can now specify an MIBD window.  The MIBDs at a given chromosomal
   location will depend only on those markers that lie within the window.
   This may give a large speedup when computing MIBDs but should be used
   with caution.

   The "residual" command had several bugs which were fixed.  In some
   cases you might have gotten only a few lines of results or no results
   at all.

   It is permitted now for the ID fields in pedigree and marker files
   to have different max widths.  (This can happen if either file contains
   more ID's than the other.)  Differences in formatted width (e.g. in
   a PEDSYS file) are ignored.

   Scripts resetting trait (without doing a full "model new") will now work
   although this is still not recommended procedure unless traits are
   similar in genetic properties (variance component parameters are not

   To handle problems with difficult likelihood spaces better, existing
   artificial boundary handling has been improved and there are new
   options to the "boundary" command: "boundary wide," "boundary null,"
   and "boundary quadratic tol."  In some cases the quadratic values
   were tested when they shouldn't have been leading to premature
   "convergence error" failures, in other cases restarts occurred on 
   boundaries (leading to infinite runs that appeared like SOLAR was
   stuck), and so on.  There are now two tiers of boundary "crunching"
   instead of just one.  Loglikehood must remain with 9 digits of
   accuracy from "best" iteration to last one or warning is given
   (for "maximize" or with "verbosity max").
   In some cases, covariate boundaries errors were occurring.  The defaults
   for the covariate boundary adjustment and retry mechanism (from 1.4.x)
   were increased to 10 retries with an expansion factor of 5.  These
   values are now adjustable through the 'boundary cov retries' and
   'boundary cov incr' commands.  The new default values handle currently
   known problem cases without further adjustment.

   Chromosome labels may now include alphabetic and numeric characters
   and underscore.  Alphanumeric labels may be used in the "chromosome"
   command and plot command, but may not be included in chromosome "ranges"
   (e.g. instead of chromosome 1-23, now say chromosome 1 2 2p 3-23).

   Comma delimited files with padded 'ID' columns now work OK
   PEDSYS files with padded 'ID' columns (matched with unpadded ID C.D.
   marker files) now work OK

   Comments (leading #) and blank lines now OK in comma delimited files

   Improved handling of corrupted/missing state files (pedigree.info,
   freq.info, marker.info).  In particular, pedindex.out isn't deleted
   if one of these files is missing or corrupt.

   The marker load command now ignores fields in a marker file which
   are named FA, MO, SEX, MZTWIN, HHID, or AGE.  Previously, all fields
   other than ID and FAMID were considered to be genotype fields.

   You can now enter the "multipoint" command and be prompted to enter
   chromosome, mibddir, and interval rather than just getting error
   messages for each item you forgot to enter.

   A bug in the computation of IBD's for some MZ twins was fixed.  (This
   bug had not been reported by any users.)  Portability is improved by
   use of printf in the domcibd script.

   IBD calculation (command: 'ibd') has been made more efficient when the
   Monte Carlo method is used.

   If parental IDs were longer than ego IDs, this caused 'load pedigree' to
   give an misleading error message.  The message is now helpful.

   The "load marker" command now displays a message indicating whether the
   marker allele frequencies were fread from a previously loaded freq
   file or are being estimated from the marker data.  Also, if the
   allele freqs are MLEs computed from old (now unloaded) marker data,
   a warning to that effect is given.  Such allele freqs are now called
   "stale MLEs" rather than "old MLEs" as before.

   If allele freqs are loaded from a freq file rather than being estimated
   from the marker data, it is possible to have frequency data for more
   alleles than are actually present in the marker data.  (The converse
   would be an error - every allele in the marker data must have an entry
   in the freq file.)  If MLE allele frequencies are then computed, the
   alleles not present in the marker data will have frequencies of 0.
   This 0 frequencies caused problems with other commands, such as "ibd"
   when using the Monte-Carlo method.  These problems have been fixed.

   The mibd command now ensures that the mean IBD file (mibdchrN.mean) is
   newer than the merged marker-IBD file (mibdchrN.mrg.gz).  If the mean
   file is older (or not found), it is recomputed.  The mibd command also
   ensures that the merged marker-IBD file is newer than any of the IBD
   files for markers in the map file.  If the merged marker-IBD file is out
   of date, an error message is displayed, and "mibd" cannot be done until
   "mibd merge" is done (which is described in the message).  IF, in fact,
   the IBD files have not changed, but merely have a more recent date due
   to copying, the user can simply run 'mibd merge' and proceed.  There is
   also more extensive checking for "mibd merge."

   File descriptor "leak" in polygenic command fixed.  (If you ran
   polygenic 50 times, you would run out of file descriptors.)

   The file formats are described by "file-*" commands (e.g. file-freq)
   replacing the old "notes-*" commands.

   If household-pedigree groups were merged, this information is shown in
   the results of the "polygenic" command.  A household-pedigree
   group merging bug (unusual case) was fixed.  There is an option to
   show the merged groups ("option HouseGroupShow on").

   You can now "replace" a constrant with a new one...the obsolete one
   is automatically removed.  Parameters having embedded *'s may be
   included in constraints using <>.

   ALNORM command added to evaluate the tail of a normal curve.

   And no doubt some new bugs too.

Changes to SOLAR 1.5.7 (from 1.5.6)

1.  Faster twopoint performance
    A bug was fixed which had been causing 4x slower twopoint analyses in
    version 1.5.5 than in 1.4.0.

Changes to SOLAR 1.5.6 (from 1.5.5)

1. DEC Alpha zombie bug fixed
   A bug was fixed (for DEC Alpha systems only) in which SOLAR would create
   large numbers of zombie processes.

Changes from SOLAR 1.5.5 to 1.5.4

1. Twin Bug fixed
   Linkage analyses could not be done for pedigrees including MZ Twins.
   The table-driven ibd code (introduced in version 1.5.0) did not handle
   mztwins at all, due to a bug in multipnt.c and classes.tab, now fixed in
   SOLAR 1.5.5.

2. Linux edition IBD bugs fixed
   Bugs making IBD files using the "Curthis and Sham" method (the default
   in most cases) fixed on Linux (bugs existed only in early Linux versions).

Changes from SOLAR 1.5.5 to 1.5.4

1. Twin Bug fixed
   Linkage analyses could not be done for pedigrees including MZ Twins.
   The table-driven ibd code (introduced in version 1.5.0) did not handle
   mztwins at all, due to a bug in multipnt.c and classes.tab, now fixed in
   SOLAR 1.5.5.

2. Linux edition IBD bugs fixed
   Bugs making IBD files using the "Curthis and Sham" method (the default
   in most cases) fixed on Linux (bugs existed only in early Linux versions).

Changes from SOLAR 1.5.4 to 1.5.3

1. The documentation was updated and enhanced for version 1.5.x.  Notably
   full documentation for the input file requirements (which used to only
   be available in help messages in earlier releases) and matrix file
   contents were added (ibd, mibd, phi2) for the benefit of those doing
   more sophisticated analyses (dominance, etc.).

2. Attempting to do a quantitative analysis of a discrete trait results
   in a warning (as intended for 1.5.3), not a fatal error (a bug that
   crept into 1.5.3).

3. If the correct model parameters have not been set up, the user is now
   advised to give the "polygenic" script first (previously automodel and
   polymodel were advised...but "polygenic" is now the recommended approach.

4. Support for Linux (Intel) added.

Changes from SOLAR 1.5.3 to 1.4.0

1.  Household effects

	There is a new command 'house' which sets up a C2 parameter
	for any common environmental effect.  The pedigree file should have
	a 'HHID' field in order for the required 'house.gz' matrix file
	to be created during the 'load pedigree' command.

	The 'polygenic' command will determine the significance of the
	household effect if the 'house' command was given.  Multipoint and
	other commands will create models including the household effect.

	Note that in some cases individuals in different "pedigrees" may
	share the same household.  (This happens for "marry-ins," for
	example.)  In order to get the best estimate of the household
	effect, pedigrees sharing households are automatically merged
	during maximization.  (This feature was added after version 1.5.0.)
	This feature can be turned off with the MergeHousePeds option.
	Alternatively, all individuals may be included in the same
	pedigree with the 'MergeAllPeds' option.  Either kind of merging
	has little or no effect on hereditary estimates, but can make SOLAR
	run more slowly.

2.  No arbitrary limits on sizes

	Previously there were some hard-coded limits for the number of
	individuals in a pedigree, number of alleles, etc., particularly
	for commands related to creation of IBD and MIBD matrices.  The
	limits arose because some of the old FORTRAN programs used had
	fixed array sizes.  These programs have been rewritten to use
	dynamic memory allocation instead, so there are no arbitrary limits
	on any sizes (or if there are, they are way out there).  You should
	not run into any arbitrary limits any more.

3.  Epistasis and other special kinds of covariance

	Epistasis effects are automatically handled by the new -epistasis
	argument of multipoint.  In this case, the starting model is not
	a null0 polygenic model, but a model including one or more linkage
	elements.  One of those is chosen by the -epistasis argument to
	be applied to each QTL in the multipoint scan with an added epistatic
	interaction component (h2qe1).

	The multipoint and twopoint procedures now preserves special
	elements in the covariance (omega) equation and constraints.  This
	makes possible the inclusion of household effects, epistasis, and
	other effects such as dominance (though dominance terms must still
	be set up manually by the user).  Previously, multipoint simply
	clobbered whatever special elements the user had set up with a
	standard e2, h2r, h2q1, h2q2, ... series.

4.  Grid command and twopoint -grid

	The highest likelihood in the vicinity of a marker can be found with
	the new grid command which searches recombination fractions of
	the marker.  There is also a twopoint -grid option which will do
	this for every marker in a twopoint scan.

5.  Multipoint and twopoint require 'polygenic' be run first

	Multipoint and twopoint procedures now require that 'polygenic' is
	run first to do a polygenic analysis.  'polygenic' now creates a
	model named null0 which is now required by multipoint and twopoint.
	Most users were running polygenic first anyway.  If you forget,
	multipoint and twopoint will now remind you to run polygenic first.

	Previously twopoint and multipoint would create a null0 model using
	a procedure similar to (but not necessarily identical with)
	polygenic and possibly clobbering the null0 model that had
	previously been created.

6.  chi -inverse and better chi

	There is now a chi -inverse option, and the chi procedure itself
	is a better one (you may notice changes in the last printed decimal
	place in reported p values).

7.  Fully automatic array allocations during maximization

    Memory allocation for maximization is now fully automatic.  Previously,
    with some very large pedigrees or other input data, the user might have
    to set some obscure options to increase array allocations, and to
    make matters worse...the required allocations were sometimes
    underestimated...resulting in fatal or other errors.  Now the arrays
    are tested after maximization to be sure memory overwriting did not

8.  Support for Digital Alpha Unix added

9.  Relative-class info in tables

    Information about the types of relatives handled by SOLAR used to
    be hard-coded but is now read from tables.  This means that adding
    new classes or modifying existing classes can be done by
    updating these tables; it isn't necessary to recompile SOLAR.  A
    few new relative classes have been added since 1.4.0, and we can
    (relatively) easily add new classes if needed by any users.  SOLAR
    will tell you if you need a new relative class.

10.  Quadratic tested

    The final normalized quadratic (which should be close to 1.0) is
    now checked.  With some data, maximization would abort prematurely
    with poor quadratic values.  Now there is an automatic retry mechanism
    to force the quadratic to a good value, or fail with an error message
    if that proves impossible.  There is also a "quadratic" command to
    get the last quadratic value.

11.  Comma Delimited Input File Support Improved

    Comma delimited files may now have type:name pairs in the first (header)
    line.  Segmentation violations related to reading some files fixed.

12.  PEDSYS Input File Support Improved

    PEDSYS 'standard' mnemonics (e.g. INFERD) are now properly ignored in
    any mnemonic position (previously, they were only ignored in the last

    PEDSYS mnemonic names in successive fields are concatenated even if
    they are shorter than 6 characters.  Many users liked to segment their
    field names this way.

13.  Pedigrees identified by first PID

    Pedigrees skipped (because of missing data) or having errors detected
    during the maximization phase (rare) are now identified by the first
    PID rather than by the PEDINDEX number.  (The PEDINDEX number had no
    connection to the user's pedigree numbering.)

14.  A warning is given if trait is discrete

    The analysis of discrete traits by liability threshold model is not
    yet fully integrated with the Tcl-based public version of SOLAR.
    If the user attempts to analyze a discrete trait, a warning is now
    given, though the analysis is done anyway without liability threshold
    model.  (Previously SOLAR would ignore whether the trait was discrete
    or not.)

15.  Added drand command to get random numbers

16.  linkmod and linkmod2p interfaces improved

    'linkmod' is the command which sets up (but doesn't test or maximize)
    a linkage model with a particular MIBD matrix.  linkmod2p does this
    for a twopoint IBD matrix.  These commands have been made relatively
    easy to use by users (they no longer require global variables set up
    by the multipoint and twopoint procedures).  Thus it is now much easier
    to write custom IBD/MIBD scanning procedures.

17.  Help documentation for SOLAR model options added

18.  Bugs in the summary statistics for excluded pedigrees fixed

19.  Solaris Workshop 5 C++ library check and other startup issues

    SOLAR is now compiled (on Solaris SPARC) with Solaris Workshop 5
    compiler.  This may provide better performance and reliability, but
    it also required considerable recoding to comply with the new C++
    standards.  Also, a C++ library patch is required from Sun for Solaris.
    SOLAR checks for the required library patch on startup and tells you
    what is needed.  The SOLAR main binary is now called 'solarmain' to
    avoid confusion with the 'solar' shell script which starts SOLAR.

20.  Convergence, Boundary, and other maximization errors properly named.

21.  Output formatting of polygenic command improved.

22.  Fixed bug when not reloading phenotypes after loading pedigree.

23.  Fixed bug setting omega to 3 character expression.

24.  Fixed bugs with residual command: when phenotypes file has famid field,
       case sensitivity, skipping too many individuals, and the expression
       used to calculate residual was fundamentally wrong.

Changes from SOLAR 1.4.0 to 1.3.0

The changes in this version were considered so vital that the previously
anticipated public release was delayed for a few weeks so that they
could be included (rather than wait for the next major release in a few


LOD scores might increase (in rare cases) and QTL positions might even
change (in very rare cases) as a result of these changes.

It turned out that the old retry mechanism did not detect all artificial
boundary conditions.  In particular, supposedly maximized linkage models
could hit an artificial lower bound for E2, silently preventing the H2Q
component from reaching their maximum values.  This would cause reduced LOD
scores as well.

You can check earlier models to see if E2 is at an artificial lower bound
(higher than 0.0).  If it is, then you need to re-maximize the model using
version 1.4.0 or higher.

Models with this problem would be likely to have unusually steep LOD score
curves (and relatively high LOD scores) in the first place.  This is
not going to cause new LOD score peaks to arise, just make very steep peaks
even steeper (and possibly even change slightly the positions of the
summits -- in other words -- the QTL positions).


A new 'boundary' command has been added, replacing the slew of various
artificial boundary heuristics (h2qf h2rf e2lower and e2squeeze) used to
assist in convergence control through the use of artificial boundaries.

But more importantly, there is now a retry mechanism so that whenever an
artificial variance component boundary is hit the boundary is automatically
changed.  Because of this mechanism, it is believed that 'Boundary Errors'
(at least the ones related to variance components) should never occur
again, and that if 'Convergence Errors' ever occur they can be dealt with
more easily.  Because of the retry mechanism, the default heuristic
values have been set very low to make convergence errors very unlikely

The heuristically set upper bound for h2q parameters now floats from
one locus to the next.  This floating action (governed by the command
'boundary float upper') has replaced the old 'h2qf' command (which turned
out to be very problematical in many cases...there was no one value which
worked across the genome).  The h2qf command is now silently ignored.
The other heuristic commands still exist, but they are best used through
the more intuitive 'boundary' command interface.

The new retry mechanism now applies to all maximization commands, including
a single 'maximize' command (for which previously no heuristics or retries
were applied in earlier versions).


It turned out that if a multipoint scan was restarted (with the command
'multipoint -restart'), it would ignore models for which a boundary or
convergence error occurred.  This meant that if you wanted to redo those
models, you needed to edit the files such as multipoint1.out and remove
those models so they would be redone.  Now a restart will re-maximize all
erroneous models automatically, and no file editing is needed.

Changes from SOLAR 1.3.0 to 1.2.1


  Shortcuts for command names may now be used in scripts.  For example, a
  script may use the command 'mul' for 'multipoint' just as at the command
  line.  (This applies only to SOLAR commands, not Tcl commands.)

  There is now a 'usage' command which gives an abbreviated form of help for
  any command.  Unlike 'help,'  the usage information stays on screen to
  help the next command as a memory aid.

  There is also a 'shortcut' command which shows the legal shortcuts allowed
  for any SOLAR command.  The legal shortcuts will also be shown by the
  'help' and 'usage' commands.

  Previously some commands required plural forms (such as 'phenotypes') while
  others required singular forms (such as 'parameter').  Now, both singular
  or plural forms are allowed for many commands, and, since they all be
  abbreviated in scripts anyway, you may stick with the singular forms.

PLOT improvements

  'plotmulti' is now officially the 'plot' command (though you may still use


   There is now a 'residual' command which postprocesses a maximization
   output file and a phenotypes file to get the residual after the 
   application of covariates.  The result is a new phenotypes file giving
   the residual value for each individual.


  Use of the proband field may now be turned on and off without reloading the
  phenotypes file using the commands 'field probnd -none' and
  'field probnd probnd' (or whatever).

  SOLAR now detects proband fields named 'proband,' and 'prband,' as well as
  the PEDSYS standard PROBND.


  There is now a 'tdist' commands which sets up the 't' distribution option
  for robust estimation of mean and variance for non-normal distributions.


  'multipoint -score' uses a score based test (in place of maximum
  likelihood' to find QTL's.  The resulting measure is SLOD (Score based
  LOD) which is not a real LOD score but should be analogous to one.
  'multipoint -scoredebug' gives additional information.


  command 'bayesavg' now accepts a '-sporadic' option which forces the use
  of sporadic models in cases where the polygenic models don't converge.

  command 'bayesavg' now accepts a '-fix' option to fix some covariates.

  cases where H2R=0 are now handled properly.

IBD-related PROCESSING improvements

  It is no longer necessary to load the pedigree file in every SOLAR run in
  order to do IBD-related processing.  Pedigree data remain loaded until a
  new 'load pedigree' command is entered.  This is now true for the marker
  file and the freq file as well.  Two new SOLAR files, marker.info and
  freq.info, have been added to preserve marker and frequency information
  between SOLAR runs.

  To be consistent, the term "locus-information file" has been changed to
  "freq file".  Since 'load pedigree' loads a pedigree file, it makes sense
  that 'load freq' loads a freq file.
  The marker file and the freq file no longer have to contain exactly the
  same set of markers, nor is the order of the markers important.  As before,
  if a marker is loaded and no allele frequency info is available from a
  prior 'load freq', a simple counting method is used to estimate the allele
  frequencies.  Now, however, frequency info can be loaded in advance for
  some of the markers in the marker file and not others.  Or a single freq
  file might contain allele frequencies for all the markers in a study, not
  just those in a particular marker file.

  When a marker is loaded for which no frequency info has been loaded in
  advance, the simple-count allele frequencies are added to the file freq.info
  and will be displayed by 'freq show'.  But the freq file itself is never
  modified, even when MLE allele frequencies are computed.  Nor is a default
  freq file created (previously the file locfile.dat was created.)  To save
  frequency information, a 'freq save' command has been added which creates
  a file that can be loaded later with 'freq load'.

  There is now a 'marker unload' command.  When marker data are unloaded,
  the allele frequencies for these markers are removed from freq.info, and
  the marker-specific subdirectories created by 'marker load' are deleted.
  If MLE allele frequencies have been computed for any of the markers but
  have not been saved to a file, the unload will not proceed unless the
  -nosave option is given in the unload command.  It is not necessary to
  unload current marker data before loading a new marker file.  The unload
  will be done automatically (unless MLE allele frequencies have not been
  saved, in which case an explicit 'marker unload' with the -nosave option
  is required.)

  There is also a 'freq unload' command which removes all currently loaded
  frequency information, except for any markers with currently loaded
  genotype data.  That is, the allele frequencies for markers in the marker
  file are not deleted.  They can only be removed by 'marker unload'.  It
  is not necessary to unload current frequency info before loading a new
  freq file; the unload will be done automatically.

  When MLE allele frequencies are computed, this fact is recorded in the
  file freq.info.  An attempt to run 'freq mle' on markers for which MLE
  allele frequencies have already been computed simply returns a warning
  message.  By default, MLE allele frequencies are now required before
  marker-specific IBDs can be computed.  The ibd command has a -nomle option
  to get around this.  Alternatively, a new IBD-processing option, NoMLE,
  can be set with the ibdoption command.

  The 'freq show' display has been updated to indicate markers for which
  MLE allele frequencies have been computed, and whether the frequencies
  have been saved to a file.  Also, X-linked markers are labeled as such.

  The 'marker load' command now has a -xlinked option which can be used to
  load X-linked marker data.  Alternatively, the XLinked option can be set
  with the ibdoption command, as before.  Male genotypes for X-linked
  markers can now be coded as one allele, e.g. " /A" or "A/ ", or as a
  "homozygote", e.g. "A/A".

  Previously, the method of IBD computation had to be chosen before loading
  marker data.  This is no longer true.  If both methods are applicable,
  i.e. there is no inbreeding and multiple loopbreakers are not required,
  then either method, Monte Carlo or Curtis and Sham, can be chosen at any
  time.  For performance reasons, the Monte Carlo method is now used
  automatically for markers that are completely typed, i.e. markers for
  which there is no missing genotype data.

  The information displayed by 'pedigree show' now includes the number of
  loopbreakers required for each pedigree, and whether the pedigree is

  IBD and multipoint IBD (MIBD) matrix files are no longer created in the
  current working directory by default.  The directory in which to create
  the IBD files must now be specified with the ibddir command.  Similarly,
  the directory in which to create the MIBD files must be specified with
  the mibddir command.  Also, since IBD files are used to compute MIBDs,
  the ibddir command is now required before the mibd command can be run.

  When MIBDs are computed, a copy of the map file is now placed in the
  mibddir directory.  This file is used by the plot command.

  After the relative-class file has been created by 'mibd relate', a new
  command, 'pedigree classes', will display a tally of the relative classes.

  Several IBD-related commands write status info to the screen while they
  are running, namely 'freq mle', 'ibd', and 'mibd'.  For example, 'freq mle'
  displays the current iteration and the change in the likelihood.  These
  displays can cause SOLAR scripts to hang or abort when run as background
  jobs.  Since the status info serves no purpose in a background job, the
  'verbosity min' command can now be used to turn off these displays.

  Another problem with IBD-related scripts has been the use of prompts.
  For example, the 'load marker' command would not overwrite an existing
  locinfo.dat file without an OK from the user.  These prompts have been

  MZ twin IDs no longer have to be sequential integers, but can be any
  unique identifier.

  If the pedigree file contains a household ID field, a matrix file (named
  'house.gz') will be created so that household effects can be incorporated
  into a variance components analysis.  The household ID can be any unique
  identifier.  The standard SOLAR name for this field is HHID, but this can
  be changed with the field command.

  In the pedigree file, sex can be coded "m/f" as well as "M/F" and "1/2".
  The manual already made this claim, but the code did not allow it.

TCL patchlevel

  TCL patch level 5 (8.0.5) is now used, and the startup scripts forces the
  use of the init files in SOLAR_LIB rather than using whatever happens to
  be installed in the OS.

Changes from SOLAR 1.2.1 to 1.2.0

PLOT improvements

  The 'Plot' command accepts the -map option which allows the use of a user
  map file to specify marker locations.  The map file may be in the same
  format as used for the 'load map' command (see file-map).

  If there is a convergence error, this is plotted as a Star for each
  non-convergence location, and a legend box is put up to identify the
  Star.  The symbol used may be changed by editing multipoint.gr.

  The chromosome number may simply be specified without the -chrom

      plot 6

  will plot chromosome 6.

  The -set and -graph arguments are no longer documented as they are probably
  not going to be needed.

Changes from SOLAR 1.2.0 to 1.1.2


  There is now a PLOTMULTI command to plot multipoint LOD scores vs.
  chromosome position in Cm.  The plots also show marker locations if
  the file mibdchr.loc files are found in the mibddir (as they
  should be).

  Plots may be drawn during a multipoint scan by using the '-plot' argument
  to multipoint.

  Several plots may be overlayed by using the -overlay argument for each
  subsequent PLOTMULTI command.  The color of each plot may be specified
  with the -color argument.

  The multipont pass and chromosome number may be specified with -pass and
  -chrom arguments.

  The multipoint files are read from the 'trait' or 'outdir' directory.


      trait bmi
      plotmulti -chrom 5
      plotmulti -overlay -chrom 5 -pass 2 -color 1

  A custom version of XMGR is used to do the plotting (included with SOLAR)
  is used to do the plotting.  The plot may be modified using the XMGR
  GUI interface after plotting has been done, or by modifying the file
  'multipoint.gr' beforehand.  The file describes all the useful settings.
  Plots may be printed or saved to postscript files.


  The default value of H2QF has been changed to 1.25 which helps convergence
  in many cases.

BAYESAVG improvements

  A 'strict' Occam's window is now the default.  The 'symmetric' Occam's
  window (which used to be used) is now an option using the -symmetric
  argument.  The models within the window are now reported

  Only the most important models and output files are saved.  (Previously,
  all the models and output files were saved, and this could require
  gigabytes.)  The saturated and unsaturated models now have more mnemonic
  names (e.g. c.sat.mod or cov.sat.mod).  Options -saveall and -savewindow
  may be used to save more of the models.  A seperate command 'bayesmod'
  may be used to regenerate any of the models.

  Because only the most important models are saved, large changes had to
  be made for the restart function.  There is now a -redo option to allow
  for the case when non-converging models were edited out of the output
  file.  The regular -restart begins after the last model processed.


  A message is printed if pedigrees needed to be skipped because
  there were no non-probands having a full set of the required variables.
  A list of skipped pedigrees is printed, and statistics are provided for
  the skipped as well as the unskipped pedigrees.  A bug which caused some
  of the statistics to be incorrect if there were skipped pedigrees has
  been fixed.  (Note: these messages do not appear at the low verbosity
  levels used by 'multipoint' and 'polygenic,' but are written to the
  maximization output files such as 'poly.out' and 'null0.out.'.)

Changes from SOLAR 1.0.1 to 1.1.2

Covariate interactions may now specify any number of quantitative and/or
binary variables specified in any order.  The * operator is now used to
signify an interaction between variables (replacing : used in version 1.0.1,
however : is still permitted for compatibility).  For example, the following
covariates could be specified:

     covariate age^2*sex*diabetes
     covariate waist*height^2*age

Covariate Boundary Detection and Automatic Retries:  If a covariate is
maximized to a boundary, there will be up to 3 retries (increasing the
boundary each time) to correct the problem.  If the boundary problem
persists after 3 retries, an error will be reported and the current command
will terminate.

The bayesavg command has been fixed to give correct results for covariates
and restart properly for covariates.  Posterior probabilities are now shown
in the final output.

A default finemapping of 0.588 LOD is now in effect for multipoint.
Previously, the default was simply to finemap around the single highest
peak, which was decided to be not useful (and potentially misleading for
inexperienced users).

The default verbosity for commands such as multipoint and polygenic hides
all the maximization detail (so you don't need to remember to do
"verbosity min").  If you really want to see all the maximization detail
there is a new verbosity level, "verbosity plus" which shows it.
(verbosity max shows even more detail such as memory usage.)

twopoint now runs sporadic and polygenic models and reports their results
(see file twopoint0.out) before beginning to maximize linkage models.

Field names EGO, SIRE, and DAM are permitted in place of ID, FA, MO.

User errors involving field names are more fully reported and the user
is told what field command to give.  Also, the following bug has been
fixed: if a file hadn't been read because of a mislabeled field, you had
to re-start SOLAR to read it (even after giving a filed command).

There is now no limit on the length of parameter names.  Names shorter than
40 characters are recommended for neater output, however.

Variable names longer than 6 characters specified in code files need not be
divided by the spaces ordinarily required for PEDSYS mnemonics.  SOLAR now
allows the names to be divided by spaces or not.  Warning: PEDSYS programs
do not have this feature.  They will write write spaces into the 6th and
12th character positions whether you have spaces there or not.

The 'maximize' command now writes to the current 'outdir' (which defaults
to the name of the trait).  It accepts -quiet and -output options.  -output
is required when giving a particular output file name, e.g.:

     maximize -quiet -output nocov.out

Probability levels are reported as '=' (not <) unless below reportable

The upgrade command now makes copies (*.old) of the model or script files
which are upgraded.

Changes from SOLAR 0.9.100 to 1.0.1:

The new SOLAR 1.0.1 has much more powerful and intuitive covariate
commands, better covariate interaction (e.g. age by sex) screening,
the new bayesavg (Bayesian Oligogenic Model Averaging) command, and
some changed command options (more self-explanatory).  It also has
a number of bug fixes.

The changes are described in the following sections of this

	1.  Improved help
	2.  18 char variable names and 40 char parameter names
	3.  Model and Script Upgrading
	4.  New covariate command
	5.  Bayesian Model Averaging
	6.  Some changed commands and arguments
	7.  Comma delimited file bugs

		       Improved Help
		       -------- ----

The 'help' command now lists all the available commands and scripts
and gives a one-line summary of each.  You may find it easier to
find the command you are looking for.  All help messages now use
unix 'more' to page through the documentation.

(Note: If you use Sun's Open Windows cmdtool terminal, you may lose
a line or two at the top of each help message because of a bug in
Sun's cmdtool which occurs only if you have scrolling turned on.
It is annoying but not critical.  If you have scrolling turned on,
you can always scroll back to see the top line, which is always a
'Purpose' description.)

      18 character variable names and 40 character parameter names
      -- --------- -------- ----- --- -- --------- --------- ----

Data variable names are now useful up to 18 characters long and
model parameter names are useful up to 40 characters long.  They
may actually be as long as you like, but they must be unique within
the new specified limits.  In the most important SOLAR messages,
the full names of variables and parameters are printed.  In some
older messages, the names are truncated on display to fit nicely in

When using PEDSYS files, the first 3 'mnemonics' are concatenated
and used as variable names.  Previously, only the first mnemonic
was used.  

Spaces are not allowed in variable names (as before), so the name
is terminated by the first space.

The longer parameter names make possible more meaningful covariate
beta parameter names, which are described in a later section.

		Model and Script Upgrading
		----- --- ------ ---------

The new solar does not require any changes to pedigree or phenotype
data files.  But it does require that previously created models
be upgraded to use the new covariate command syntax.  SOLAR will
automatically detect when models need upgrading and tell you how
to use the 'upgrade' command, e.g.:

  solar> load model oldie
  Must use upgrade command to upgrade this model: upgrade oldie.mod
  solar> upgrade oldie
         solar> load model oldie

Some command option names have changed (-f is now -overwrite and
-r is now -restart).  Existing scripts may need to be upgraded as
well.  To upgrade scripts, you may also use the upgrade command,
but you MUST include the ".tcl" suffix:

	solar> upgrade doit.tcl

		 The New Covariate Command
		 --- --- --------- -------
You can now:

    a.  create or delete many covariates in one command line
    b.  specify interactions between any quantitative variable
	  and any binary variable (not just sex)
    c.  specify any exponent (1-9)
The syntax is also designed to be more intuitive.  Some examples:

covariate age			age as a simple covariate
covariate age:sex		the age by sex interaction ONLY

covariate age#sex		age, sex, and the age:sex interaction
				  i.e. both vars AND their interaction

covariate age^2			age squared as a simple covariate
covariate age^1,2		age and age^2
covariate age^1,2#sex		all combinations of age^1,2 and sex
				  i.e., all of the following:
			  	  age sex age:sex age^2 age^2:sex

covariate age^1,2,3:diabet	age^1,2,3 by diabetes interactions ONLY

All covariate beta parameters begin with 'b', followed by the
complete covariate name (including the exponent and interactor
variable name if applicable).

For example, covariate age:sex has a beta parameter named:


Covariate age^2:diabetes has a beta parameter named:


This is made possible by the fact that variable names may now be up
to 18 characters long, and parameter names may now be up to 40
characters long.

If you enter 'covariate age#sex', there is one beta term (bage)
applied to males, and three (bsex, bage, and bage:sex) applied to
females.  'bage:sex' isn't a female age term, but rather the
age-related sex difference between males and females.

This new parameterization allows SOLAR to test variables and their
interactions separately, which is what will be done during
covariate screening.  'age' might be found to be significant while
its interaction with sex isn't, or vice versa.  Also, the squared
terms might drop out separately.  All tests use one degree of
freedom now.

If you by mistake enter something like:

	covariate sex age^1,2#sex

the repetition of the sex covariate by itself is ignored silently.
This simplifies the entry of such more complex things as:

	covariate age^1,2#sex weight^1,2#sex

Technically, sex by itself is being specified twice, but SOLAR
ignores that.

		 Bayesian Model Averaging
		 -------- ----- ---------

The bayesavg procedure performs a Baysian Oligogenic Model Averaging
analysis on the linkage components of the current model.

It tests each combination of the linkage components, and finds the
set of models within Occam's window based on their Bayesian
Information Criterion.  Then it computes weighted averages of the
linkage components based on their weighted average.  The summary
output files is named 'bayesavg.info,' while the final
weighted-average model is described by 'bayesavg.out.'

	    Some Changed Commands and Arguments
	    ---- ------- -------- --- ---------

Several commands and arguments have been changed to be more
consistent and intuitive.

       'covariate  delete_fully' is now 'covariate delete '
to be more consistent with the delete commands for parameters and
constraints.  The covariate suspend and restore commands are
similarly reordered, and any of these commands may list more than
one covariate to operate on.  If you happen to give the operator
after the variable name, that will be understood also, so long as
you are only operating on only one variable.

	covariate delete sex         ;# this form is preferred now
	covariate delete sex age ... ;# because you can have a list
	covariate sex delete         ;# but this is still OK

All hyphenated arguments now have full readible names (such as
-restart and -overwrite).  The most common hyphenated arguments
also have shorter abbreviations (such as -r and -ov).  This
is the approach preferred by most Tcl programmers.  The confusing
"-f" arguments have been removed (replaced by -overwrite or -ov).

Some commands now have a few additional options.  Multipoint now
has -renew and -nullbase as options as well, clarifying some
special case behaviors explicitly.

Twopoint no longer requires a '-m' argument.  The default is to use
the previously stored null model, or the model currently in memory
if there is one.  This is similar to what is done by multipoint.

Polygenic now takes fully named arguments (such as -screen and
-fix) as well as the old abbreviated arguments (-s and -f).

		 Comma Delimited File Bugs
		 ----- --------- ---- ----

A number of bugs have been fixed that might cause segmentation
violations under some circumstances.  The worst involved the
use of comma delimited files.  If you are using comma delimited
files (instead of PEDSYS files), the new version is strongly

Changes from Solar 0.9.16 to 0.9.100:

THIS IS A BIG CHANGE!  Please read carefully.

TRANSLAT is no longer needed!  SOLAR will now run directly from PEDSYS
files or the Comma Delimited files.  At first, there are many changes you
might need to learn about.  In the long run, these changes should make
Solar much easier to use for everybody.

Here is an itemized summary of the changes.

1) Do not run TRANSLAT or use phenfiles created by TRANSLAT.  Previously
   created model files will need to have the 'phenfile load' command

2) The LOAD PHENFILE command no longer exists.  It has been replaced by the
   LOAD PHENOTYPES command, which should be used in conjunction with the
   LOAD PEDIGREE command to load pedigree and phenotype information
       solar> load pedigree Pedfile
       solar> load phenotypes Phenofile

    (Or, you can also use 'pedigree load' and 'phenotypes load.')

    Both Pedfile and Phenofile can now be Pedsys files.  They can also be
    the same file, if that file contains both the pedigree and phenotype
    information.  (They can also be comma delimited files: Solar
    automatically figures out the file type.)  

    Once a load pedigree or load phenotype command has been done within a
    particular working directory, it need not be done again, unless you
    start working with a different pedigree or phenotype file.  Within a
    particular directory, you will always default to the pedigree and
    phenotypes files you used last.  The phenotypes file can contain all
    the phenotypes; Solar lets you select which ones you want to use in
    a particular analysis and excludes families when (and only when) that
    is required.

    Since the phenotypes file can be the whole phenotype database, there is
    no reason why it needs to be identified in models anymore.

3)  The FIELD command lets you map the mnemonics of the fields in your
    data files to the names that Solar requires in the Pedigree, Marker,
    and Phenotype files (which can all now be PEDSYS or Comma Delimited

    Once you determine the field commands which will be required, it is
    useful to put them in a .solar file in the working directory.

    By itself, the FIELD command lists the Fields that Solar expects:

	solar> field
	ID:	 ID	    ;Individual Permanent ID
	FA:	 FA	    ;Father's Permanent ID
	MO:	 MO	    ;Mother's Permanent ID
	SEX:	 SEX	    ;Sex: M/F or 1/2
	PROBND:	 PROBND	    ;Proband Status (optional)
	MZTWIN:	 MZTWIN	    ;Monozygotic Twin Group (optional)
	FAMID:	 FAMID	    ;Family ID (optional)

    You can change the mapping using the FIELD command.  For example, if
    your Twin field is called TWIN instead of MZTWIN, you can use the
    following FIELD command:

        solar> field mztwin twin

    If your data has no probands or no twins, you should declare this with
    commands like the following:

	solar> field probnd -none
        solar> field mztwin -none

    If you have a PROBND field, any value other than 0 (zero) or blank
    makes the individual a proband.

    FAMID is only required if ID is not unique in the entire pedigree.
    If there is no FAMID field, or field mapped to FAMID with a field
    command, solar will assume it isn't necessary.

4)  Previous "fixed-width" pedigree and marker files can still be used if
    PEDSYS code files are created to go along with them.

    Fields other than those listed above in the marker-data file are taken
    to be genotypes, and the field names are taken to be the marker
    names. Marker names and the order of markers must still agree with that
    in the locus-info and map data files.

5)  The names of the following files have been changed:

   old name        new name
   -----------     ---------------
   relate.in       mibdrel.in
   prep.ped        mibdrel.ped
   prep.cde        mibdrel.cde
   chr.ibd      mibdchr.mrg
   chr.loc      mibdchr.loc
   chr.mean     mibdchr.mean

   Names of marker directories have been changed from  .d_
   to  d_ , i.e. the leading period has been dropped.

6)  Bugs have been fixed in IBD calculations involving three or more
    genetically identical individuals

7)  Fields determined to be binary are marked in the description of
    variables in the maximize command.

8)  Error reporting is improved.

9)  Many help messages have been improved.

10) The AUTOMODEL and ALLCOVAR commands ignore most pedigree fields IF THEY
    ARE CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED with field commands.  If this doesn't work as
    intended, you may end up having some pedigree fields as covariates
    which will cause Solar to behave badly.  You should check which
    variables have been automatically selected as covariates.

    There is also a new command, EXCLUDE, which lets you specifically
    exclude certain fields from being selected as covariates by automodel
    or allcovar:

	solar> exclude pedno groupno cseq

11) AUTOMODEL no longer includes a LOADKIN command (which loaded a phi2.gz
    file, if present).  If you are doing a special analysis which requires
    the use of a hacked phi2.gz, you should give a MATRIX or LOADKIN command.
    This is not the typical operation, and Fisher's built-in phi2 handling
    is much faster than loading a matrix each time.

12) TWOPOINT has been fixed to work with the way that twopoint files are
    acutally compressed.

13) .solar files are now read in only when Solar is started, not whenever
    a model is loaded or created from scratch.  This means you can now load
    models or do just about anything in a .solar file without causing an
    infinite recursion.  You will also not have your session-specific changes
    overwritten.  About the only negative impact might be to the 'model new'
    command.  'model new' will take you back to a nearly empty model, lacking
    any parameters you may have defined in your .solar file.  You will need
    to load those back in yourself.  It would be best to define such things
    as procedures in the .solar file so that they can be readily re-loaded.