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Appendix 1

SOLAR Command Descriptions

about evdinx ibd mg_topedsys polyvoxel solarfile
allcovar evdiny ibddir mga power solarmodel
allsnp evdinz ibdoption mgassoc putsa solartcl
alnorm evdmat ibs mibd putsat solarversion
ascertainment evdout if_global_exists mibddir putsnew sporadic
automodel example if_parameter_exists miniplot putsout sporclass
bayesavg exclude inormal model qtld spormod
benice factorial interval mu qtnm startclock
blank fakedata intraitclass multipoint quadratic stats
boundary faketraits invert needk2 read_arglist stats_get
boundary-notes fformat is_nan newmod read_model stepfor
catenate field joinfiles newtcl read_output stepup
change-notes file-freq key normal register stopclock
chi file-map linkgsd null relatives string_imatch
chinc file-marker linkmod nulln relpairs stringplot
chromosome file-matrix linkqsd old_zscore remlist stringsub
clod file-pedigree linkqsd0 omega remove_global tablefile
combinations file-phenotypes load option residual tclgr
constraint finemap loadkin outdir retext tdist
copybin fix lod parameter retextpc timediff
countfields fphi lodadj ped2csv save toscript
covariate freq lodn pedigree scale trait
d2e full_filename lodp pedlike screencov transpose
d2e2 grid loglike pedlod selectfields twopoint
define gridh2r madj perdelta selectrecords upgrade
deputy gsd2h2q map perturb setappend usage
discrete-notes gsd2h2r marker phenotypes setxor usort
doc gsd2sd markertest plot shortcut vcfinfo
dominance-notes h2power mask plotqtld showproc vcfselect
doranch help matcrc plotqtn siminf verbosity
drand helpadd mathmatrix polyclass simqtl voxel
empp hlod matrix polygenic slod whoranch
epistasis house maximize polygsd snp zs
evdinev howmanyranch memory polymod snphap zscore

about Copyright, authors, and disclaimers
allcovar Set up all non-trait variables as covariates
allsnp Include all snps as covariates in current model
alnorm Evaluates the tail of normal curve
ascertainment Describe ascertainment correction using proband(s)
automodel Default model setup
bayesavg Perform bayesian oligogenic model averaging
benice Lower priority of SOLAR to allow more CPU for other jobs
blank Blank individuals according to variable data conditions
boundary Change artificial boundary heuristics
boundary-notes Discuss boundary error resolution strategies
catenate Concatenate strings
change-notes Display recent changes
chi Compute probability for a chi-square value
chinc Compute probability for a noncentral chi-square value
chromosome Select chromosome(s) for multipoint scan
clod Calculate LOD score
combinations Make a list or count combinations of integers 1..N of size K
constraint Create, list, or delete constraints
copybin Install new executable file without disturbing current users
countfields determine consistency of number of columns in a comma delimited file
covariate Set up covariates (independent variables).
d2e convert Fortran D style exponents to E form
d2e2 convert Fortran D style exponents to E form
define Define an expression to be used in place of a trait or covariate
deputy Make limited user key (for deputy registrars)
discrete-notes Describe support for discrete traits
doc Find the SOLAR documentation
dominance-notes Find dominance documentation
doranch execute a script on every ranch machine (usually for /tmp cleanup)
drand Return a random floating-point number between 0 and 1
empp Calculate an empirical p-value from lodadj results
epistasis Use command: multipoint -epistasis
evdinev I/O for EVD data
evdinx I/O for EVD data
evdiny I/O for EVD data
evdinz I/O for EVD data
evdmat I/O for EVD data
evdout I/O for EVD data
example Copy the SOLAR example to the current working directory
exclude Excude phenotypes from use as covariates by automodel
factorial Compute factorial
fakedata Generate fake pedigree/phenotypes file for testing memory required
faketraits Generate fake pedigree/phenotypes file for testing memory required
fformat Replace Tcl format with fixed width fields for numbers
field Allow non-standard user data field names
file-freq Describe frequency data file requirements
file-map Describe map data file requirements
file-marker Describe marker data file requirements
file-matrix Describe csv matrix file format requirements
file-pedigree Describe pedigree data file requirements
file-phenotypes Describe phenotypes data file requirements
finemap Set fine mapping threshold for multipoint
fix Constrain a parameter to its current value
fphi Fast test and heritability approximation (Experimental)
freq Process the allele frequency data.
full_filename Prepend the maximization output directory name to filename(s)
grid Find the highest likelihood in the vicinity of marker(s)
gridh2r Find the highest likelihood in the vicinity of marker(s)
gsd2h2q Convert esd,gsd,[qsd1] parameters to standard parameters
gsd2h2r Convert esd,gsd,[qsd1] parameters to standard parameters
gsd2sd Convert esd,gsd,[qsd1] parameters to standard parameters
h2power Perform heritability power calculations
help Display instructional messages
helpadd Explain how to add more help messages to SOLAR
hlod Heterogeneity test for linkage
house Enable analysis of household effects
howmanyranch Show how many ranch machines a user is using
ibd Compute marker-specific IBDs.
ibddir Set directory in which IBD matrix files are stored
ibdoption Set or display IBD processing options.
ibs Compute marker-specific IBS matrices.
if_global_exists Check if a Tcl global variable exists
if_parameter_exists Check if a parameter exists without creating it
inormal Save inverse normal transformation to a file (see also define)
interval Set cM interval and range for multipoint scanning each chromosome
intraitclass Set up polygenic model with class specific parameterization
invert transpose on MathMatrix or comma delimited file
is_nan Check if value is NaN (Not a Number)
joinfiles Join files horizontally based on ID's
key Make user key
linkgsd Set up linkage model with esd, gsd, qsd parameters (EXPERIMENTAL)
linkmod Set up parameters and constraints for multipoint linkage model
linkqsd Set up linkage model with esd, gsd, qsd parameters (EXPERIMENTAL)
linkqsd0 Set up linkage model with esd, gsd, qsd parameters (EXPERIMENTAL)
load Load a user data file (pedigree, phenotype, marker, etc.)
loadkin Load a matrix named phi2.gz containing phi2 and delta7
lod Calculate LOD score
lodadj Use or calculate an empirical LOD adjustment
lodn Calculate LOD score for current model relative to nullX
lodp Change LOD preferences (such as conversion to 1df)
loglike Get the log likelihood of the current model
madj Apply current lodadj to a previous multipoint run
map Process the map data.
marker Process the marker genotype data.
markertest Test markerfile for discrepancies; list blankable ID's
mask To read image mask file and set current voxel
matcrc Prepend pedindex checksum (CRC) to the beginning of a matrix file
mathmatrix Create and use matrix objects in algebraic computations
matrix Set up sample matrix (phi2 etc.) or math matrix
maximize Find the maximum loglikelihood of a model by adjusting
memory Show total memory used by this SOLAR process
mg_topedsys Convert comma delimited mga.out to pedsys format
mga Run Measured Genotype (MG) association analysis for every SNP
mgassoc Run Measured Genotype (MG) association analysis for every SNP
mibd Compute multipoint IBDs.
mibddir Set directory in which MIBD matrix files are stored
miniplot Arrange miniature plots on a single page
model Describe, save, or load a model
mu Set or Display the Mu equation (trait value estimator)
multipoint Perform a multipoint analysis.
needk2 Keep K2 (phi2) terms from MIBD matrices
newmod Start a new model
newtcl Recognize new or changed Tcl procedures in Tcl scripts
normal Normal distribution functions
null Return an optimized parameter from null.mod
nulln Return an optimized parameter from nullX.mod
old_zscore The old zscore command to zscore current trait
omega Sets the Omega (Covariance) equation directly
option Set or read the value of model-specific options.
outdir Set maximization output directory (overriding default)
parameter Create, modify, or list parameter(s)
ped2csv Convert Pedsys format file to comma delimited format
pedigree Process the pedigree data.
pedlike Calculate pedigree-specific loglikelihoods
pedlod Calculate pedigree-specific LOD scores
perdelta Set delta used by perturb
perturb Perturb starting values for E2, H2r, and H2q's at bounds
phenotypes Load the phenotypes file or display its variables
plot Plot multipoint LOD scores, empirical LOD adjustments, or power
plotqtld Plot qtld (qtld.out)
plotqtn Plot qtn marginal tests (qtnm.out)
polyclass Set up polygenic model with class specific parameterization
polygenic Perform polygenic, sporadic, and/or household analysis
polygsd Set up polygenic model esd and gsd parameters (EXPERIMENTAL)
polymod Set up polygenic model with the standard parameters
polyvoxel polygenic analysis of image data
power Perform power calculations (or MathMatrix power operation)
putsa Write to file and/or terminal without having to open and close
putsat Write to file and/or terminal without having to open and close
putsnew Write to file and/or terminal without having to open and close
putsout Write message to terminal and/or file [obsolescent]
qtld Association analysis for snps
qtnm Marginal tests for bayesavg -qtn
quadratic Get the most recent quadratic form after a maximization
read_arglist Read hyphenated optional arguments and argument-value pairs
read_model Read a parameter value or likelihood from any saved model
read_output Read variable statistics from maximization output file
register Create registration key file
relatives Show relationships of relative pairs included in analysis
relpairs Show relationships of relative pairs included in analysis
remlist Remove element from list by name
remove_global Remove a global variable (so it no longer exists)
residual Compute residuals for a maximized model and phenotypes file
retext Translate files with Old Mac line terminators to unix terminators
retextpc Translate files with Old Mac line terminators to unix terminators
save save
scale scale a covariate variable, or disable default scaling
screencov Perform polygenic analysis with covariate screening
selectfields Select fields (columns) from data file(s) and copy to a new file
selectrecords Select records from a file and copy them to a new file
setappend Append only new elements to a list (keeping it like a set)
setxor Perform exclusive-or (xor) on two sets (Tcl lists)
shortcut Show command shortcuts legal in scripts
showproc Show SOLAR procedure or write to a file
siminf Simulate a fully-informative marker and compute its IBDs
simqtl Simulate a QTL and (optionally) a linked marker
slod Calculate slod (score-based LOD equivalent) on current model
snp Process SNP data.
snphap Compute SNP haplotypes and haplotype frequencies.
solarfile Read data file applying "field" name mapping
solarmodel Check SOLAR version compatibility of model
solartcl Check SOLAR version compatibility of tcl file
solarversion Display the SOLAR program version
sporadic Perform polygenic, sporadic, and/or household analysis
sporclass Set up polygenic model with class specific parameterization
spormod Set up a sporadic model with the standard parameters
startclock simple local timer (elapsed time)
stats Get and/or show statistics for any variable in a file
stats_get Retrieve statistics from list returned by stats
stepfor Foward stepwise covariate screening
stepup Covariate screening by Step Up algorithm, useful for QTN analysis
stopclock simple local timer (elapsed time)
string_imatch Case insensitive string match testing
stringplot String plot of entire genome scan
stringsub Simple verbatim string substitution (not regsub)
tablefile Read data file in comma delimited or PEDSYS format
tclgr Create xmgr session with pipe connection to SOLAR
tdist Set up t option for robust estimation of mean and variance
timediff Calculate seconds between two system time strings
toscript Write previous commands to a script
trait Select the trait (dependent variable)
transpose transpose on MathMatrix or comma delimited file
twopoint Perform "Twopoint" analysis on directory of ibd files
upgrade Upgrade model files and scripts
usage Print short "usage" message about a command
usort Define unix sort program name
vcfinfo extract per-genotype meta information from vcf file
vcfselect extract genotype data from vcf file (HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!)
verbosity Set the output verbosity.
voxel To set and save current voxel position
whoranch Show how many ranch machines each ranch user is using
zs The old zscore command to zscore current trait
zscore Zscore current trait(s) or covariate(s)