Online class: Bash Shell Scripting

This is an online version of the Bash Shell Scripting class. It is a series of short videos that can be watched in any order, although we present them in a somewhat logical order.

Questions? Users can email the HPC staff ( to get help, or join us at one of the monthly Walk-In Consults.


While not necessary, to try the video demonstrations, you could benefit from obtaining an HPC account and setting up a terminal-based connection. For information on connecting to Biowulf, see this page.


If you notice fuzzy or unreadable text, particularly during the terminal-based demonstrations, we recommend watching the video off VPN.

Fundamentals of Bash Shell

What is a shell?

Shell Setup and Configuration

A guide to the essential features of a Bash shell.

Command Line Usage

A practical guide to using the Bash shell command line.

Bash Job Control

Not to be confused with Slurm or batch jobs, Bash jobs string together processes and allow higher order controls over those processes.


Additional topics? Anything insufficiently covered? Please send any comments regarding this online class to