Online class: Introduction to Biowulf

Converting a set of serial jobs into a swarm

The goal here is to run a sequence alignment program called Novoalign on each of a set of fastq files against the hg19 human genome. The alignment for each input sequence is independent of the others. So this project is well suited for being converted into a swarm of jobs where all run simultaneously, thus vastly reducing the time required to process the data.

In the previous Data Storage hands-on section, you should have copied the class scripts to your /data area. If you did not, type

hpc-classes biowulf
now. This command will copy the scripts and input files used in this online class to your /data area, and will take about 5 minutes.

Let's look at the data:

[biowulf]$ cd /data/$USER/hpc-classes/biowulf/serial2swarm
[biowulf]$ ls
fastq_files.tar.gz = a tar file containing a set of fastq-format files called xaa, xab etc = a batch script to run Novoalign sequentially for each of the input files = a batch script to run Novoalign on a single one of the input fastq files = a script to create a swarm command file = a more sophisticated version which creates the swarm command file, submits it, and sends an email to the user when completed

There are several factors to consider before running a swarm:

  1. The number of subjobs in the swarm, which in this case would be the number of query sequences. (one job for each alignment). Is it over 1000? Remember, there's a max of 1000 subjobs in a swarm, so if there are more than that, the swarm will need to be split up or bundled.
  2. How many CPUs to allocate for each subjob? (unknown at this point)
  3. Memory required for each alignment? (unknown at this point)
  4. Disk space required? (unknown at this point)
  5. Time needed for each alignment (unknown at this point).

Determining the unknowns

Let's determine the unknown factors in the list above. We're going to run a single test job and determine these values. Let's untar the fastq files -- we can determine how many there are (which will in turn determine the number of subjobs) and use one for our test.

biowulf% tar xvzf fastq_files.tar.gz

The script '' is the same as '' except it runs just one of the query sequences. If you 'diff' the two files, you'll see the changes. Submit it to the batch system, requesting 20 GB of memory, 16 CPUs, and 10 hours of walltime.

biowulf% sbatch --mem=20g --cpus-per-task=16 --time=10:00:00
Monitor the job with 'squeue -u $USER', or 'jobload -u $USER' until it completes. Look at the Slurm output file and use 'jobhist jobnumber' or the user dashboard to get the information needed.

biowulf% jobhist 2555723

JobId              : 2555723
User               : user
Submitted          : 20180603 17:34:27
Started            : 20180603 17:34:38
Ended              : 20180603 17:37:41
Submission Path    : /data/user/hpc-classes/biowulf/serial2swarm
Submission Command : sbatch --mem=20g --cpus-per-task=16 --time=10:00:00

Jobid        Partition       State  Nodes  CPUs      Walltime       Runtime         MemReq  MemUsed  Nodelist
2555723           norm   COMPLETED      1    16      00:30:00      00:03:03    20.0GB/node    8.1GB  cn3168

  1. Number of subjobs The input query sequences are in the 'input' directory.
    biowulf% ls -1 input | wc -l
    This reports that there are 90 query files in the 'input' directory. Thus, the swarm would have 90 subjobs. No problem, batchlim reports that the max array size (max number of subjobs in a swarm) is 1001.

  2. CPUs: The dashboard indicates that the full 16 CPUs were used for only a short part of the job. The Biowulf Novoalign page also suggests that the efficiency of Novoalign drops after 4 or 8 CPUs. If this was a very large swarm (200+), we should set the CPUs to 4 for best efficiency. Since this swarm has only 90 subjobs, it should be ok to use 8 CPUs for each alignment.

  3. Memory: jobhist and the dashboard indicate that the job used 8.1 GB of memory. So let's set the swarm to allocate 10 GB of memory per subjob.

  4. Disk space: The script was written to report the disk space usage at various points. The Slurm output file now contains this info.

    Input files: 6.6 GB
    Space for a single output file: 70MB
    Space for all 90 output files: 70*90 = 6300 MB = 6.3 GB

    So the total space needed for this project would be 6.6 + 6.3 GB = 13 GB. Use checkquota or the User Dashboard to make sure you have at least 7 GB free space in /data/$USER before submitting this swarm.

    In future, if you planned to run a large swarm of, say, 1000 such alignments similar to these, you would know that you needed at least ~150 GB of disk space to store the input and output files. If your current /data area did not have enough space and you cannot clear out unused files, you should request more space, using the numbers you calculated here as a justification.

  5. Walltime: Jobhist reported that the job ran for 3 mins. Thus, 5 or even 10 mins should be a reasonable walltime for a single subjob.

Create a swarm command file

Next we need to create a swarm command file that contains one line for each Novoalign alignment run. The script is a modification of the script that simply prints out the Novoalign command for each input query sequence into a file.

biowulf% sh
working on file xaa
working on file xab
working on file xac
After running this script, you should see the file in the directory, containing lines like this:
novoalign -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -f input/xaa -d /fdb/novoalign/chr_all_hg19.nbx -o SAM > out/xaa.sam
novoalign -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -f input/xab -d /fdb/novoalign/chr_all_hg19.nbx -o SAM > out/xab.sam
novoalign -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -f input/xac -d /fdb/novoalign/chr_all_hg19.nbx -o SAM > out/xac.sam
This is the swarm command file.

Submit the swarm

Now that we have a swarm command file and the swarm parameters we need, we can submit the swarm.

biowulf%  swarm -f -g 10 -t 8 --time=10:00 --module novocraft
-f swarm command file
-g 10 10 GB of memory per subjob, i.e. per alignment
-t 8 8 CPUs per subjob. Novoalign will run 8 threads on the allocated 8 CPUs, because of the -c $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK parameter in the swarm command file. If you decide to run 4 or 16 threads instead, you only need to change the -t parameter when submitting the swarm. The swarm command file can remain unchanged.
--time=10:00 walltime of 10 mins per subjob

Monitor the swarm

Use 'sjobs' or 'squeue' to see if the jobs are running.

biowulf% sjobs
User     JobId       JobName  Part  St  Reason  Runtime  Walltime  Nodes  CPUs  Memory     Dependency Nodelist
user  2556165_0   swarm    norm  R   ---        1:08     10:00      1     8  10GB/node              cn3139
user  2556165_1   swarm    norm  R   ---        1:08     10:00      1     8  10GB/node              cn3176

Use 'jobload' to check the loads and memory:

biowulf% jobload
           JOBID            TIME            NODES  CPUS  THREADS   LOAD       MEMORY
                     Elapsed / Wall               Alloc   Active           Used /     Alloc
      2556165_89    00:02:24 /    00:10:00 cn3348     8        8   100%     1.7 /   10.0 GB
       2556165_0    00:02:25 /    00:10:00 cn3139     8        8   100%     0.4 /   10.0 GB
       2556165_2    00:02:25 /    00:10:00 cn3345     8        8   100%     7.9 /   10.0 GB
       2556165_3    00:02:25 /    00:10:00 cn3344     8        8   100%     7.9 /   10.0 GB
Looks good! Jobs that have just started up may not show the full memory usage yet, but eventually all the subjobs should show 100% CPU utilization and ~8 GB of memory used.

After the jobs complete, use 'jobhist' to see how long they took.

biowulf% jobhist 2556165
JobId              : 2556165
User               : user
Submitted          : 20180603 18:31:19
Started            : 20180603 18:31:40
Ended              : 20180603 18:36:09
Submission Path    : /data/user/hpc-classes/biowulf/serial2swarm
Submission Command : sbatch --array=0-89 --job-name=swarm --output=/data/user/hpc-
                     classes/biowulf/serial2swarm/swarm_%A_%a.o --error=/data/user
                     /hpc-classes/biowulf/serial2swarm/swarm_%A_%a.e --cpus-per-task=8
                     --mem=10240 --partition=norm --time=10:00
Swarm Path         : /data/user/hpc-classes/biowulf/serial2swarm
Swarm Command      : /usr/local/bin/swarm -f -g 10 -t 8 --time=10:00
                     --module novocraft

In this case, all the alignments finished within 5 mins. If they had been run sequentially as in the script, the alignments would have taken 90*3 = 270 mins =~ 4.5 hours.

A more sophisticated swarm

This is left as an exercise. Examine the file It performs the same tasks as we did manually above

Try it!

biowulf% sh
Space taken at start
Unpacking input fastq files
Space taken for input files