A Symposium Highlighting Recent Research
Using the NIH Biowulf Cluster
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Lipsett Amphitheater
In the last decade, the NIH Biowulf cluster has grown from
80 processors to 6500 processors, making it one of the larger
general-purpose biomedical computing clusters in the world.
NIH intramural researchers have used Biowulf for
scientific computation related to genomics, molecular dynamics,
image processing, statistical analysis, and other biomedical
fields resulting in over 70 papers published in 2008.
The Helix Systems, CIT presents a one-day symposium focusing
on recent research that has utilized the computational resources
of the NIH Biowulf cluster.
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8:30 am |
Light refreshments
9:00 am |
Opening remarks
John F. Jones, Jr., CIO, NIH.
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9:15 am |
Biowulf: 10 Years of Large-scale Computing at the NIH
Steven Fellini, Helix Systems Staff, CIT
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9:30 am |
De Novo Protein Structure Generation from Incomplete Chemical Shift Assignments
Ad Bax, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK
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10:00 am |
Modeling Toxic Alzheimer Amyloid Ion Channels
Ruth Nussinov, Computational Structural Biology Group, CCR Nanobiology Program, NCI
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10:30 am |
Replica Exchange Simulations of Protein-Protein Binding and Multi-Protein Complex Formation
Youngchan Kim and Gerhard Hummer, Theoretical Biophysics Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK
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11:00 am |
Biowulf: Molecular Dynamics and Parallel Computation
Susan Chacko, Helix Systems Staff, CIT
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11:10 am |
Population Substructure and Control Selection in Genome-wide Association Studies
Kai Yu, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI
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11:40 am |
Influence of Genomic Variance on the Transcriptome in Human Brain Tissues
J. Raphael Gibbs and Andrew Singleton, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, NIA
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12:05 pm |
Break for lunch
1:00 pm |
Swarms and Bundles: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics on Biowulf
David Hoover, Helix Systems Staff, CIT
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1:10 pm |
Computing the Molecular Structures of Cells and Viruses using 3D Electron Microscopy
Sriram Subramaniam, Biophysics Section, Laboratory of Cell Biology, NCI
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1:40 pm |
Current Concepts and Future Directions in Virtual Colonoscopy Computer-Aided Detection
Ronald Summers, Image Processing Group, Radiology and Imaging Sciences, CC
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2:10 pm |
Improving Statistical Significance Assignment in Mass Spectrometry Based Peptide Identification
Yi-Kuo Yu, Quantitative Molecular Biological Physics, NCBI, NLM
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2:40 pm |
PubChem: An Open Repository for Chemical Structure and Biological Activity Information
Steve Bryant, Computational Biology Branch, NCBI, NLM
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Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. For other reasonable accomodations and information please contact
the CIT Communications Office at 301-496-6203 or email at CITCommOffice@mail.nih.gov