Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) The APBS module integrates APBS (Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver, with CHARMM. For detailed documentation and implementation information please see the official iAPBS web site Please send any comments or bug reports to Robert Konecny ( * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the PBEQ commands * Function:: Purpose of each of the commands * Examples:: Usage examples of the PBEQ module
Description ----------- APBS (Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver) is a software package for the numerical solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE), one of the most popular continuum models for describing electrostatic interactions between molecular solutes in salty, aqueous media. APBS was designed to efficiently evaluate electrostatic properties for a wide range of length scales to enable the investigation of molecules with tens to millions of atoms. The APBS/CHARMM module makes most of APBS functionality available from within CHARMM. This allows to perform variety of calculations which includes: evaluation of electrostatic properties of biomolecular systems, performing optimization and molecular dynamics in implicit solvent using APBS calculated solvation forces, visualization of calculated electrostatic properties, etc. Since this module's functionality overlaps in many aspects functionality of the CHARMM's PBEQ module please read also pbeq.doc file and example input files.
Syntax ------ The APBS/CHARMM module mimics APBS syntax as close as possible. For detailed description and discussion of all APBS parameters please see APBS documentation ( and APBS/CHARMM documentation ( for specific instructions for using APBS inside of CHARMM.
Installation ------------ For complete installation instructions please see In summary: 1. first download and install the following packages: atlas (BLAS), maloc, apbs and iapbs 2. set the following environment variables APBS_LIB, IAPBS_LIB, APBS_BLAS: APBS_LIB - points to where libapbs.a and libmaloc.a are installed IAPBS_LIB - points to where libiapbs.a is installed APBS_BLAS "-L${BLAS_LIB} -llapack -lcblas -lf77blas -latlas" where BLAS_LIB is a directory where BLAS library is located; these flags are BLAS-dependent, the above example works with ATLAS 3. run ' gnu medium APBS' to compile APBS-enabled CHARMM
Examples -------- There are three example input files provided with this release: Example (1) - Simple calculation of electrostatic energies (apbs_elstat.inp) This shows how to do a single point electrostatic evaluation on a molecule. The result is electrostatic energy of the molecule. PBEQ stream @0radius.str APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - srfm 2 - calcene 1 - sele all END set elstaten80 = ?enpb APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - srfm 2 sdie 1.0 - calcene 1 - sele all END set elstaten1 = ?enpb END ! Electrostatic free energy of solvation calc solv = @elstaten80 - @elstaten1 Example (2) - Molecular dynamics in implicit solvent (apbs_md.inp) This is an example of a short molecular dynamics simulation in implicit solvent using APBS-calculated solvation forces. PBEQ set factor 0.939 set sw 0.4 stream @0radius.str scalar wmain add @sw scalar wmain mult @factor scalar wmain set 0.0 sele type H* end APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - swin @sw srfm 2 - calcene 1 calcfor 1 - sforce - sele all END END skip none dynamics leap verlet strt nstep 20 timestep 0.001 - firstt 100.0 finalt 300.0 teminc 100.0 - twindh 10.0 Example (3) - Visualization of calculated elstat properties (apbs_vis.inp) This input file show how to generate properties files (electrostatics, SASA and charge) which can be then visualized using an external application (VMD, PyMol, OpenDX, etc; for details please see the APBS Examples at PBEQ stream @0radius.str APBS mgauto lpbe dimx 65 dimy 65 dimz 65 - cglx 30 cgly 30 cglz 30 fglx 15 fgly 15 fglz 15 - calcene 1 - ionq1 1.0 ionc1 0.15 ionr1 2.0 ionq2 -1.0 ionc2 0.15 ionr2 2.0 - wpot wsmol wchg - sele all END END