The AXD Module of CHARMM David Glowacki and Emanuele Paci, 2010 AXD provides an efficient method for determining simultaneously the potential of mean force and rates associated to a slow collective variable of the system (reaction coordinate). Presently it has only been implemented and tested for the distance between two atoms, which is the default. Work is in progress to generalize the method to a number of reaction coordinates (Yew, Glowacki, Paci, work in progress). The reaction coordinate is kept within a perfectly reflecting "box" for a time interval sufficient to thoroughly sample the associated values of the reaction coordinate. This is done by reversing the velocity of the particles involved in the reaction coordinate. After a given number of collisions with the boundaries the reaction coordinate is allowed to increase or decrease so that a neighbouring box can be sampled. From the number of collision with the boundaries the potential of mean force over the whole range of reaction coordinate values can be reconstructed, as well as the absolute rate of entering or exiting a specific "box". The method is related to Ron Elber's milestoning but with some crucial differences. Its application is simpler and requires a single simulation with a rather simple input to determine the potential of mean force. * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the AXD command * Description:: Description of the command * References:: References * Example:: Usage Example * Comments:: The current status
[COMMAND SYNTAX] AXD RC atom-selection [MIN real] [MAX real] [NBOUND integer EVENTS integer BOUNDS sequence-of-reals] [IUNJ integer] PRINT_OPTIONS
[DESCRIPTION OF COMMANDS] [IUNJ integer] specifies the file in which the value of the rc will be written. The file contains three columns: 1) timestep; 2) rc value; 3) the inversion boundary (if velocity inversion occurred at that timestep) RC the reaction coordinate definition with which to use AXD. Reaction coordinates presently available include: 1) DIS (distance between two atoms; this is the default if no RC is specified) MIN (real) the minimum allowed value of the reaction coordinate. When the rc first becomes greater than MIN, the dynamics will be subsequently constrained so that the rc does not become smaller than MIN. MAX (real) the maximum allowed value of the reaction coordinate. When the rc first becomes smaller than MAX, the dynamics will be subsequently constrained so that the rc does not become larger than MAX. note 1: specification of both MIN and MAX values will, upon first arrival of the rc in the boundaries, "lock" the reaction coordinate between MIN and MAX note2: if MIN and/or MAX are not specified, then AXD will expect input for NBOUND. if MIN and/or MAX are specified in addition to NBOUND, AXD will give an error. NBOUND must be followed by an integer which tells how many real numbers follow BOUNDS BOUNDS is followed by a sequence of real values, in ascending or descending order. These values are the boundaries within which the dynamics will be consecutively constrained. The order at which the system oscillates through the bounded boxes is determined by whether the bounds are specified in ascending or descending order EVENTS is followed by an integer that tells the program how many total inversion events to count (the total on both box boundaries) before progressing to the next box PRINT_OPTIONS control print frequency in unit IUNJ. If PRINT_OPTIONS is not specified, the default is to print at the frequency specified in the dynamics section of the input. PRINT_OPTIONS (only one of which may be specified) include: PRNALL (print to unit IUNJ at every timestep) PRANGE (real real) which prints to the unit IUNJ at every timestep when the reaction coordinate is between some range of real numbers. Note that the real number immediately following PRANGE must be less than the second value
REFERENCES: (1) Glowacki, Paci & Shalashilin, J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 16603-16611
* CHARMM c36a1 Testcase test/c36test/axd1.inp * Author: David Glowacki and Emanuele Paci * Date : June 24, 2010 * stream datadir.def open unit 1 read card name @0toph19_eef1.inp read rtf card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read card name @0param19_eef1.inp read param card unit 1 close unit 1 READ SEQUENCE CARDS * 13-mer * 13 THR TRP ILE GLN ASN GLY SER THR LYS TRP TYR GLN ASN GENERATE PEPT WARN SETUP ! { Do not read coordinates } IC PARAMETERS IC SEED 1 N 1 CA 1 C IC BUILD MINI SD OPEN WRITE UNIT 43 UNFORM NAME @9axd1.dcd OPEN WRITE UNIT 44 FORM NAME @9axd1.axd AXD IUNJ 44 PRANGE 19 21 SELE ((ATOM PEPT 1 N) .OR. (ATOM PEPT 13 C)) END MAX 28 MIN 19 ! Test AXD using VV2 integration DYNAMICS VV2 START NSTEP 2000000 TIMESTEP 0.001 IUNREA -1 IUNWRI -1 KUNIT -1 IUNCRD 43 - IPRFRQ 100 NPRINT 100 NSAVC 500 INBFRQ -1 ICHECW 0 IEQFRQ 0 STOP
COMMENTS There are essentially four modes in which AXD may be run: 1) the reaction coordinate (rc) cannot cross an upper boundary (requires specification of MAX) 2) the rc cannot cross a lower boundary (requires specification of MIN) 3) the rc is maintained between some maximum and minimum value (requires specification of both MAX and MIN) 4) the rc is confined within a series of boundaries located along the reaction coordinate (requires specification of NBOUND) Presently, the method may be used in conjunction with the LEAP and VV2 integration algorithms, and with Langevin dynamics. It works with SHAKE, but we recommend the SHAKE is not applied to those atoms involvel in the definition of the reaction coordinate.