The CHarge EQuilibration Method The CHEQ and associated modules implement polarization via the fluctuating charge method as based on the CHarge EQuilibration methods outlined in the literature. While the current forcefield parameters are valid for most small molecules and proteins, the force field is constantly undergoing refinement and development. The electrostatic model derives formally from the density functional theory of atoms in molecules; polarization is effected as a result of chemical potential equalization everywhere within a molecule, forcing charge flow from regions of high to low chemical potential based on atomic properties. These properties are the atomic hardness and electronegativity. The parameters are treated as such and are determined from fits to density functional calculations of charge responses and mono- and dipole moments of small molecules in vacuum. The method can be used to perform energy, minimization, and dynamics calculations for the above-mentioned systems. For dynamics, the charges are coupled to Nose-Hoover baths to maintain proper adiabaticity. Several normalization schemes are allowed to maintain charge constant over desired partitions. Several water models are supported including the SPC-FQ and TIP4P-FQ models of Rick et al. * Menu: * Description:: Description of the CHEQ Function * Syntax:: Syntax of the CHEQ commands * Options:: CHEQ Command Options * Energy:: Usage with Energy and Dynamics commands * Scalar:: Usage with the Scalar Command * Examples:: Usage Example Script * Mixed Systems:: Mixed Polarizable / Non-Polarizable Systems (FQ/MM) * References:: References for CHEQ Methods
The CHarge EQuilibration routines implement the fluctuating charge dynamics as described in recent literature (1-9). The method derives from the density functional theory of atoms in molecules. The model is a relatively simple approach to incorporate a means for electronic density rearrangement (as reflected grossly in terms of some partitioned 'charge' on an atom) due to changes in chemical environment---polarizability. The mechanism for the redistribution is the equalization of electronic chemical potential everywhere within a molecule, a statement of Sanderson's principle of electronegativity equalization ( since, in DFT, the chemical potential and electronegativity are analogous). The electrostatic potential adopted in this formalism is (for a system with M molecules with N_i atoms in molecule 'i': __ __ / \ N N_i M M | N N | E = sum sum CHI_ia(0) Q_ia + 1/2 sum sum | sum sum ETA_iajb Q_ia Q_jb | i=1 a=1 i=1 j=1 | a=1 b=1 | \__ __/ The ETA_iajb term comes from the hardness matrix whose elements are determined via (Ref. 13): 1/2 ( ETA_i + ETA_j) ETA_ij = --------------------------------------------- sqrt( 1 + 0.25 (ETA_i + ETA_j)**2 R_ij**2) Atoms involved in bonded interactions, angle interactions, and dihedral interactions interact with each other via the combination rule. Atoms in a molecule separated by more than three bonds interact with the normal Coulomb 1/R interaction, as do charge sites on different molecules. The model requires parameterization of atomic electronegativities and hardnesses. The hardness are determined via fitting the DFT charge responses of small molecules containing the chemical functional groups of interest in modelling proteins. The approach is hierarchical, beginning with the fitting of aliphatic groups (methyl carbons, hydrogens, for instance), and then carrying these over into the determination of other groups. The electronegativities then are determined by fitting to charge distributions and dipole moments of isolated small molecules in vacuum. A fictitious charge dynamics is performed in the spirit of Car-Parrinello or 'ab initio' molecular dynamics simulations. The charge sites are given masses (much smaller than the nuclei so as to maintain the system on the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) surface) and the entire system is propagated with an extened Lagrangian which enforces the required charge normalization. The charges are thermostatted to heat baths to maintain a relatively low temperature to ensure adiabaticity. Currently this is done via coupling to Nose-Hoover heat baths; groupings of charges can be separately coupled so as to avoid 'hot spots'.
Syntax of the CHEQ commands CHEQ [ON ] [OFF ] [RESEt] [NORM ] {BYRE | BYAL | BYSE | BYGP | BYMO} atom_selection [QMAS ] CGMA {charge-mass} TSTA {initial temperature} atom_selection [TIP4p] atom_selection [WATEr] [SPC ] [FLEX ] CHEQ {WATE | SPC | FLEX} SELECT {selection} END
CHEQ Command Options ON sets QCG flag to .TRUE. (turns on fluctuating charges). This can be issued anytime in order to switch between non-polarizable and polarizable Hamiltonians OFF sets QCG flag to .FALSE. (turns off fluctuating charges). This can be issued anytime in order to switch between non-polarizable and polarizable Hamiltonians. RESE turns off CHEQ (QCG=.FALSE.) and resets some CHEQ arrays and parameters as follows: The variable 'QNPART' is set to zero (nullifies CHEQ normalization units; the user will have to respecify these with 'CHEQ NORM norm-option atom-selection as discussed under the 'NORM' option command. QCG is set to FALSE; thus, ENERGY, MINIMIZATION, and DYNAMICS using the CHEQ method is no longer possible unless the CHEQ option us used with the relevant commands. All arrays associated with the partitions, partition counters, and pointers to atoms of partitions are zeroed. NORM sets up partitions for charge normalization. Implemented by setting total charge force for a partition to zero. Format for command: CHEQ NORM {BYRE | BYAL | BYSE | BYGP | BYMO} SELECT {selection} END description of options: BYRE - charge constant within residues in the given selection BYAL - charge constant within all atoms in the given selection BYSE - charge constant within segments in the given selection BYGR - charge constant within groups in the given selection BYMO - charge constant within molecules in the given selection NOFQ - turns off CHEQ for selected atoms QMAS sets up mass and initial temperature for charges QMAS CGMA {charge-mass} TSTA {initial temperature} {atom selection} TIP4 selects the TIP4P-FQ water model of Rick and Berne Note: Consult the LONEPAIR documentation for properly setting up the constructs necessary to implement this 4-point water model and/or check the testcases WATE Rigid water, derivatives of intra-molecular hardness elements with respect to coordinates are not computed. SPC selects rigid 3-point water using special SPC parameters of Rick and Berne FLEX generic CHEQ molecule type (flexible molecule; charge force on nuclei computed). The above options (WATE, SPC and FLEX, TIP4) are used similarly to the NORM command: CHEQ {WATE | SPC | FLEX} SELECT {selection} END PRIN Prints out several variables and arrays for CHEQ WALP sets parameters for restraint potential to bound charges on atoms; this is to prevent over-polarization in cases where the charges sample regions further away from the minimum determined by the quadratic form of the CHEQ potential. At this time, only two forms of the restraint are supported. Can be extended in the future. For PTYP = 1 : CHEQ WALP { PTYP integer} { QRQ1 real } { QRQ2 real } { QRK real } - atom_selection For PTYP = 2 : CHEQ WALP { PTYP integer} { WALN integer } - { QRA1 real } { QRAB1 real } { QRA2 real } { QRB2 real } - { QRQ1 real } { QRQ2 real } { QRK real } atom_selection PTYP sets the type of restraint potential; 1=harmonic, 2=Nth order wall potential with switch. (Ref #) QRQ1 the upper limit of the values a certain charge can take QRQ2 the lower limit of the values a certain charge can take QRK the force constant for harmonic restraint or the strength for the wall potential (generally on the order of 10**2) The following are further specifications needed for a non-harmonic wall potential. WALN integer value setting the hardness of the wall potential QRA1 charge value below which switching function is zero QRB1 charge value above which switching function is unity ** QRA1 < QRB1 QRA2 charge value above which switching function is zero QRB2 charge value below which switching function is unity ** QRA2 < QRB2
Energy and Dynamics CHEQ can be used with ENERgy, MINImization, and DYNAmics commands. Currently, minimization routines supporting CHEQ are the CONJugate gradients and STEEPest descents. For DYNAmics, the leapfrog integrator includes charge dymamics. For these functions, the CHEQ flag must be specified so that the appropriate subroutines are used: ENERGY energy_options CHEQ CHEQ_options DYNA dynamics_options CHEQ CHEQ_options MINI minimization_options CHEQ CHEQ_options where CHEQ_options are as in the following. NOCO sets QNOCO flag to .TRUE. Freezes coordinates by zeroing DX,DY and DZ resets to .FALSE. when exiting ENERgy, MINImization, or DYNAmics call. Useful for minimizing charge for a fixed conformation. For a large system this can be faster than CGIN since the charges tend to converge rapidly.(<100 steps for 216 water system) CGMD Used with ENERgy, MINIimization, and DYNAmics calls int - 0 for normal Hamiltonian with exclusion in elec.interactions (default) 1 using Hamiltonian without exclusions (Recommended for FLUQ) CGIN Used with ENERgy call charges will be calculated by matrix inversion whenever energy is called. (WARNING: it is slow and memory intensive on big systems) This option does not work with IMAGES.(but does work with BOUND) This keyword must be specified every time it is wanted as the flag CGINV is set to .FALSE. after the command is performed. POLT Used with ENERgy call calculates the components of the molecular polarizability tensor based on the molecular geometry and hardness matrix elements. Used in conjunction with the ENERGY call. Use care when comparing to experimental data; usually need to make sure that the same molecular orientations are being compared (i.e, planar water case, depending on the orientation, will get different results for the tensor component values). FQPA Prints out the Eta matrix when doing matrix inversion. (i.e. only works in conjunction with CGIN keyword) This is an NATOM by NATOM array so can get very large. Flag resets to .FALSE. after command has executed. FQINT used with DYNAmics call sets the charge integration algorithm 1 = Nose-Hoover Temperature Control ** 2 = No temperature control required as input; default does not do charge dynamics ** Note: To use the Nose-Hoover algorithm for propagating the charge dynamics with temperature control, one must specify the degrees of freedom which are to be coupled to a given bath. The method for specifying this is similar to the multi-heat bath calls for the NOSE command to thermostat the nuclear degrees of freedom. The following command must be issued before the call to DYNAMICS: FQBA I CALL J atom-selection-option COEF J QREF (0.005) TREF (1.0) . . . . END The integer 'I' indicates the number of baths for groupings of charge degrees of freedom. For each bath, the 'CALL' and 'COEF' commands set the atoms coupled to that bath, the Nose-Hoover fictitious mass, QREF, for that bath, and the temperature, TREF, for that bath. ** CHEQ computation now turns on and off with SKIPE command. Tied to ELEC keyword. If SKIPE ELEC command is given CHEQ energy and derivatives are set to zero.
SCALAR Command The charge array has always been available from the scalar command, but there are now additional arrays specific to Fluc-Q that are accessible, namely the charge derivatives as well as both the eta and chi parameters. The keynames that have been added are: DCH - charge derivatives EHA - hardness parameters for every atom ECH - electronegativity parameters for every atom See the description of the * scalar command: (scalar.doc). for useage. For information regarding variables used in conjunction with the CHEQ method, consult the include files cheqdyn.fcm and derivq.fcm in the source/fcm diretory.
Examples There are examples of many of the commands described above in the test input script that is in the test/c30test directory. After the structure has been generated the CHEQ options can be set up. A typical sequence of commands might go something like: {read RTF} ! read appropriate file to obtain CHEQ parameters; ! treated analogous to charges {read standard parameters} {read sequence} GENErate CHEQ norm byre select all end ! normalization over residues CHEQ flex select all end ! Flexible molecules energy cheq cgmd 1
The CHEQ module currently allows one to simulate systems where some segments are polarizable and others are not (non-polarizable ion in polarizable solvent, see Example in this section). This set-up is referred to as FQ/MM by analogy to QM/MM methods (since the polarizable region allows for electronic response to local chemical environment). The algorithmically, the code checks whether atoms are assigned to a charge normalization unit (required for CHEQ minimization and dynamics); those charge on atoms which are not implicated in a specified charge normalization scheme are not propagated dynamically nor are they varied in minimization. In the case of mixed systems, the E14FAC parameter is not required to be set explicitly in the operating input script. The associated parameter file should use the default value of "1"; the code automatically allows for inclusion of 1-4 electrostatic interactions within the CHEQ formalism without any user input. The following is an example of setting up a mixed system of polarizable solvent (TIP4P-FQ) solvating a non-polarizable ion (sodium). The polarizability of the ion is effectively turned off by not specifying a normalization scheme for the non-polarizable solute (see also the test case /c32test/nawat.inp). Example: box of 215 TIP4P-FQ water molecules solvation a single, NON-POLARIZABLE SODIUM ION # read rtf and paramater files as usual read sequ tip4 215 generate wat first none last none setup noang nodihed read sequence sod 1 generate ion first none last none setup noang nodihed open read unit 1 form name @0tip4p_sod.crd read coor card unit 1 close unit 1 coor copy comp lonepair bisector dist 0.15 angle 0.0 dihe 0.0 - sele atom wat * OM end - sele atom wat * OH2 end - sele atom wat * H1 end - sele atom wat * H2 end ! *** To exclude the ion from having polarizability, note that it is assigned ! to no normalization unit. *** CHEQ norm byres sele segid wat end CHEQ tip4 sele segid wat end CHEQ QMAS CGMA 0.000069 TSTA 0.01 sele segid wat end CHEQ NORM NOFQ SELE SEGID ION END ! ****** The last line above signifies that the sodium ion (treated as a segment here) will be treated as a fixed-charge entity.
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