Domain Decomposition Domain decomposition (abreviated "domdec") is a method of parallelizing Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation. In Domain decomposition, the simulation box is divided into Nx x Ny x Nz sub-boxes. Each CPU (or core) is assigned a home sub-box. Each CPU is responsible for updating the coordinates of the atoms residing in its home sub-box. The non-bonded forces are calculated for all atom pairs in the home box plus around volume Rcut around the home box in the positive x, y, and z direction. After the force calculation, the required forces are communicated using MPI to the sub-boxes surrounding the home box. The communication between the sub-boxes is implemented using the "Eighth shell" method. Special Notice: The DOMDEC code for doing molecular dynamics simulations with CHARMM is an evolving, highly scalable molecular dynamics engine that has been released in the distribution version, c37b1, without the usual year of the testing in the developmental version because of the important speed up it can provide via multiprocessor parallization relative to the previously available MD codes in CHARMM. (For a discussion and benchmarks, see the News item in Although DOMDEC has been thoroughly tested, it is likely that input script configurations that work fine in conventional CHARMM may not function the same in DOMDEC, or additional bugs exist that will be found as more people use the code. It is suggested, therefore, that before doing long runs with DOMDEC, it be confirmed that DOMDEC gives the correct results by comparing the results of a test run with those obtained with one of the standard MD codes in CHARMM. We note also that DOMDEC uses conventional periodic boundary conditions rather than the image facility in CHARMM. We suggest that DOMDEC is the method of choice for long standard dynamics NVT or NPT runs with PME on up to 256 processors. Additional features will be announced in updates to the documentation. If you use DOMDEC in your research, please cite this manuscript: "New Faster CHARMM Molecular Dynamics Engine", A.-P. Hynninen, and M. F. Crowley, Journal of Computational Chemistry 2014, 35, 406-413 * Menu: * Description:: Short description * Limitations:: Which features are enabled and which not * Syntax:: Syntax of the domdec command * Examples:: Examples of using domdec * Installing:: Enabling domdec in charmm
In order to use the Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME) electrostatics, CHARMM must be compiled with pref keywords COLFFT. Domdec splits the CPUs given by the mpirun -command into direct and reciprocal CPUs. The direct CPUs are responsible for bonded and non-bonded force calculation, neighbor list search, etc. The reciprocal CPUs are responsible for calculating the reciprocal part of the PME sum.
Current limitations of DOMDec: - Must use COLFFT keyword in pref.dat in order to have correct Ewald electrostatics. - In order to use SHAKE, must use "shake fast" and have FSSHK keyword in pref.dat - Must use Leapfrog Verlet integrator (in module dynamc.src): - LEAP, LANG, and CPT all work. - PERT and TSM do not work. - Only supports orthogonal simulation boxes. - Only supports 3-atom solvent models (TIP3, SPC), e.g. no support for TIP4. - Heavy atoms with hydrogen bonds must be immediately before the hydrogens in the topology. - Dynamic Load Balancing is in beta phase for Constant Pressure simulations, if you have trouble, switch off Dynamic Load Balancing when performing constant pressure simulations. - Minimization (mini -command) does not work with DOMDEC. The best way around this is to first do minimization and then turn on DOMDEC for dynamics. - DOMDEC cannot be turned OFF within the script where the DOMDEC -command was given. For example you cannot run dynamics with DOMDEC, turn it off, and run dynamics without DOMDEC. - IMAGe recentering command only operates on molecules that are a single DOMDEC group. For example, water molecules will be correctly recentered but most larger molecule are not. - Currently supports following constraints: * Distance matrix (DMCO) * Umbrella potential (RXNC) * Adaptive Umbrella Sampling (ADUMB) * Restrained distances (RESD) * Imposed distance restraints (NOE) * Absolute harmonic constraints (CONS HARM ABSO) * Dihedral constraints (CONS DIHE) * Center of mass constraints (CONS HMCM) Tips for improving performance: - Saving trajectory (NSAVC, NSAVV) or restart file (ISVFRQ) during dynamics requires a all-to-all communication which, when done often, slows down the simulation. In most systems, setting NSAVC, NSAVV, and ISVFRQ to a value greater than 100 is adviced. - Make sure the SSE instructions are being used. Look for "Using SSE version of non-bonded force loops" in the output. - Use FFTW or MKL library. - Try a different number of reciprocal cores to find the optimal value.
[SYNTAX DOMDec] Way to invoke domdec: --------------------1----------------------------- Add CHARMM script command DOMDec [NDIR NX NY NZ] [GPU {ON | OFF}] [DLB {ON | OFF}] [SPLIt {ON | OFF}] [PPANg N] [SINGle] [DOUBle] [TEST] to ENERGY command. NDIR NX NY NZ Defines the spatial division among processors/cores of the direct space calculation into NX x NY x NZ sub-boxes where each core gets a sub-box. In this way, NX x NY x NZ cores of the direct nonbond space calculation and the remaining cores are reserved for the reciprocal space calculation if PME is requested. For example, NDIR 2 2 2 will divide the simulation box into 2 x 2 x 2 (=8) sub-boxes. If the mpirun command asked for 12 cores, then 4 cores would be reserved for simultaneous reciprocal-space calculation GPU {ON | OFF} Turns GPU computation on/off. In order to use GPU, CHARMM must be compiled with domdec_gpu switch, see below. DLB {ON | OFF} Turns on direct space dynamic load balancing. SPLIt {ON | OFF} Turns direct/reciprocal split on/off. Turning split off can give better performance with small CPU counts. PPANg N Sets the number of points per Angstrom used for the lookup tables. Default value is 200. Note that using a higher value will result in higher precision, but slower simulation. This parameter is used mostly for testing purposes, when one wants to compare results between DOMDEC and traditional CHARMM. SINGle Performs force calculation in single precision. This can be used to get extra performance. Note that forces are accumulated in double precision. For FFTW users: PME simulations in single precision require FFTW that is compiled in single precision. If available, use MKL since it contains both double and single precision libraries by default. DOUBle Performs force calculation in double precision. This is the default setting. TEST Runs DOMDEC unit tests: - Nonbonded lookup table build and functional correctness test. If NDIR is not defined, program will guess the values based on a simple algorithm where the number of reciprocal cores is set to 1/4th of the number of total cores. ****************** NOTES: ****************** The sub-box sizes are limited by the cut-off and the number of sub-boxes as follows: BOXX = system box size in X direction NX = number of sub-boxes in X direction RCUT = non-bonded cut-off + radius of the largest group BOXX/NX = sub-box size in X direction Then, for NX >= 2, the sub-box size in X direction must satisfy: BOXX/NX <= BOXX - 2*RCUT If your system violates this restriction, you can try reducing NX to 1 or by increasing NX. ****************** NOTES on using GPU: ****************** DOMDec GPU support is enabled with "DOMDEC GPU ON" command. When using the GPU code, use as many or less MPI nodes as there are GPUs. That is, oversubscribing the GPUs is not currently allowed. For example, if you have 2 GPUs on each physical node, run it using: mpirun -n 2 ... This will use both GPUs on the node. You can also run it using: mpirun -n 1 ... This will just use one of the GPUs. For example, say you want to run on 4 nodes (called gpu1, gpu2, gpu3, gpu4) where each has 2 GPUs. However, you only wish to use a single GPU on each node (which is usually optimal). In order to run on all 4 nodes, do: Intel MPI: ---------- mpirun -n 4 -machinefile machinefile.txt ... where machinefile.txt reads: gpu1:1 gpu2:1 gpu3:1 gpu4:1 OpenMPI: -------- mpirun -n 4 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 --hostfile machinefile.txt ... where machinefile.txt reads: gpu1 slots=1 gpu2 slots=1 gpu3 slots=1 gpu4 slots=1 For other MPI implementations, consult your documentation. Note, for OpenMPI you must set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of cores per GPU. On multi MPI node simulations, the performance bottleneck is the MPI communication. Therefore, it is usually optimal to use only a single GPU per node when running DOMDEC_GPU over multiple MPI nodes. On single MPI node simulations, using 2 GPUs vs 1 GPU (on that node) might give you better performance assuming you have a powerful enough CPU. For better performance, it is important that you do not use more CPU threads than you have physical cores in your CPU. UPDATE 6/11/2014: Current version has performance issues when using FFTW on multi-GPU simulations. Until these issues are re-solved, use MKL for best performance.
Examples of using Domdec ****************** Example with PME: ****************** PME electrostatics is used (CHARMM compiled with COLFFT): CHARMM is run with "mpirun -n 10" and DOMDec is initialized with: ENERGY DOMD NDIR 2 2 2 This command divides the simulation box into 2 x 2 x 2 (=8) sub-boxes. The remaining 2 CPUs are assigned as reciprocal CPUs responsible for the PME reciprocal calculation. ****************** Example without PME: ****************** No PME is used: CHARMM is run with "mpirun -n 8" and DOMDec is initialized with: ENERGY DOMD NDIR 2 2 2 This command divides the simulation box into 2 x 2 x 2 (=8) sub-boxes, just like in the example 1. However, no reciprocal CPUs are assigned. DLB ON/OFF turns dynamic load balancing (DLB) on or off. Using DLB is adviced as it improves performance. By default DLB is ON.
Examples using DOMDec: Example 1: ---------- ! System setup (psf) is done here energy eps 1.0 cutnb 11 cutim 11 ctofnb 9 ctonnb 7.5 vswi - Ewald kappa 0.320 pmEwald order 4 fftx 64 ffty 64 fftz 64 - domdec ndir 2 2 2 dlb on shake fast bonh tol 1.0e-8 para dynamics leap start timestep 0.002 nstep 100
Installing CHARMM with DOMDEC enabled: The following install sequences should get you a working executable, MPI libraries must be installed and mpif90 in your path. In the following, use whichever architecture is correct for your machine, and whatever size you choose. You can alter the executable limits at run time (using dimension script command, see dimension.doc) regardless of how big or small you compile CHARMM. You can use the following lines to compile CHARMM with DOMDEC: With FFTW-3.3 installed: $ [host] M fftw nolog domdec With MKL installed: $ [host] M mkl nolog domdec Without FFTW / MKL: $ [host] M nolog domdec Where [host] = em64t, osx, gnu Compiling with PGI compiler (e.g. in kraken) with fftw: $ gnu M fftw nolog PGF95 domdec NERSC If you wish to compile DOMDEC with GPU support, replace "domdec" by "domdec_gpu" above. Notes on compiling with PGI: PGI C compiler cannot be used to compile the SSE force kernels in source/nbonds/enb_core_sse.c. If PGI compiler is used on this file, a warning is issued compile time and the code resorts using the slower Fortran versions of the force kernels. When compiling parallel CHARMM, "NERSC" flag used in the above example switches the C compiler to gcc. When compiling in serial, user has to switch manually to gcc compiler in order take advantage of the SSE force kernels. Notes on compiling with Pathscale: FFTW3 include file fftw3.f03 does not compile correctly with Pathscale compiler version 3.2.99. This is why FFTW and PATHSCALE pref keywords are declared mutually exclusive.