CHARMM c39b2 mrmd.doc

File: MRMD -=- Node: Top
Up: (commands.doc) -=- Next: Syntax

      Multi-Surface Adiabatic Reactive Molecular Dynamics (MS-ARMD)

Tibor Nagy           (  [coder]
Juvenal Yosa Reyes   ( 
Markus Meuwly.       (

[1] Multi-Surface Adiabatic Reactive Molecular Dynamics 
    Tibor Nagy*, Juvenal Yosa Reyes, Markus Meuwly*
    submitted to JCTC (Oct, 2013).
[2] State-selected ion-molecule reactions with Coulomb-crystallized 
    molecular ions in traps
    Xin Tong, Tibor Nagy, Juvenal Yosa Reyes, Matthias Germann, 
    Markus Meuwly*, Stefan Willitsch*
    Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 547, 21 September 2012, Pages 1–8
The Multi-Surface Adiabatic Reactive Molecular Dynamics (MS-ARMD) method allows 
the construction of global reactive potential energy surface from standard 
force fields and running molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations on it. 
The effective surface is always the lowest energy surface, except for the region
where several surfaces have the same low energy, where it switches smoothly 
between them by changing their weights. The algorithm is based on an energy 
difference-based switching method, which conserves total energy during dynamics.
The code can be run also with a single state allowing the easy usage of some 
advanced parametrization (Morse potential, MIE potential) also for non-reactive 
simulations. The CROSS module of CHARMM is based on the ARMD method, which uses
an alternative, time-dependent switching function. The ARMD method has been used
successfully for the simulation of reactions in large molecules (see cross.doc 
for references). The comparison of MS-ARMD and ARMD methods and their advantages
features are discussed in detail in reference [1]. Looking at the example 
provided as a test case with CHARMM (mrmd_h2so4.inp with mrmd_h2so4.par MRMD
parameter file, see Example Section) can help in understanding this 
documentation greatly.

* Menu:

* Syntax::                
                          Syntax of the MRMD command
* Description::           
                          Description on the MRMD command
* Parameter file::         
                          Description of multiple states and their connection 
* States::
                          Declaration of states: leveling and their connection
* Nonbonded::
                          (Re)parametrization of nonbonded interactions for 
                          each state
* Bonded::
                          (Re)parametrization of bonded interactions for each 
* Output::                   
                          Detailed description of output generated during normal 
* Example::
                          Water elimination from vibrationally highly 
                          excited sulfuric acid molecule                         
* Troubleshooting::
                          Hint for troubleshooting
* Code::
                          Essential code related notes

File: MRMD -=- Node: Syntax
Previous: Top -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Description

          Syntax for the Reactive Molecular Dynamics commands

                    |---------------optional arguments---------------| 
MRMD   UPAR integer [ UCRG integer ] [ PRDY integer ] [ PRCA integer ]

UPAR    Int    Unit containing the mrmd parametrization for all surfaces.
               This unit must be opened (FORMatted) for reading before MRMD
               is called.
UCRG     -1    Unit to which a geometry will be written (FORMatted write) in PDB 
               format at each crossing point (default=-1 => no writing). 
PRCA     -1    Period in module calls at which MRMD prints out the energy  
               and the weight of each surface and the energy of the effective
               surface when dynamics is not active (default=-1 => no writing).
PRDY     -1    Period in time-steps at which MRMD prints out the energies  
               and the weights of each surface and the energy of the effective
               surface during dynamics. (default=-1 => no writing)
RSET           Deactivate currently active MRMD parametrization. Should not be
               used together with other MRMD keywords.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Description
Previous: Syntax -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Parameter file

        Description of the Reactive Molecular Dynamics command

MRMD command in CHARMM input:
MS-ARMD force field is invoked by the MRMD command. On the first call the 
content of MRMD parameter file is fully processed. This contains information on 
one or more force fields by providing the changes from the PSF/parameter file 
by means of modifying/removing/adding FF potential terms. The PSF and parameter 
arrays in CHARMM are never modified! MRMD will affect only the total energy 
and the forces on individual atoms. The parameter file also contains information
on the switching function, that is how the surfaces are connected.

Position of the MRMD command during input relative to other CHARMM commands:
Before MRMD is called, it is important that the bonded parameter list
is up-to-date, therefore it is recommended to execute the UPDAte
command before calling MRMD. It requires that the PSF is already

Before executing the DYNA command it is important that crossing
geometry (UCRG) file is opened.

All commands (MINI, VIBR, DYNA) which are supposed to use the force
field parametrization provided by MRMD should be preceded by
calling MRMD.

A typical input sequence for an MRMD simulation is as follows:
" or generate PSF...

OPEN UNIT 14 WRITe FORMatted NAME crossings.pdb

MINI ...

OPEN UNIT 12 WRITe FORMatted NAME new.res
OPEN UNIT 13 WRITe UNFORMatted NAME  mrmd_traj.dcd

DYNA ....
Compatibility with other major CHARMM commands
- PSF modifying routines -
Calling MRMD assumes that the PSF will not be modified later. If it is
modified then MRMD has to be called again either with the same or a
new parameter file (UPAR).

- VIBRan -
MRMD does not provide (analytical) second derivatives, therefore all
routines which requires second derivatives of the energy can work only
if they have an option for numerical second derivatives (i.e. VIBR
with FINITE).

- IMAGe -
The nonbonded interaction between atoms with modified non-bonded
parameters and image atoms are not updated. If the atoms with modified
nonbonded parameters remain far from the edges of the center box then
this will not cause a problem at all. It is planned to provide this
functionality in the future.

- NBONded -
compatible with NBONded for the following settings:
    ELEC   : electrostatic interaction
    CDIElec: constant dielectric
    ATOM   : atom-based electrostatic interaction
    SHIFt  : shifting cut-off method for electrostatic interaction 
    VDW    : van der Waals interaction by Lennard-Jones potential
    VSWItch: switching cut-off method for van der Waals interaction 
    VATOm  : atom-based van der Waals interaction
    NBXMOD : +1,+2,+3,+4,+5 are all supported

not compatible with NBONded for the following settings:
    GROUp   : group-based electrostatic interaction
    SWITch  : switching cut-off method for electrostatic interaction
    FSWItch : force-switching cut-off method for electrostatic interaction
    VGROup  : group-based van der Waals interaction
    VSHIft  : shifting cut-off method for van der Waals interaction
    FVSWitch: force-switching cut-off method for van der Waals interaction      

- SKIP -
ARMD is compatible with SKIPe commands
SKIPe BOND : skips bond energy correction defined in BOND HARM
             skips bond energy correction defined in BOND MORS
SKIPe ANGL : skips energy correction defined in angle part of ANGL HARM
SKIPe UREY : skips energy correction defined in Urey-Bradley part of ANGL HARM
SKIPe DIHE : skips energy correction defined in DIHE FOUR
SKIPe IMPR : skips energy correction defined in IMPR HARM
SKIPe ELEC : skips energy correction defined in point charge part of NBON ATOM
SKIPe VDW  : skips energy correction defined in Lennard-Jones part of NBON ATOM
             skips energy correction defined in NBON GVDW

File: MRMD -=- Node: Parameter file
Previous: Description -=- Up: Top -=- Next: States

The user has to provide an additional external parameter file beyond the usual 
CHARMM parameter file to describe one or more potential energy surfaces, which 
together define a global surface. This (re)parametrization is based on atom 
indices instead of atom types, therefore allows specific reparametrization of 
any part of the system.

Determining effective reactive potential energy surface
First the energy correction to the CHARMM energy for each surface is calculated 
based on the (re)parametrization given in this file. Then, the energy shift is 
added to each surface. Then a smooth connection of the low-lying energy surfaces
is calculated using the energy difference based switching functions. Finally, 
the Gaussian*polynomial functions of pairwise energy differences are added 
optionally to adjust the shape of the crossing regions between surfaces. 
The MRMD module in CHARMM corrects the total energy, and does not modify the
individual energy terms (BOND, VDW, etc). MRMD energy correction will be added 
only to the total energy.

The parameter file should always have all the following blocks even
if the parameters are not changed/used:
SURF:      defines the number of surfaces and their level shifts
SWCH:      defines switching function and switching related parameters
SHAP GAPO: defines shaping functions to crossing regions between surfaces 
NBON ATOM: (re)parametrization of charges and Lennard-Jones potentials of atoms
NBON GVDW: parametrization of pair-wise generalized Lennard-Jones potentials 
BOND HARM: (re)parametrization of harmonic bond potentials 
BOND MORS: parametrization of Morse potentials
ANGL HARM: (re)parametrization of harmonic angle potentials 
DIHE FOUR: (re)parametrization of Fourier dihedral angle potentials  
IMPR HARM: (re)parametrization of harmonic improper dihedral angle potentials 

File: MRMD -=- Node: States
Previous: Parameter file -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Nonbonded

Description of the individual blocks:
1. Block SURF
Defines the number of surfaces (nsurf) and the energy shifts (VshiftI). At each 
call to MRMD, the energy correction of all surfaces are determined, and based 
on the energy difference based switching formula, corresponding weights are 
determined and the effective correction is calculated.

--------------------------Structure of block SURF-------------------------------
SURF nsurf
1 Vshift1
2 Vshift2
I VshiftI
nsurf Vshiftnsurf
dVI(r)=dV0I(r)   +VshiftI
VI(r) =VCHARMM(r)+dVI(r)

Energy correction of surface I to the CHARMM energy based on the
(re)parametrization of force field terms given in the MRMD parameter.

Total energy correction of surface I to CHARMM energy. Their weighted sum plus 
the shaping functions determine the effective correction to the CHARMM energy.

CHARMM energy calculated without MRMD module

Energy of MRMD surface I. Their weighted sum plus the shaping functions 
determine the effective global surface. 
nsurf ({integer,>0})
Number of surfaces. At least one is required. If only one surface is given then 
no surfaces crossing possible.

VshiftI ({real,kcal/mol}): 
Energy shift for the I-th surface. It is defined in separate lines for each 
surface in increasing order of the surface index.  Energy shifting is used to 
adjust the level of each surface to a global reference scale (eg. ab initio 
energies), which is necessary to reproduce reaction energetics and predict 
dividing surfaces between them.

2. Block SWCH
Defines the switching function and switching related parameters.
MS-ARMD switching concept:
1. Normalized energy difference from the lowest-energy surface is determined.
2. Raw weights(wi0) are defined using simple mathematical switching functions.
3. Raw weights are renormalized to give mixing weights (wi). 
4. The weighted linear combination of surfaces plus the shaping functions
   with the weights give the MS-ARMD surface.

--------------------------Structure of block SURF-------------------------------
switching_function deltaV
switching_function (string): mathematical switching function 
deltaV({real,>0,kcal/mol}) :  switching parameter
Note, input for SWCH has to be provided even if there is only one surface!

MS-ARMD switching concept:
1. Normalized energy difference from the lowest-energy surface is determined:
Vi                                     ! energy of the surface i
Vmin(r)    =  min(Vi(r),i=1...n)       ! energy of the lowest-energy surface
deltai(r)  = (Vi(r)-Vmin(r))/deltaV    ! normalized energy difference of surface 
                                       ! i from the lowest-energy surface

2. Raw weights wi0 are defined using switching functions (f).
Currently available switching functions:
A, JOHNSON7: 7th order switching function by B.R.Johnson 
B, EXPDECAY: exponential decay switching function (recommended)

3. Raw weights are renormalized and the linear combination of surface
energies are formed using the renormalized weights.
wi(r)     = w0i(r)/(w01(r)+w02(r)+...) ! normalized weights
Veff0(r)  = sum(wi(r)*Vi(r),i=1...n)   ! effective, smooth surface
Veff0(r)  = sum(wi(r)*Vi(r),i=1...n)=VCHARMM+sum(wi(r)*dVi(r),i=1...n)
Veff(r)   = Veff0(r)+shaping functions
7th order switching function by B.R. Johnson 
B.R. Johnson: J. Chem. Phys. 83, 1204 (1985)
JOHNSON7 delta
w0i(r) = f(deltai(r))=fJ(1-deltai(r))
      { 0                              if x<0  
fJ(x)={ -x**4*(((20*x-70)*x+84)*x-35)  if 0<x<1
      { 1                              if x>1  
deltaV ({real,>0,kcal/mol}): 
if the energy of a surface is less than the energy of the lowest-lying surface 
+delta, then it will have a non-zero weight, and start contributing to the 
effective surface. When two or more lowest lying surfaces are crossing, their
weights change between 0-1.

NOTE: while the Johnson's switching function is 3 times continuously
differentiable, the final MS-ARMD surface is not differentiable if the 
three lowest surfaces are within the deltaV energy of each other.

EXPDECAY switching function
(See JCTC 2013 MS-ARMD paper)
w0i(r) = exp(-deltai(r))
deltaV ({real,>0,kcal/mol}): 
The raw weight of surfaces drops exponentially with increasing energy.
This exponential decay has a characteristic energy of deltaV, that is
an increase in energy by deltaV causes a drop by a factor of
e~=2.7 in the weight. EXPDECAY switching function is recommended over JOHNSON7 
switching as it always provides a smooth (analytical, infinite times 
differentiable) effective surface.

3. Block SHAP GAPO
Defines the parameters of Gaussian*Polynomial (GAPO) shaping functions to adjust 
the crossing region for pairs of surfaces.

--------------------------Structure of block SURF-------------------------------
surf11 surf12 n1 x10 x11 a10 a11 a12 ... a1n1
surf21 surf22 n2 x20 x21 a20 a21 a22 ... a2n2
surfI1 surfI2 nI xI0 xI1 aI0 aI1 aI2 ... aI2nI
Energy correction:
Veff(r)=Veff0(r)+sum_I[ {wsurfI1+wsurfI2}*VGAPOI(VsurfI2(r)-VsurfI1(r)) ]
VGAPOI(xI) = exp(-(xI-xI0)^2/(2 xI1^2))*
where r(angstroem) is the coordinates of all atom.
ngapo ({integer,>=0}): 
Total number of GAPO functions used for adjusting the crossing regions.

surfI1, surfI2 ({integer,nsurf>=,>=1}):
The indices of the two surfaces of the I-th GAPO function.

nI ({integer,>=0})
Polynomial order of the I-th GAPO function.

xI0 ({real,1/(kcal/mol)})
Shift of the I-th GAPO function.

xI1 ({real,>0,(kcal/mol)})
Standard deviation parameter of the Gaussian of the I-th GAPO function.

aI0,aI1,...,aInI ({real,(kcal/mol)^(1-j) where j=0,1,2,3})
0-th, 1-st, ..nI-th order polynomial coefficients of the I-th GAPO function.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Nonbonded
Previous: States -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Bonded

4. Block NBON ATOM
Reparametrizes LJ interaction and point-charge electrostatic interaction on
each surface.

--------------------------Structure of block ATOM-------------------------------
atom1   q11 eps11 rmh11 xeps11 xrmh11    q12 eps12 rmh12 xeps12 xrmh12   ...
atom2   q21 eps21 rmh21 xeps21 xrmh21    q22 eps22 rmh22 xeps22 xrmh22   ...
atomI   qI1 epsI1 rmhI1 xepsI1 xrmhI1    qI2 epsI2 rmhI2 xepsI2 xrmhI2   ...
atomnatom ...
where r is the distance of two atoms.

S1(r)=fshift(r)={  0                    if r >roff }
                { (1-(r/roff)^2)^2      if r<=roff } 

V(r)=V(r)*E14FAC for atoms in 1-4 position if NBXMOD=1,2,3,5
where roff=CTOFNB
NBXMOD,CTOFNB,EPS,E14FAC are described in nbond.doc



where r(angstroem) is the distance of atomI1 and atomI2.

           {1                                                     if r<ron     }
fswitch(r)={(roff^2-r^2)^2*(roff^2+2r^2-3ron^2)/(roff^2-ron^2)^3  if ron<r<roff}
           {0                                                     if roff<r    }

CTONNB,CTOFNB are described in nbond.doc
natom ({integer,>=0})
Number of atoms with reparametrized nonbonded interaction. 

atomI ({integer,>0}): 
PSF index of atom I to be reparametrized, no duplicate definition is
allowed for the same atom.

qIJ ({real, elementary charge unit}): 
Charge of atom I on surface J

epsIJ ({real,>=0,kcal/mol}): 
Well depth of Lennard-Jones potential for atom I on surface J.

rmhIJ ({real,>0,angstroem}): 
Half of the separation corresponding to the minimum of the Lennard-Jones 
potential well ("Rmin/2") for atom I on surface J (usual CHARMM convention).

xepsIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0,kcal/mol}): 
epsIJ value for "special van der Waals interaction" (CHARMM jargon), which acts 
between atoms in 1-4 position and described by Lennard-Jones potential, which is
active in the case of NBXMOD=+5. Opposite to CHARMM convention, this is always 
given as non-negative value. If letter x or X is given, then the value copied 
from epsIJ.

xrmhIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>0,angstroem}): 
rmhIJ value for "special van der Waals interaction" (CHARMM jargon), which acts 
between atoms in 1-4 position and described by Lennard-Jones potential, which is
active in the case of NBXMOD=+5. If letter x or X is given, then the value 
copied from rmhIJ.

5. Block NBON GVDW
Adds general-exponent Lennard-Jones potential (equivalent to the Mie-potential)
and removes 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential for pair of atoms on each surface.
General-exponent Lennard-Jones potential can improve the description of the van 
der Waals interaction between atoms in the reaction region and it also better 
captures the energetics for the reactant and product complexes and around the 
transition state.


--------------------------Structure of block GVDW-------------------------------
atom11 atom12  eps11 rmin11 att11 rep11   eps12 rmin12 att12 rep12    ....
atom21 atom22  eps21 rmin21 att21 rep21   eps22 rmin22 att22 rep22    ....
atomI1 atomI2  epsI1 rminI1 attI1 repI1   epsI2 rminI2 attI2 repI2    ....
atomngvdw1 atomngvdw2 ...
ngvdw ({integer,>=0})
Number of atom pairs with reparametrized van der Waals interaction.

atomI1,atomI2 ({integer,>0}): 
PSF indices of atom pair I. 
No duplicate definition is allowed for the same pair of atoms (ij=ji).

epsIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0,kcal/mol}): 
Well depth of general-exponent Lennard-Jones potential for atom pair I on 
surface J. If letter x or X is given for epsIJ, then following values of rminIJ,
attIJ and repIJ are not used, and the 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential will be used 
for the corresponding atom pair on surface J.

rminIJ ({real,>0,angstroem}): 
Distance of atoms at the minimum of general-exponent Lennard-Jones potential I
on surface J. If letter x or X is given for epsIJ, then following values of 
rminIJ, attIJ and repIJ are not used, and the 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential from 
the CHARMM parameter file will be used for the corresponding atom pair on 
surface J.

attIJ ({real,>0,repIJ>}): 
Attractive exponent of general-exponent Lennard-Jones potential I on surface J. 
If letter x or X is given for epsIJ, then following values of rminIJ, attIJ and 
repIJ are not used, and the 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential will be used for the 
corresponding atom pair on surface J.

repIJ ({real,>0,>attIJ}): 
Repulsive exponent of general-exponent Lennard-Jones potential I on surface J. 
If letter x or X is given for epsIJ, then values of rminIJ, attIJ and repIJ are 
not used, and the 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential will be used for the 
corresponding atom pair on surface J.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Bonded
Previous: Nonbonded -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Output

6. Block BOND HARM
Reparametrizes, adds or removes harmonic bond potentials on surfaces.

--------------------------Structure of block HARM-------------------------------
atom11 atom12    fch11 req11    fch12 req12    ...
atom21 atom22    fch21 req21    fch22 req22    ...
atomI1 atomI2    fchI1 reqI1    fchI2 reqI2    ...
atomnharm1 atomnharm2 ...
where r(angstroem) is the length of bond atomI1-atomI2.

Number of those atom pairs between which the bond is (re)defined.

atomI1, atomI2 ({integer,>0}): 
PSF index of the two atoms forming the I-th bond.  No duplicate definition is 
allowed for the same pair of atoms (ij=ji). The definition for the same pair 
of atoms is not allowed in the MORS block. 

fchIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0, kcal/mol/angstroem^2}): 
Half force constant of bond potential I on surface J (usual CHARMM convention)
If letter x or X is given then the bond is considered as broken in this surface 
(even if it is in the PSF file) If letter x or X is given for fchIJ, then the 
following value of reqIJ is not used.

reqIJ ({>0,real,angstroem}): 
Equilibrium bond length of bond I on surface J. If letter x or X is given for 
fchIJ, then the following value of reqIJ is not used.

7. Block BOND MORS
Adds Morse bond potential, removes harmonic bond potential on surfaces.
If the same bond exists in PSF, then it is automatically replaced with this.

--------------------------Structure of block MORS-------------------------------
atom11 atom12   de11 req11 beta11   de12 req12 beta12    ...
atom21 atom22   de21 req21 beta21   de22 req22 beta22    ...
atomI1 atomI2   deI1 reqI1 betaI1   deI2 reqI2 betaI2    ...
atomnmors1 atomnmors2 ...
where r(angstroem) is the length of bond atomI1-atomI2.
Number of redefined Morse bonds.

atomI1, atomI2 ({integer,>0}): 
PSF indices of atom pair I. 
No duplicate definition is allowed for the same pair of atoms (ij=ji). 
The definition for the same pair cannot be used in the HARM block. 

deIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0, kcal/mol}): 
Well depth of Morse bond I on surface J.
If letter x or X is given the bond is broken in this surface (even if it is a 
PSF harmonic bond). If letter x or X is given for deIJ, then following values 
of reqIJ and betaIJ are not used.

reqIJ ({>0,real,angstroem}):
Equilibrium bond length of Morse bond I on surface J. If letter x or X is given 
for deIJ, then following values of reqIJ and betaIJ are not used.

betaIJ ({>0,real, 1/angstroem}):
Beta parameter of Morse bond I on surface J.
If letter x or X is given for deIJ, then folowing values of reqIJ and betaIJ are
not used.

8. Block ANGL HARM
Reparameterizes, adds or removes harmonic angle potentials and Urey-Bradley 
potentials on surfaces.

--------------------------Structure of block ANGL-------------------------------
atom11 atom12 atom13 fch11 phieq11 ufch11 ureq11 fch12 phieq12 ufch12 ureq12 ... 
atom21 atom22 atom23 fch21 phieq21 ufch21 ureq21 fch22 phieq22 ufch22 ureq22 ... 
atomI1 atomI2 atomI3 fchI1 phieqI1 ufchI1 ureqI1 fchI2 phieqI2 ufchI2 ureqI2 ...
atomnangl1 atomnangl2 ...
where phi(radian) is the angle formed by atomI1-atomI2-atomI3.
where r(angstroem) is the distance between atomI1 and atomI3.
Number of (re)defined harmonic angle and Urey-Bradley potentials.

atomI1, atomI2, atomI3  ({integer,>0}): 
PSF indices of the three atoms forming the I-th angle (atomI1-atomI2-atomI3). 
No duplicate definition is allowed for the same three atoms in the give order

fchIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0,kcal/mol/radian^2}): 
Half force constant of angle potential I on surface J (usual CHARMM convention).
If letter x or X is given the angle potential is not present on this surface due
to missing bond. If letter x or X is given for fchIJ, then following values of 
phieqIJ, ufchIJ, ureqIJ are not used.

phieqIJ ({>0,real,degree}): 
After reading it in, it is immediately converted to radian. Equilibrium angle of
angle potential I on surface J. If letter x or X is given for fchIJ, then 
following values of phieqIJ, ufchIJ, ureqIJ are not used.

ufchIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,>=0,kcal/mol/angstroem^2}): 
Half force constant of Urey-Bradley potential I on surface J 
(usual CHARMM convention). 
If letter x or X is given the Urey-Bradley potential is not present on this 
surface and the following values of phieqIJ, ufchIJ, ureqIJ are not used. 

ureqIJ ({real,>0,degree}): 
Equilibrium distance of Urey-Bradley potential I on surface J. If letter x or X 
is given for fchIJ, then following values of phieqIJ, ufchIJ, ureqIJ are not 

9. Block DIHE FOUR
Reparameterizes, adds or removes proper dihedral potentials on surfaces.

--------------------------Structure of block DIHE-------------------------------
atom11 atom12 atom13 atom14 per1    amp11 phi011   amp12 phi012    ...
atom21 atom22 atom23 atom24 per2    amp21 phi021   amp22 phi022    ...
atomI1 atomI2 atomI3 atomI4 perI    ampI1 phi0I1   ampI2 phi0I2    ...
atomndihe1 atomndihe2 atomndihe3 atomndihe4 ...
per=1,2,..,6 => V(phi)=amp*[1+cos(per*phi-phi0)]    
per=0        => V(phi)=amp*(phi-phi0)^2
where phi(radian) is the dihedral angle formed by atomI1-atomI2-atomI3-atomI4.
Expected bond connectivity of atoms: atomI1-atomI2-atomI3-atomI4
Number of (re)defined proper dihedral potentials.

atomI1, atomI2, atomI3, atomI4  ({integer,>0}): 
PSF indices of the four atoms forming the I-th dihedral angle. No duplicate 
definition is allowed for the same 4 atoms in the given order (ijkl=lkji) 
with the same periodicity.

perI ({integer:1,2,3,4,5,6}): 
Periodicity of cosine dihedral potential I. For the same group of atoms multiple
declarations with different periodicity are allowed (Fourier series:1,2,3,4,5,6)
No duplicate definition is allowed for the same 4 atoms in the given order
(ijkl=lkji) with the same periodicity.
ampIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,kcal/mol},{real,>0,kcal/mol}): 
Amplitude of dihedral potential I on surface J. If letter x or X is given for 
ampIJ, then the dihedral potential does not exist on the corresponding surface 
and the following value of phi0IJ is not used.

phi0IJ ({x} or {X} or {real,degree}): 
Zero phase for dihedral potential. After reading it in, it is immediately 
converted to radian within the code. 
The location of extrema are:
if ampI>0:  
 cos(n*phi_max-phi0) maximal <=> n*phi_max-phi0=2*k*pi       k is integer
 =>maxima: phi_max=(2*k*pi+phi0)/n                           k is integer
 cos(n*phi_min-phi0) minimal <=> n*phi_min-phi0=(2*k+1)*pi   k is integer
 =>mixima: phi_min=((2*k+1)*pi+phi0)/n                       k is integer   
if ampI<0: 
 -cos(n*phi_min-phi0) minimal <=> n*phi_min-phi0=2*k*pi      k is integer
 =>minima: phi_min=(2*k*pi+phi0)/n                           k is integer
 -cos(n*phi_max-phi0) maximal <=> n*phi_max-phi0=(2*k+1)*pi  k is integer
 =>maxima: phi_max=((2*k+1)*pi+phi0)/n                       k is integer   

10. Block IMPR HARM
Reparameterizes, adds or removes improper dihedral potentials on surfaces.

--------------------------Structure of block IMPR-------------------------------
atom11 atom12 atom13 atom14 per1    fch11 phi011   fch12 phi012    ...
atom21 atom22 atom23 atom24 per2    fch21 phi021   fch22 phi022    ...
atomI1 atomI2 atomI3 atomI4 perI    fchI1 phi0I1   fchI2 phi0I2    ...
atomnimpr1 atomnimpr2 atomnimpr3 atomnimpr4 ...
perI=0        V(phi)=fch*(phi-phi0)^2
where phi(radian) is the dihedral angle formed by atomI1-atomI2-atomI3-atomI4.
Expected bond connectivity of atoms: 
atomI1 - atomI4
  |   \
atomI2 atomI3

CHARMM topology should use the same topology definition for improper dihedrals
in the reaction center otherwise dihedrals will not be successfully removed
on MRMD surface if a bond gets broken. Improper dihedrals to be removed or
reparameterized have to have the same or reverse atom order.
Number of (re)defined improper dihedral potentials.

atomI1, atomI2, atomI3, atomI4  ({integer,>0}): 
PSF indices of the four atoms forming the I-th improper dihedral angle. 
No duplicate definition is allowed for the same group of atoms in the 
given order (ijkl=lkji)

perI ({integer:0}): 
Periodicity of dihedral potential I. Only perI=0 is allowed and it implies 
quadratic angle potential.

fchIJ ({x} or {X} or {real,kcal/mol/radian^2}): 
Half force constant of quadratic dihedral potential I on surface J (usual CHARMM
convention). If letter x or X is given for fchIJ, then the improper potential
does not exist on the corresponding surface and the following value of phi0IJ is
not used.

phi0IJ ({x} or {X} or {real,degree}):
Equilibrium angle of quadratic dihedral potential I on surface J. After reading 
it in, it is immediately converted to radian within the code.  

File: MRMD -=- Node: Output
Previous: Bonded -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Example

Output to standard output:

1. At the call of MRMD command in CHARMM input
Subroutine MRMD_INIT will be executed, which will print:
Printed lines start with:

if PRNLEV>=5 the following will be printed:
- the arguments with which the MRMD command was called
- progress of reading various blocks of MRMD parameter file 
- after reading the parameter file, the number of records in each block

if PRNLEV>=6 the following will be printed:
- all the parameters that are read from the MRMD parameter file.
- changes in 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-(more than 4) neighbourship lists for each surface

2. At energy call if certain conditions are fulfilled
Subroutine EMRMD will be executed, which calls several other subroutines.
Printed lines start with:

2A.Printing of surface crossing:
- PRNLEV>=4: time of crossing and the corresponding two surfaces

2B.Printing energetics at various detail level
- During dynamics after every integration step defined after PRDY argument.
- When dynamics is not active after every PRCA calls.
- Initial call of EMRMD routine. 
- When surface crossing is detected.

MRMD energy correction.

MRMD energy correction for each surface.

Summed energy correction of each type 

Each individual MRMD energy term, except for nonbonded interactions.
Each GAPO energies.

Each individual nonbonded energy term is also printed.

2C. Printing forces at various detail level
All nonzero MRMD force corrections for each atom are printed.

All forces of all potential energy surfaces are printed.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Example
Previous: Output -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Troubleshooting

The mrmd_h2so4.inp test case with the mrmd_h2so4.par parameter file are 
distributed with the package. This example simulation describes the water 
elimination from a vibrationally highly excited sulfuric acid molecule.  
Two surfaces are defined: one for sulfuric acid molecule and one for water 
and sulfur-trioxid molecules. The initial conditions are prepared so that 
water elimination takes place within a few timesteps. All the force field 
parameters of the H2SO4 molecule are redefined in the parameter file 
(mrmd_h2so4.par) in order to demonstrate most of the features of the 
MRMD module.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Troubleshooting
Previous: Errors -=- Up: Top -=- Next: Code

Before running production calculations, it is highly recommended to check 
whether all the expected individual energy terms are cancelled out or/and 
added for each surfaces. Increasing the PRNLEV parameter up to 8, a detailed 
listings is done, showing also the values of all used parameters and geometric 
variables (ie. bond length) used for the calculation of the removed and added 
terms. If total energy seems to be wrong, this listing can help in identifing 
the energy terms which are responsible for it.

File: MRMD -=- Node: Code
Previous: Troubleshooting -=- Up: Top

Interfaces, subroutines, functions
memory (de)(re)allocation interface
MRMD_ALLOC using subroutines:

reads and processes parameter file and sets up all global variables

energies, forces for effective and individual surfaces

switching related

energy terms:

write out pdb file

converting strings to uppercase:

complete deallocation

Global variables in other routines
variable for the preprocessor:
RMD: logical variable to include MRMD module or not into the code to be compiled

Fortran variables, constants:
logical MRMD_ACTIVE  = whether MRMD module is active (reactive surface loaded) 
integer MRMD         = 103
string  CETERM(MRMD) = 'ERMD' 
                     => use ?ERMD to request ERMD energy correction
logical QETERM(MRMD) = whether MRMD modul is compiled
                     => use ?MRMD to request whether MRMD module is compiled
                     ?MRMD .eq. 1 => yes
                     ?MRMD .ne. 1 => no
energy  ETERM(MRMD)  = energy correction to PSF

Other modules refering to MRMD module:
charmm/miscom.src : calls MRMD_INIT
energy/energy.src : calls EMRMD
energy/energym.src: defines MRMD=103
energy/eutil.src  : defines CETERM(MRMD)='ERMD'                        
misc/genetic.src  : calls EMRMD
pert/epert.src    : calls EMRMD 
pert/icpert.src   : calls EMRMD

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