Multi Scale Command: MSCALE by Milan Hodoscek and Bernard Brooks The multiscale command causes CHARMM to run several independent but connected calculations using subsystems. The calculations can use either CHARMM or other programs with a consistent interface. For general information and some of the usage see the reference: Woodcock HL, Miller BT, Hodoscek M, Okur A, Larkin JD, Ponder JW, Brooks BR, "MSCALE: A General Utility for Multiscale Modeling", J. Chem. Theo. and Comp., 2011, Vol 7, 1208-1219. * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the mscale specification * REPDSTR:: Notes to run the MSCAle command with REPDSTR * Examples:: Examples to run the MSCAle command * Notes:: Notes abot the MSCAle command
[SYNTAX MSCAle] Main script commands: MSCAle [ NSUBsystems integer ] [ UPEN integer [ REDU ] ] SUBSystem keyname [ PROGram filename ] [ CRYStal ] [ ATOM ] - [ AMBEr ] [ TORQue ] [ FCHArge ] - [ NPROC integer ] [ FNPR integer ] - [ COEFf real ] [ LAMBda ] [ MLAMbda ] - [ INPUt filename ] [ OUTPut filename ] atom-selection SYSDisplay END Subsystem commands: SERVer [ NCALls integer ] [ ATOM ] [ CRYStal ] [ TORQue ] [ DEBUg ] Meaning of individual keywords: SUBSystem - Create a new subsystem NSUBS - the number of SUBSystems to be setup If NSUBs -1 the mscale section does nothing but is needed when part of the distributed replica run (REPDSTR) keyname - Always read but currently not used for further usage in the code. Must follow immediately the SUBSystem keyword. This is the name of the subsystem. COEFf real - coefficient with which to scale the energy/forces of this subsystem LAMBda - Also scale by PERT's lambda value MLAMbda - Also scale by PERT's 1-lambda value ATOM - Flag to decide on communication of atom data: number of atoms in this subsystem and their atomic numbers in floating point format NPROC - How many processes this subsystem will use. eg semipempirical methods 1, since they are not parallel, but ab initio and some MM methods can use parallel here. FNPRoc - Forward this number to the program which is run through the interface in CALL SYSTEM(). Only works with ATOM flag! AMBEr - Specify that the specified program is a SANDER executable from AMBER. This option calls the PROGram with the "-server" command line argument, which is needed to start SANDER as an MSCALE server. FCHArge - Fluctuating charges. This key-word indicates that the charge on the subsystem may change over time (as dictated by the main processor). The charge array will be broadcast to the subsystem at each integration step. The folowing 3 keywords must be specified. There are no defaults for them! PROGram - the filename of the program to execute for this subsystem INPUt - the filename of the script to run on the subsystem OUTPut - the filename of the output from the program CRYStal - communicate the crystal type (CUBIc, RHDO, etc.), unit cell data, and the virial. This option must be specified in both the SUBSystem and SERVer commands. TORQue - indicates that the 3x3 rotation matrix of any defined torque centers (see torque.doc) within the atom-selection is to be passed via MSCALe to the slaves andf the 1x3 torque vector is to be returned to the master process. This option must be specified in both the SUBSystem and SERVer commands. SYSDisplay - Display the info about the whole setup END - Must be specified to end the MSCAle block. SERVer - Put CHARMM in server mode. NCALLs integer - Number of energy calls in server mode before going to next CHARMM command in the server script. If the number is not specified, the command will run until the client terminates. DEBUg - Makes the server print out the results of each energy evaluation that it performs. This option is useful for debugging, but probably should not be used for long runs (it will produce too much output). UPEN - If a Fortran unit number is specified, the energy of each subsystem and the EDS energy (if EDS is being used, see eds.doc for details) will be written to it at each energy evaluation. This can assist in debugging or calculating the EDS free energies. REDU - If UPEN is used, the REDU key-word will only write data to the log in energy calls made from the dynamics subroutines. As of c36a1 MSCAle now supports normal mode (i.e. second derivatives) at both the all-atom and hybrid QM/MM levels of theory. Both analytic and finite difference 2nd derivatives are supported. To activate the finite difference 2nd derivatives use the following SERVer command (see vibran_mscale, vsys1.inp, or vsys2.inp in c35test)... SERVer finite step 0.005 where 0.005 is the step size used during the finite difference calculation.
It is possible to combine MSCALe setup with distributed replica (REPDSTR) in CHARMM. CHARMM must be compiled with the following command: gnu M mpif90 +REPDSTR +MSCALE +ASYNC_PME +GENCOMM Each of the replica input script may have different mscale setups, including no mscale. However when mscale is not used in the replica one still need to specify MSCAle NSUB -1 in the input script. See the test case c38test/repdmscale.inp for more details.
EXAMPLE 1: Typical input for substraction method (ONIOM): Main script: READ/GENERATE PSF READ PARAM READ COOR MSCAle NSUBs 2 SUBSystem high coef 1.0 program "charmm" input "sub1.inp" - output "sub1.out" sele resid 4 end SUBSystem low coef -1.0 program "charmm" input "sub2.inp" - output "sub2.out" sele resid 4 end END DYNA .... Subsystem 1 (sub1.inp) READ/GENERATE PSF for one residue READ PARAM (one kind of parameters) READ COOR NBONDS SERVER Subsystem 2 (sub2.inp) READ/GENERATE PSF for one residue READ PARAM (different kind of parameters than in one) READ COOR NBONDS SERVER
Miscellaneous Notes: I. To dynamically start new processes in parallel MPI-2 standard is used, namely MPI_COMM_SPAWN routine. It is availalble in OpenMPI library (currently in use) and MPICH-2. As of July 2011 the recommended command to compile CHARMM is the following: gnu M mpif90 +REPDSTR +MSCALE +ASYNC_PME +GENCOMM If not using triple parallel then +REPDSTR and +ASYNC_PME are not needed. For triple parallel using em64t add +CMPI to the above list. II. Matrices for coefficients in substraction methods: L=low level theory, H=high level theory B=big system, S=small system B S L 1 -1 H 0 1 If you have 3 levels:L, M, H, and 3 reagions B, M, S: B > M > S! B M S L 1 -1 0 M 0 1 -1 H 0 0 1 III. How to do the additive methods ?
MSCAle Interfaces contributed by: H. Lee Woodcock (hlwood-at-nih-dot-gov), Benjamin T. Miller (benjamin.miller-at-nih-dot-gov), Joseph D. Larkin (larkinj3-at-nhlbi-dot-nih-dot-gov), and Milan Hodoscek (milan-at-cmm-dot-ki-dot-si). Currently four (4) external QM programs are interfaced to CHARMM via the MSCAle command. These programs are in addition to the currently supported QM packages that are interfaced with CHARMM (GAMESS, GAMESS-UK, Q-Chem, SCC-DFTB, ect.). 1. NWChem ( 2. MOLPRO ( 3. PSI 3 ( License:(GPL) 4. GAUSSIAN 03 ( Support for additional QM packages is underway and will be added in the future. To request support for a particular package please contact H. Lee Woodcock, Joseph D. Larkin, or Milan Hodoscek. Below are examples of how to run the various QM packages via MSCAle. All packages require a control file that dictates the options to be passed to the individual package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NWChem: Here is an example of control file that is needed for a NWChem calculation... title "for interface" basis "ao basis" * library "6-31g*" end geometry noautosym end task dft gradient task shell "/bin/rm -f sys1.b sys1.b^-1 sys1.c sys1.db" task shell "/bin/rm -f sys1.gridpts.0 sys1.grinfo.0" task shell "/bin/rm -f sys1.movecs sys1.p sys1.zmat" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MOLPRO: Here is an example of control file that is needed for a MOLPRO calculation... ***Title memory,1,m SET,CHARGE=0 BASIS=sto-3g thresh,energy=1.d-10 hf optg,maxit=0,coord=cart,startcmd=hf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file will perform a single SCF analytic gradient calculation. If a method that does not support analytic gradients (i.e. CCSD(T)) is desired the "optg" line must be changed to read like the following line: optg,numerical,maxit=0,coord=cart,displace=cart,startcmd=hf The correct geometry section will be written with the correct keywords immediately following the line containing the "memory" specification. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. PSI 3: Here is an example of control file that is needed for a PSI 3 calculation... psi: ( label = "Title" no_reorient=true subgroup=c1 jobtype = sp wfn = scf reference = rhf dertype = first basis = "STO-3G" geometry = ( ) ) In this case the "no_reorient" keyword must be used to keep all forces in the correct reference frame. The current molecular geometry will be placed automatically in the "geometry" section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Gaussian 03: Here is an example of control file that is needed for a G03 calculation... %mem=100MB %NProcShared=2 %NProcLinda=4 #HF/sto-3g FORCE NOSYMM ***user specified title 0 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it should be noted the last line in the control file should be the spin and multiplicity specifications. i.e. there should be no blank line at the end of this control file as there is in a typical gaussian input file as the current geometry will be appended and the final blank line inserted afterwards. Additionally, interfaces have been developed to the SANDER program (part of the AMBER package) and to the TINKER program. Please contact Benjamin T. Miller for further information about these interfaces.