Details about TSM Free Energy Calculations * Menu: * Introduction:: What will be covered. * Theory and Methodology:: General discussion. * Practice:: How to do it.
Introduction For a good overview of free energy simulation methods, the follow- ing references are suggested: M. Mezei and D. L. Beveridge, in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, chapter titled "Free Energy Simulations", 482 (1986) 1; T. P. Straatsma, PhD dissertation, "Free Energy Evaluation by Molecular Dynamics Simulations", University of Groningen, Netherlands (1987) and S. H. Fleischman and C. L. Brooks III, "Thermodynamics of Aqueous Solvation: Solution Properties of Alchohols and Alkanes", J. Chem. Phys., 87, (1987) p. 3029, D. J. Tobias and C. L. Brooks III, J. Chem. Phys., 89, (1988) 5115-5127, and D.J. Tobias, "The Formation and Stability of Protein Folding Initiation Structures", Ph.D. dissertation Carnegie Mellon University (1991). In the previous nodes we have generally referred to this area of molecular simulation as a "perturbation" theory. Actually, none of the techniques used are actually perturbation methods. The relationships used for computing the relative free energy differences are all exact in the statistical mechanical sense. The use of the term perturbation in this context arises from the fact that in the pre-number crunching supercomputer days, various series expansions were derived from these equations and were in fact perturbation theories. The name thermodynamic integration might be used, however common practice has been to apply it to only one particular formulation (and furthermore not put that under the rubric of thermodynamic perturbation). Finally, the use of the name "free energy simulations" is another misonomer for two reasons: 1) we can calculate the temperature derivative thermodynamic properties as well (Delta E and Delta S) and the one thing we can't get is absolute free energies (as van Gunsterin has pointed out , Mother Nature doesn't integrate all over phase space either). In fact, we generally are limited to calculating relative changes in free energies, i.e. Delta Delta A's. In thermodynamic perturbation theory, a system with the potential energy function U0 is perturbed to one with the potential function U1, and the resulting free energy difference is calculated as A1 - A0 = -kT ln < exp[ -(1/kT)*(U1 - U0)] > where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature (degrees K), and A0 and A1 are the excess Helmholtz free energies of systems 0 and 1, respectively. Two methods of thermodynamic perturbation are implemented in CHARMM: 1) Chemical perturbation, where the perturbation being considered is a change in the system's potential function parameters and topology, e.g., CH3OH is "mutated" to CH3CH3, and 2) Internal coordinate perturbation, where the perturbation represents a variation in configuration, and the potential function remains the same for the perturbed and unperturbed systems. Each of these is discussed separately below.
THEORY AND METHODOLOGY * Menu: * Chemical:: Chemical Perturbation Theory and Methodology * Internal:: Internal Coordinate Perturbation Theory and Methodology * References:: Some References on Thermodynamic Perturbation
Chemical Perturbation If you have read either (Fleischman and Brooks, 1987) or (Straatsma, 1987) or any of the McCammon or Kollman perturbation (oops! that word again) papers, then you have seen the standard schpiel on why getting Delta A's (or Delta G's) of solvation or drug/enzyme binding, among other processes is so difficult and that if one is satisfied with relative changes in free energies it is computationally more tractable to "trans-mutate" various parts of a system in a way that is usually physically unreasonable but computationally feasible and thermodynamically equivalent to that obtained from the physical process. Read some of the aforementioned references if this doesn't ring a bell. So that's what we are doing - calculating relative changes in free energies (Delta Delta A) for solvation and small molecule/enzyme binding, among other things. In the rest of this node, we will discuss a little bit of the theory (you're better off reading the papers) and lot about the actual how-to-do-it in our implementation. Subsequent nodes discuss the actual implementation and some issues to consider when attempting this type of calculation. The Hamiltonian There are three basic techniques for calculating relative changes in free energy and their temperature derivative properties: 1) the so-called "perturbation" approach 2) "Thermodynamic Integration" (TI) 3) and the somewhat dubious "slow-growth" technique (which is actually a step-child of the TI method). In all of the methods we use a hybrid hamiltonian, N N H(lambda) = H + (1 - lambda) H + lambda H . o R P where: H = "Environment" part of the Hamiltonian o H = "Reactant" part of the Hamiltonian R H = "Product" part of the Hamiltonian P lambda = coupling parameter (extent of transformation) N = integer exponent The various terms will be explained shortly. First, a bit about our Weltanshauung viz. free energy simulations. The system is divided into four sets of atoms: 1) The reactant atoms 2) the product atoms 3) the colo atoms and 4) the environment atoms. The reactant and product atoms are those that are actually being changed. The colo atoms (short for co-located charge) are those in which only the charge changes in going from reactant to product. The environment atoms are the rest of the system (e.g. solvent; parts of a molecule common to both reactant and product). The reactant and product designations are arbitrary and are used as a convention to denote the direction in which we are mutating (i.e. start with reactant end up with product). A simple example, taken from (Fleischman and Brooks, 1987) is the calculation of the relative change in the solvation free energies of methanol and ethane. This one has been done by virtually everybody that has written a free energy simulation code. The system is represented by the water molecules (we used a box of 125 in our study) and the hybrid methanol/ethane system, with aliphatic methyl groups represented as extended atoms. O1--H1 / H / / H C1--C2 O \ \ O H / H Using the depiction above, for the tranformation of methanol -> ethane the reactant atoms are the hybrid's O1 and H1; the product atom is the hybrid's C2 methyl group. The hybrid molecule's C1 methyl group changes charge as one goes from reactant to product. This is a colo atom, in going from methanol -> ethane it starts with the methanol methyl group charge and ends up (at lambda = 1.) with the ethyl methyl group charge. Otherwise, C1 is considered an environment atom. The atoms of the water molecules constitute the actual environment atoms in this system. If the hybrid molecule was larger it too could contain environment atoms. All potential energy terms involving the reactant atoms, as well as the electrostatic interactions involving colo atoms with their reactant charges, go into H . The kinetic energies of the reactant atoms R also are included in this term. Similarly, the potential energy terms involving product atoms and the colo product charge electrostatic interactions along with the kinetic energies of the product atoms go into H . The rest of the energy terms are incorporated into H . P o Note that for a potential energy term to be included in, say, H only one R atom in the given interaction has to be a reactant atom (or in the case of a electrostatic interaction a colo atom). Similarly for product terms. For electrostatic terms involving colo atoms effectively what is done is that electrostatic terms containing colo atoms are calculated twice, once with the reactant charges and then again with the product charges. Terms between colo reactant charges and reactant atoms are avoided and similarly for product atoms. Actually, the programming details are a bit more complicated than that and if interested see *NOTE implementation: (pimplem). The outcome is the same as just described. It is assumed that when the hybrid molecule is constructed in the residue topology file, there are no internal coordinate energy terms involving reactant and product atoms. As yet no checking is done in the program. Similarly, it is assumed that non-bonded exclusions have been specified between reactant and product atoms. In our implementation, the Hamiltonian is constructed exactly as specified in the equation above. In many papers, that particular form of the Hamiltonian is given in the theoretical section (or more likely, the form with N=1, i.e. linear) and in the actual implementation the lambda dependence of the Hamiltonian is quite a bit more complex. This is done in those implementations where the force constants and other parameters in the energy terms are factored by lambda rather than calculating various energy terms and factoring them. In a statistical mechanical sense there is no particular reason that forces one to factor the Hamiltonian consistently like we do. The thermodynamics holds regardless of path and the equipartion theorem for obtaining the kinetic energy works just as well (though in other implementations it appears that the factoring of the kinetic energy is ignored anyway). However, we feel that there are certain advantages to doing it this way. First, there is a certain conceptual simplicity in factoring the Hamiltonian consistently for reactant and product terms enmass. Second, it makes obtaining the derivatives of the Hamiltonian with respect to lambda, d E(lambda)/dlambda programmatically simple. These derivatives are needed in the TI and, the related, slow growth methods. Actually, the current algorithm for the slow growth method in our implementation uses finite differences for the derivative as do Kollman and van Gunsterin. This could easily be changed. Factoring the energy terms rather than functional parameters permits a more modular design and makes incorporating changes by others to energy functions terms easier. The Free Energy Equations As we said there are two (maybe three, depending how you count it) different ways that we obtain the free energy changes. For the thermodynamic integration method (TI) the following expression is used: _ 1 / | /\ A = | < d H(lambda)/d lambda > d lambda -- | lambda _/ 0 Expressions for energy and entropy changes can be derived for this equation (Mezei and Beveridge, 1986) and have been incorporated into our program. They suffer from very high uncertainties due to presence of ensemble averages over the total energy which are then multiplied by ensemble averages over d H/d lambda. One is apparently better off getting average energies at the endpoints and subtracting. The method we have used the most is the thermodynamic perturbation technique. For this, the free energy change is given as follows: /\ A (lambda -> lambda') = - kT ln < exp - (V - V ) > -- R P lambda Notice that all of the averages are at lambda. To get the total delta A ___ \ /\ A = / /\ A (lambda -> lambda') -- --- -- i i i the pieces are added up. The user must insure that the whole lambda range is covered. For example, in the methanol -> ethane calculation, we ran dynamics at 3 points: lambda = .125, .5 and .875. To cover the range we calculated delta A's as follows: lambda' lambda lambda' 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.250 0.500 0.750 0.750 0.875 1.000 I.e., for each lambda in which dynamics were run two delta A's were calculated, one lower and one higher than the corresponding lambda. This has been termed "double-wide" sampling. Note that the pieces all join up. In our implementation we have the capability of calculating the temperature derivative related thermodynamic properties, delta E and delta S. This is effected by the use of equations derived by Brooks. See Fleischman and Brooks, 1987 for the corrected set of equations. They use a finite difference approximation to the derivatives that avoids then necessity of taking the differences of large averages that would result from using the explicit temperture derivatives. With both of the aformentioned methods the technique for accomplishing the simulations is called the "window" procedure. In these methods simulations are run at a discrete number of lambda points (we generally use 3 - 6 and long trajectories; other workers use up to 100 lambda points and very short trajectories). In the case of thermodynamic perturbation the total free energy change is pieced together from perturbations done with each "window". In the case of thermodynamic integration the integration is done by a quadrature method. In our implementation, we fit the ensemble average as a function of lambda to a cubic spline polynomial and then integrate the polynomial analytically. No extrapolation to endpoints is done. So if you start at lambda = .125 and end at lambda = .875 (like we do) you can use thermodynamic perturbation to get the end points (.125 -> 0 and .875 -> 1.) and TI for the middle. An alternative sampling method is termed "slow growth". It is more or less an approximation to the thermodynamic integration method. In this case instead of lambda being a constant for a given trajectory (as in the window method), instead the parameter varies monotonically with each time step. n steps ---- \ /\ A = / H(lambda + delta lambda) - H(lambda ) -- ---- i i i and lambda = lambda + delta lambda i i-1 Where H is the Hamiltonian and delta lambda = 1/nstep.
Internal Coordinate Perturbation According to the thermodynamic perturbation (TP) theory, the Helmholtz free energy difference, A1 - A0, between system 0, in which the conformational coordinate of interest (e.g. an internal coordinate) is equal to x, and another system, in which the coordinate has been "perturbed" by the amount dx, is given by the equation A1 - A0 = A(x + dx) - A(x) = kT ln < exp [-kT (U(x + dx) - U(x)) ] > (1) x where U is the potential energy k is Boltzmann's constant and T is temperature (degrees K). The <...>x notation denotes a canonical ensemble average over the "reference" ensemble in which the coordinate is equal to x. Although the potential energy may depend on many degrees of freedom, for the sake of simplicity we have only explicitly indicated its dependence on x. If we assume that the ergodic hypothesis holds, we can equate the ensemble average appearing in equation (1) to the time average computed from an MD simulation, e.g. <exp [ -(1/kT) (U(x + dx)) ]> = (1/N) * Sum { exp [ -(1/kT)*(Ui(x+dx) - Ui(x)) ] } (2) 1->N where Ui is the value of the potential energy at the ith timestep and N is the number of timesteps in the simulation. Since the average is over the reference ensemble, we must constrain the system so the value of the coordinate of interest is x at each step of the simulation. In other words, we must impose the holonomic constraint sigma = x(t) - x(0) = 0 (3) during the integration of the equations of motion. The conformational coordinate may correspond to a set of internal coordinates. In that case, equation (3) implies a set of holonomic constraints. In addition to enforcing the conformational constraint, we need to carry out the perturbation (x -> x + dx), calculate the potential energy difference, U(x + dx) - U(x), and restore the constraint at each step of the simulation. With the above considerations, the following pseudo-computer code illustrates schematically the implementation of the TP method into an MD simulation: set up dynamics; specify constraint and perturbation do i = 1,N compute potential energy and forces take unconstrained dynamics step satisfy constraints perform perturbation compute potential energy restore constraints end do compute averages and thermodynamics A detailed description of an algorithm for satisfying internal coordinate constraints is given in (Tobias, 1991). We concentrate here on the tasks of specifying and performing the perturbation, and computing the difference in the potential energy of the perturbed and reference systems. The specification of the perturbation consists of identifying the degree(s) of freedom to be perturbed and the atoms whose positions change as a result of the perturbation. Our implementation allows for perturbations of distances, angles, and torsions between groups of atoms. For example, we may use a distance perturbation to study the breakup of a salt-bridge (ion pair) formed by the sidechains of lysine and glutamic acid, where x might be the distance between the N atom in the lysine sidechain and the carboxyl C atom in the glutamic acid sidechain, and the perturbation would consist of moving the entire glutamic acid residue. Alternatively, we could use an angle perturbation to study the angular dependence of the strength of a hydrogen bond between two amides, where x is the O...H-N angle, and the perturbation moves the entire hydrogen bond donor molecule. Or, we could use a torsional perturbation to study the trans-gauche isomerization in butane, where x is the dihedral angle for methyl group rotation about the central C-C bond, and the perturbation moves a terminal methyl group and the hydrogen atoms on the adjacent methylene group. In addition to simple perturbations of a single internal coordinate, we can define more complicated perturbations involving more than one internal coordinate in order to study correlated conformational transitions. For example, we could combine perturbations of the phi and psi dihedral angles to study backbone conformational equilibria in peptides (see *Notes implementation: (pimplem).). The procedure for carrying out internal coordinate perturbations during molecular dynamics simulations may be summarized as follows: after choosing an internal coordinate to perturb, and deciding which atoms will be moved by the perturbation, we compute a Cartesian displacement vector which changes the internal coordinate by a specified amount, and add the displace- ment vector to the positions of the atoms to be moved. Thus, in our imple- mentation, the perturbation can be described as a rigid body movement of the perturbed atoms relative to the unperturbed atoms. Once we have moved all of the atoms involved in the perturbation, we need to compute the potential energy difference, delta U = U1 - U0 = U(x + dx) - U(x). To do this, we could compute U(x), carry out the perturbation and compute U(x + dx), and simply take the difference. However, this direct route is computationally inefficient, because interaction energies between atoms which are not moved by the perturbation are unnecessarily recomputed. To minimize the computational effort required to compute delta U, we only consider the interactions which change as a result of the perturbation. For this purpose, we partition the system into two parts: the atoms which are moved by the perturbation (denoted by "s" for "solute"), and those which are not (denoted by "b" for "bath"). With this partitioning, we can write the potential energy as a sum of three contributions: U(x) = Uss(x) + Usb(x) + Ubb(x), (4) where Uss, Usb, and Ubb are the solute-solute, solute-bath, and bath-bath interaction energies, respectively. Clearly, Ubb(x + dx) - Ubb(x) = 0 since the positions of the bath atoms are not changed by the perturbation. Thus, U1 - U0 = Uss(x + dx) - Uss(x) + Usb(x+dx) - Usb(x). (5) Since, in typical applications, the number of solute atoms is much smaller than the number of bath atoms, equation (5) represents a large reduction in computational effort over the direct route. Before we proceed, we point out that when we need U(x + dx) in addition to delta U (e.g. for computation of conformational entropies using finite difference temperature derivatives of the TP free energy (see *Note description: (perturb).), we can use the following expression: U(x + dx) = Uss(x + dx) + Usb(x + dx) + Ubb(x) = Uss(x + dx) + Usb(x + dx) + U(x) - Uss(x) - Usb(x), (6) since Ubb(x + dx) = Ubb(x). We assume that U(x) is computed when the forces required for the propagation of the dynamics are computed. Thus, we still only need to compute the changes in the solute-solute and solute-bath interaction energies which result from the perturbation. In general, when we have a choice, we partition the system so that the solute consists of the smallest possible number of atoms. There are two good reasons for this. First, smaller solute partitions require less effort to compute the interaction energies. Second, with smaller solute partitions, there is less of a chance that the solute atoms will "run into" bath atoms as a result of the perturbation. When solute and bath atoms run into one another, there is a large, positive van der Waals contribution to deltaU. This is undesireable because large delta U values lead to poorer convergence of the average in equation (2). The partitioning of the system is especially important when the perturbations are carried out in "crowded" environments, such as in solution or in the interior of a protein. In some cases it is useful to divide the solute partition into two sections, and accomplish the desired perturbation by moving each section by half the perturbation. For example, to perturb the dihedral angle in butane by dx, we could include both methyl carbons and all of the hydrogens in the solute partition, with the C1 methyl group and C2 methylene hydrogens in one section, and the C4 methyl group and C3 hydrogens in the other section, and move each section by dx/2. This "double move" strategy is useful when the perturbation is carried out on a small molecule in a crowded environment where the movement of n atoms by dx/2 is more favorable than the movement of approximately n/2 atoms by dx. The option to perform perturbations in this fashion is available in our implementation. In principle, we could get the free energy difference between any two conformations, x0 and x1, in a single simulation using the TP theory expression: delta A = A1 - A0 = A(x1) - A(x0) = - kT ln < exp [ -(1/kT)*(U(x1) - U(x0)) ] > . (7) x0 However, in practice, for typical simulation lengths, the average in equation (7) exhibits acceptable convergence only when deltaA <= 2kT (Beveridge & DiCapua, 1989). Thus, if the free energy difference between the conformations x0 and x1 or the free energy barrier separating them, is more than about 2kT, then a single simulation is not sufficient to determine accurately the free energy difference. This problem is circumvented by breaking up the range of the coordinate, x1 - x0 into n segments or "windows", y(i), dy = (x1 - x0)/(n + 1); y(i) = x0 + (i - 1) dy; i = 1,...,n, (8) and running a series of n simulations where the free energy differences, delta A(i) = A(y(i+1)) - A(y(i) = -kT ln < exp [ -(1/kT)*(U(y(i+1)) - U(y(i))) ] > (9) y(i) are computed. Then the free energy difference between x1 and x0 is obtained by summing the results from the n windows, e.g. x1 delta A = Integral (p(deltaA(y))/py) dy x0 = Sum delta A(i), (10) 1->n where p(z) denotes the partial derivative of z. Aside from yielding more accurate free energy differences, the window method is attractive because it allows us to map out the free energy surface as a function of the conformational coordinate. By far the most time consuming task in a molecular dynamics simulation is the evaluation of the forces necessary to propagate the equations of motion. The additional work required for computing the interaction energies needed for the TP free energy differences is relatively small. Thus, it is advantageous to get more than one free energy difference from a single simulation. This is the motivation for using the so-called "double-wide" sampling method (Beveridge & DiCapua, 1989), where the free energy differences A(y + dy) - A(y) and A(y - dy) - A(y) are obtained in one simulation. Furthermore, we can divide dx into m subintervals, dy(m) = dy/m, and compute 2m free energy differences, +/- delta A(i,k) = A(y(i) +/- dy(m)) - A(y(i)) = -kT ln < exp[ -(1/kT)*(U(y(i) +/- kdy(m)) - U(y(i))) ] > y(i) k = 1,...,m; (11) over the range y(i) - dy <= y <= y(i) + dy from a single simulation with x = y(i). Then we sum the free energy differences from the various subintervals (in analogy with equation (10)) to get a free energy surface for each window. This "double-wide, multiple-point" window method allows a higher resolution mapping of the free energy surface with little additional computational effort. Let us now comment on how dy is chosen. As we have already said, dy should be chosen so that the free energy change in a given window is not more than a couple of kT. In addition, the shape of the free energy surface in a given window can be used to determine a good choice for dy. A reasonable choice for a given system can be made by considering results from short simulations with a modest dy and several subintervals at a couple of values of y in the range of interest. In general, for perturbations in crowded environments (e.g. in solution or the interior of a protein), excessively large values of dy always result in positive free energy differences. This is because the perturbation results in repulsive van der Waals interactions of the atoms in the solute partition with those in the bath partition. The value of dy where the free energy difference begins to sharply increase can then be regarded as the upper bound on acceptable dy values. Of course, it is possible that the underlying free energy surface really does rise sharply beyond the second subinterval in both directions. That is why we suggest running another test at a different value of y. In addition to running short test calculations, it is also useful to consult previous work to get a preliminary estimate for an acceptable size of a perturbation in a similar system (for several examples, see (Tobias, 1991)). In our implementation, the information needed to calculate conformational thermodynamics (free energies, internal energies, entropies, average interaction energies), and their associated statistical uncertainties, is written to a datafile during a simulation. The data file is subsequently "post-processed" to yield the quantities of interest. The alternative approach is to calculate the average properties of interest as the simulation progresses, and simply write out the final results at the end of the simulation. The latter approach has the advantage that large, cumbersome data files do not need to be saved on a mass-storage device (e.g. disk or tape). However, we prefer the post-processing approach because of the flexibility it gives us in the analysis of the data. For example, we can: examine the time evolution, and hence the "convergence", of the average properties; carry out the averaging on an arbitrary amount of the data; compare various protocols for computing the statistical uncertainties or finite-difference temperature derivatives, etc. We use the method of block averages (a.k.a. batch averages) to compute the average properties and their uncertainties (Wood, 1968). In this method, the total number of samples, N, is divided into m "batches" of n samples (mn = N), and the average of the property of interest, <O>i, is computed for each batch i: <O>i = (1/n) Sum O(k,i), (12) k=1->n where O(k,i) is the kth observation of O in the ith batch. The average of the N samples, <O>, is simply the average of the batch averages: <O> = (1/m) Sum <O> ; (13) i=1->m i and the "uncertainty", std<O>, is estimated from the standard deviation in the batch averages: std<O> = ( Sum [ (<O> - <O>)**2 / m(m - 1)] )**1/2 (14) i=1->n i We use equation (14) to compute the uncertainty in the average of the exponential in equation (1). Then we obtain the uncertainty in the free energy (and other thermodynamic functions) by error propagation (Young, 1962), e.g. std(delta A)**2 = (p(delta A)/p(z))**2 (std(z))**2 = (kT*std(z)/z)**2 (15) where z is the average of the exponential in equation (1). In order for the uncertainty given by equation (14) to be a good estimate of the "true" uncertainty (e.g. in a large number of random samples), the block size must be chosen so that the block averages are uncorrelated (randomly distributed), and the number of blocks is not too small for the evaluation of a meaningful standard deviation. The block size n is typically chosen arbitrarily and possible correlations in the data are ignored. More refined uncertainties can be obtained by considering the actual correlation of the data determined explicitly from the autocorrelation function (Straatsma, et al., 1986). However, we presently have no facility for carrying out the correlation function analysis.
References Beveridge, D. L. & DiCapua, F. M. (1989), in "Computer Simulations of Biomolecular Systems", eds. van Gunsteren, W. F. & Weiner, P. K. (Escom, Leiden). Straatsma, T. P. (1987). "Free Energy Evaluation by Molecular Dynamics Simulations" (Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Groningen). Tobias, D. J. (1991). "The Formation and Stability of Protein Folding Initiation Structures" (Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University). Wood, W. W. (1968), in "Physics of Simple Liquids", eds. Rowlinson, J. S. & Rushbrooke, G. S. (North-Holland, Amsterdam). Young, H. D. (1962). "Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data" (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Practice In this node we tell you how to actually set up and run free energy simulations. The calculation is done in three steps. The first two steps occur in the same input file - perturbation set up and running the dynamics. The last step, the post-processing, is generally done with a separate input file since the output of several trajectories are usually used. To set up the free energy simulation dynamics input file you start with the usual set up for a dynamics run: psf, coordinates, image input or stochastic boundary condition input etc.. In addition you have to issue free energy simulation (FES) set up commands. Currently the set up input is initiated by the TSM command (*Note syntax: (perturb).) (*Note description: (perturb).). For chemical perturbations, these com- mands define the reactant, product and colo lists; the type of simulation: slow growth or window procedure (both the thermodynamic perturbation and the thermodynamic integration methods can be done with the window proce- dure). For internal coordinate perturbations, the setup commands define the internal coordinate(s) to be perturbed, the set of atoms moved by the perturbation, and how and where the thermodynamic results will be written. * Menu: * CPrac:: Chemical Perturbation Practice * IPrac:: Internalal Coordinate Perturbation Practice
CHEMICAL PERTURBATION - PRACTICE As currently configured , most of the minimization routines will work using the hybrid V(lambda) potential. We generally do any minimization prior to dynamics with the hybrid molecule unperturbed since we are really concerned with removing bad contacts. It is not guaranteed in the future that the V(lambda) will be available to the minimization routines. After the FES set up has been entered flags have been set in the program and data structures created and dynamics can be run with no changes in the commands used in any other dynamics run. One will normally run some thermalization runs with the data being discarded. For a thermalization run the SAVE command in the FES set up is generally not used. For production runs for TI or Thermodynamic Perturbation (TP) the SAVE option must be issued in the FES set up input. This will result in the output of V(R) and V(P), lambda among other things in a formatted file. All this will be discussed below with examples. * Menu: * SetUp:: Setting Up the FES Simulation and Running Dynamics * PostD:: Post-processing the Data * Optional:: Using Some Optional FES Set Up Commands
Setting Up the FES Simulation and Running Dynamics Below is a fragment of the input file for setting up the thermalization of the ethanol -> propane hybrid. Windowing will be used and we can decide at the end whether to post-process the output using TI or TP. Using the representation below the system is partioned as follows: O1--H1 / / C1--C2 \ \ C3 The reactant atoms are O1 and H1; the only product atom in this example is C3 and there is one COLO atom, C2. The methyl group C1 is an "environment" atom. It is present in both reactant and product and in our model its charge does not change in going from reactant to product. * Ethanol -> Propane * ! Read topology file READ RTF CARD * TOPOLOGY FILE ethanol -> propane * 20 1 ! Version number MASS 1 H 1.00800 ! hydrogen which can h-bond to neutral atom MASS 13 CH2E 14.02700 ! - " - two MASS 14 CH3E 15.03500 ! - " - three MASS 53 OH1 15.99940 ! hydroxy oxygen ! This is put in to force the necessity of using a GENERATE Noangles ! in the input file. The standard topology files use this statement. AUTOGENERATE ANGLEs RESI ETP 0.000 GROU C1 CH3E 0. ! environment atom C2 CH2E 0.265 ! COLO atom the charge is the reactant charge O1 OH1 -0.7 ! reactant atom H1 H 0.435 C3 ! reactant atom note the non-bonded exclusion with GROU C3 CH3E 0. ! product atom BOND C1 C2 !environment term BOND C2 O1 O1 H1 !reactant terms BOND C2 C3 !product term ! the angles MUST be specified ! note the absence of O1 C2 C3 between reactant and product atoms ANGLe C1 C2 C3 !product term ANGLe C1 C2 O1 C2 O1 H1 !reactant terms ! this will be a V(R) term. DIHED C1 C2 O1 H1 ! don't really need it but what the heck. DONO H1 O1 ACCE O1 IC C1 C2 O1 H1 1.54 111. 180. 109.5 0.96 IC C2 O1 H1 BLNK 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. IC C3 C2 C1 BLNK 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE ! END ! Read parameter file READ PARAM CARD * parameter file for ETP hybrid. * BOND CH2E CH3E 225.0 1.54 CH2E OH1 400.0 1.42 OH1 H 450.0 0.96 THETA CH3E CH2E CH3E 45.0 112.5 CH3E CH2E OH1 45.0 111.0 CH2E OH1 H 35.0 109.5 PHI CH3E CH2E OH1 H 0.5 3 0.0 NONBONDED NBXMOD 5 ATOM CDIEL SHIFT VATOM VDISTANCE VSWIT - CUTNB 8.0 CTOFNB 7.5 CTONNB 6.5 EPS 1.0 E14FAC 0.4 WMIN 1.5 ! Emin Rmin ! (kcal/mol) (A) H 0.0440 -0.0498 0.8000 CH2E 1.77 -0.1142 2.235 1.77 -0.1 1.9 CH3E 2.17 -0.1811 2.165 1.77 -0.1 1.9 OH1 0.8400 -0.1591 1.6000 HBOND AEXP 4 REXP 6 HAEX 0 AAEX 0 NOACCEPTORS HBNOEXCLUSIONS ALL - CUTHB 0.5 CTOFHB 5.0 CTONHB 4.0 CUTHA 90.0 CTOFHA 90.0 CTONHA 90.0 ! H* N% -0.00 2.0 ! WER potential adjustment H* O* -0.00 2.0 END ! read the sequence of one residue read sequence card * ETP * 1 ETP ! Generate the hybrid molecule. Note that we use the NOANGLE command ! because of the AUTOGENERATE ANGLES command in the RTF file. GENERATE ETP SETUP NOANGLE ! determine the geometry and coordinates IC SEED 1 C1 1 C2 1 O1 IC PARAM IC PURGE IC BUILD ! The Hybrid molecule is built. Now set up the FES stuff. TSM ! Assign reactant list: REAC sele etp 1 O1 .or. etp 1 H1 end ! Assign product list: PROD sele etp 1 C2 end ! Set lambda - we will use TI or TP. ! The lambda dependence of the Hamiltonian will be linear. ! This is the default and the POWEr 1 command is actually unecessary. LAMBda .125 POWEr 1 ! The common methyl group is a colo atom. Since the charge in the ! rtf was for the reactant the RCHArge command is actually unecessary. COLO ETM 1 C2 PCHArge 0. RCHArge 0.265 ! ! This is a thermalization run - so no save statement. ! Just terminate the FES setup with an END statement. END ! Set up dynamics. ! Since we are interested in the thermodynamic properties and not ! the dynamics, we can use Langevin heat bath dynamics to maintain ! temperature equilibration. Lambda is .125. title * etp: Ethanol To Propane * FES run * !a simple expedient shake bond angle ! Set-up Langevin dynamics for temperature control scalar fbeta set 50.0 sele .not. hydrogen end ! ! open restart file for output open unit 3 write form name etp0.res ! dynamics langevin timestep 0.001 nstep 10 nprint 2 iprfrq 2 - firstt 298.0 finalt 298.0 twindl -5.0 twindh 5.0 - ichecw 1 teminc 60 ihtfrq 20 ieqfrq 200 - iasors 0 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 - iunwri 3 nsavc 0 nsavv 0 iunvel 0 - iunread -1 - !{* Nonbond options *} inbfrq 10 imgfrq 10 ilbfrq 0 tbath 300.0 rbuffer 0.0 - eps 1.0 cutnb 8.0 cutim 8.0 ctofnb 7.75 stop *END of INPUT* This file has everything you need to run the example. The topology and parameter input are included. The FES set up was initiated with the TSM command. The reactant and product lists were specified with REAC and PROD commands that use the standard CHARMM atom selection syntax. Had their been either no reactant atoms or product atoms then the command would have been REAC NONE or PROD none as the case may be. Note that specifying both would have resulted in an error condition being flagged. Since we are using the window method we specified LAMBda as being 0.125. We also explicitly specified the lambda dependence of the Hamiltonian as being (1-lambda)**1 for the reactant part and lambda**1 for the product part. Since not entering the POWEr parameter causes a default of 1 for the exponent in was unecessary to actually enter it. There is one COLO atom in the system. The product charge of the C2 methylene extended atom was 0. In the RTF the charge was .265 which is the reactant (ethanol) charge. Since that's what we want for the reactant charge there was actually no need to enter the RCHArge parameter. Again, we put it there for illustrative purposes, the default is to assume that for any COLO atom the charge in the RTF is the reactant charge unless the RCHArge parameter is included in the COLO command. Note that charges can also be changed with the SCALAR command. We could have chosen a value of the POWEr parameter other than one (i.e. non-linear lambda scaling). This is potentially useful when using the TI method for the free energy change. Non-linear scaling has one major advantage. At lambda = 0 the components of the derivatives dH(lambda)/dlambda due to the product part of the Hamiltonian are identically zero and similarly, at lambda = 1 the components due to the reactant part are zero. This solves the "lambda goes to zero catastrophe" problem. This is the problem that as lambda approaches zero or one the positions of the atoms affected (mostly product or reactant, respectively, and sometimes environment atoms bonded to them) feel forces that approach a constant or zero value (zero potential energy) and can thus have positions anywhere in phase space. Since the approximations to the ensemble averages are obtained from finite length trajectories, determining values of those quantities becomes a computationally intractable proposition. The TI integral over dlambda will tend to diverge when linear scaling is used. In both the TI and TP methods actually calculating the dynamics trajectory generally will be problematical, with large movements of the atoms resulting in bad van der Waals contacts (the r**12 repulsion eventually is felt) and fraying of bonds with lambda approaching zero or one. Another way of viewing the situation is that at lambda = 0 or 1 the product or reactant atoms, respectively, do not exist yet. Doing the perturbation to lambda' (or equivalently viewing the derivative, dH/dlambda, as a perturbation to lambda + dlambda) requires having the coordinates of atoms that do not exist yet or any longer. Non-linear scaling and the TI method can be used to avoid this difficulty for the reasons given in the previous paragraph. Another way is to scale the TI integral by a function that reduces the weight of the integrand as lambda -> 0 or 1. This is discussed in Mezei and Beveridge. For lambda = 0, if use of the TI method with non-linear lambda scaling was planned we would issue a command, prior to the FES setup, to delete the product atoms from the hybrid molecule rtf: DELEte ATOMs SELEct etp 1 C2 END This is a standard CHARMM PSF modification command and would be issued after the segment generation. Alternatively, we could have just used an RTF for ethanol. The FES setup command sequence would be modified slightly from the previous example: TSM REAC sele etp 1 O1 .or. etp 1 H1 end ! no product atom at lambda = 0 PROD NONE ! non-linear lambda scaling LAMBda .125 POWEr 2 END Note that since there are no product atoms at lambda = 0, the PROD NONE command is issued. Also there is no need for the COLO command. For lambda at 1 we can use an equivalent procedure (left as an assignment for the reader). In most of our work to date, we have used linear scaling and the TP method. To get around the catastrophe problem, we do not run dynamics at lambda = 0 or 1. Instead we run them at values of lambda a small distance away from 0 or 1 and "perturb" down to the endpoints. One potential problem may occur with this procedure. In cases, such as that of the transformation hydrophobic -> hydrophobic solute in aqueous solution, where water structure rearrangements around the solute are the major contributing factor to the free energy change, not sampling at lambda = 0 or 1 may mean that the significant part of phase space for the rearrangement is not adequately sampled. If in going from reactant -> product (or vice versa) a significant volume becomes newly accessible to the solvent, the presence of the r**-12 repulsive forces from the "almost but not completely disappeared" atoms may conceivably prevent the necessary configurations of the water molecules from appearing in the finite length trajectory. This problem has not been investigated yet. Non-linear scaling may be preferred for sampling efficiency, a debatable point that has been discussed by a number of researchers. Problems can result since the monotonicity of the integrand in the TI intregral is no longer assured. In the case of the TP method, the non-linear scaling forces the use of very small "perturbations" lambda -> lambda'. The non-linear exponent makes the delta V(lambda -> lambda') very large. For example, if the exponent is 6 and lambda = .5 and lambda' = .25, a not unreasonable "window", the potential energy term for the product gets multiplied by .5**6 = 0.16 for lambda and .25**6 = 0.00024 for lambda'. So one has terms of exp(-beta(.15V - 0.00024V ) in P P the ensemble average for the TP method, causing extremely slow convergence. For the temperature derivative related properties, one runs into problems with floating point overflows. This is probably the reason why Kollman uses his convoluted "charge decoupling" technique whereby the van der Waals interaction contribution to the perturbation is calculated with slow growth and the charge interaction contribution is calculated with windows. For the production runs we merely add a SAVE statement to the FES set up commands, any place before the END statement. In it the FORTRAN unit number for the output file that will contain the FES information and an output frequency (we generally use 1). SAVE UNIT 10 FREQ 1 The FES output file must be opened for formatted write access prior to invoking the dynamics command. Use the unit number specified in the SAVE statement. OPEN UNIT 10 WRITE FORM NAME ETP1.PRT Production dynamics are run in the usual way. To run the production dynamics the the command used for the previous (thermalization) example is slightly modified. ! open restart file for output open unit 4 write form name etp1.res ! open restart file for input open unit 3 write form name etp0.res ! dynamics langevin rest timestep 0.001 nstep 10 nprint 2 iprfrq 2 - firstt 298.0 finalt 298.0 twindl -5.0 twindh 5.0 - ichecw 1 teminc 60 ihtfrq 20 ieqfrq 200 - iasors 0 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 - iunwri 4 nsavc 0 nsavv 0 iunvel 0 - iunread 3 - !{* Nonbond options *} inbfrq 10 imgfrq 10 ilbfrq 0 tbath 300.0 rbuffer 0.0 - eps 1.0 cutnb 8.0 cutim 8.0 ctofnb 7.75 We opened the restart file from the thermalization for input on unit 3 and opened the a file for restart file output on unit 4. In the dynamics command we modified iunread and iunwrite to deal with this. We also specified that this is a dynamics restart. All this has nothing to do specifically with FES simulations. The above procedure is repeated for more lambda points. In our study we used lambda = .5 and .875. At each value of lambda a thermalization run is done followed by production runs. One advantage of this implementation as compared to some others is that one can always run additional trajectories at any given value of lambda and add tack the output onto that of the previous runs. Similarly, we can insert trajectories at other values of lambda and recalculate the thermodynamic properties.
Post-Processing the Data Assume that we now have three FES output files: etp1.prt, etp2.prt and etp3.prt for lambda = .125, .5 and .875, respectively. To make things interesting let us assume that we went back and ran additional trajectories at each value of lambda and these files are named etp4.prt, etp5.prt and etp6.prt for lambda = .125, .5 and .875, respectively. We used the window sampling method with linear lambda scaling. The next step is to post-process the output so as to compute the free energy changes. The following input file will do the job: * Post-processing Example ETP: ethanol -> propane vacuum. * TP method linear lambda scaling. * ! open FES data files for input. open unit 10 form read etp1.prt open unit 11 form read etp2.prt open unit 12 form read etp3.prt open unit 13 form read etp4.prt open unit 14 form read etp5.prt open unit 15 form read etp6.prt ! ! now the post-processing input ! TSM POST PSTAck 6 PLOT ! lambda = .125 -> lambda' = 0. PROC FIRST 10 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.0 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = .125 -> lambda' = 0.25 PROC FIRST 10 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.25 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = .5 -> lambda' = 0.25 PROC FIRST 12 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.0 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = .5 -> lambda' = 0.75 PROC FIRST 12 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.0 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = .875 -> lambda' = 0.75 PROC FIRST 14 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.0 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = .875 -> lambda' = 1.0 PROC FIRST 14 NUNIT 2 LAMB 0.0 TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! ! the END command tells the post-processor to tally everything up. END STOP This is an complete input file for post-processing using the TP method. First, all of the data files that were needed were opened prior to invoking the post-processor. The command to initiate post processing was: TSM POST <parameters> For a full explanation of the parameters see *Note PDESC: (perturb). Note that by not specifying the sub-command TI (for thermodynamic integration), the TP (thermodynamic perturbation) method is selected. The PSTAck command allocates space for various temporary arrays. PSTAck should be equal to the number of PROCess commands. In the case of the TP method they are used for holding plotting values until the final processing is done. The PLOT parameter indicates that plotting output is to be generated. This is written into the CHARMM output file (unit 6) and can be extracted with an editor. The format will serve as data input to the PLT2 program. For the TP method delta A, delta E and delta S as a function of lambda are output with lambda points marked by X's and lambda' points marked by O's. The PROCess commands cover the complete range from 0 to 1. This example shows how we can tack on trajectories. The post-processor will read each file until it encounters and end of file (EOF) condition and count the steps itself. The nstep parameter at the beginning of the file is ignored. Often this value is not accurate since it is something that is written out before the dynamics starts; not an actual count of records written. The FIRSt parameter specifies the initial FORTRAN unit number for the first file for a given PROCess command; NUNIt specifies the number of files to be read. It is assumed that they were opened with contiguous unit numbers. The NUNIt parameter includes the FIRSt unit number in the count. If there is only one file, NUNIt can be left out. The parameter LAMBDa indicates lambda prime; TEMP is the temperature to be used in the calculations (all those 1/kT's). DELTat is the temperature increment for the finite difference temperature derivatives. We normally use 10 degrees. The parameter BINSize is used in the estimation of the statistical uncertainty (error) of the a various thermodynamic properties. So here is a good point at which to discuss how the error estimation is calculated (at least I think it's a good point). The major problem is that the data is very highly correlated. To get around this, in many implementation including ours, the data is divided into bins and deviations of the bin averages from the total trajectory average are calculated to get the variance. The idea is that the use of bin averages will remove the correlated dependence of the variance. We always use a bin size of 100. The estimated error will depend on the choice of bin size. One would hope that it would converge as a function of bin size. Our trajectory lengths are generally not long enough to ensure this. A method for determining the variance of a property that uses correlation functions has been developed by T. P. Straatsma, H. J. C. Berendsen and A. J. Stam ( T. P. Straatsma, H. J. C. Berendsen and A. J. Stam, Molecular Physics, 57 p89 (1986) also in T. P. Straatsma' PhD dissertation referenced above). This method looks promising as long as one visually monitors the correlation function behavior and extrapolates at the longer lag times. The problem is that the error in the approximation of the correlation function is introduced. The authors used an exponential extrapolation to overcome this. This algorithm has been implemented by a member of the research group in another context and is being tested. Once the variance of the ensemble averages are calculated, the uncertainty in the thermodynamic properties are determined by propagation of errors. For the TI method the necessary derivatives are determined by numerical differentiation. Total uncertainties are determined from summing the variances for each window (or lambda point in the TI method). One final remark on about the PROCess command line. The CTEMp parameter sets a flag to calculate the average temperature at each lambda point. This can be done since the FES data file contains the kinetic energy at each step. The calculated temperature is not used in calculating any of the properties, however. To use it one would have to reprocess the data with the average temperature determined from the previous iteration entered manually in the TEMP command. Note that the user does not specify the lambda scaling. This is determined by reading a header lineas in the first file in the series. Furthermore, the user is responsible for ensuring that this value does not change among files in the series as well as in the different processing commands (unless it is intentional for some reason). As mentioned above the final command, END, causes the post-processor to tally up the averages and calculated the final values of the thermodynamic properties and to write out the plotting output. We could have chosen to use the TI method. As an illustrative example, let us assume that we used non-linear lambda scaling, say POWEr 2 and ran simulations at lambda = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.0 and the output files (one per lambda) are in etp1.prt, etp2.prt, etp3.prt and etp4.prt and etp5.prt. The input file would a title and open statements for each file as before. The post-processing commands would be as follows: * Post-processing Example ETP: ethanol -> propane vacuum. * TI method with non-linear lambda scaling N = 2. * ! open FES data files for input. open unit 10 form read etp1.prt open unit 11 form read etp2.prt open unit 12 form read etp3.prt open unit 13 form read etp4.prt open unit 14 form read etp5.prt TSM POST PSTAck 5 TI PLOT ! lambda = 0.0 PROC FIRST 10 NUNIT 2 ZERO TEMP 298.0 BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = 0.2 PROC FIRST 11 NUNIT 2 TEMP 298.0 BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = 0.4 PROC FIRST 12 NUNIT 2 TEMP 298.0 BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = 0.8 PROC FIRST 13 NUNIT 2 TEMP 298.0 BINS 100 CTEM ! lambda = 1.0 PROC FIRST 14 NUNIT 2 ONE TEMP 298.0 DELT 10. BINS 100 CTEM ! the END command tells the post-processor to tally everything up. ! sorts the lists of ensemble averages and does the final integration. END Note that there is no LAMBdaprime parameter as there was for the TP post-processing. Also since the temperature derivative properties are calculated in a different fashion, there is no DELTatemp parameter, either. Also, for the points at lambda = 0 and 1 the sub-commands ZERO and ONE are introduced. These tell the program that the lambda value in the data file is exactly zero or one. This is necessary to avoid floating point errors at the endpoints. When the END command is issued, the post-processor sorts the ensemble averages as a function of lambda, fits the points to cubic spline polynomials and integrates the resulting function. The propagation of error is determined by numerical differentiation of the integrals with respect to each ensemble average data point. Instead of delta A, delta E and delta S as a function of lambda, the integrands for the TI integrals are written out for plotting, namely, <dH/dlamba> and d<H(lambda)>/dlambda. If we wanted to use the same data as in the first post-processing example, i.e., linear lambda scaling and no dynamics run at lambda = 0 or 1; post-processing would have had to be done in two steps if use of the TI method was desired. First, the thermodynamic properties for the interval between the lowest and highest values of lambda (.125 and .875) would be calculated using the TI method. The endpoint pieces would have to be computed in a separate invocation of the post-processor using the TP method (i.e. .125 -> 0 and .875 -> 1). One would then manually add up the pieces. It is not clear what the point would be to doing such a calculation.
Using Some of the Optional FES Set Up Commands We will now discuss some of the set up options that make life interesting here in Perturbationland. There are several commands that are not used much, PIGGyback, GLUE and NOKE that are described in *Note description: (perturb). They were put in for some specialized purposes and may be useful for weird things. * Menu: * SLOWG:: Slow Growth Method * DONT:: The DONT Command * UmSam:: Umbrella Sampling in TSM
SLOW GROWTH An alternative method for free energy simulations is the slow growth technique. For a discussion of the method see *Note Theory and Methodology::. The syntax of the command is given in *Note Description: (Perturb). There are some disadvantages to using this technique. Since lambda is changed with every step, there is no way to tack on additional trajectories. In general the paths are not reversible (lambda 0 -> 1 vs. 1 -> 0) and the general, not totally satisfactory, procedure has been to average the two directions. In our implementation the the free energy change is calculated during the dynamics run and so a temperature must be assumed a priori. Actually, since the SAVE command still works with this method, an addition to the post-processor could be made to allow the reprocessing of the data. Currently the only property that is calculated is the free energy change. Also currently, the derivative dH/dlambda is determined by finite difference H(lambda')-H(lambda) ( a "perturbation" to lambda' at each step. As mentioned in *Note Theory and Methodology::, analytical differentiation could be easily implemented. The most egregious shorcoming is that error analysis is not easily accomplished. There are some advantages to the method. The actual input and management of the problem is generally easier than with the window method in that the free energy is determined in one trajectory. However, since one generally has to run the transformation in both directions the simplification is not all that great. One has only two thermalization runs to do (at each end point). It is arguable that there are cases where it is better to use slow growth and that the steady continuous change in lambda is a more stable way to achieve the transformation than the discrete jumps of the window method. When using non-linear scaling the window technique is problematical if the TP method is used (see *Note Theory and Methodology::) and it is not clear yet whether one can get away with using a few lambda points and numberical quadrature in the TI window method. I will finish this discussion of the slow growth method with a few pointers. One, the final free energy change is written at the end of the dynamics run, buried in other output. Two, if there are both reactant and products, set up the thermalization with the LAMBDA command not the SLOWgrowth and use a lambda value a small bit away from 0 (for the 0 -> 1 transformation) or 1 (for the 1 -> 0 case). Then run the slow growth production dynamics. Three, there are two way in which you can switch directions. The easiest way is to issue the SLOWgrowth command as follows: SLOW LFROM 1. LTO 0. TEMP 298. However, this may offend your conseptual sensibilities since you are transforming FROM the product TO the reactant in that case. The more difficult alternative is to switch the reactant and product designations. However, if you do that and have COLO atoms remember to switch the PCHArge and RCHArge values. Note that in this case use of the RCHArge parameter is mandatory since the default is to assume that the charge in the RTF (or set by a SCALAR command) is the REACTANT charge. Do it the first way. Fourth, and last, note that the command allows you to specify non-linear lambda scaling with the POWEr parameter.
The DONT command Note that in the ethanol -> propane input file, we used the SHAKE BOND ANGLE command. This effectively removes those degrees of freedom from consideration in the perturbation. We assume that they would not have significant effect on the solvation thermodynamics. We chose to use the SHAKE constraints so that the calculation would be similar to the Monte Carlo simulations run by Jorgensen (for methanol -> ethane, an other part of our study). It most situations it is not desirable to use SHAKE on bonds other than to hydrogen. However, if all of the internal energy terms are scaled by lambda, at small lambda values large fluctuations in the energy may result as bond stretching (especially) and angle bending terms are weakened for interactions involving reactant and product atoms. Therefore we have implemented an alternative means of dealing with this situation: the DONT command (see *Note Description(PERTURB).) For reactant and product separate commands are issued that specify which internal energy terms are to be ignored for purposes of the lambda scaling: DONT REAC BOND THETA DONT PROD BOND THETA The full syntax and explanation of the parameters are described in the node mentioned above. One can specify bond stretching (BOND); angle bending (ANGLE or THETA); torsion (DIHEdral or PHI) or improper dihedral (IMPHI or IMPRoper) terms. We generally specify only BOND and THETA. Torsional motions do play significant role in the free energy changes we are interested in. When a DONT command is issued it means that during the FES dynamics run the specified terms are calculated and included in the environment part of the hamiltonian without lambda scaling. Thus we have some overcounting of terms. I.e., carbon atoms can end up with more than a valence of 4. However, we have found that this does not greatly change the overall free energy changes (for a complete cycle). Note that reissuing a given DONT command (REAC or PROD) clears all of the flags first. This is a command that we use alot.
Umbrella Sampling When we wish to sample torsional minima separated by barriers that make transitions infrequent (> 1 kT), we can resort to "umbrella" or "importance" sampling. We adopt a modified potential with lower barriers and then the correct the approximation to the ensemble average with the "actual" potential energy at the end. <A> = <A/w> /<1/w> w w where, w = exp(-beta (V - V )) actual surrogate <A> on the lhs of the equation is the corrected ensemble average of property A. The ensemble averages on the rhs of the equation are those that result from having the surrogate potential energy term in the Hamiltonian. In the current implementation the umbrella correction is available for the ensemble averages used to calculate delta A, delta E and delta S in the free energy simulations. It is presently limited to modifying the three-fold torsional term. It is assumed that the surrogate potential is the one in the parameter file. Hence, if you have dihedral angles of the same type as the one that is to be subjected to umbrella sampling and you donot want them treated the same way the atoms must be given different type names and the parameter file modified (see *Note description: (perturb).). Given below is an example command. Assume that the problem is the transformation of n-butane into propane in aqueous solution or vacuum and the hybrid molecule has a segment name of btp (guess what that stands for). The umbrella command might look like this: UMBR btp 1 C1 btp 1 C2 btp 1 C3 btp 1 C4 VACT 1.6 The four atoms of the butane dihedral are specified and the 3-fold term for the "actual" potential is given. The "surrogate" term is present in the parameter file and might be something like .5. If the molecule had more than one dihedral angle around the same central axis all of them would be specified in separate UMBRella commands. Invoking the UMBRella command causes the FES output to have an additional field, the w term in equation above. The header line after the title in the data file has a field that indicates that this additional field is present. In the post-processing, the flag parameter UMBR must be added to each PROCess command to indicate that the umbrella correction is to be applied.
INTERNAL COORDINATE PERTURBATION - PRACTICE Below we show a CHARMM22 input file which computes thermodynamic surfaces as functions of a reaction coordinate connecting ideal right- and left-handed alpha helical conformations (aR and aL, respectively) of the alanine dipeptide in vacuum. The conformational transition involves changes in both the backbone phi and psi dihedral angles. The ideal aR and aL conformations have phi,psi = -60,-60 and 60,60 degrees, respectively. We defined the reaction coordinate to lie on the line phi = psi. Thus, the transition involves 120 degree changes in both the dihedral angles. We have divided the overall transition into ten windows, with 12 degree perturbations (6 degrees in both the positive and negative directions) of phi and psi in each window. Furthermore, each window is divided into four subintervals, yielding thermodynamic data at 3 degree intervals. All ten simulations are performed with one input file using the CHARMM looping capability. The first simulation is performed at phi,psi = -54,-54 degrees so that the aR endpoint is reached by perturbation in the negative direction. After each structure is built, it is minimized to relieve any bad contacts that may have resulted from the building, while keeping the dihedral angles in the vicinity of the desired values with harmonic constraints. Then the dihedral angles are set back to the desired values using IC EDIT and the structure is rebuilt using IC BUILD. Next, the i.c. constraints are specified and the peptide is equilibrated. Following equilibration, the perturbation is specified and the production dynamics is run. Note that the BY values for the phi and psi perturbations have opposite signs. This is because the atoms to be moved by the perturbations (e.g. the atoms in the INTE selection) occur at one end of the two central atoms in the phi dihedral angle and the other end in the psi dihedral angle. Hence, the direction of rotation which corresponds to an increase in phi corresponds to a decrease in psi (see the discussion of the MOVE command at *Note implementation: (pimplem).). Therefore, since we want phi and psi to increase and decrease together, we use BY values with opposite signs. After each perturbation simulation, the constraints and perturbations are cancelled using TSM CLEAR in preparation for the next simulation. Finally, after all ten simulations have been carried out, the data is post-processed. In this example, we have requested construction of the thermodynamic surfaces (free energy, internal energy, and entropy) at 300 K using a temperature increment of 10 K in the finite-difference derivatives. After the END command terminates the post-processing, the thermodynamic surfaces are printed out, first as functions of phi (since it was specified in the first MOVE command), and then as functions of psi. * Input file for i.c. constraint and perturbation example. * In this example, we compute the relative thermodynamics * of the right- and left-handed alpha helical conformations * of the alanine dipeptide in vacuum. The phi,psi values * of the right- and left-handed conformations are -60,-60 * and 60,60 degrees, respectively. We compute the thermodynamic * surfaces using 10 windows with perturbations dphi,dpsi = +/- 3,6 * degrees. * ! Read topology and parameter files open unit 1 read form name toph19.inp read rtf card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read form name param19.inp read param card unit 1 close unit 1 ! Read the sequence and generate the psf read sequence card * alanine dipeptide (blocked alanine residue) * 3 amn ala cbx generate pept setup ! Set window counter to be used in loop set 1 1 ! Set phi and psi dihedral angles for first window (we'll perturb ! back to right-handed alpha) set 2 -54.0 ! phi set 3 -54.0 ! psi ! Do all of the windows in a loop label LOOP ic param ! Set phi and psi to the desired values and build ! the dipeptide ic edit dihe 1 c 2 n 2 ca 2 c @2 ! phi dihe 2 n 2 ca 2 c 3 n @3 ! psi end ic seed 1 cl 1 c 2 n ic build ! Minimize with harmonic dihedral constraints to relieve ! any bad contacts that might result from building cons dihe pept 1 c pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c min @2 force 100.0 cons dihe pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c pept 3 n min @3 force 100.0 update atom cdie shif vdis vswi cutnb 10.0 minimization sd nstep 50 tolgrd 0.01 inbfrq 50 cons cldh ! Reset phi and psi to the desired values before setting the ! i.c. constraints ic fill ic print ic edit dihe 1 c 2 n 2 ca 2 c @2 ! phi end coor init sele ((atom pept 2 h) .or. (segi pept .and. resi 1)) end ic build ic edit dihe 2 n 2 ca 2 c 3 n @3 ! psi end coor init sele ((atom pept 2 o) .or. (segi pept .and. resi 3)) end ic build ! Set the i.c. constraints; maximum number of iterations = 100; ! tolerances = 1.0e-5 degrees tsm maxi 100 fix dihe pept 1 c pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c toli 1.0e-5 ! phi fix dihe pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c pept 3 n toli 1.0e-5 ! psi end ! Run 10 steps equilibration dynamics dynamics verlet strt nstep 10 timestep 0.0005 firstt 300.0 - inbfrq 10 nprint 1 iprfrq 10 iasors 1 ichecw 1 iasvel 1 - atom cdie shif vdis vswi cutnb 10.0 ! Open perturbation data file open unit 10 write form name example_@1.icp ! Set up perturbations; save data on unit 10 every step; use ! 2 subintervals in each window (nwin 2), e.g., change dihedrals by ! +/- 3,6 degrees; note "by" values have opposite signs so the moves ! both go in the same direction tsm savi icun 10 icfr 1 nwin 2 move dihe pept 1 c pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c by 6.0 - inte sele ((atom pept 2 h) .or. (atom pept 2 n) .or. - (segi pept .and. resi 1)) end ! phi move dihe pept 2 n pept 2 ca pept 2 c pept 3 n by -6.0 - inte sele ((atom pept 2 o) .or. (atom pept 2 c) .or. - (segi pept .and. resi 3)) end ! psi end ! Run 20 steps perturbation dynamics dynamics verlet strt nstep 20 timestep 0.0005 firstt 300.0 - inbfrq 20 nprint 1 iprfrq 20 iasors 1 ichecw 1 iasvel 1 - atom cdie shif vdis vswi cutnb 10.0 ! Close data file and clear constraints and perturbations close unit 10 tsm clear ! Get ready for next window incr 1 by 1 incr 2 by 12.0 incr 3 by 12.0 coor init sele all end if 1 le 10 goto LOOP ! At this point, all ten simulations have been carried out ! Open the data files for post-processing open unit 10 read form name example_1.icp open unit 11 read form name example_2.icp open unit 12 read form name example_3.icp open unit 13 read form name example_4.icp open unit 14 read form name example_5.icp open unit 15 read form name example_6.icp open unit 16 read form name example_7.icp open unit 17 read form name example_8.icp open unit 18 read form name example_9.icp open unit 19 read form name example_10.icp ! Post-process the data; use binsize of 5 datasets ! in error calculation; calculate avg. temp.; use ! T = 300 K and deltaT = 10 K in thermodynamics; ! construct thermodynamic surfaces tsm post ic maxp 2 maxw 2 surf maxs 100 proc first 10 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 11 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 12 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 13 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 14 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 15 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 16 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 17 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 18 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 proc first 19 nunits 1 bins 5 ctem temp 300.0 delt 10.0 - begin 1 stop 20 end stop Lambda-Dynamics approach to free energy calculations: In this node, we will focus on aspects of the free energy calculations which are not covered in TSM discussion. However, it is recommended to go through details of TSM approach first since the new dynamics is based on same underlying principles as TSM does and we will use those basic concepts and terminologies without further explanation. (i) Potential of Mean Force In addition to TI and thermodynamic perturbation method, an alternative approach to the free energy calculations is to develop the free energy A along a "reaction coordinate", zeta (to avoid confusion, we will use "zeta" instead of "xi" used in the reference [1]). Zeta is typically a configurational coordinate. Thus, the reactant configuration and the product configuration are represented by zeta = 0 and zeta = 1 respectively. For a continuous coordinate zeta, the Helmholtz free energy difference, or the reversible work required to carry the system from the reactant configuration to the product configuration, is often referred to as the "potential of mean force" (PMF), W(zeta). The exact connection between W(zeta) and the probability density of the system rho(zeta) is expressed as W(zeta) = -KT ln[rho(zeta)] That leads to the free energy difference DeltaA(zeta) = W(zeta), when rho(zeta) is normalized at a particular value of zeta, e.g., rho(zeta=0) = 1. It is well known that conventional importance MD or MC sampling techniques will be prone to produce an inadequate estimation of W(zeta) in situations where the potential of mean force differs by more than a few kcal/mol over the range of 0 <= zeta <= 1.0 . To expand the range of DeltaA(zeta), the umbrella sampling method is frequently employed. Here the basic idea is to introduce a biasing or umbrella potential U*(zeta), thereby replacing the original potential energy V(x,y,z) by a modified potential V(x,y,z) + U*(zeta). The ultimate goal is to use the auxiliary potential U*(zeta) to "flatten" out the energy barriers along the coordinate zeta. In so doing, a more uniformly distributed density function rho(zeta) can be generated with a fixed amount of sampling because transitions between the reactant and product configuration are now more facile. From statistical mechanics, the explicit connection between the biased probability density function rho*(zeta) and the true density rho(zeta) of the system can be easily made. It is simply stated as rho*(zeta)exp{U*(zeta)/kT} rho(zeta) = -------------------------- <exp{U*(zeta)/kT}>* where the notation " * " emphasizes that the ensemble average is being taken over the modified potential function. Owing to the complexity of many problems of interest, it is apparent that a single biasing potential is usually not sufficient enough to cover the whole range of the reaction coordinate zeta, and simultaneously produce good sampling. Thus, a set of restraining potentials, U*(zeta), is used to shift the local minima in the desired direction. In this "window" approach, the potential of mean force, W(zeta), in each window takes the form of W (zeta) = -kT ln[rho*(zeta)] - U*(zeta) + C i i i i C = kTln <exp[U*(zeta)]>* i i The direct evaluation of the constants C's , being of exponential form, is susceptible to large numerical fluctuations. These fluctuations in turn make the accurate calculation of these constants very difficult. In order to achieve an uniformly good potential of mean force, W(zeta), the different constants, C's , from successive simulation windows have to be perfectly matched so as to make W(zeta) agree in the overlapping regions. The implementation of many conventional matching schemes such as the "splicing" method is very difficult, if not impossible, when generating two or higher dimensional potential of mean force surfaces. (ii) Lambda Dynamics Methodology I Thus far, two auxiliary quantities have been introduced to facilitate free energy calculations: a coupling parameter lambda (extent of transformation) in TSM; a "reaction coordinate" zeta in the PMF. On the one hand, the coupling parameter approach takes advantage of the fact that the free energy difference, DeltaA, is a function of the state only. Thus, DeltaA can be computed along any reversible path connecting the initial and final states. This added flexibility certainly hold great potential for designing new approaches to free energy calculations. On the other hand, the power of specific biasing potentials used in the umbrella sampling method can be fully utilized to combat the difficulties encountered in conventional free energy calculations. To make full use of the coupling parameter lambda, two crucial questions, among others, pertinent to the lambda will be focused on: (1) What is the best way to deal with the lambda variable in developing a new method? In other words, rather than being separated from the configurational coordinate set {x,y,z}, is it more efficient to treat the lambda variable on the same footing as an ordinary space coordinate? (2) If so, what governs the dynamics of the lambda variable? Based on the assumption that the lambda variable can be treated as an ordinary coordinate, a natural connection to the umbrella sampling method may be made immediately. Identifying the lambda variable as the "reaction coordinate" zeta, the problem of calculating chemical free energy differences is isomorphic with that of computing potentials of mean force in the lambda variable. This transformation brings up a point we have discussed earlier, namely, the matching problem of the constant C's associated with the umbrella sampling has to be attended to. Therefore, another important question: (3) What is the optimal way of processing the simulation data? This question is of great importance for the generation of a multidimensional free energy surface. As noted before, any two equilibrium states can be generally connected by reversible transition pathways. A typical approach is to partition the system Hamiltonian as a linear function of a coupling parameter lambda H(lambda) = (1 - lambda) H + lambda H + H R P Env Instead of using a single variable, consider a general case where the pathway itself is characterized by a set of coupling variables, {lambda(i)}, i = 1,...,n. This represents the situation where "alchemical" mapping of one molecule into another, for the purpose of computing a free energy difference, changes different components of the interaction terms with different scaling factors. We can control the transition between the two molecules by partitioning a Hamiltonian of the general form H ({lambda(i); i=1,n}) = H ({lambda(i); i=1,n}) + H ({lambda(i); i=1,n}) R*n R P + H Env where H stands for the Hamiltonian of the atoms not being transformed Env while H ({lambda(i); i=1,n}) is the reactant (product) Hamiltonian. R(P) H ({lambda(i); i=1,n}) is a legitimate mapping provided that R*n H ({lambda(i) = 0; i=1,n}) and H ({lambda(i) = 1; i=1,n}) R*n R*n correspond to the Hamiltonians for the reactant and product states respectively. Because the two states, R and P, are separated by many intermediate states with {0} < {lambda(i)} < {1}, and there exist generally many conceivable potential pathways (and barriers) on the potential energy surface, a natural question arises: what is the optimal transition pathway? In the language of the perturbation calculations, how does one select values of {lambda(i)}, i = 1,...,n, so that efficient ensemble averaging can be performed? We propose a new mapping scheme for performing free energy calculations. We permit the control variables {lambda(i)} for the chemical transformation to evolve as dynamic variables, under the influence of both the hybrid Hamiltonian above, and added biasing potentials. The dynamic treatment of the {lambda(i)} variables is directed at the first two questions raised earlier. Since the biasing potentials are at our disposal, the new method will allow us more control over the sampling space, thereby enhancing our control over the convergence of ensemble sampling. We formulate the lambda-dynamics by utilizing an extended Hamiltonian. In this formalism, the {lambda(i)} are considered as a set of fictitious "particle" coordinates, H ({lambda(i)}) = H ({lambda(i)}) Extended R*n n ____ __ __ + \ M(i) | dlambda(i) |**2 / ------ |--------- | ---- 2.0 | dt | i = 1 |__ __| + U*({lambda(i)}) where the lambda-dependent potential term, U*({lambda(i)}), will serve as an umbrella or a biasing potential to limit the range of {lambda(i)}. Moreover, a kinetic energy term is associated with a set of fictitious masses {M(i)}. The coupling between spatial coordinates and energy parameters is through the lambda dependence of H ({lambda(i)}). R*n The introduction of the umbrella potential term U*({lambda(i)}) in H ({lambda(i)}) provides a great deal of freedom in improving Extended efficiency in sampling. By using a well designed U*({lambda(i)}), we can achieve the following objectives: (1) limit the range of {lambda(i)} sampled in independent simulations or windows to some particular set of values; (2) supply the boundary conditions for the overall range of {0} <= {lambda(i)} <= {1}; and more importantly, (3) increase transition rates among potential wells separated by high energy barriers. By utilizing the second set of adjustable parameters {M(i)}, we should be able to gain more control over the evolution of the {lambda(i)} variables. Generally speaking, the new method will generate a multidimensional probability density distribution. This entails a multidimensional potential of mean force surface in the {lambda(i)} variable space. This leads us to another important aspect of our approach, namely to apply a more powerful analysis technique to the resulting distributions. This is directed towards the third question raised above. Optimal histogram analysis method, developed by Ferrenberg and Swendsen for studying phase transitions, and further extended to biological simulations by Kumar and the Swendsen group, and by Boczko and Brooks, has proven to be very successful in generating free energy surfaces for physical, chemical and biological processes. In addition to producing the best possible estimation of free energies and optimizing links (constant C's) between simulations, the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM) is a multidimensional method and has a built-in estimate of sampling errors. These characteristics serve well the needs of our new lambda-dynamics. Our lambda dynamics approach also offers better control over a couple of technical problems in FEP. The first is related to the {lambda(i)} --> {0} or {lambda(i)} --> {1} limiting situation, often referred to as the "close encounters" problem in the literature. In MC simulations, this generally does not cause any real problem since random numbers are used to sample the configurational variable and stability is not an issue. However, in the case of MD simulations, large numerical errors, often leading to instability of the numerical solution to the dynamics equations, take place when either {lambda(i)} --> {0} or {lambda(i)} --> {1} occur. Conventional perturbation calculations often avoid the problem by running simulations at a small distance away from {0} or {1}. Nonetheless, this approach is not appropriate for the formalism of lambda-dynamics because the lambda variable itself evolves dynamically during the course of the simulation. The umbrella potential of our formulation offers a convenient solution to this problem. Simple biasing potentials are generally sufficient to prevent the boundary crossing {lambda(i)} < {0} or {lambda(i)} > {1}. To further restrain the range of lambda variables, we have implemented a different partition scheme of the system Hamiltonian in CHARMM, i.e. a linear lambda variable is replaced by a quadratic form lambda**2, as will be seen shortly. This is an extremely helpful technique at the {lambda(i)} --> {0} end. The second issue is that the extra degrees of freedom associated with the fictitious masses provide additional control over the dynamics of the lambda variables. (A) Application for relative free energy calculations: To avoid redundancy, we will only outline the partitioning schemes of the system Hamiltonian for each application. Please refer to BLOCK.DOC and DYNAMC.DOC for detailed CHARMM commands when performing lambda dynamics simulation runs. The lambda-dynamics formalism is applicable to typical free energy calculation problems, e.g, a mutation of one molecule into another. This is a prototype for the majority of free energy calculations carried out to study relative solubility, relative binding affinity or protein stability. We will outline our implementation using the same example as TSM does. To calculate the relative solvation free energies of methanol and ethane, we write the extended system Hamiltonian as H ({lambda(i)}) = [lambda(2)**2] H + [lambda(3)**2] H + H Extended R P Env 3 ____ __ __ + \ M(i) | dlambda(i) |**2 / ------ |--------- | ---- 2.0 | dt | i = 2 |__ __| + U*({lambda(i)}) subject to the condition 3 ____ \ / [lambda(i)**2] = 1.0 ---- i = 2 This system has three distinguished blocks: a reactant (OH group of the methanol), a product (CH3 of the ethane) and environment (unchanged CH3 group and solvent). By default, block one is assigned to the environment, which leads to lambda(1) = 1.0 in our implementation. Please refer to *note block:(block.doc) for detailed CHARMM commands. (iii) Lambda Dynamics Methodology II By using a different partitioning scheme in H ({lambda(i)}) Extended N ____ \ V(x,{lambda(i)}) = / [lambda(i)**2] (V (x)-F ) + V ---- i i Env i = 2 one can perform free energy calculations for multiple ligands simultaneously. Here one lambda(i) is assigned to each potential, V (x), which represents a i distinct solute molecule (or ligand), F is the biasing potential for ligand i. i If the {lambda(i)} variables are subject to a holonomic condition N ____ \ / [lambda(i)**2] = 1.0 ---- i = 2 the probability distributions of the system at given lambda(i) values are a manifestation of the free energy differences between different solute molecules. For example, P[lambda(i) = 1, {lambda(m =/= i} = 0] D_Delta A ______________________________________ = Exp{- --------} kT P[lambda(j) = 1, {lambda(m =/= j} = 0] where D_Delta A is the total free energy difference between molecules i and j. Since the free energy difference between molecules for half of the thermodynamic cycle (F , e.g. ligands in the unbound state) is incorporated i into the Hamiltonian of the system for the other half of the cycle (e.g. protein-liand bound state), D_Delta is the relative binding affinity of the ligands to the protein receptor. With this formalism of Hamiltonian l-dynamics can evaluate relative binding free energy of multiple ligands simultaneously, providing either qualitative ranking within short simulation time or quatitative results with desired precision. In the former case (or the screening calculation), the ligands with favorable binding affinity are identified and relative ordering of those ligands can be obtained from the probability distribution of the ligands in the [lambda(i)**2]=1 state. The running averages of each [lambda(i)**2] can also be used to provide the ranking. In the latter case, the free energy difference between molecules for half of the thermodynamic cycle will be evaluated. Here F acts as a i potential. It corresponds to the estimated free energy of the ligand from previous calculations. Therefore the estimated free energy can be improved iteratively. The WHAM method can be used to combine data from different simulations to get optimal estimate of the free energy. There exists an analogy between our screening calculations and competitive binding experiments carried out in the laboratory. In fact, a competitive binding experiment usually consists of different ligands and a single receptor in solution. By determining the relative concentrations of constituent ligands in solution, the relative binding affinity of ligands can be inferred. Thus, a "best" ligand can be selected accordingly. Similarly, by determining the running averages or the relative populations of each lambda(i), we can distinguish favorable ligand molecules from unfavorable ones. In hybrid MC/MD method, Metropolis Monte Carlo method is used to evolve the lambda-space and molecular dynamics method is used for evolving the atomic coordinates for generating the canonical ensemble of the ligands instead of using molecular dynamics method with extended Hamiltonian in the lambda-dynamics method. Both methods gave the same configurational partition functions. The relative free energy can be calculated from the probability distrubitions in MC/MD method. The MC/MD method was originally presented by Bennett and Tidor, independently. The straightforward extension of this method for multiple ligands, which was named CMC/MD, was achieved by Pitera & Kollman. One advantage of MC/MD is that sampling of {lambda} can be determined by the user, while the proper choice of the biased potential is required in the lambda-dynamics method. For example, it is possible for MC/MD to sample only chemically important end points. However, the acceptance ratio may be too small when the ligands have the large and different parts. The disadvantage of MC/MD is that the sudden change in chemical space evolved by MC step produces a discontinuous effect in the atomic momentum space so that the atoms of the newly selected ligand do not have velocities appropriate for the environmental conditions. The re-assignment of the velocities to the ligands is not carried out in this version of CHARMM. The holonomic constraint used above, which is necessary to ensure the physical nature of the end points, is treated using the Lagrange multiplier method. Moreover, a renormalization of the {lambda(i)} variables at each MD step is performed to guarantee that the condition is satisfied. The reason is that the equation is always solved approximately in any simulation algorithm, and the renormalization prevents small errors from propagating. REFERENCES X. Kong and C. L. Brooks III, J. Chem. Phys., 105, 2414 (1996). C. L. Brooks III, M. Karplus, and B. M. Pettitt, In Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. LXXI, edited by I. Prigogine and S. A. Rice (Wiley, New York, 1988). Z. Liu and B. J. Berne, J. Chem. Phys., 99, 6071 (1993). A. M. Ferrenberg and R. H. Swendsen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 63, 1195 (1989). A. M. Ferrenberg, Ph.D Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 1989. S. Kumar, D. Bouzida, R. H. Swendsen, P. A. Kollman, and J. Rosenberg, J. Comput. Chem., 13, 1011 (1992). E. M. Boczko and C. L. 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