CHARMM c39b2 qub.doc

        Closed and Open Polymer Chain Path-Integral Methods for QM/MM

   A path-integral (PI) method to account for nuclear quantum correction
to a classical trajectory. The implementation is based on the derivation
of Warshel et al. (Hwang, J.-K.;Chu, Z.T.; Yadav, A.; Warshel, A.
J. Phys. Chem. 1991, 95, 8445). The method describes a subset of atoms
in the system as quantum mechanical by replacing the classical particle
with a ring of quasi-particles (beads). The current code may use several
methods to sample the beads: standard Monte Carlo, the Bisection
algorithm (Pollock, E.L.; Ceperley, D.M. Phys. Rev. B 1984, 30, 2555), and
the staging algorithm (Sprik, M.; Klein, M. L.; Chandler, D. Phys. Rev. B
1985, 31, 4234). Three different kinds of actions may be used: The primitive
approximation (PA), Takahashi-Imada (TI - Takahashi, M.; Imada, M. J. Phys.
Phys. Soc. Japan 1984, 53, 3765-3769), and Chin (CH - Chin, S. A.; Chen, C. R.
J. Chem. Phys. 2002, 117, 1409-1415. Chin, S. A. Phys. Rev. E Stat. Nonlin. 
Soft Matter Phys 2004, 69, 046118-7). Open chain path-integrals may also be 
used to compute the momentum distribution of selected individual atoms.

For specifics regarding this implementation, see the following papers:

1) Major, D.T.; Gao, J. Implementation of the bisection sampling method in
   path-integral simulations. J. Mol. Graphics Modell. 2005, 24, 121-127.
2) Major, D.T.; Garcia-Viloca, M.; Gao, J. Path-integral simulations of proton 
   transfer reactions in aqueous solution using combined QM/MM potentials.
   J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2006, 2, 236-245.
3) Major, D.T.; Gao, J. An Integrated Path-Integral and Free-Energy 
   Perturbation-Umbrella Sampling Method for Computing Kinetic Isotope Effects
   of Chemical Reactions in Solution and in Enzymes. J. Chem. Theory Comput.
   2007, 3, 949-960.
4) Azuri, Asaf; Engel, Hamutal; Doron, Dvir; Major, Dan T. Path-integral calculations
   of nuclear quantum effects in model systems, small molecules, and enzymes via
   gradient-based forward corrector algorithms. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2011, 7, 
5) Engel, Hamutal; Doron, Dvir; Kohen, A.; Major, Dan T. Momentum Distribution as a 
   Fingerprint of Quantum Delocalization in Enzymatic Reactions: Open-Chain Path-Integral 
   Simulations of Model Systems and the Hydride Transfer in Dihydrofolate Reductase.
   J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012,

In the present code, only QM atoms (see qmmm.doc) may be chosen as PI atoms,
although this is not an inherent limitation.

General Notes:
QUB is implemented as serial and parallel. In the Parallel version,
the number of processors cannot exceed the number of beads.
Currently, the code has been implemented in serial for standard CHARMM MOPAC,
The parallel version is implemented seperately for CHARMM MOPAC, SQUANTM,
and SCCDFTB. With the SQUANTM module, the path-integral code takes charge of the
parallelization (scales linearly with NPROC if MOD(NBEADS,NPROC)=0).
For the other codes, the parallel part is mainly handled by the QM code.
The code has also been implemented in parallel for GAMESS-UK
and QCHEM, but not tested so this is disabled for now, although running QCHEM
in parallel, with CHARMM in serial mode works. 

* Menu:

* Syntax::         Syntax of QUB Commands
* Examples::       Input Examples

File: qub -=- Node: Syntax
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                        Syntax for QUB Command

QUB { QCP              }  [atom-selection] [other-spec] [unit-spec] [qrxn-spec]
    { BQCP   bqcp-spec } 
    { SQCP             }
    { BFEP   bqcp-spec }
    { SFEP             }
    { QCOP             }

bqcp-spec::=  [KLEVel int]    
other-spec::= [BEADs int] [NBMOve int] [MCONfiguration int] 
              [MCEQquilibration int] [TEMP real] [QRXN qrxn-spec]
              [TIAC] [CHAC] [NOEW] [IRAN] [FAST] [FFOCK]
unit-spec::=  [FIRST int] [OUNI int] [OUNJ int] [BDIN int] [BDOUT int]
              [NUNI int] [BEGI int] [STOP int] [SKIP int]
qrxn-spec::=  [RXNA int] [RXNB int] [RXNC int] [DELD real] [RESL real]

Keyword  Deflt  Purpose
-------  -----  ----------------------------------------------------------
QCP      off    Use Quantized Classical Path method with Metropolis sampling.
BQCP     off    Use Quantized Classical Path method with bisection sampling. 
                KLEV must be specified.
SQCP     off    Use Quantized Classical Path method with staging sampling.
BFEP     off    Use PI-FEP/UM which entails BQCP with mass-perturbation.
SFEP     off    Use PI-FEP/UM which entails SQCP with mass-perturbation.
QCOP     off    Use open path-integrals with staging algorithm.
BEADS    32     Number of quasiparticles (beads) per classical particle.
NBMO     1      Number of beads to be changed in each MC move. Must be 1 
                when using Bisection algorithm. When using Metropolis sampling
                must be greater than 1 (due to centroid approximation).
KLEV     5      Should be specified when using Bisection algorithm. In general,
                BEADS => 2**KLEV. Optimal sampling is achieved when
                BEADS = 2**KLEV,
                i.e. BEADS 8 KLEV 3, BEADS 16 KLEV 4, BEADS 32 KLEV 5, etc.
TIAC     off    Use Takahashi-Imada higher-order correction
CHAC     off    Use Chin higher-order correction
FAST     F      Use fast energy routines (avoids gradient calculation). Only 
                QUANTUM module.
FFOCK    F      Use fast Fock matrix updating. Only QUANTUM module.
NOEW     F      Do not use Ewald summation
MCON     10     Number of MC moves for averaging
MCEQ     10     Number of MC moves for equilibration
TEMP     298.15 Temperature (should be same as used for classical trajectory)
QRXN     off    Use reaction coordinate analysis
RXNA     99999  PSF number of atom A
RXNB     99999  PSF number of atom B
RXNC     99999  PSF number of atom C; if excluded reaction coordinate is A-B
DELD     0.01   Bin width along reaction coordinate
RESL     10.0   Resolution in bin analysis. Rarely needs to be adjusted.
FIRS     -1     Unit number of first trajectory file
OUNI     6      File unit for QUB output (Qcl->qm. Partition function qm
OUNJ     6      File unit for QUB output for second isotope (w/QFEP)
OUNK     6      File unit for end-to-end distribution in open path-integral simulation
OUNL     6      File unit for end-to-end distribution, second isotope
BDIN     0      File number for coordinates of all beads (from a previous job)
BDOU     0      File number for coordinates of all beads to be written out
                at the end of the current job
NUNI     1      Numbero of trajectory files, beginning with FIRS
BEGI     0      Beginning step number of trajectory file
                (see READ TRAJECTORY FOR DETAIL)
STOP     0      See read traj
SKIP     1      See read traj
IRAN     -1     Random number generator seed, default value switches on time
                dependent random seed (recommended). For runs on the same
                trajectory, but with different isotopes, the same random
                number should be used (e.g. use -1 for "isotope 1" run and
                the random number from the output of that run (printed at
                beginning of QUB output) for "isotope 2" run.

File: qub -=- Node: Examples
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Assuming the following CHARMM variables have been set:
! Path-integral settings
set NSkip           1     ! 
set NSave         100     ! 
calc NSkip @NSave*@NSkip  ! Skip # of configurations from trj
set NBeads         16 
set T          298.15
set Neq           100     ! Equilibration of beads not necessary
                          ! when bisecting entire bead
set Nav           100     ! Use ~ 1000
set NMove           1
set KLev            4     ! 2**KLev should equal number of beads
set RNum           -1     ! Time-dependent randum number seed

1) Add average QM effect


! read coordinates from trj file
open read  unit 11 unfo name @scrDIR/@MOD.@d0.@j.trj
open write unit 12 form name @resDIR/@MOD.@d0.N@NBeads.qub ! QUB output

! Run PI
    KLEV @KLev TEMP @T MCON @Nav MCEQ @Neq BEAD @NBeads NBMOVE @NMove -
    IRAN @RNum -
    FIRST 11 OUNI 12 BDIN -13 BDOUT -14 -
    NUNI 1 BEGI -1 STOP -1 SKIP @NSkip


2) Add QM effect along a reaction coordinate of the type A-B---C, where B is 
   transferred from A to C. Typically, this would be done seperately for each 
   window of an umbrella sampling. 
   If atom C is not defined in the input, the reaction coordinate is taken as 
   the A-B distance. 
   Typically, several different runs are done along a reaction coordinate and
   the results (from *.qub output files) combined using a post-processing 
   program (available upon request) to obtain average along reaction


! read coordinates from trj file
open read  unit 11 unfo name @scrDIR/@MOD.@d0.@j.trj
open write unit 12 form name @resDIR/@MOD.@d0.N@NBeads.qub ! QUB output

! Run PI
! Reaction coordinate is defined as A-B---C
!                                   C5(5)-H7(7)---O16(16)
    KLEV @KLev TEMP @T MCON @Nav MCEQ @Neq BEAD @NBeads NBMOVE @NMove -
    QRXN RXNA 5 RXNB 7 RXNC 16 DELD 0.01 RESL 10.0 -
    IRAN @RNum -
    FIRST 11 OUNI 12 BDIN -13 BDOUT -14 -
    NUNI 1 BEGI -1 STOP -1 SKIP @NSkip


3) Same as 2, but using different isotope.
Add the following lines prior to calling
   the QUB command. Everything else is identical to exmape 2).


! Change mass of relevant atom
set mass 2.0140

scalar mass set @mass select QMS .AND. TYPE H7 show end

! Section 2) comes here

4) Mass perturbation.


! read coordinates from trj file
open read  unit 11 unfo name @scrDIR/@MOD.@d0.@j.trj
open write unit 12 form name @resDIR/@MOD.@d0.N@NBeads.h.qub ! isotope 1 QUB output
open write unit 13 form name @resDIR/@MOD.@d0.N@NBeads.d.qub ! isotope 2 QUB output

! D isotope
! Change mass of relevant atom in WMAIN array
set dmass 2.0140      ! Assign mass variable
scalar 1 = wmain
scalar wmain show
scalar wmain = mass   ! Assign mass array to wmain
scalar wmain show
scalar wmain set @dmass select QMS .AND. TYPE H7 show end
scalar wmain show

! Run PI
! Reaction coordinate is defined as A-B---C
!                                   C5(5)-H7(7)---O16(16)
    KLEV @KLev TEMP @T MCON @Nav MCEQ @Neq BEAD @NBeads NBMOVE @NMove -
    QRXN RXNA 5 RXNB 7 RXNC 16 DELD 0.01 RESL 10.0 -
    IRAN @RNum -
    FIRST 11 OUNI 12 OUNJ 13 BDIN -14 BDOUT -15 -
    NUNI 1 BEGI -1 STOP -1 SKIP @NSkip

! Reset wmain
scalar wmain = 1
scalar wmain show


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