The Parallel Distributed Replica By Paul Maragakis and Milan Hodoscek, 2005 Parallel ditributed replica allows independent replicated systems over specified number of processors. It mainly works with CMPI pref.dat keyword (YMMV). REPDSTR is still not the default pref.dat keyword so the recommended way to compile CHARMM is the following: gnu M mpif90 +REPDSTR +ASYNC_PME +GENCOMM [+MSCALE] for em64t add +CMPI to the above list. Also MSCALE is not really needed for pure REPDSTR runs, but it is needed for triple parallel CHARMM. For one of the examples of REPDSTR usage see this reference: Jiang, W; Hodoscek, M; Roux, B; "Computation of Absolute Hydration and Binding Free Energy with Free Energy Perturbation Distributed Replica-Exchange Molecular Dynamics", J. Chem. Theo. and Comp., 2009, Vol. 5, 2583-2588. For the reservoir replica exchange code, please cite the following references: Boltzmann reservoir REX-- Okur A., Roe D., Cui G., Hornak V., Simmerling C. J. Chem Theo. Comput. 3, 557-568 (2007). Non-boltzmann reservoir REX-- Roitberg A., Okur. A., Simmerling C. J. Phys. Chem. B. 111, 2415-2418 (2007). CHARMM implementation-- Okur A., Miller B. T, Joo K., Lee J., Brooks B. R. J. Chem Theo. Comput. 9, 1115-1124 (2013). * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the REPD command * I/O:: Input and output functionality * FAST:: Usage of FAST replica exchange * Examples:: Examples to show the possibilities * Output:: Explanation of the replica exchange printout
REPDstr [ FAST ] NREP <int> [ NATRep <int> ] Replicates the system <int> times. Optional NATRep limits the number of atoms to be included in the path calculations (RPATH commands). It also reduces the size of arrays that need to be transfered between replicas in the RPATH calculations. REPDstr NREP <int> [REPEat <int> [ LOGLevel <int> ] { EXCHange replica-exchange-spec } { PHREx ph-replica-exchange-spec } replica-exchange-spec::= FREQuency <int> temperature-spec [UNIT <int>] [SUMP] [NREP <int>] [SGLD] sgld-replica-exchange-spec [TIGEr] tiger-spec [RSRV] reservoir-spec [TWOD] twod-spec temperature-spec::= [ [ TEMP <real> ] TEMP <real> ... ] [STEMperature <real> DTEMperature <real> MTEMperature <real>] tiger-spec::= [ITER <int> ] [NEQU <int>] [NMIN <int>] [TOLG <real>] ph-replica-exchange-spec ::= FREQuency <int> ph-spec [UNIT <int>] [ RSVR reservoir-spec ] reservoir-spec ::= RESHigh { BOLTzmann } RHTEmp <real> RHUNit <int> RHSZ <int> [ RHEN <int> ] RESLow { NOBOltzmann } RLTEmp <real> RLUNit <int> RLSZ <int> [ RLEN <int> ] [ ECOR ] [ FHEN <int> ] [ FLEN <int> ] ph-spec ::= [ [PHVAl <real] PHVAl <real> ... ] sgld-replica-exchange-spec::= [ [ SGTT <real> ] SGTT <real> ... ] [SGTE <real> DSGT <real> MSGT <real>] [SGFT <real> ] DSGF <real> ... ] twod-spec::= DIM1 criteria-spec DIM2 criteria-spec D1FRequency <int> D2FRequency <int> temp-spec ph-spec criteria-spec::= { TEMPerature } { HAM } { PH } This is for the replica exchange method (see details in c34test/rexc.inp, c36test/rexcpt.inp, c36test/rexsgld.inp) Currently it works so that when exchange occurs all the coordinates and velocities are exchanged, thus the lowest temperature is always on the first replica. This also implies that the number of atoms in the replicas have to be the same. The other method which exchange only the temperature will be implemented later. With just temperature exchange the replicas do not need to be the same anymore. Current implementation of replica exchange methods has its own temperature control independent of the CHARMM's one. So in the case of exchanging the coordinates and velocities also the appropriate temperature scaling is perfomed. Perhaps it is best to turn CHARMM's own temperature controls off, but one can also combine the two. To get both temperature control mechanisms at the same time one need to define different temperature for each replica. This can be accomplished by the following commands in the CHARMM input script: set st 300 set dt 10 repd nrep @nreps EXCHange FREQuency 50 STEMp @st DTEMp @dt sump unit 17 mult dt by ?myrep incr st by @dt dyna cpt start nstep 1000 timestep 0.001 - .... hoover reft @st tmass 2000.0 tbath @st - .... As of CHARMM version c37a2, replica exchange in pH space is also supported. This uses the formalism described in the reference given in consph.doc. The CONSPH key word must be in pref.dat along with REPDSTR to activate this functionality. Details about each keyword: UNIT <int> - Optional keyword for exchange output file. Default for int is OUTU. Must be opened after repd: each replica writes to its own file. If no open statement all replicas write to the same file with the default fortran file name for this unit. Open before the repd command is not very useful. Can be also the same unit as on the OUTU command so exchange info is written to the same output files. SUMPrint - Summary printout. On replica zero the summary from all other replicas is printed to UNIT, and on the rest of the repicas just their own data. This is flaged since it requires extra communication just for printouts. FREQuency - when to exchange REPEat - Number of times to repeat an exchange attempt every FREQ steps. STEM - Starting-temperature. DTEM - temperature-increase MTEM - Top temperature. When MTEM>0, DTEM is ignored and temperatures of replicas are expoenentially spaced. TEMPerature - Temperature of each replica if STEM is not set. It must be repeated NREP times. PHVAl - pH value of each replica when replica exchange in pH space is used. SGLD - Flag to do RXSGLD with the self-guiding temperature. It maybe used with the standard replica exchange or one can specify all the temperature the same, most convenient with the STEM <temp> DTEM 0.0. SGTE 0 - The self-guiding temperature for the first replica. DSGT 0 - Increment for the self-guiding temperature MSGT 0 - The top self-guiding temperature. If MSGT>0, DSGT is ignored and the guiding temperatures of replicas are expoenentially spaced. SGTT - Self-guiding temperature of each replica if SGTE is not set. It must be repeated NREP times. SGFT 0 - The guiding factor of the first replica. When the self-guiding temperatures are set with SGTE..., SGFT will be adjusted automatically during simulation. DSGF 0 - Guiding factor increment. TIGEr - Flag to start TIGER replica exchange. ITER - number of iteration steps for minimization and equlibration procedures before the exchange. Default: 1 NEQU - number of steps in the equlibration process. Default: 1000 NMIN - number of steps in the minimization process. Default: 100 TOLG - gradient tolerance in the minimization step. Default:0.0 PHMD - Flag to allow exchange of theta variables from CPHMD along with spatial coordinates. Thus, replicas can be run at different pH (Hamiltonian replica exchange) or temperture. It is also possible to couple the top or bottom replicas (or both) to a reservoir of structures. To do so, the RSVR keyword is used. When RSVR is used, at least one of the following keywords must also be used with the corresponding unit numbers to tell CHARMM which replica(s) should be coupled to the reservoir. RESH - couple the top replica to a reservoir. RHUN must be specified. RESL - couple the bottom replica to a reservoir. RLUN must be specified. RHSZ - The number of elements in the top reservoir. RLSZ - The number of elements in the bottom reservoir. RHEN - A unit number pointing to a data file listing the potential energies of each reservoir structure in the top reservoir. The data file should be formatted in order with one energy per line. This is ONLY required for Hamiltonian reservoir replica exchange. RLEN - Identical to RHEN, but for the bottom reservoir. RHUN and RLUN must be units that point to open files in a simplified trajectory format. This format is a standard CHARMM binary trajectory file, but has the header and crystal information stripped out. A utility,, is provided in the support/programs directory to convert a standard CHARMM trajectory into a stripped down version suitable for use. These files musrt be opened in DIREct mode with a record size specified (which is four times the number of atoms except for pH reservoirs). Two exchange schemes have been implemented to govern coupling of the reservoir with its neighboring replica. BOLTzmann - The standard Boltzmann temperature replica exchange criterion is used. Use of this keyword implies that the reservoir is a sample from a Boltzmann distribution. If this option is used, RHTEmp and/or RLTEmp must be used to specify the temperatures of the high and low reservoirs, respectively. NOBOltzmann - This option allows for a non-Boltzmann weighted reservoir, using a slightly different exchange criterion. The RHUNit and RLUNit key-words tell CHARMM how many structures are in the high and low reservoirs. If FHEN or FLEN are used, then the energies of the high and low structures are read from the given unit, one floating point number per line. The number of lines in the file must match the number of structures in the reservoir, and the order of the lines must correspond to the order of the structures in the reservoirs. If these options are omitted, the energy of each structure is calculated by CHARMM. If the ECOR key word is specified, 0.5*kT of energy is added to the structure energy for each degree of freedom in the system, which provides a quick and dirty way of adjust the structure energy to the desired temperature. As of CHARMM c40a1, the reservoir replica exchange scheme has been extended to Hamiltonian and discrete-state (CONSPH key-word) pH replica exchange. It does NOT work with the continuous-state pH replica exchange code (PHMD key word). Hamiltonian and pH reservoir replica exchange are only implemented for BOLTzmann reservoir replica exchange; use of the NOBOltzmann exchange criteria will throw an error. REPDstr RESEt [ SYNC ] [ PONE ] Resets the run to a normal parallel run. SYNC does the global sync before that. PONE is making for everybody NUMNOD=1. As of March 2010 RESET is still not fully supported. REPDstr IORES Sometimes within the REPDstr run one wants to access the files created by other replicas. After this command is executed the names in the open command do not get _myrep appended! REPDstr IOSET Sets the appending of the replica number back to original nameing scheme in REPEDstr. REPDstr NREP <int> EXLM [EXPT NRPT <int>] FREQuency <int> This is for Hamiltonian exchange method. Currently it works so that when exchange occurs all the coordinates are exchanged and new nonbond list are generated. To guarantee stable md run after exchange, velocities also are exchanged once an exchange attempt is accepted. The present Hamiltonian- exchange scheme works for all integrators, including VV2 integrator for Drude oscillator model. EXLM - Keyword invoking Hamiltonian exchange. Currently it can be used in Free Energy perturbation and umbrella sampling. EXPT NRPT <int> - Optional keyword introducing parallel tempering into Hamiltonian exchange. With this keyword, the replica-exchange consists of two alternative stages: parallel tempering and Halmiltonian exchange. In parallel tempering stage, the number of replicas participating exchange is NREP, while in Hamiltonian exchange stage, the number of replica is NREP/NRPT. Currently it can be used to accelerate the relaxation of internal degrees of freedom, such as sidechain dynamics and backbone dynamics REPD NREP <int> EXLM EX2D NRPX <int> FREQ <int> This is a new 2 Dimensional Hamiltonian Replica exchange scheme. Hamiltonian-Exchange is extended to PBC systems for either NVT and NPT simulation. This new feature is especially useful to enhance samplings of umbrella sampling that involve multiple reaction coordinates. EX2D NRPX <int> - Optional keyword introducing 2D replica exchange. With this keyword, the number of replicas along X (one reaction coordinate) is NREPX, then the number of replicas along the other reaction coordinate is NREP/NREPX. REPD TWOD DIM1 <int> DIM2 <int> D1FR <int> D2FR <int> - D1CR <string> D2CR <string> - temp-spec ph-spec This is a alternate 2D replica exchange implementation that allows each dimension to be temperature, hamiltonian, or pH replica exchange. This is set by the two dimension criteria D1CR and D2CR, each of which may be TEMP, HAM, or PH. Note that only one TEMP or PH dimension may be used. However, two hamiltonian dimension can be used. The number of replicas in each dimension is set by DIM1 and DIM2. The exchange frequency for each dimension is set by D1FR and D2FR. D1FR should be set smaller than D2FR. If D2FR is a multiple of D1FR, then no dimension 1 exchange will occur on the same step as an exchange in dimension 2. One VERY important note -- in the current implementation, although temperature and pH must be set in the REPD command line, they are not set automatically in the DYNAmics command! Rather they must be set using the substitution variables below. Please see an example in test/c40test/rex-2d.inp of how to do this. This will be corrected in a future release. After this command has been executed, the following substitution valriables become available: ?nrep - number of replicas overall ?myrep - global index of the current replica ?nrepd1 - number of replicas in dimension 1 ?nrepd2 - number of replicas in dimension 2 ?myrepd1 - current replica's position in dimension 1 ?myrepd2 - current replica's position in dimension 2
Once REPDstr command is activated the I/O capabilities of CHARMM are expanded. In standard parallel mode CHARMM deals with I/O only on the first process. The rest of processes get their data through network or memory communication. So all I/O statements that are in the script before REPDstr command are valid only on first process. In distributed replica mode each replica needs its own and independent I/O which is enabled after the REPDstr keyword in the input script. Two substitution parameters are defined after the REPD command is specified in the input script: ?NREP (number of replicas) and ?MYREP (current executing replica). As of May 2009 the following is working: 1. OPEN The command open read|write unit 1 card name somefile will open somefile_0 for replica 0, somefile_1 for replica 1, etc 2. READ/WRITE writes to individual files one for each replica. It works for all I/O operations. 3. STRE stream This will open stream_0 for replica 0, stream_1 for replica 1, etc It allows CHARMM to run different input files for each replica (or group of processors) 4. OUTU unit Will stream output to individual files as specified in the open command for particular unit. This command should precede STRE command if one wants both input and output files for each group of processors 5. IF ?MYREP .EQ. n THEN .... Works, too. Output only for the processor zero, unless OUTU is specified. 6. All the above works in parallel/parallel mode, ie each replica can be a parallel job in itself. The numeration of input and output files follows the replica numbers. The output is written only on a local process 0 for each replica, and similar is true also for stream command. The limitation is that the number of replicas must divide the number of processes allocated for parallel. Otherwise it bombs out with the level -5.
The FAST keyword turns on fast replica exchange. When this option is activated, all exchange decisions are made on processor 0, and new temperatures are sent to each individual replica, as opposed to sending coordinates and velocities between replicas. This method requires substantially less communication, especially when the REPEat keyword is used. The drawback is that the outputs are per-replica rather than per-temperature. Additional functionality has been added to the MERGE command (see dynamc.doc) to convert per-replica trajectories to per-temperature. Additionally, since all decisions are made on processor 0, only a single exchange file is written out, showing the results of ALL exchanges at a particular timestep. If REPEat is used the LOGLevel may be specified to limit the number of exchanges written to this file. If LOGLevel is set to N, every Nth exchange at a given step is written, however, the first and last exchange is always written. NB, this only applies when the REPEat key word is used, and at least one exchange at each time step is always written. Currently, FAST is only compatible with temperature replica exchange without the use of a reservoir.
NOTE: If you are using mpich-1.2.X then you need to use -p4wd with the absolute path or -p4wd `pwd` Example 1: ========== read psf read coor repd nrep 4 This will replicate PSF and coordinates, so after nrep 4 there are four independent runs with the same coordinates Example 2: ========== read psf repd nrep 4 read coor name system.crd This will replicate PSF but the coordinates will be read from 4 separate files: system.crd_0, system.crd_1, etc Example 3: ========== repd nrep 4 stre inp This will run for independent CHARMM jobs. Each inp_0, inp_1, inp_3, and inp_4 can be different input files, with different PSFs, parameters, etc Example 4: ========== open write unit 1 card name out repd nrep 4 outu 1 stre inp The same as example 3 but now also output files out_0, out_1, ... will be written. Note that OUTU must precede STREam command. Example 5: RXSGLD ========== read psf read coor name system.crd !All stages have the same temperature of 300 K but have TEMPSG from 300 K to 500 K. repd nrep 8 EXCHange FREQuency 1000 STEMp 300 DTEMp 0 - SGLD SGTE 300 MSGT 500 DSGF 0.2 SCAL FBETA SET 1.0 SELE ALL END !Perform SGLD with SGFT set to 0 to allow above RXSGLD setting in control DYNA LANG SGLD SGFT 0
The replica exchange printout is written to the unit specified in the command after the UNIT keyword. The output of the current results is labeled by either REX> for temperature based replica exchange or RXSG> for self-guding replica exchange (RXSGLD). The RXSG> line contains the following fields: RXSG> Exchanges DynSteps StagID NeighborID ReplicaID Ep EpNeighbor TempScale TSGScale AcceptRatio Acceptance A summary from all other replicas is labeled by REXSUM>. The labels in the output are shortened, end the meaning of some of them is as the following: Epot - potential energy (current) Tscale - temperature scaling for exchange [Tscale=sqrt(Temp/NewTemp)] Sratio - success ratio [Srate=#-of-successful-exchanges/#-of-tried-exchanges] NewTemp - new temperature after the exchange CurrTemp - current temperature PROB - probability to perform exchange P=exp(-Delta(1/kT)*Delta(Epot)) Rand - random number used for exchange condition PROB>Rand => Success=T NEIGHBOR - current neighbor with which the exchange occurs (or not)