RUSH: A simple implicit-solvent force-field for protein simulation Olgun Guvench ( Charles L. Brooks III ( RUSH is a simple implicit-solvent force-field that adds terms to the bonded portion (bond + angle + dihe + impr + urey) of the all-atom CHARMM22 force field to account for volume-exclusion (_R_epulsion), the hydrophobic effect (_U_nburied _S_urface), and intra-molecular and protein-solvent hydrogen-bonding (_H_ydrogen-bonding) (hence _R_ _U_ _S_ _H_). See: Guvench and Brooks. "Folding the Trp-cage mini-protein to atomic resolution: Searching parameter space for a free-energy minimum". J. Chem. Phys. ??? (2006) * Menu: * Overview:: Overview of the steps involved in applying the force field * Syntax:: Syntax of the RUSH command * Description:: Description of the RUSH command * Restrictions:: Restrictions on usage * Notes:: Implementation and usage notes * Examples:: Usage examples
Usage overview: The steps involved in using the RUSH force field The basic steps to use the RUSH force field are: 1) read in RUSH-modified versions of the CHARMM22 protein topology and parameter files and the RUSH cmap parameter file (the appropriate non-bond list values are set in the parameter file) 2) build the appropriate PSF and read in / build the coordinates 3) use the RUSH keyword to initialize the subroutines and specify parameters other than the defaults 4) use "skipe all excl bond angl urey dihe impr rrep rpho rhbn rbdo rbac raro cmap" to turn on the proper combination of energy terms 5) do energy, minimization (first derivative methods _only_), and dynamics calculations To turn off RUSH and use the CHARMM22 force field: 1) use "RUSH off" to reset the subroutines and release any memory used by RUSH 2) use "SKIPE none" to reactivate Lennard-Jones, electrostatic, etc energy terms 3) delete all atoms 4) read in the original CHARMM22 force field topology and parameter files to replace the RUSH topologies and parameters and non-bond parameters 5) proceed as usual
Syntax of the RUSH command Initialization: RUSH [PHOB <real>] [HBND <real>] [BDON <real>] [BACC <real>] - [KARO <real>] [CARO <real>] [DRMX <real>] Clean-up: RUSH OFF
Keyword Default Purpose PHOB 0.00072 multiplier for the hydrophobic surface-area term (kcal/(mol*angstrom**7/2) HBND -5.1 intra-molecular hydrogen bond strength (kcal/mol) BDON 0.04 burial penalty for hydrogen-bond donors (kcal/mol) BACC 0.04 burial penalty for hydrogen-bond acceptors (kcal/mol) KARO 0.00 multiplier for force-shifted Coulomb attraction between aromatic moieties (unitless) CARO 0.00 cutoff for force-shifted Coulomb attraction between aromatic moieties (angstrom) DRMX 0.50 minimum atomic motion for update of RUSH-associated neighbor-lists (angstrom) OFF n/a release heap used by RUSH, reset the RUSH-associated global variables (including energies), and skip RUSH energy terms during subsequent energy/derivative calculations
The following will not work or give incorrect results: - anything that requires 2nd derivatives - periodic boundary conditions, images, etc. - the free energy modules (pert, tsm, block) - parallel CHARMM
The hydrogen masses are set to 12.01 amu, a holdover from early in the development of the force field when a single-sided harmonic potential was used to model volume exclusion ( as opposed to the current implementation, which employs the repulsive part of the Weeks-Chandler-Andersen decomposition of the CHARMM22 Lennard-Jones term) and required the increased hydrogen mass to allow for energy conservation with a 2-fs timestep. This does not affect the thermodynamic properties of the system owing to the lack of atomic mass in the configurational part of the partition function. The dynamic properties are affected, but this is a moot point since the solvent is modeled implicitly. From a practical perspective, using SHAKE is optional: a 2-fs timestep will achieve energy conservation with or without SHAKE owing to the heavy hydrogens. From a philosophical perspective, some may choose to use SHAKE since hydrogen has significant quantum-mechanical character at room temperature. All development and testing was done without SHAKE. The surface-area based hydrophobic term is discontinuous in the first derivatives. This occassionally causes problems with conjugate gradient minimization; stick to steepest-descent. Energy conservation during MD is not a problem despite the discontinuity. Using a 2-fs timestep, the average total energy for a constant energy simulation of the trpzip2 designed beta hairpin after equilibration to 298 K is 631.7 kcal/mol for the first 20-ps interval and 632.5 kcal/mol for the last 20-ps interval of a 100-ps simulation. PSF files from the standard CHARMM22 all-atom force field are NOT compatible with RUSH. Use the rush topology file to build the PSF. The aromatic energy term RARO was added subsequent to the publication of the original model. Its purpose is to maintain the proper geometry of interacting aromatic residues (Guvench and Brooks. "Tryptophan side chain electrostatic interactions determine edge-to-face vs parallel-displaced tryptophan side chain geometries in the designed beta-hairpin tripzip2". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127:4668-4674 (2005)) It is simply a force-switched electrostatic term (Steinback and Brooks. "New spherical-cutoff methods for long-range forces in macromolecular simulation". J. Comput. Chem. 15: 667-683 (1994)) that is applied to all atoms in the topology file with non-zero charge, which currently comprise only the atoms of the aromatic moieties of the Phe, Trp, and Tyr sidechains and the Tyr -OH group. The default for KARO is 0.0, so that this term is not included in the calculation.
* 1) read in the RUSH topology, parameter, and cmap files * 2) read in the protein psf and coordinates * 3) turn on RUSH * 4) do a minimization and energy calculation * 5) turn off RUSH and exit * open unit 1 read form name @TOPPAR/rush/top_rush_058.inp read rtf card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read form name @TOPPAR/rush/par_rush_058.inp read param card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read form name @TOPPAR/rush/par_rush_058_a.cmap read param append card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read form name ./@PDB.psf read psf card unit 1 close unit 1 open unit 1 read form name ./@PDB.pdb read coor pdb unit 1 close unit 1 rush skipe all excl - bond angl urey dihe impr rrep rpho rhbn rbdo rbac raro cmap minimize sd nstep 1000 tolgrd 0.1 energy rush off stop