Manipulating torques: TORQUE TORQue { SET } { WATEr } [ ALL ] [atom-selection] { ADD } { BODY } [ BYSEgment ] { CLEAr } [ BYREsidue ] [ BYGRoup ] Meaning of individual keywords: Actions: SET Sets (defines) torque centers for the select atoms. ADD Adds new torque centers for the selected atoms, leaving existing torque centers intact. CLEAr Deletes all existing torque centers. Body types: WATEr Indicates that the selected atom(s) are waters. BODY Indicates that selected atom(s) are arbitrary types and the rigid body may consist of any number of atoms in any shape. Body construction: ALL Each atom in the selection should be given its own torque center (located at the atomic coordinates). BYSEgment Each segment is considered its own rigid body. BYREsidue Each residue is considered its own rigid body. BYGRoup Each group is considered its own rigid body.
torque set water byres sele segid bwat end Defines torque centers for all water molecules of the segment labeled BWAT. torque add water bytes sele segid wat2 end Defines torque centers for the waters in the wat2 segment (retaining any previously defined torque centers). torque clear Clears all torque centers. ^_
Currently, the TORQue command can only be used to define torque centers for use with the TORQue option to MSCALe (see mscale.doc for details). This allows the 3x3 rotation matrix of each torque center to be passed to slaves and the 1x3 torques to be returned to the master process. The only body type currently allowed is the WATEr type; selecting "BODY" will produce an error. Likewise, only the BYREsidue body construction has been tested (others may work). Currently, coordinates are not assigned explicitly to torque centers, only internal rotations and torques are stored (as this is all that is required by the MSCALE implementation).