VALBOND-TRANS by Ivan Tubert-Brohman, Maurus Schmid and Markus Meuwly ( (Based on work by Landis and co-workers; see references.) This is an implementation of a modified VALBOND force field in CHARMM. The force field supports hypervalent molecules (such as SF6) and transition metal complexes. For more information about VALBOND, see the references at the end. * Menu: * Syntax:: Syntax of the VALB command * RTF:: Notes about the RTF * Hybridization:: Hybridization for transition metals * Caveats:: Caveats * References:: References for VALBOND-TRANS
Syntax for the VALBOND-TRANS commands VALBOND COMMANDS VALB DONE VALB E <atom-name> <e> VALB LP <atom-name> <lp-count> VALB HYBR <atom-name-1> <atom-name-2> <p> <d> <ishyp> VALB HYBA <atom-name> <p> <d> <ishyp> VALB PARA <param-name> <z1> <z2> <value> VALB SKIP <atom-selection> VALB INCL <atom-selection> VALB PRINT DONE VALB DONE Calculates all the hybridizations and other terms needed for computing the VALBOND energy. It must be called AFTER the molecule is generated but before energies (optimizations, dynamics, etc.) are required. VALB E <atom-name> <e> Sets the formal number of metal d-electrons. This is the group number minus the oxidation number. For example, for Ir3+, E = 6. This will be used for assigning the hybridization of the metal automatically. However, it can be overridden manually using HYBR or HYBA (see below). VALB LP <atom-name> <n> Set the number of lone pairs for an atom manually. For example, VALB LP OH2 2 will assign two lone pairs to atoms named OH2. This is the "iupac" atom name; note that this will affect atoms with that name in all residues. LP must be called before DONE. VALB HYBR <atom-name-1> <atom-name-2> <p> <d> <ishyp> Set the hybridization for an orbital manually. This is similar to the LP command, but requires two atoms, to set the hybridization of the bond between atom1 and atom2. Note that this is not commutative; the hybridization between atom2 and atom1 can be different. p and d are real numbers; for example it is possible to have sp3.591. The <ishyp> term should be non-zero if atom1 is hypervalent. VALB HYBA <atom-name> <p> <d> <ishyp> Similar to HYBR, but sets all the hybridizations for the bonds centered on a given atom. VALB PARA <param-name> <z1> <z2> <value> Override the default value of a VALBOND parameter. Available names are: One-element parameters: KHV - hypervalent force constant LP - lone pair weight of element U2R - UFF nonbond radius U2S - UFF nonbond scaling U2E - UFF nonbond energy VAL - valence EN - electronegativity BLI - bond lengthening intensity BLS - bond lenghtening sensitivity Two-element parameters: K - force constant for element I bonded to J WT- weight of element I bonded to J TR- trans energy offset for bond I trans to bond to J (symmetric) For parameters depending on only one element I, the value of z2 is ignored. Note that z1 and z2 are atomic numbers (that is H = 1, C = 6). SKIP <atom-selection> Skips the atoms in <atom-selection> for the calculation in valbond. For example: VALB SKIP SELE RESN TIP3 END INCL <atom-selection> Includes the atoms in <atom-selection> for the calculation in valbond. Forces override, use with caution to not calculate energies in valbond and classical CHARMM. For example: VALB INCL SELE RESN LIG END VALB PRINT Produce a verbose output the next time the energy is evaluated. By default, this verbose output is not printed out. Using this command, one can force it to be printed.
Notes about the RTF The RTF defining the residues that will be treated with valbond should not include AUTO ANGLES. That is, AUTO DIHE is OK, but AUTO ANGLES DIHE is not. This will ensure that the bending energies are not computed using the standard CHARMM harmonic bending terms. It is possible to have a residue that mixes VALBOND angles with CHARMM angles. This is achieved by adding the CHARMM angles manually to the RTF. VALBOND will skip all angles centered on an atom that is in the middle of any CHARMM angle. For example, consider the following RTF definition for methanol: ATOM C1 ATOM C2 ATOM O3 ATOM H4 ATOM H5 ATOM H6 ATOM H7 BOND C1 C2 BOND C2 O3 BOND C1 H4 BOND C1 H5 BOND C1 H6 BOND O3 H7 ANGLE H4 C1 H5 ANGLE H4 C1 H6 ANGLE H6 C1 H5 ANGLE H4 C1 C2 ANGLE H5 C1 C2 ANGLE H6 C1 C2 Here all the angles on the carbon are defined explicitly, but no angle on the oxygen is defined. Therefore, the C-O-H angle will be treated by VALBOND. Using the SKIP command it is possible to skip atoms manually. where some angles use VALBOND and some angles use CHARMM. For example, on a tetrahedral atom, which has six angles, all six angles use CHARMM or all six angles use VALBOND.
Hybridization for transition metals According to the VALBOND model, transition metal complexes have an sd^n hybridization, with no p orbital participation. For non-hypervalent compounds, n = N - 1 For hypervalent compounds, n = N - 1 - H where N is the number of ligands, and H is the number of 3c4e bonds H = (E - 12)/2, where E is the electron count including the ligands. Therefore, for a hypervalent complex n = ((12 - e)/2) - 1, where e is the formal d-electron count for the metal itself. For example, Ir3+ with six 2-e ligands, e = 6, N = 6, E = 18, n = 2, H = 3.
Caveats * Second derivatives are NOT implemented. Therefore some optimization methods and frequency calculations are not likely to work. * The method has been tested with geometry optimizations and simple molecular dynamics. Compatibility with FEP and other modules should be carefully checked. * Valbond is compatible with parallel execution, but will use only one CPU.
References for VALBOND-TRANS 0. Tubert-Brohman, I.; Schmid, M.; Meuwly, M. A molecular mechanics force field for octahedral organometallic compounds with inclusion of the trans influence. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2009, 5, 530-539. 1. Root, D. M.; Landis, C. R.; Cleveland, T. Valence Bond Concepts Applied to the Molecular Mechanics Description of Molecular Shapes. 1. Application to Nonhypervalent Molecules of the P-Block. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 4201-4209. 2. Cleveland, T.; Landis, C. R. Valence Bond Concepts Applied to the Molecular Mechanics Description of Molecular Shapes. 2. Application to Hypervalent Molecules of the P-Block. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 6020-6030. doi:10.1021/ja9506521 3. Landis, C. R.; Cleveland, T.; Firman; T. K. Valence Bond Concepts Applied to the Molecular Mechanics Description of Molecular Shapes. 3. Application to Transition Metal Alkyls and Hydrides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 2641-2649. doi:10.1021/ja9734859