pysamstats: extracting simple statistics against genome positions based on sequence alignments from a SAM or BAM file

Pysamstats is a fast Python and command-line utility for extracting simple statistics against genome positions based on sequence alignments from a SAM or BAM file.

Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g
[user@@cn3200 ~]$ module load pysamstats 
[+] Loading java 1.8.0_11  ... 
[+] Loading samtools 1.9  ... 
[+] Loading pysamstats  0.24.3
[user@biowulf]$ pysamstats --help
age: pysamstats [options] FILE

Calculate statistics against genome positions based on sequence alignments
from a SAM or BAM file and print them to stdout.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type=TYPE  Type of statistics to print, one of: alignment_binned,
                        baseq, baseq_ext, baseq_ext_strand, baseq_strand,
                        coverage, coverage_binned, coverage_ext,
                        coverage_ext_binned, coverage_ext_strand, coverage_gc,
                        coverage_strand, mapq, mapq_binned, mapq_strand, tlen,
                        tlen_binned, tlen_strand, variation, variation_strand.
  -c CHROMOSOME, --chromosome=CHROMOSOME
                        Chromosome name.
  -s START, --start=START
                        Start position (1-based).
  -e END, --end=END     End position (1-based).
  -z, --zero-based      Use zero-based coordinates (default is false, i.e.,
                        use one-based coords).
  -u, --truncate        Truncate pileup-based stats so no records are emitted
                        outside the specified position range.
  -d, --pad             Pad pileup-based stats so a record is emitted for
                        every position (default is only covered positions).
  -D MAX_DEPTH, --max-depth=MAX_DEPTH
                        Maximum read depth permitted in pileup-based
                        statistics. The default limit is 8000.
  -f FASTA, --fasta=FASTA
                        Reference sequence file, only required for some
  -o, --omit-header     Omit header row from output.
  -p N, --progress=N    Report progress every N rows.
  --window-size=N       Size of window for binned statistics (default is 300).
  --window-offset=N     Window offset to use for deciding which genome
                        position to report binned statistics against. The
                        default is 150, i.e., the middle of 300bp window.
  --format=FORMAT       Output format, one of {tsv, csv, hdf5} (defaults to
                        tsv). N.B., hdf5 requires PyTables to be installed.
  --output=OUTPUT       Path to output file. If not provided, write to stdout.
  --fields=FIELDS       Comma-separated list of fields to output (defaults to
                        all fields).
                        Name of HDF5 group to write to (defaults to the root
                        Name of HDF5 dataset to create (defaults to "data").
                        HDF5 compression library (defaults to zlib).
                        HDF5 compression level (defaults to 5).
                        Size of chunks in number of bytes (defaults to 2**20).

Pileup-based statistics types (each row has statistics over reads in a pileup column):

    * coverage            - Number of reads aligned to each genome position
                            (total and properly paired).
    * coverage_strand     - As coverage but with forward/reverse strand counts.
    * coverage_ext        - Various additional coverage metrics, including
                            coverage for reads not properly paired (mate 
                            unmapped, mate on other chromosome, ...).
    * coverage_ext_strand - As coverage_ext but with forward/reverse strand counts.
    * coverage_gc         - As coverage but also includes a column for %GC.
    * variation           - Numbers of matches, mismatches, deletions,
                            insertions, etc.
    * variation_strand    - As variation but with forward/reverse strand counts.
    * tlen                - Insert size statistics.
    * tlen_strand         - As tlen but with statistics by forward/reverse strand.
    * mapq                - Mapping quality statistics.
    * mapq_strand         - As mapq but with statistics by forward/reverse strand.
    * baseq               - Base quality statistics.
    * baseq_strand        - As baseq but with statistics by forward/reverse strand.
    * baseq_ext           - Extended base quality statistics, including qualities
                            of bases matching and mismatching reference.
    * baseq_ext_strand    - As baseq_ext but with statistics by forward/reverse strand.

Binned statistics types (each row has statistics over reads aligned starting within a genome window):

    * coverage_binned     - As coverage but binned.
    * coverage_ext_binned - As coverage_ext but binned.
    * mapq_binned         - Similar to mapq but binned.
    * alignment_binned    - Aggregated counts from cigar strings.
    * tlen_binned         - As tlen but binned.


    pysamstats --type coverage example.bam > example.coverage.txt
    pysamstats --type coverage --chromosome Pf3D7_v3_01 --start 100000 --end 200000 example.bam > example.coverage.txt

Version: 0.24.3 (pysam 0.8.4)
Copy pysamstats sample data to your currend directory:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ cp $PYSAMSTATS_DATA/* .
Run pysamstats on the sample data:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ pysamstats -t coverage test.bam
chrom   pos     reads_all       reads_pp
Pf3D7_01_v3     925     12      9
Pf3D7_01_v3     926     21      15
Pf3D7_01_v3     927     32      21
Pf3D7_01_v3     928     44      26
Pf3D7_01_v3     929     61      39
Pf3D7_01_v3     930     76      53
Pf3D7_01_v3     931     90      65
Pf3D7_01_v3     932     107     76
Pf3D7_01_v3     933     114     80
Pf3D7_01_v3     934     129     90
Pf3D7_01_v3     935     140     96
Pf3D7_01_v3     936     160     108
Pf3D7_01_v3     937     170     117
Pf3D7_01_v3     938     185     123
[user@cn3200 ~]$ pysamstats -t alignment_binned test.bam
chrom   pos     reads_all       bases_all       M       I       D       N       S       H       P=X
Pf3D7_01_v3     151     0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     451     0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     751     0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     1051    1228    93328   92479   37      42      0       812     0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     1351    497     37772   37700   1       4       0       71      0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     1651    218     16568   16472   2       2       0       94      0       0       00
Pf3D7_01_v3     1951    118     8968    8944    2       2       0       22      0       0       00
[user@cn3200 ~]$ pysamstats -t baseq test.bam
chrom   pos     reads_all       reads_pp        rms_baseq       rms_baseq_pp
Pf3D7_01_v3     925     12      9       32      32
Pf3D7_01_v3     926     21      15      28      27
Pf3D7_01_v3     927     32      21      30      30
Pf3D7_01_v3     928     44      26      29      28
Pf3D7_01_v3     929     61      39      32      32
[user@cn3200 ~]$ python
>>> import pysam
>>> import pysamstats
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

>>> mybam = pysam.AlignmentFile('rna.bam')
>>> a = pysamstats.load_coverage(mybam, chrom='Pf3D7_01_v3', start=100, end=2000)
>>> plt.plot(a.pos, a.reads_all)

End the interactive session:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$
Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:

#SBATCH --mem=4g
module load pysamstats           
pysamstats [options] file1.bam > output1
pysamstats [options] file2.bam > output2

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.

Swarm of Jobs
A swarm of jobs is an easy way to submit a set of independent commands requiring identical resources.

Create a swarmfile (e.g. pysamstats.swarm). For example:

cd /scratch/$USER
pysamstats [options] file1.bam > output1
pysamstats [options] file2.bam > output2

Submit this job using the swarm command.

swarm -f pysamstats.swarm  -g 4