Swarm on Biowulf

Swarm is a script designed to simplify submitting a group of commands to the Biowulf cluster. Some programs do not scale well or can't use distributed memory. Other programs may be 'embarrassingly parallel', in that many independent jobs need to be run. These programs are well suited to running 'swarms of jobs'. The swarm script simplifies these computational problems.

Note that swarm is NOT a workflow manager. It is merely a convenience wrapper for the Slurm sbatch --array command.

Swarm reads a list of command lines (termed "commands" or "processes") from a swarm command file (termed the "swarmfile"), then automatically submits those commands to the batch system to execute. Command lines in the swarmfile should appear just as they would be entered on a Linux command line. Swarm encapsulates each command line in a single temporary command script, then submits all command scripts to the Biowulf cluster as a Slurm job array. By default, swarm runs one command per core on a node, making optimum use of a node. Thus, a node with 16 cores will run 16 commands in parallel.

For example, create a file that looks something like this (NOTE: lines that begin with a # character are interpreted as comments and are not executed):

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
# My first swarmfile -- this file is file.swarm

Then submit to the batch system:

[biowulf]$ swarm --verbose 1 file.swarm
4 commands run in 4 subjobs, each command requiring 1.5 gb and 1 thread

This will result in a single job (jobid 12345) of four subjobs (subjobids 0, 1, 2, 3), with each swarmfile line being run independently as a single subjob. By default, each subjob is allocated a 1.5 gb of memory and 1 core (consisting of 2 cpus). The subjobs will be executed within the same directory from which the swarm was submitted.

The following diagram visualizes how the job array will look:

├── subjob 0: 1 command (1 cpu, 1.50 gb)
|   ├──  uptime
├── subjob 1: 1 command (1 cpu, 1.50 gb)
|   ├──  uptime
├── subjob 2: 1 command (1 cpu, 1.50 gb)
|   ├──  uptime
├── subjob 3: 1 command (1 cpu, 1.50 gb)
|   ├──  uptime

All output will be written to that same directory. By default, swarm will create two output files for each independent subjob, one for STDOUT and one for STDERR. The format is name_jobid_subjobid.{e,o}:

[biowulf]$ ls
file.swarm       swarm_12345_0.o  swarm_12345_1.o  swarm_12345_2.o  swarm_12345_3.o
swarm_12345_0.e  swarm_12345_1.e  swarm_12345_2.e  swarm_12345_3.e
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Usage: swarm [swarm options] [sbatch options] swarmfile

Basic options:

  -g,--gb-per-process [float]						       
			    gb per process (can be fractions of GB, e.g. 3.5)
  -t,--threads-per-process [int]/"auto" 				       
			    threads per process (can be an integer or the word
			    auto).  This option is only valid for
			    multi-threaded swarms (-p 1)
  -p,--processes-per-subjob [int]					       
			    processes per subjob (default = 1), this option is
			    only valid for single-threaded swarms (-t 1)
  -b,--bundle [int]	    bundle more than one command line per subjob and
			    run sequentially (this automatically multiplies the
			    time needed per subjob)
  --noht		    don't use hyperthreading, equivalent to slurm
			    option --threads-per-core=1
  --usecsh		    use tcsh as the shell instead of bash
  --err-exit		    exit the subjob immediately on first non-zero exit
  -m,--module [str]	    provide a list of environment modules to load prior
			    to execution (comma delimited)
  --no-comment		    don't ignore text following comment character #
  --comment-char [char]     use something other than # as the comment character
  --maxrunning [int]	    limit the number of simultaenously running subjobs
  --merge-output	    combine STDOUT and STDERR into a single file per
			    subjob (.o)
  --logdir [dir]	    directory to which .o and .e files are to be
			    written (default is current working directory)
  --noout		    completely throw away STDOUT
  --noerr		    completely throw away STDERR
  --time-per-command [str]  time per command (same as --time)
  --time-per-subjob [str]   time per subjob, regardless of -b or -p

Development options:

  --no-scripts		    don't create temporary swarm scripts (with --debug
			    or --devel)
  --no-run		    don't actually run
  --debug		    don't actually run
  --devel		    combine --debug and --no-scripts, and be very
  -v,--verbose [int]	    can range from 0 to 6, with 6 the most verbose
  --silent		    don't give any feedback, just jobid
  -h,--help		    print this help message
  -V,--version		    print version and exit

sbatch options:

  -J,--job-name [str]	    set the name of the job
  --dependency [str]	    set up dependency (i.e. run swarm before or after)
  --time [str]		    change the walltime for each subjob (default is
			    04:00:00, or 4 hours)
  -L,--licenses [str]	    obtain software licenses (e.g. --licenses=matlab)
  --partition [str]	    change the partition (default is norm)
  --gres [str]		    set generic resources for swarm
  --qos [str]		    set quality of service for swarm
  --reservation [str]	    select a slurm reservation
  --exclusive		    allocate a single node per subjob, same as -t auto
  --sbatch [str]	    add sbatch-specific options to swarm; these options
			    will be added last, which means that swarm options
			    for allocation of cpus and memory take precedence

Environment variables:

  The following environment variables will affect how sbatch allocates

  SBATCH_JOB_NAME           Same as --job-name
  SBATCH_TIMELIMIT          Same as --time
  SBATCH_PARTITION          Same as --partition
  SBATCH_QOS                Same as --qos
  SBATCH_RESERVATION        Same as --reservation
  SBATCH_EXCLUSIVE          Same as --exclusive

  The following environment variables are set within a swarm:

  SWARM_PROC_ID          can be 0 or 1

For more information, type "man swarm".
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swarm_fig_1 A node consists of a hierarchy of resources.
  • A socket is a receptacle on the motherboard for one physically packaged processor, each can contain one or more cores.
  • A core is a complete private set of registers, execution units, and retirement queues needed to execute programs. Nodes on the biowulf cluster can have 8, 16, or 32 cores.
  • A cpu has the attributes of one core, but is managed and scheduled as a single logical processor by the operating system. Hyperthreading is the implementation of multiple cpus on a single core. All nodes on the biowulf cluster have hyperthreading enabled, with 2 cpus per core.

Slurm allocates on the basis of cores. The smallest subjob runs on a single core, meaning the smallest number of cpus that swarm can allocate is 2.

Swarm reads a swarmfile and creates a single subjob per line. By default a subjob is allocated to a single core. Each line from a swarmfile has access to 2 cpus. Running swarm with the option -t 2 is thus no different than running swarm without the -t option, as both cpus (hyperthreads) are available to each subjob. swarm_fig_2
swarm_fig_3 If commands in the swarmfile are multi-threaded, passing the -t option guarantees enough cpus will be available to the generated slurm subjobs. For example, if the commands require either 3 or 4 threads, giving the -t 3 or -t 4 option allocates 2 cores per subjob.

The nodes on the biowulf cluster are configured to constrain threads within the cores the subjob is allocated. Thus, if a multi-threaded command exceeds the cpus available, the command will run much slower than normal! This may not be reflected in the overall cpu load for the node.

Memory is allocated per subjob by swarm, and is strictly enforced by slurm. If a single subjob exceeds its memory allocation (by default 1.5 GB per swarmfile line), then the subjob will be killed by the batch system. See below for examples on how to allocate threads and memory.

More than one swarmfile line can be run per subjob using the -p option. This is only valid for single-threaded swarms (i.e. -t 1). Under these circumstances, all cpus are used. See below for more information on -p.

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The swarmfile

The only required argument for swarm is a swarmfile. Each line in the swarmfile is run as a single command. For example, the swarmfile file.swarm

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm

when submitted like this

[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm

will create a swarm of 4 subjobs, with each subjob running the single command "uptime".


There are occasions when running a single swarmfile line per subjob is inappropriate, such as when commands are very short (e.g. a few seconds) or when there are many thousands or millions of commands in a swarmfile. In these circumstances, it makes more sense to bundle the swarm. For example, a swarmfile of 10,000 commands when run with a bundle value of 40 will generate 250 subjobs (10000/40 = 250):

[biowulf]$ swarm --devel -b 40 file.swarm
10000 commands run in 250 subjobs, each requiring 1 gb and 1 thread, running 40 commands serially per subjob

NOTE: If a swarmfile results in more than 1000 subjobs, swarm will automatically autobundle the commands.

ALSO: The time needed per subjob will be automatically multiplied by the bundle factor. If the total time per subjob exceeds the maximum walltime of the partition, an error will be given and the swarm will not be submitted.


By default, any text on a single line that follows a # character is assumed to be a comment, and is ignored. For example,

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
# Here are my commands
uptime      # this gives the current load status
pwd         # this gives the current working directory
hostname    # this gives the host name

However, there are some applications that require a # character in the input:

[biowulf]$ cat odd.file.swarm
bogus_app -n 365#AX -w -another-flag=nonsense > output

The option --no-comment can be given to avoid removal of text following the # character. Alternatively, another comment character can be designated using the --comment-char option.

Command lists

Multiple commands can be run serially (one after the other) when they are separated by a semi-colon (;). This is also known as a command list. For example,

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
hostname ; date ; sleep 200 ; uptime
hostname ; date ; sleep 200 ; uptime
hostname ; date ; sleep 200 ; uptime
hostname ; date ; sleep 200 ; uptime

[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm

will create 4 subjobs, each running independently on a single cpu. Each subjob will run "hostname", followed by "date", then "sleep 200", then "uptime", all in order.

Complex commands

Environment variables can be set, directory locations can be changed, subshells can be spawned all within a single command list, and conditional statements can be given. For example, if you wanted to run some commands in a newly created random temporary directory, you could use this:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
export d=/data/user/${RANDOM} ; mkdir -p $d ; if [[ -d $d ]] ; then cd $d && pwd ; else echo "FAIL" >&2 ; fi
export d=/data/user/${RANDOM} ; mkdir -p $d ; if [[ -d $d ]] ; then cd $d && pwd ; else echo "FAIL" >&2 ; fi
export d=/data/user/${RANDOM} ; mkdir -p $d ; if [[ -d $d ]] ; then cd $d && pwd ; else echo "FAIL" >&2 ; fi
export d=/data/user/${RANDOM} ; mkdir -p $d ; if [[ -d $d ]] ; then cd $d && pwd ; else echo "FAIL" >&2 ; fi

NOTE: By default, command lists are interpreted as bash commands. If a swarmfile contains tcsh- or csh-specific commands, swarm may fail unless --usecsh is included.

Line continuation markers

Application commands can be very long, with dozens of options and flags, and multiple commands separated by semi-colons. To ease file editing, line continuation markers can be used to break up the single swarm commands into multiple lines. For example, the swarmfile

cd /data/user/project; KMER="CCCTAACCCTAACCCTAA"; jellyfish count -C -m ${#KMER} -t 32 -c 7 -s 1000000000 -o /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/39sHMC_Tumor_genomic <(samtools bam2fq /data/user/bam/0A4HMC/DNA/genomic/39sHMC_genomic.md.bam ); echo ${KMER} | jellyfish query /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/39sHMC_Tumor_genomic_0 > 39sHMC_Tumor_genomic.telrpt.count

can be written like this:

cd /data/user/project; KMER="CCCTAACCCTAACCCTAA"; \
jellyfish count -C 
  -m ${#KMER} \
  -t 32 \
  -c 7 \
  -s 1000000000 \
  -o /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/39sHMC_Tumor_genomic \
  <(samtools bam2fq /data/user/bam/0A4HMC/DNA/genomic/39sHMC_genomic.md.bam ); \
echo ${KMER} | jellyfish query /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/39sHMC_Tumor_genomic_0 > 39sHMC_Tumor_genomic.telrpt.count


Environment modules can be loaded for an entire swarm using the --module option. The

swarm --module python,tophat,ucsc,samtools,vcftools -g 4 -t 8 file.swarm

Swarmfile Directives

All swarm options can be incorporated into the swarmfile using swarmfile directives. Options preceded by #SWARM in the swarmfile (flush against the left side) will be evaluated the same as command line options.

For example, if the contents of swarmfile is as follows:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
#SWARM -t 4 -g 20 --time 40
command arg1
command arg2
command arg3
command arg4

and is submitted like so:

[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm

then each subjob will request 4 cpus, 20 GB of RAM and 40 minutes of walltime.

Multiple lines of swarmfile directives can be inserted, like so:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
#SWARM --threads-per-process 8
#SWARM --gb-per-process 8
#SWARM --sbatch '--mail-type=FAIL --export=var=100,nctype=12 --chdir=/data/user/test'
#SWARM --logdir /data/user/swarmlogs

The precedence for options is handled in the same way as sbatch, but with options provided with the --sbatch option last:

    command line > environment variables > swarmfile directives > --sbatch options 

Thus, if the swarmfile has:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
#SWARM -t 4 -g 20 --time 40 --partition norm
command arg1
command arg2
command arg3
command arg4

and is submitted like so:

[biowulf]$ SBATCH_PARTITION=quick swarm -g 10 --time=10 file.swarm

then each subjob will request 4 cpus, 10 GB of RAM and 10 minutes of walltime. The amount of memory and walltime requested with command line options and the partition chosen with the SBATCH_PARTITION environment variable supersedes the amount requested with swarmfile directives.

NOTE: All lines with correctly formatted #SWARM directives will be removed even if --no-comment or a non-default --comment-char is given.

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Default output files

STDOUT and STDERR output from subjobs executed under swarm will be directed to a file named swarm_jobid_subjobid.o and swarm_jobid_subjobid.e, respectively.

Please pay attention to the memory requirements of your swarm jobs! When a swarm job runs out of memory, the node stalls and the job is eventually killed or dies. At the bottom of the .e file, you may see a warning like this:

slurmstepd: Exceeded job memory limit at some point. Job may have been partially swapped out to disk.

If a job dies before it is finished, this output may not be available. Contact staff@hpc.nih.gov when you have a question about why a swarm stopped prematurely.

Renaming output files

The sbatch option --job-name can be used to rename the default output files.

[biowulf]$ swarm -f file.swarm --job-name programAOK
[biowulf]$ ls
programAOK_21381_0.e  programAOK_21381_2.e  programAOK_21381_4.e  programAOK_21381_6.e
programAOK_21381_0.o  programAOK_21381_2.o  programAOK_21381_4.o  programAOK_21381_6.o
programAOK_21381_1.e  programAOK_21381_3.e  programAOK_21381_5.e  programAOK_21381_7.e
programAOK_21381_1.o  programAOK_21381_3.o  programAOK_21381_5.o  programAOK_21381_7.o

Combining STDOUT and STDERR into a single file per subjob

Including the --merge-output option will cause the STDERR output to be combined into the file used for STDOUT. For swarm, that means the content of the .e files are written to the .o file. Keep in mind that interweaving of content will occur.

[biowulf]$ swarm --merge-output file.swarm
[biowulf]$ ls
swarm_50158339_0.o   swarm_50158339_1.o  swarm_50158339_4.o  swarm_50158339_7.o
swarm_50158339_10.o  swarm_50158339_2.o  swarm_50158339_5.o  swarm_50158339_8.o
swarm_50158339_11.o  swarm_50158339_3.o  swarm_50158339_6.o  swarm_50158339_9.o

Writing output files to a separate directory

By default, the STDOUT and STDERR files are written to the same directory from which the swarm was submitted. To redirect the files to a different directory, use --logdir:

swarm --logdir /path/to/another/directory file.swarm

Redirecting output

Input/output redirects (and everything in the swarmfile) should be bash compatible. For example,

[biowulf]$ cat bash_file.swarm
program1 -o -f -a -n 1 > output1.txt 2>&1
program1 -o -f -a -n 2 > output2.txt 2>&1
[biowulf]$ swarm bash_file.swarm

csh-style redirects like 'program >&; output' will not work correctly unless the --usecsh option is included. For example,

[biowulf]$ cat csh_file.swarm
program1 -o -f -a -n 1 >& output1.txt
program1 -o -f -a -n 2 >& output2.txt
[biowulf]$ swarm --usecsh csh_file.swarm

Be aware of programs that write directly to a file using a fixed filename. A file will be overwritten and garbled if multiple processes are writing to the same file. If you run multiple instances of such programs then for each instance you will need to a) change the name of the file in each command or b) alter the path to the file. See the EXAMPLES section for some ideas.

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To see how swarm works, first create a file containing a few simple commands, then use swarm to submit them to the batch queue:
[biowulf]$ cat > file.swarm
ls -l
[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm

Use sjobs to monitor the status of your request; an "R" in the "St"atus column indicates your job is running. This particular example will probably run to completion before you can give the qstat command. To see the output from the commands, see the files named swarm_#_#.o.

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A program that reads to STDIN and writes to STDOUT

For each invocation of the program the names for the input and output files vary:

[biowulf]$ cat > runbix
./bix < testin1 > testout1
./bix < testin2 > testout2
./bix < testin3 > testout3
./bix < testin4 > testout4

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Bundling large numbers of commands

By default any swarmfile with > 1000 commands will be autobundled unless it is deliberately bundled with the -b flag.

If you have over 1000 commands, especially if each one runs for a short time, you should 'bundle' your jobs with the -b flag. For example, if the swarmfile contains 2560 commands, the following swarm command will group them into bundles of 40 commands each, producing 64 command bundles. Swarm will then submit the 64 command bundles, rather than the 2560 commands individually, as a single swarm job. This would result in a swarm of 64 (2560/40) subjobs.

[biowulf]$ swarm -b 40 file.swarm

Note that commands in a bundle will run sequentially on the assigned node.

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Allocating memory and threads with -g and -t options

If the subjobs require significant amounts of memory (> 1.5 GB) or threads (> 1 per core), a swarm can run fewer subjobs per node than the number of cores available on a node. For example, if the commands in a swarmfile need up to 40 GB of memory each using 8 threads, running swarm with --devel shows what might happen:

[biowulf]$ swarm -g 40 -t 8 --devel file.swarm
14 commands run in 14 subjobs, each requiring 40 gb and 8 threads

If a command requires to use as many cpus on a node as possible, then the option -t auto should be added. This causes each subjob in the swarmfile to allocate an entire node exclusively to the subjob, allowing the subjob to use all available cpus on the node.

The default partition norm has nodes with a maximum of 248GB memory. If -g exceeds 373GB, swarm will give a warning message:

[biowulf]$ swarm -g 400 file.swarm
ERROR: -g 400 requires --partition largemem

To allocate more than 373GB of memory per command, include --partition largmem:

[biowulf]$ swarm -g 500 --partition largemem file.swarm

For more information about partitions, please see https://hpc.nih.gov/docs/userguide.html#partitions

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Using -p option to "pack" commands

By default, swarm allocates a single command line per subjob. If the command is single-threaded, then swarm wastes half the cpus allocated, because the slurm batch system allocates no less than a single core (or two cpus) per subjob. This effect can be seen using the jobload command for a 4-command swarm:

[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm
[biowulf]$$ jobload -u user
         JOBID         TIME   NODES   CPUS  THREADS   LOAD             MEMORY
                                     Alloc  Running                Used/Alloc
      219433_3         0:37  cn0070      2        1    50%      1.0 GB/1.5 GB
      219433_2         0:37  cn0070      2        1    50%      1.0 GB/1.5 GB
      219433_1         0:37  cn0069      2        1    50%      1.0 GB/1.5 GB
      219433_0         0:37  cn0069      2        1    50%      1.0 GB/1.5 GB

     Jobs: 2
    Nodes: 2
     CPUs: 4
 Load Avg: 50%

In order to use all the cpus allocated to a single-threaded swarm, the option -p will set the number of commands run per subjob. Including -p 2, half as many subjobs are created, each using twice as many cpus and twice as much memory:

[biowulf]$ swarm -p 2 file.swarm
[biowulf]$$ jobload -u user
         JOBID         TIME   NODES   CPUS  THREADS   LOAD             MEMORY
                                     Alloc  Running                Used/Alloc
      219434_1         0:24  cn0069      2        2   100%      2.0 GB/3.0 GB
      219434_0         0:24  cn0069      2        2   100%      2.0 GB/3.0 GB

     Jobs: 2
    Nodes: 2
     CPUs: 4
 Load Avg: 100%

In this case, we are "packing" 2 commands per subjob.

NOTE: The cpus on the biowulf cluster are hypercores, and some programs run more inefficiently when packed onto hypercores. Please test your application to see if it actually benefits from running two commands per core rather than one.

Keep in mind:

[biowulf]$$ swarm -p 2 ../file.swarm
14 commands run in 7 subjobs, each command requiring 1.5 gb and 1 thread, packing 2 processes per subjob
[biowulf]$$ ls
swarm_221574_0_0.e  swarm_221574_1_1.e  swarm_221574_3_0.e  swarm_221574_4_1.e  swarm_221574_6_0.e
swarm_221574_0_0.o  swarm_221574_1_1.o  swarm_221574_3_0.o  swarm_221574_4_1.o  swarm_221574_6_0.o
swarm_221574_0_1.e  swarm_221574_2_0.e  swarm_221574_3_1.e  swarm_221574_5_0.e  swarm_221574_6_1.e
swarm_221574_0_1.o  swarm_221574_2_0.o  swarm_221574_3_1.o  swarm_221574_5_0.o  swarm_221574_6_1.o
swarm_221574_1_0.e  swarm_221574_2_1.e  swarm_221574_4_0.e  swarm_221574_5_1.e
swarm_221574_1_0.o  swarm_221574_2_1.o  swarm_221574_4_0.o  swarm_221574_5_1.o

In the case where each swarm subjob must create or use a unique directory or file, an environment variable SWARM_PROC_ID is available to discriminate the 0 and 1 processes running with -p 2.

For example, in order to create a unique directory in allocated /lscratch for each subjob, this bash code example can be used:

export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*
export TAG=${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} && mkdir /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG} && touch /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.{0..4} && tar czf /data/user/${TAG}.tgz /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${TAG}/foo.*

In this case, while the files created within each distinct /lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID}/${SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID}_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}_${SWARM_PROC_ID} directory are identical to all the other swarm subjobs, the final tarball is unique:

[biowulf]$$ ls /data/user/output
221574_0_0.tgz  221574_0_1.tgz  221574_1_0.tgz  221574_1_1.tgz  221574_2_0.tgz  221574_2_1.tgz
221574_3_0.tgz  221574_3_1.tgz  221574_4_0.tgz  221574_4_1.tgz  221574_5_0.tgz  221574_5_1.tgz 
221574_6_0.tgz  221574_6_1.tgz

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Setting walltime with --time

By default all jobs and subjobs have a walltime of 2 hours. If a swarm subjob exceeds its walltime, it will be killed!. On the other hand, if your swarm subjobs have a very short walltime, then their priority on the queue may be elevated. Therefore, it is best practice to set a walltime using the --time option that reflects the estimated execution time of the subjobs. For example, if the command lines in a swarm are expected to require no more than half an hour to complete, the swarm command should be:

[biowulf]$ swarm --time 00:30:00 file.swarm

Because a subjob is expected to be running a single command from the swarmfile, the value of --time can be considered the amount of time to run a single command. When a swarm is bundled, the value for --time is then multiplied by the bundle factor. For example, if a swarm that normally creates 64 commands is bundled to run 4 commands serially, the value of --time is multiplied by 4:

[biowulf]$ swarm --time 00:30:00 -b 4 --devel file.swarm
64 commands run in 16 subjobs, each command requiring 1.5 gb and 1 thread, running 4 processes serially per subjob
sbatch --array=0-15 --job-name=swarm --time=2:00:00 --cpus-per-task=2 --partition=norm --mem=1536

If a swarm has more than 1000 commands and is autobundled, there is a chance that the time requested will exceed the maximum allowed. In that case, an error will be thrown:

ERROR: Total time for bundled commands is greater than partition walltime limit.
Try lowering the time per command (--time=04:00:00), lowering the bundle factor
(if not autobundled), picking another partition, or splitting up the swarmfile.

See the Biowulf User Guide for a discussion of walltime limits.

There are two additional options for setting the time of a swarm. --time-per-command is identical to --time, and merely serves as a more obvious explanation of time allocation.

--time-per-subjob overrides the time adjustments applied when bundling or packing commands. This option can be used when a single command takes less than 1 minute to complete and there are a high number of commands bundled per subjob:

[biowulf]$ swarm --time-per-subjob 00:30:00 -b 4 --devel file.swarm
64 commands run in 16 subjobs, each command requiring 1.5 gb and 1 thread, running 4 processes serially per subjob
sbatch --array=0-15 --job-name=swarm --time=30:00 --cpus-per-task=2 --partition=norm --mem=1536

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Handling job dependencies

If a swarm is run as a single step in a pipeline, job dependencies can be handled with the --dependency options. For example, a first script (first.sh) is to be run to generate some initial data files. Once this job is finished, a swarm of commands (swarmfile.txt) is run to take the output of the first script and process it. Then, a last script (last.sh) is run to consolidate the output of the swarm and further process it into its final form.

Below, the swarm is run with a dependency on the first script. Then the last script is run with a dependency on the swarm. The swarm will sit in a pending state until the first job (10001) is completed, and the last job will sit in a pending state until the entire swarm (10002) is completed.

[biowulf]$ sbatch first.sh
[biowulf]$ swarm --dependency afterany:10001 file.swarm
[biowulf]$ sbatch --dependency=afterany:10002 last.sh

The jobid of a job can be captured from the sbatch command and passed to subsequent submissions in a script (master.sh). For example, here is a bash script which automates the above procedure, passing the variable $id to the first script. In this way, the master script can be reused for different inputs:

[biowulf]$ cat master.sh
jobid1=$(sbatch first.sh)
echo $jobid1
jobid2=$(swarm --dependency afterany:$jobid1 file.swarm)
echo $jobid2
jobid3=$(sbatch --dependency=afterany:$jobid2 last.sh)
echo $jobid3

Now, master.sh can be submitted with a single argument

[biowulf]$ bash master.sh mydata123

You can check on the job status using squeue:

[biowulf]$ squeue -u user
       10002_[0-3]      norm    swarm     user PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
             10003      norm  last.sh     user PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
             10001      norm first.sh     uwer  R       0:33      1 cn0121

The dependency key 'afterany' means run only after the entire job finishes, regardless of its exit status. Swarm passes the exit status of the last command executed back to Slurm, and Slurm consolidates all the exit statuses of the subjobs in the job array into a single exit status.

The final statuses for the jobs can be seen with sacct. The individual subjobs from swarm are designated by jobid_subjobid:

[biowulf]$ sacct
       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
10001          first.sh       norm       user          2  COMPLETED      0:0
10001.batch       batch                  user          1  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_3           swarm       norm       user          2     FAILED      2:0
10002_3.bat+      batch                  user          1     FAILED      2:0
10003           last.sh       norm       user          2  COMPLETED      0:0
10003.batch       batch                  user          1  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_0           swarm       norm       user          2  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_0.bat+      batch                  user          1  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_1           swarm       norm       user          2  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_1.bat+      batch                  user          1  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_2           swarm       norm       user          2  COMPLETED      0:0
10002_2.bat+      batch                  user          1  COMPLETED      0:0

If any of the subjobs in the swarm failed, the job is marked as FAILED. It almost all cases, it is better to rely on afterany rather than afterok, since the latter may cause the dependent job to remain queued forever:

[biowulf]$ sjobs
User       JobId    JobName    Part  St      Runtime   Nodes  CPUs     Mem        Dependency     Features             Nodelist
user       10003    last.sh    norm   PD          0:00   1       1   2.0GB/cpu   afterok:10002_*   (null)               (DependencyNeverSatisfied)

See the Biowulf User Guide, or SchedMD for a discussion on how Slurm handles exit codes.

NOTE: Setting -p causes multiple commands to run per subjob. Because of this, the exit status of the subjob can come from any of the multiple processes in the subjob.

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A program that writes to a fixed filepath

If a program writes to a fixed filename, then you may need to run the program in different directories. First create the necessary directories (for instance run1, run2), and in the swarmfile cd to the unique output directory before running the program: (cd using either an absolute path beginning with "/" or a relative path from your home directory). Lines with leading "#" are considered comments and ignored.

[biowulf]$ cat > file.swarm
# Run ped program using different directory
# for each run
cd pedsystem/run1; ../ped
cd pedsystem/run2; ../ped
cd pedsystem/run3; ../ped
cd pedsystem/run4; ../ped

[biowulf]$ swarm file.swarm

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Running mixed asynchronous and serial commands in a swarm

There are occasions when a single swarm command can contain a mixture of asynchronous and serial commands. For example, collating the results of several commands into a single output and then running another command on the pooled results. If run interactively, it would look like this:

[biowulf]$ cmdA < inp.1 > out.1
[biowulf]$ cmdA < inp.2 > out.2
[biowulf]$ cmdA < inp.3 > out.3
[biowulf]$ cmdA < inp.4 > out.4
[biowulf]$ cmdB -i out.1 -i out.2 -i out.3 -i out.4 > final_result

It would be more efficient if the four cmdA commands could run asynchronously (in parallel), and then the last cmdB command would wait until they were all done and then run, all on the same node and in the same swarm command. This can be achieved using process substitution with this one-liner in a swarmfile:

( cmdA < inp.1 > out.1 & cmdA < inp.2 > out.2 & \
  cmdA < inp.3 > out.3 & cmdA < inp.4 > out.4 & wait ) ; \
  cmdB -i out.1 -i out.2 -i out.3 -i out.4 > final_result

Here, the cmdA commands are all run asynchronously in four background processes, and the wait command is given to prevent cmdB from running until all the background processes are finished. Note that line continuation markers were used for easier editing.

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Using --module option

It is sometimes difficult to set the environment properly before running commands. The easiest way to do this on Biowulf is with environment modules. Running commands via swarm complicates the issue, because the modules must be loaded prior to every line in the swarmfile. Instead, you can use the --module option to load a list of modules:

[biowulf]$ swarm --module ucsc,matlab,python/2.7 file.swarm

Here, the environment is set to use the UCSC executables, Matlab, and an older, non-default version of Python.

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Using local scratch

Local scratch disk space is NOT automatically available under Slurm. Instead, local scratch disk space is allocated using --gres. Here is an example of how to allocate 200GB of local scratch disk space for each swarm command:

[biowulf$ swarm --gres=lscratch:200 file.swarm

Including --gres=lscratch:N, where N is the number of GB required, will create a subdirectory on the node corresponding to the jobid, e.g.:


This local scratch directory can be accessed dynamically using the $SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable:


/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID is a temporary work directory. Each swarm subjob should do most if not all of its work in this temporary work directory. This means that any input data should be copied the /lscratch before running any commands, and the output should be copied back to the original location after completion.

Here is a generic example of how to use /lscratch in a swarm:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm 
TWD=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID; cp input1 $TWD; cmd -i $TWD/input1 -o $TWD/output1; cp $TWD/output1 .
TWD=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID; cp input2 $TWD; cmd -i $TWD/input2 -o $TWD/output2; cp $TWD/output2 .
TWD=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID; cp input3 $TWD; cmd -i $TWD/input3 -o $TWD/output3; cp $TWD/output3 .
TWD=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID; cp input4 $TWD; cmd -i $TWD/input4 -o $TWD/output4; cp $TWD/output4 .

Local scratch space is allocated per subjob. By default, that means each command or command list (single line in swarmfile) is allocated its own independent local scratch space. HOWEVER, there are two situations where some thought must be given to local scratch space:

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Setting environment variables

If an entire swarm requires one or more environment variables to be set, the sbatch option --export can be used to set the variables prior to running. In this example, we need to set the BOWTIE_INDEXES environment variable to the correct path for all subjobs in the swarm:

[biowulf]$ swarm --sbatch "--export=BOWTIE_INDEXES=/fdb/igenomes/Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm9/Sequence/BowtieIndex/" file.swarm

NOTE: Environment variables set with the --sbatch "--export=" option are defined PRIOR to the job being submitted. This prevents setting environment variables using Slurm-generated environment variables, such as $SLURM_JOB_ID or $SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE.

However, if each command line in the swarm requires a unique set of environment variables, this must be done in the swarmfile. For example, setting TMPDIR to a unique subdirectory of /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm 
export TMPDIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/xyz1; mkdir $TMPDIR; cmdxyz -x 1 -y 1 -z 1
export TMPDIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/xyz2; mkdir $TMPDIR; cmdxyz -x 2 -y 2 -z 2
export TMPDIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/xyz3; mkdir $TMPDIR; cmdxyz -x 3 -y 3 -z 3
export TMPDIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/xyz4; mkdir $TMPDIR; cmdxyz -x 4 -y 4 -z 4

Further, if individual commands within each command line require unique environment variables, this can be done by prefacing the command itself with the variable set:

[biowulf]$ cat file.swarm
MYENV=1 command ; MYENV=2 command ; MYENV=3 command
MYENV=4 command ; MYENV=5 command ; MYENV=6 command

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Using sbatch flags

Swarm creates a single job array via the sbatch command ; all valid sbatch commandline options are also valid for swarm. However, they must be passed with a single --sbatch option, surrounded by quotation marks. In this example some extra sbatch options are added.

[biowulf]$ swarm --sbatch "--mail-type=FAIL --export=var=100,nctype=12 --chdir=/data/user/test" file.swarm

In this case,

NOTE: Sbatch options passed through swarm using the --sbatch option are listed last in the sbatch command, and thus will override swarm options. When bundling or packing commands, DO NOT use --time, --cpus-per-task, --mem, or --mem-per-cpu sbatch options, as they will inevitably conflict with those values set by swarm per command.

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Using --devel and --verbose options

Before submitting a large complex swarm to the batch system, it is better to see what would happen before it's too late. In this case, the --devel option will display a good deal of information. This example shows a huge number of commands autobundled to run 346 command lines serially per core.

[biowulf]$ swarm --devel file.swarm
345029 commands run in 998 subjobs, each requiring 1 gb and 1 thread, running 346 commands serially per subjob

--verbose accepts a number between 0 (the same as --silent) and 6. Increasing the verbosity level with --verbose and including --devel will give a visual representation of the swarm, along with lots of information about the swarm:

[biowulf]$ swarm --devel --verbose 5 -g 5 -p 4 -b 4 file.swarm
basedir = /spin1/swarm/user
script dir = /spin1/swarm/user/cF2_0V7N
├── subjob 0: 16 commands (4 cpus, 20.00 gb)
|   ├── cmd 0 ; cmd 1 ; cmd 2 ; cmd 3 ;
|   ├── cmd 4 ; cmd 5 ; cmd 6 ; cmd 7 ;
|   ├── cmd 8 ; cmd 9 ; cmd 10 ; cmd 11 ;
|   ├── cmd 12 ; cmd 13 ; cmd 14 ; cmd 15 ;
├── subjob 1: 16 commands (4 cpus, 20.00 gb)
|   ├── cmd 16 ; cmd 17 ; cmd 18 ; cmd 19 ;
|   ├── cmd 20 ; cmd 21 ; cmd 22 ; cmd 23 ;
|   ├── cmd 24 ; cmd 25 ; cmd 26 ; cmd 27 ;
|   ├── cmd 28 ; cmd 29 ; cmd 30 ; cmd 31 ;
2 subjobs, 32 commands, 8 output files
32 commands run in 2 subjobs, each command requiring 5 gb and 1 thread, packing 4 processes per subjob, running 4 processes serially per subjob
sbatch --array=0-1 --job-name=swarm --output=/dev/null --error=/dev/null --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=20480 /spin1/swarm/user/cF2_0V7N.batch

This shows a swarm of 32 commands (show as "cmd 0" ==> "cmd 31") within 2 subjobs. Each command requires 5 gb of memory, and the commands are bundled to run 4 commands sequentially on the cpus allocated.

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Generating a swarm script
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Users will typically want to write a script to create a large swarmfile. This script can be written in any scripting language, such as bash, perl, or the language of your choice. Some examples are given below to get you started.

Example 1: processing all files in a directory
Suppose you have 800 image files in a directory. You want to set up a swarm job to run an FSL command (e.g. 'mcflirt') on each one of these files.

# this file is make-swarmfile

cd /data/user/mydir   
touch swarm.cmd
for file in `ls`
echo "mcflirt -in $file -out $file.mcf1 -mats -plots -refvol 90 -rmsrel -rmsabs" >> swarm.cmd

Execute this file with

bash make-swarmfile

You should get a file called swarm.cmd which is suitable for submission to the swarm command.

Example 2: Use swarm to pull sequences out of the NCBI nt blast database.
Suppose you have a file containing 1,000,000 GI numbers of sequences. You want to pull these sequences out of the Helix/Biowulf NCBI nt Blast database. You can divide your GI file into chunks, and run a swarm of jobs, each one working on one chunk of GIs, to pull these sequences out of the database.


$dir = `pwd`;
# create a directory for all the output sequences
mkdir "${dir}/seqs";
chdir "${dir}/seqs";

# split the list of GIs (in file ../gi.list)  into files containing 10000 GIs each. 
# The 'split' command will create files called xaa, xab etc.
system("split -l 10000 ../gi.list");

# get a list of all these files
my @files = </$dir/seqs/*>;

# create the swarmfile -- you will need to load the blast/2.2.26 module first
open (SWARM, "> swarm.cmd");
foreach $file (@files) {
  print SWARM "cd ${dir}/seqs; fastacmd -p F -d /fdb/blastdb/nt -i $file -o $file.fas\n";
close (SWARM);

print "Submitting swarm jobs\n";
`swarm -f ${dir}/seqs/swarm.cmd --module blast/2.2.26`;

Once the swarm jobs are complete, you could if desired combine all the sequences into a single file with

[biowulf]$ cat x*.fas > myseqs.fas

Monitoring a swarm
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Monitoring a swarm is handled the same wayas any other batch job on the cluster, using sjobs, dashboard_cli jobs, squeue, jobload and sacct.

Deleting/Canceling a swarm
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Because a swarm is treated as a single job by Slurm, deleting a swarm is handled with the same command as other batch jobs, scancel.

Downloading swarm
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Swarm is available for download here. Keep in mind that swarm was written for our own systems. It will need to be adapted for other batch systems to work properly.