Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
Biowulf Training Videos

The Introduction to Biowulf online class has a full set of introductory video tutorials, organized to imtroduce users to all aspects of using the system. New users are highly encouraged to work through the entire class. This page lists additional advanced topics that are not covered in the Intro to Biowulf class.

How To...
Create SSH key pairs using putty to connect from Windows to HPC (5 mins)
SSH is a data transfer protocol that automatically encrypts all data exchanged between the two computers during your entire login session. Normally you would login to Helix and start an SSH session using your username and a password. SSH public key authentication provides much stronger "authentication" than a password, so it is more difficult for a hacker to gain access to your account by impersonating you from another computer.
Connecting to Jupyter on Biowulf (8 mins)
Connect to Jupyter running on a cluster compute node in an interactive session and benefit from rich, easy-to-use notebook interfaces to Python, R, and Matlab sessions in your own browser.

Help with Specific Applications

Distributed MATLAB jobs on Biowulf Part 1 (75 mins)
How can I run hundreds or thousands of MATLAB jobs at the same time? What are the basic concepts? (part 1 of a 3 hour class)
Distributed MATLAB jobs on Biowulf Part 2 (90 mins)
How can I run hundreds or thousands of MATLAB jobs at the same time? Give me a concrete example. (part 2 of a 3 hour class)
TensorFlow and Tensorboard (15 mins)
Train a DNN with tensorflow in a Singularity container on a GPU node and monitor the training progess with Tensorboard through an ssh tunnel from your local desktop (Mac/Linux and Windows).