The NIH HPC group plans, manages and supports high-performance computing systems specifically for the intramural NIH community. These systems include Biowulf, a 105,000+ processor Linux cluster; Helix, a single shared system for interactive data transfer and file management, and Helixweb, which provides a number of web-based scientific tools. We provide access to a wide range of computational applications for genomics, molecular and structural biology, mathematical and graphical analysis, image analysis, and other scientific fields.
Steve Bailey |
Tim Miller |
David Hoover, Ph.D. |
Helen Ashdown |
Simon Carlson-Thies |
Gennady Denisov, Ph.D. |
Afif Elghraoui |
Ali Erfani |
Andrew Fant, Ph.D. |
Beide (Peter) Fu, Ph.D. |
Jonathan Goodson, Ph.D. |
Patsy Jones |
Charles Lehr |
Jean Mao, Ph.D. |
Nitish Narula |
David O'Brien |
Ifeanyi Okoye |
Wolfgang Resch, Ph.D. |
Antonio Ulloa, Ph.D. |
Renbin Yang, Ph.D. |
Qi Yu, Ph.D. |
John Dickson, Ph.D. |
Jane Small |
Peter FitzGerald, Ph.D. |
Ernie Jordan |
Justin Nemmers |
Justin Bentley |
Jason Russler |
Dolores Albano |
Rick Horner |
Ellen Gilliam |
Michelle Johnson |
Giovanni Torres | Sandy Orlow, Ph.D. | Rick Troxel, M.S., Ed.D. |
Sylvia Wilkerson |
Ainsley Gibson,Ph.D. |
Jesse Becker |
Jerez Te, Ph.D. |
Michael Harris (intern) |
Dan Reisman |
Robert Gallimore |
Bill Woodford |
Steven Fellini, Ph.D. |
David Godlove, Ph.D. |
Sam Ijeomah |
Susan Chacko, Ph.D. |
Charlene Osborn |
Nathan Hensel |
Mark Patkus |