About the NIH HPC Core Facility

The NIH HPC group plans, manages and supports high-performance computing systems specifically for the intramural NIH community. These systems include Biowulf, a 105,000+ processor Linux cluster; Helix, a single shared system for interactive data transfer and file management, and Helixweb, which provides a number of web-based scientific tools. We provide access to a wide range of computational applications for genomics, molecular and structural biology, mathematical and graphical analysis, image analysis, and other scientific fields.

NIH HPC Core Facility Staff

Steve Bailey

Tim Miller

David Hoover, Ph.D.

Helen Ashdown

Simon Carlson-Thies

Gennady Denisov, Ph.D.

Afif Elghraoui

Ali Erfani

Andrew Fant, Ph.D.

Beide (Peter) Fu, Ph.D.

Jonathan Goodson, Ph.D.

Patsy Jones

Charles Lehr

Jean Mao, Ph.D.

Nitish Narula

David O'Brien

Ifeanyi Okoye

Wolfgang Resch, Ph.D.

Antonio Ulloa, Ph.D.

Renbin Yang, Ph.D.

Qi Yu, Ph.D.

Former Staff

John Dickson, Ph.D.

Jane Small

Peter FitzGerald, Ph.D.

Ernie Jordan

Justin Nemmers

Justin Bentley

Jason Russler

Dolores Albano

Rick Horner

Ellen Gilliam

Michelle Johnson

Giovanni Torres

Sandy Orlow, Ph.D.

Rick Troxel, M.S., Ed.D.

Sylvia Wilkerson

Ainsley Gibson,Ph.D.

Jesse Becker

Jerez Te, Ph.D.

Michael Harris (intern)

Dan Reisman

Robert Gallimore

Bill Woodford

Steven Fellini, Ph.D.

David Godlove, Ph.D.

Sam Ijeomah

Susan Chacko, Ph.D.

Charlene Osborn

Nathan Hensel

Mark Patkus