Processing and integrating RNA-Seq data in order to generate high-resolution annotations is challenging, time consuming and requires numerous different steps. ANNOgesic is a powerful and modular pipeline that provides the required analyses and simplifies RNA-Seq-based bacterial and archaeal genome annotation. It predicts and annotates numerous features, including small non-coding RNAs, with high precision.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g [user@cn3316 ~]$ module load ANNOgesic [+] Loading singularity 4.0.1 on cn3316 [+] Loading ANNOgesic 1.1.14 ...At this point, user has two options:
[user@cn3316 user]$ ag(without arguments) will bring the user into the singularity container shell environment
Singularity ANNOgesic.sqsh:~>from which one can run any script or command accessible within the container on any data accessible from inside the container. For example, the following commands will run built-in tests:
Singularity ANNOgesic.sqsh:~> python /ANNOgesic/tests/ Detecting operons of test Warning: No proper file - test.gff .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 0.009sTo exit from the container shell environment, type:
Singularity ANNOgesic.sqsh:~> python3 /ANNOgesic/tests/ .......Plotting nusB .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 9 tests in 1.567s OK
Singularity ANNOgesic.sqsh:~> exit
[user@cn3316 ~]$ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.004s OK [user@cn3316 ~]$ ag python3 /ANNOgesic/tests/ .......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.018s OKIn particular, the following command will display ANNOgesic help message:
[user@cn3316 ~]$ ag annogesic --help ___ _ ___ ______ _ / | / | / / | / / __ \____ ____ _____(_)____ \ __ / /| | / |/ / |/ / / / / __ `/ _ \/ ___/ / ___/__\ | / ___ |/ /| / /| / /_/ / /_/ / __(__ ) / /__ / | /_/ |_/_/ |_/_/ |_/\____/\__, /\___/____/_/\___/ / | /____/ |__________________ |_____________________ |________________________________________________ | \ |________________________________________________/ usage: annogesic [-h] [--version] {create,get_input_files,update_genome_fasta,annotation_transfer,tss_ps,optimize_tss_ps,terminator,transcript,utr,srna,sorf,promoter,operon,circrna,go_term,srna_target,snp,ppi_network,localization,riboswitch_thermometer,crispr,merge_features,screenshot,colorize_screenshot_tracks} ... positional arguments: {create,get_input_files,update_genome_fasta,annotation_transfer,tss_ps,optimize_tss_ps,terminator,transcript,utr,srna,sorf,promoter,operon,circrna,go_term,srna_target,snp,ppi_network,localization,riboswitch_thermometer,crispr,merge_features,screenshot,colorize_screenshot_tracks} commands create Create a project get_input_files Get required files. (i.e. annotation files, fasta files) update_genome_fasta Get fasta files of reference genomes if the reference sequences do not exist. annotation_transfer Transfer the annotations from a closely related species genome to a target genome. tss_ps Detect TSSs or processing sites. optimize_tss_ps Optimize TSSs or processing sites based on manual detected ones. terminator Detect rho-independent terminators. transcript Detect transcripts based on coverage file. utr Detect 5'UTRs and 3'UTRs. srna Detect intergenic, antisense and UTR-derived sRNAs. sorf Detect expressed sORFs. promoter Discover promoter motifs. operon Detect operons and sub-operons. circrna Detect circular RNAs. go_term Extract GO terms from Uniprot. srna_target Detect sRNA-mRNA interactions. snp Detect SNP/mutation and generate fasta file if mutations were found. ppi_network Detect protein-protein interactions suported by literature. localization Predict subcellular localization of proteins. riboswitch_thermometer Predict riboswitches and RNA thermometers. crispr Predict CRISPR related RNAs. merge_features Merge all features to one gff file. screenshot Generate screenshots for selected features using IGV. colorize_screenshot_tracks Add color information to screenshots (e.g. useful for dRNA-Seq based TSS and PS detection. It only works after running "screenshot" (after running batch script). optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version, -v show version
Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:
#!/bin/bash module load ANNOgesic ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python3 /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python3 /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python /ANNOgesic/tests/ ag python3 /ANNOgesic/tests/
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch [--cpus-per-task=#] [--mem=#]