from cryo-EM maps using deep learning.
DeepMM implements fully automated de novo structure modeling method, MAINMAST, which builds three-dimensional models of a protein from a near-atomic resolution EM map. The method directly traces the protein’s main-chain and identifies Cα positions as tree-graph structures in the EM map.
DeepMM uses MAINMAST to trace the main chain paths on main chain probability maps.References:
- Terashi, Genki, and Daisuke Kihara
De novo main-chain modeling for EM maps using MAINMAST.
Nature communications (2018), 9(1), 1618. - Terashi, Genki, and Daisuke Kihara
De novo main-chain modeling with MAINMAST in 2015/2016 EM Model Challenge.
Journal of Structural Biology (2018), 204(2), 351-359.
- Module Name: DeepMM (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- DEEPMM_HOME installation directory
- DEEPMM_BIN executable directory
- DEEPMM_SRC a folder containing the source code
- DEEPMM_DATA a folder containing sample data
Before running an interactive session, install Jackal software locally in your account:
1) following the link:
manually download the file jackal_64bit.tar.gz to your local computer
2) sftp/transfer the file to Biowulf
3) ungzip/untar it:
tar -zxf jackal_64bit.tar.gz
4) move the resulting folder jackal_64bit
to the directory: /data/$USER
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=8g --gres=gpu:k80:1,lscratch:10 -c4 [user@cn4213 ~]$ module load DeepMM [+] Loading CUDA Toolkit 10.2.89 ... [+] Loading cuDNN/7.6.5/CUDA-10.2 libraries... [+] Loading blast 2.11.0+ ... [+] Loading DeepMM 20210722Set the environment variables:
[user@cn4213 ~]$ export JACKALDIR=/data/$USER/jackal_64bit [user@cn4213 ~]$ PATH=/data/$USER/jackal_64bit/bin:$PATH [user@cn4213 ~]$ git clone DeepMM on the sample data:
[user@cn4213 ~]$ cd DeepMM/5185 [user@cn4213 ~]$ -m 5185_zoned.mrc -n map.npz -t 3.21 [INFO] 10733 voxels with density value greater than 3.21000 are retained. [INFO] 10733 voxels are saved to map.npz [user@cn4213 ~]$ -n map.npz -m predMC.mrc -c predCA.mrc LOAD] loading data... [PREDICT] predicting... 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 84/84 [00:04<00:00, 17.43it/s] [user@cn4213 ~]$ -m 5185_zoned.mrc -s map.situs [user@cn4213 ~]$ -m predMC.mrc -s predMC.situs [user@cn4213 ~]$ -m predCA.mrc -s predCA.situs [user@cn4213 ~]$ getldp predMC.situs predCA.situs > LDP.pdb [user@cn4213 ~]$ getvox map.situs LDP.pdb > LDP.mcv [user@cn4213 ~]$ -m LDP.mcv -l LDP.pdb > LDP_AASS.pdb 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 7/7 [00:03<00:00, 2.18it/s] [user@cn4213 ~]$ trace LDP_AASS.pdb -nrd 100 > paths.pdb [user@cn4213 ~]$ align paths.pdb seq.fasta.spd3 # ALIGN.F # Align sequence to main-chain paths # Parameter setting: # wca = 1.600000 # whelix = 1.000000 # wsheet = 0.7000000 # wcoil = 0.8000000 # waa = 1.000000 # wss = 0.5000000 # rmsd = 5.000000 # nout = 10 # prefix = model # Reading LDP paths from file paths.pdb # Path 1 consists of 565 LDPs. # Path 2 consists of 560 LDPs. # Path 3 consists of 534 LDPs. # Path 4 consists of 538 LDPs. # Path 5 consists of 511 LDPs. # Path 6 consists of 520 LDPs. # Path 7 consists of 543 LDPs. # Path 8 consists of 484 LDPs. # Path 9 consists of 551 LDPs. # Path 10 consists of 475 LDPs. # Number of paths: 10 # Reading SS prediction from file seq.fasta.spd3 # Reading predicted SS from .SPD3 file seq.fasta.spd3 # Number of residues: 155 # Start alignment! # Model 1 62.156 # Model 2 57.567 # Model 3 78.881 # Model 4 76.093 # Model 5 78.612 # Model 6 90.198 # Model 7 87.193 # Model 8 73.144 # Model 9 71.957 # Model 10 100.461 # Model 11 112.469 # Model 12 108.363 # Model 13 139.715 # Model 14 130.736 # Model 15 123.928 # Model 16 116.492 # Model 17 34.216 # Model 18 35.854 # Model 19 27.489 # Model 20 44.658 # Model 21 45.993 # Model 22 52.989 # Model 23 42.962 # Model 24 34.723 # Model 25 110.321 ... # Model 158 59.206 # Model 159 40.211 # Model 160 27.201 # write models into one .pdb fileEnd the interactive session:
[user@cn4213 ~]$ exit [user@biowulf ~]$