FitHiChIP: Identification of significant chromatin contacts from HiChIP data

FitHiChIP is a computational method for identifying chromatin contacts among regulatory regions such as enhancers and promoters from HiChIP/PLAC-seq data. FitHiChIP jointly models the non-uniform coverage and genomic distance scaling of HiChIP data, captures previously validated enhancer interactions for several genes including MYC and TP53, and recovers contacts genome-wide that are supported by ChIA-PET, promoter capture Hi-C and Hi-C data.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=8g -c10 --gres=lscratch:20
[user@cn3316 ~]$ module load FitHiChIP 
[+] Loading singularity/3.10.5  on cn3316
[+] Loading FitHiChIP  11.0
[user@cn3316 ~]$ mkdir -p /data/$USER/FitHiChIP && cd /data/$USER/FitHiChIP
Copy the source code folder and the sample sample data folder to your current directory:
[user@cn3316 ~]$ cp -r $FITHICHIP_SRC/*  .
[user@cn3316 ~]$ cp -r $FITHICHIP_DATA .
Run the executable in the source folder:
[user@cn3316 ~]$ ./ -C configfile_test
 ================ Parsing input configuration file =================

 ================ Verifying input configuration parameters =================

 ====== Changing relative pathnames of the input files to their absolute path names ==========

 ====== Final checing of input parameters ==========

 ====== Writing input parameters ==========

 ================ Processing HiC-pro generated valid pairs and / or matrix files provided as input =================

 ====>> Computing HiC-pro matrices from the input valid pairs file

 ====>> Executable to generate contact matrix from valid pairs: /usr/local/apps/FitHiChIP/11.0/bin/build_matrix

***** HiC-pro input valid pairs file in gzipped format

 ====>> Created file : /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/Matrix_BinSize5000/Matrix_abs.bed

 ====>> Created file : /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/Matrix_BinSize5000/Matrix.matrix

 ================ Creating input interactions (bin pairs + CC) =================

 ======= Generated interaction file : /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/Matrix_BinSize5000/FitHiChIP.interactions.initial.bed
==>>> Number of locus pairs with nonzero contact count (without any distance thresholding): 2364391

 ======= Limiting input interactions to the specified distance ranges 5000 to 1000000 =========

===>> Number of cis pairs with nonzero contact count (after distance thresholding): 726467

 ================ Generating coverage statistics and bias for individual bins =================
 Computing 1D coverage - Processing chromosome : chr1  -- number of input peaks for this chromosome : 4175
 Computing 1D coverage - Processing chromosome : chr10  -- number of input peaks for this chromosome : 1797
 Computing 1D coverage - Processing chromosome : chr11  -- number of input peaks for this chromosome : 2155
 Computing 1D coverage - Processing chromosome : chrX  -- number of input peaks for this chromosome : 1161
 Computing 1D coverage - Processing chromosome : chrY  -- number of input peaks for this chromosome : 156
 ================ Computing bias statistics - coverage bias will be employed =================

 ================ creating full feature file for FitHiChIP =================

======== Created full feature file : /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/NormFeatures/Coverage_Bias/FitHiChIP.AllBin_CompleteFeat.bed

 ================ Generating interactions + features for significance estimation =================

 **** Start of while Loop ----- current interaction type: 3  ******

 ============ Calling significant interactions ===============
===>> Total Number of input interactions (locus pairs): 312536
****** Total number of training interactions: 312536 ********
****** Number of contacts per bin (allowed for equal occupancy binning): 2746 ********
==>>> modeled the bias regression -- time: 0.646705150604248

 *** NumElem: 312536 ExpTotContact : 432569
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 1  si: 1  ei: 26635 num elem : 26635
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 2  si: 26636  ei: 45246 num elem : 18611
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 3  si: 45247  ei: 59613 num elem : 14367
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 198  si: 311681  ei: 311962 num elem : 282
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 199  si: 311963  ei: 312238 num elem : 276
 *** Modeling regression bias probability based P value --- uniq distance idx: 200  si: 312239  ei: 312536 num elem : 298

 *** p-value estimation is complete for the bias regression ****

******** FINISHED calling significant interactions
----- Extracted significant interactions ---- FDR threshold lower than: 0.01
 ********** Merged filtering option is true ************

******** applying merge filtering on the FitHiChIP significant interactions ******

****** Merge filtering of adjacent loops is enabled *****
***** within function of merged filtering - printing the parameters ***
*** bin_size:  5000
*** headerInp:  1
*** connectivity_rule:  8
*** TopPctElem:  100
*** NeighborHoodBinThr:  10000
*** QValCol:  26
*** PValCol:  25
*** SortOrder:  0
==================== End of merge filtering adjacent interactions !!! ======================
----- Applied merged filtering (connected component model) on the adjacent loops of FitHiChIP
pass1 - making usageList (24 chroms): 1 millis
pass2 - checking and writing primary data (1882 records, 18 fields): 13 millis
/bin/bash: /opt/conda/envs/fithichip/lib/ no version information available (required by /bin/bash)

 ---- Within function of plotting distance vs contact count ----
 Input interaction file: /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/FitHiChIP_Peak2ALL_b5000_L5000_U1000000/P2PBckgr_0/Coverage_Bias/FitHiC_BiasCorr/Merge_Nearby_Interactions/FitHiChIP.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01_MergeNearContacts.bed
 Output plot file: /data/user/FitHiChIP/TestData/results/FitHiChIP_Peak2ALL_b5000_L5000_U1000000/P2PBckgr_0/Coverage_Bias/FitHiC_BiasCorr/Merge_Nearby_Interactions/FitHiChIP.interactions_FitHiC_Q0.01_MergeNearContacts_Dist_CC.png Warning message:
Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).
Merged filtering significant interactions - created various epigenome browser compatible files for these interactions!!!
Updated CurrIntType: 4

 **** Now summarizing FitHiChIP results in the HTML file ***

***** FitHiChIP pipeline is completely executed - congratulations !!! *****
Likewise, FitHiChIP can be run with other configuration files.
[user@cn3316 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$
Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:

module load FitHiChIP -C configfile_1 -C configfile_2 -C configfile_3 -C configfile_4

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.

sbatch [--cpus-per-task=#] [--mem=#]