GCTA (Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis) was originally designed to estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by genome- or chromosome-wide SNPs for complex traits (the GREML method), and has subsequently extended for many other analyses to better understand the genetic architecture of complex traits.
GCTA is a multithreaded application. Make sure to match the number of cpus requested with the number of threads.
: location of test dataAllocate an interactive session with sinteractive and use as described above
biowulf$ sinteractive --mem=4g --cpus-per-task=2 --gres=lscratch:10 node$ module load GCTA node$ cd /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID node$ cp $GCTAHOME/test.* . node$ gcta --bfile test --make-grm --out test node$ exit biowulf$
Create a batch script similar to the following example:
#! /bin/bash # this file is GCTA.batch module load GCTA gcta --bfile test --make-grm --out test
Submit to the queue with sbatch:
biowulf$ sbatch --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpus=2g GCTA.batch
Create a swarm command file similar to the following example:
# this file is GCTA.swarm gcta --bfile test2 --make-grm --out test2 gcta --bfile test3 --make-grm --out test3 gcta --bfile test4 --make-grm --out test4
And submit to the queue with swarm
biowulf$ swarm -f GCTA.swarm --module GCTA -g 2