GimmeMotifs: de novo motif prediction for
ChIP-sequencing experiments
GimmeMotifs is a pipeline for transcription factor motif analysis written in Python. It incorporates an ensemble of computational tools to predict motifs de novo from ChIP-sequencing data. Similar redundant motifs are compared using the weighted information content similarity score and clustered using an iterative procedure. A comprehensive output report is generated with several different evaluation metrics to compare and evaluate the results.
- Simon J. van Heeringen∗ and Gert Jan C. Veenstra,
GimmeMotifs: a de novo motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-sequencing experiments.
Bioinformatics, 2011 27(2), 270-271. - Niklas Bruse, Simon J. van Heeringen
GimmeMotifs: an analysis framework for transcription factor motif analysis.
bioRxiv, 2018 doi: Notes- Module Name: GimmeMotifs (see the modules page for more information)
- Multithreaded
- Unusual environment variables set
- GMOTIFS_HOME installation directory
- GMOTIFS_BIN executable directory
- GMOTIFS_DATA sample data directory
Interactive jobInteractive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=16g --cpus-per-task=16 [user@cn3335 ~]$module load gimmemotifs [+] Loading GimmeMotifs 0.17.2
First, specify genome reference to be used. To do this, create a default configuration file[user@cn3335 ~]$genomepy config generate Created config file /home/user/.config/genomepy/genomepy.yaml
Download sample data to the current folder:[user@cn3335 ~]$cp -r /usr/local/apps/gimmemotifs/0.17.2/sample_data/ .
We are now ready to predict new motifs.[user@cn3335 ~]$ gimme motifs -h usage: gimme [-h]
Run 'quick' analysis to predict de novo motifs using the gimme motifs command on the sample data with 16 threads:[options] motifs [-h] [-b BACKGROUND] [-g GENOME] [--denovo] [--known] [--noreport] [--rawscore] [--nogc] [-N INT] [-p PFMFILE] [-t N] [-a ANALYSIS] [-k] [-S] [-f FRACTION] [-s N] INPUT OUTDIR positional arguments: INPUT FASTA, BED, narrowPeak or region file. OUTDIR Output directory. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BACKGROUND, --background BACKGROUND Background type (random,genomic,gc,promoter,custom) or a file with background sequences (FASTA, BED or regions) -g GENOME Genome name or fasta file --denovo Only use de novo motifs --known Only use known motifs --noreport Don't create a HTML report. --rawscore Don't z-score normalize motif scores --nogc Don't use GC% bins -N INT, --nthreads INT Number of threads (default 12) optional arguments for known motifs: -p PFMFILE PFM file with motifs.(default: gimme.vertebrate.v5.0.pfm) optional arguments for de novo motifs: -t N, --tools N Tools to use, any combination of AMD,BioProspector,ChI PMunk,DiNAMO,GADEM,HMS,Homer,Improbizer,MDmodule,MEME, MEMEW,MotifSampler,Posmo,ProSampler,Trawler,Weeder,XXm otif (default BioProspector,Homer,MEME) -a ANALYSIS, --analysis ANALYSIS Analysis type: small, medium, large, xl (xl) -k, --keepintermediate Don't delete intermediate files -S, --singlestrand Only predict motifs for single + strand (default is both) -f FRACTION, --fraction FRACTION Fraction of peaks to use for motif predicton (0.2) -s N, --size N Region size to use for motif prediction (200). Set to 0 to use the size of the input regions. [user@cn3335 ~]$ gimme motifs TAp73alpha.bed -g /fdb/genome/hg19 -N 16 -a small -t Homer,MDmodule,BioProspector . 2023-01-10 12:41:29,647 - INFO - Creating new config. 2023-01-10 12:41:29,651 - INFO - Using included version of AMD. 2023-01-10 12:41:29,651 - INFO - Using included version of BioProspector. 2023-01-10 12:41:29,651 - INFO - Using included version of ChIPMunk. 2023-01-10 12:41:29,651 - INFO - Using system version of DiNAMO. ... 2023-01-10 12:47:39,662 - INFO - de novo finished 2023-01-10 12:47:39,662 - INFO - output dir: . 2023-01-10 12:47:39,662 - INFO - de novo report: ./gimme.denovo.html 2023-01-10 12:47:59,949 - INFO - creating motif scan tables 2023-01-10 13:26:37,701 - INFO - selecting non-redundant motifs 2023-01-10 13:27:59,200 - INFO - selected 14 non-redundant motifs: ROC AUC 0.952, PR AUC 0.788 2023-01-10 13:27:59,251 - INFO - creating BED files with scan results 2023-01-10 13:28:28,847 - INFO - creating statistics report ... 2023-01-10 13:29:05,250 - INFO - gimme motifs final report: ./gimme.motifs.html