ImReP is a novel computational method for rapid and accurate profiling of the adaptive immune repertoire from regular RNA-Seq data. It is able to efficiently extract TCR- and BCR-derived reads from RNA-Seq data. ImReP can also accurately assemble the complementary determining regions 3 (CDR3s), the most variable regions of B and T cell receptors, and determine their antigen specificity.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g [user@cn3316 ~]$ module load imrep [+] Loading singularity 4.0.1 on cn3316 [+] Loading imrep 0.8 [user@cn3316 ~]$ -h usage: python2 [-h] [--fastq] [--bam] [--chrFormat2] [--hg38] [-a ALLREADS] [--digGold] [-s SPECIES] [-o OVERLAPLEN] [--noOverlapStep] [--extendedOutput] [-c CHAINS] [--noCast] [-f FILTERTHRESHOLD] [--minOverlap1 MINOVERLAP1] [--minOverlap2 MINOVERLAP2] [--misMatch1 MISMATCH1] [--misMatch2 MISMATCH2] reads_file output_clones optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Necessary Inputs: reads_file unmapped reads in .fasta (default) or .fastq (if flag --fastq is set) or .bam (if --bam or --digGold is set) output_clones output file with CDR3 clonotypes Optional Inputs: --fastq a binary flag used to indicate that the input file with unmapped reads is in fastq format --bam a binary flag used to indicate that the input file is a BAM file mapped and unmapped reads ... Advanced Inputs: --minOverlap1 MINOVERLAP1 minimal overlap between the reads and A) the left part of V gene (before C amino acid) and B) the right part of J gene (after W for IGH and F for all other chains), default is 4 --minOverlap2 MINOVERLAP2 minimal overlap between the reads and A) the right part of V gene (after C amino acid) and B) the left part of J gene (before W for IGH and F for all other chains), default is 1 ... [user@cn3316 ~]$ SIMPLE TEST leaf: "mississippi$" : "mississippi$" leaf: "ississippi$" : "ssippi$" leaf: "issippi$" : "ppi$" leaf: "ippi$" : "ppi$" leaf: "i$" : "$" leaf: "ssissippi$" : "ssippi$" leaf: "ssippi$" : "ppi$" leaf: "sissippi$" : "ssippi$" leaf: "sippi$" : "ppi$" leaf: "ppi$" : "pi$" leaf: "pi$" : "i$" leaf: "$" : "$" inner: "ssi" inner: "i" inner: "si" inner: "i" inner: "s" inner: "p" inner: "" done. GENERALISED TEST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [0:1] x |x|abxa 0 [3:4] x xab|x|a 1 [3:4] x bab|x|ba ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [1:4] abx x|abx|a 1 [1:4] abx b|abx|ba ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [1:2] a x|a|bxa 1 [1:2] a b|a|bxba 0 [4:5] a xabx|a| 1 [5:6] a babxb|a| ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [2:4] bx xa|bx|a 1 [2:4] bx ba|bx|ba ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [2:3] b xa|b|xa 1 [2:3] b ba|b|xba 1 [0:1] b |b|abxba 1 [4:5] b babx|b|a ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [1:4] abx x|abx|a 1 [1:4] abx b|abx|ba ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [2:4] bx xa|bx|a 1 [2:4] bx ba|bx|ba ====================================================================== done.End the interactive session:
[user@cn3316 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$