ROSE: Rank Ordering of Super-Enhancers
ROSE (Rank Ordering of Super-Enhancers) is a tool for
(1) creating stitched enhancers, and
(2) separating super-enhancers from typical enhancers.
given sequencing data (.bam) and a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff)
- Warren A. Whyte, David A. Orlando, Denes Hnisz, Brian J. Abraham, Charles Y. Lin, Michael H. Kagey, Peter B. Rahl, Tong Ihn Lee and Richard A. Young
Master Transcription Factors and Mediator Establish Super-Enhancers at Key Cell Identity Genes
Cell 2013, 153 : 307-319
- Jakob Lovén, Heather A. Hoke, Charles Y. Lin, Ashley Lau, David A. Orlando, Christopher R. Vako
c, James E. Bradner, Tong Ihn Lee, and Richard A. Young
Selective Inhibition of Tumor Oncogenes by Disruption of Super-enhancers
Cell 2013, 153: 320-334
Important Notes
- Module Name: ROSE (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- ROSE_HOME ROSE installation directory
- ROSE_BIN ROSE bin directory
- ROSE_SRC ROSE source directory
- ROSE_DATA ROSE sample data directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive [user@cn3107 ~]$ module load ROSE [+] Loading gcc 7.2.0 ... [+] Loading GSL 2.4 for GCC 7.2.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi 3.0.0 for GCC 7.2.0 [+] Loading pandoc 2.10 on cn2385 [+] Loading R 3.4.4 [+] Loading samtools 0.1.19 ... [+] Loading ROSE 20200707Copy sample data to the current folder:
[user@cn3107 ~]$ cp -rP $ROSE_DATA/* .The ROSE usage is as follows:
[user@cn3107 ~]$ -h Usage: [options] -g [GENOME] -i [INPUT_REGION_GFF] -r [RANKBY_BAM_FILE] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [OPTIONAL_FLAGS] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT, --i=INPUT Enter a .gff or .bed file of binding sites used to make enhancers -r RANKBY, --rankby=RANKBY bamfile to rank enhancer by -o OUT, --out=OUT Enter an output folder -g GENOME, --genome=GENOME Enter the genome build (MM9,MM8,HG18,HG19,MM10,HG38) -b BAMS, --bams=BAMS Enter a comma separated list of additional bam files to map to -c CONTROL, --control=CONTROL bamfile to rank enhancer by -s STITCH, --stitch=STITCH Enter a max linking distance for stitching -t TSS, --tss=TSS Enter a distance from TSS to exclude. 0 = no TSS exclusionRun ROSE on the sample data:
[user@cn3107 ~]$ -g hg18 -i HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff -r MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -o my_output_dir USING HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff AS THE INPUT GFF USING hg18_refseq.ucsc AS THE GENOME ('upper(genome)=', 'HG18_REFSEQ.UCSC') [user@cn2380 ROSE]$ vi [usera@cn2380 ROSE]$ python -g hg18 -i HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff -r MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -o my_output_dir USING HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff AS THE INPUT GFF USING hg18 AS THE GENOME ('upper(genome)=', 'HG18') MAKING START DICT LOADING IN GFF REGIONS CHECKING INPUT TO MAKE SURE EACH REGION HAS A UNIQUE IDENTIFIER REFERENCE COLLECTION PASSES QC STITCHING REGIONS TOGETHER PERFORMING REGION STITCHING MAKING GFF FROM STITCHED COLLECTION WRITING STITCHED GFF TO DISK AS my_output_dir/gff/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED.gff OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO my_output_dir/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt python -f 1 -e 200 -r -m 1 -b MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -i my_output_dir/gff/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED.gff -o my_output_dir/mappedGFF/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam_MAPPED.gff & python -f 1 -e 200 -r -m 1 -b MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam -i HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff -o my_output_dir/mappedGFF/HG18_ MM1S_MED1_MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam_MAPPED.gff & PAUSING TO MAP {'matrix': '1', 'extension': '200', 'floor': '1', 'sense': 'both', 'output': 'my_output_dir/mappedGFF/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_ MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam_MAPPED.gff', 'bam': 'MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam', 'rpm': True, 'input': 'my_output_dir/gff/HG18_MM 1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED.gff'} [] mapping to GFF and making a matrix with fixed bin number {'matrix': '1', 'extension': '200', 'floor': '1', 'sense': 'both', 'output': 'my_output_dir/mappedGFF/HG18_MM1S_MED1_MM1S_MED1.hg18 .bwt.sorted.bam_MAPPED.gff', 'bam': 'MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam', 'rpm': True, 'input': 'HG18_MM1S_MED1.gff'} [] mapping to GFF and making a matrix with fixed bin number WAITING FOR MAPPING TO COMPLETE. ELAPSED TIME (MIN): 0 using a MMR value of 17.4141 using a MMR value of 17.4141 has chr has chr Number lines processed 0 Number lines processed 0 100 100 200 200 ... 19300 19400 MAPPING TOOK 30 MINUTES BAM MAPPING COMPLETED NOW MAPPING DATA TO REGIONS FORMATTING TABLE 1000 2000 ... 13000 14000 GETTING MAPPED DATA GETTING MAPPING DATA FOR MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam OPENING my_output_dir/mappedGFF/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam_MAPPED.gff MAKING SIGNAL DICT FOR MM1S_MED1.hg18.bwt.sorted.bam CALLING AND PLOTTING SUPER-ENHANCERS R --no-save my_output_dir/ my_output_dir/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt HG18_MM1S_MED1 NONE < ROSE_callSuper. R ... version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) -- "Someone to Lean On" opyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing latform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. ou are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. ype 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale is a collaborative project with many contributors. ype 'contributors()' for more information and citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. ype 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. ype 'q()' to quit R. #============================================================================ #==============SUPER-ENHANCER CALLING AND PLOTTING FUNCTIONS================= #============================================================================ > > #This function calculates the cutoff by sliding a diagonal line and finding where it is tangential (or as close as possible) > calculate_cutoff <- function(inputVector, drawPlot=TRUE,...){ + inputVector <- sort(inputVector) + inputVector[inputVector<0]<-0 #set those regions with more control than ranking equal to zero + slope <- (max(inputVector)-min(inputVector))/length(inputVector) #This is the slope of the line we want to slide. This is t he diagonal. + xPt <- floor(optimize(numPts_below_line,lower=1,upper=length(inputVector),myVector= inputVector,slope=slope)$minimum) #Find the x-axis point where a line passing through that point has the minimum number of points below it. (ie. tangent) + y_cutoff <- inputVector[xPt] #The y-value at this x point. This is our cutoff. + + if(drawPlot){ #if TRUE, draw the plot + plot(1:length(inputVector), inputVector,type="l",...) + b <- y_cutoff-(slope* xPt) + abline(v= xPt,h= y_cutoff,lty=2,col=8) + points(xPt,y_cutoff,pch=16,cex=0.9,col=2) + abline(coef=c(b,slope),col=2) + title(paste("x=",xPt,"\ny=",signif(y_cutoff,3),"\nFold over Median=",signif(y_cutoff/median(inputVector),3),"x\nFol d over Mean=",signif(y_cutoff/mean(inputVector),3),"x",sep="")) + axis(1,sum(inputVector==0),sum(inputVector==0),col.axis="pink",col="pink") #Number of regions with zero signal + } + return(list(absolute=y_cutoff,overMedian=y_cutoff/median(inputVector),overMean=y_cutoff/mean(inputVector))) + } > > #this is an accessory function, that determines the number of points below a diagnoal passing through [x,yPt] > numPts_below_line <- function(myVector,slope,x){ + yPt <- myVector[x] + b <- yPt-(slope*x) + xPts <- 1:length(myVector) + return(sum(myVector<=(xPts*slope+b))) + } > > > convert_stitched_to_bed <- function(inputStitched,trackName,trackDescription,outputFile,splitSuper=TRUE,score=c(),superRows=c(),b aseColor="0,0,0",superColor="255,0,0"){ + outMatrix <- matrix(data="",ncol=4+ifelse(length(score)==nrow(inputStitched),1,0),nrow=nrow(inputStitched)) + + outMatrix[,1] <- as.character(inputStitched$CHROM) + outMatrix[,2] <- as.character(inputStitched$START) + outMatrix[,3] <- as.character(inputStitched$STOP) + outMatrix[,4] <- as.character(inputStitched$REGION_ID) + if(length(score)==nrow(inputStitched)){ + score <- rank(score,ties.method="first") + score <- length(score)-score+1 #Stupid rank only does smallest to largest. + outMatrix[,5] <- as.character(score) + } + trackDescription <- paste(trackDescription,"\nCreated on ",format(Sys.time(), "%b %d %Y"),collapse="",sep="") + trackDescription <- gsub("\n","\t", trackDescription) + tName <- gsub(" ","_",trackName) + cat('track name="', tName,'" description="', trackDescription,'" itemRGB=On color=',baseColor,"\n",sep="",file=outputFile) + write.table(file= outputFile,outMatrix,sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE) + if(splitSuper==TRUE){ + cat("\ntrack name=\"Super_", tName,'" description="Super ', trackDescription,'" itemRGB=On color=', superColor,"\n" ,sep="",file=outputFile,append=TRUE) + write.table(file= outputFile,outMatrix[superRows,],sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE ) + } + } > > > > convert_stitched_to_gateway_bed <- function(inputStitched,outputFileRoot,splitSuper=TRUE,score=c(),superRows=c()){ + outMatrix <- matrix(data="",ncol=6,nrow=nrow(inputStitched)) + + outMatrix[,1] <- as.character(inputStitched$CHROM) + outMatrix[,2] <- as.character(inputStitched$START) + outMatrix[,3] <- as.character(inputStitched$STOP) + outMatrix[,4] <- as.character(inputStitched$REGION_ID) + + if(length(score)==nrow(inputStitched)){ + score <- rank(score,ties.method="first") + score <- length(score)-score+1 #Stupid rank only does smallest to largest. + outMatrix[,5] <- as.character(score) + } + + outMatrix[,6] <- as.character(rep('.',nrow(outMatrix))) + + + outputFile1 = paste(outputFileRoot,'_Gateway_Enhancers.bed',sep='') + write.table(file= outputFile1,outMatrix,sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,append=TRUE) + if(splitSuper==TRUE){ + outputFile2 = paste(outputFileRoot,'_Gateway_SuperEnhancers.bed',sep='') + + write.table(file= outputFile2,outMatrix[superRows,],sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE,append=TRU E) + } + } > > > > > writeSuperEnhancer_table <- function(superEnhancer,description,outputFile,additionalData=NA){ + description <- paste("#",description,"\nCreated on ",format(Sys.time(), "%b %d %Y"),collapse="",sep="") + description <- gsub("\n","\n#",description) + cat(description,"\n",file=outputFile) + if(is.matrix(additionalData)){ + if(nrow(additionalData)!=nrow(superEnhancer)){ + warning("Additional data does not have the same number of rows as the number of super enhancers.\n--->>> AD DITIONAL DATA NOT INCLUDED <<<---\n") + }else{ + superEnhancer <- cbind(superEnhancer,additionalData) + superEnhancer = superEnhancer[order(superEnhancer$enhancerRank),] + + } + } + write.table(file=outputFile,superEnhancer,sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,append=TRUE) + } > > > > #============================================================================ > #===================SUPER-ENHANCER CALLING AND PLOTTING====================== > #============================================================================ > > > > args <- commandArgs() > > print('THESE ARE THE ARGUMENTS') [1] "THESE ARE THE ARGUMENTS" > print(args) [1] "/usr/local/apps/R/3.4/3.4.4/lib64/R/bin/exec/R" [2] "--no-save" [3] "my_output_dir/" [4] "my_output_dir/HG18_MM1S_MED1_12KB_STITCHED_ENHANCER_REGION_MAP.txt" [5] "HG18_MM1S_MED1" [6] "NONE" > > #ARGS > outFolder = args[3] > enhancerFile = args[4] > enhancerName = args[5] > wceName = args[6] > > > > #Read enhancer regions with closestGene columns > stitched_regions <- read.delim(file= enhancerFile,sep="\t") > > > #perform WCE subtraction. Using pipeline table to match samples to proper background. > rankBy_factor = colnames(stitched_regions)[7] > > prefix = unlist(strsplit(rankBy_factor,'_'))[1] > > if(wceName == 'NONE'){ + + + rankBy_vector = as.numeric(stitched_regions[,7]) + + }else{ + wceName = colnames(stitched_regions)[8] + print('HERE IS THE WCE NAME') + print(wceName) + + rankBy_vector = as.numeric(stitched_regions[,7])-as.numeric(stitched_regions[,8]) + } > > > #SETTING NEGATIVE VALUES IN THE rankBy_vector to 0 > > rankBy_vector[rankBy_vector < 0] <- 0 > > > #FIGURING OUT THE CUTOFF > > cutoff_options <- calculate_cutoff(rankBy_vector, drawPlot=FALSE,xlab=paste(rankBy_factor,'_enhancers'),ylab=paste(rankByFactor,' Signal','- ',wceName),lwd=2,col=4) > > > #These are the super-enhancers > superEnhancerRows <- which(rankBy_vector> cutoff_options$absolute) > typicalEnhancers = setdiff(1:nrow(stitched_regions),superEnhancerRows) > enhancerDescription <- paste(enhancerName," Enhancers\nCreated from ", enhancerFile,"\nRanked by ",rankBy_factor,"\nUsing cutoff of ",cutoff_options$absolute," for Super-Enhancers",sep="",collapse="") > > > #MAKING HOCKEY STICK PLOT > plotFileName = paste(outFolder,enhancerName,'_Plot_points.png',sep='') > png(filename=plotFileName,height=600,width=600) > signalOrder = order(rankBy_vector,decreasing=TRUE) > if(wceName == 'NONE'){ + plot(length(rankBy_vector):1,rankBy_vector[signalOrder], col='red',xlab=paste(rankBy_factor,'_enhancers'),ylab=paste(rankBy _factor,' Signal'),pch=19,cex=2) + + }else{ + plot(length(rankBy_vector):1,rankBy_vector[signalOrder], col='red',xlab=paste(rankBy_factor,'_enhancers'),ylab=paste(rankBy _factor,' Signal','- ',wceName),pch=19,cex=2) + } > abline(h=cutoff_options$absolute,col='grey',lty=2) > abline(v=length(rankBy_vector)-length(superEnhancerRows),col='grey',lty=2) > lines(length(rankBy_vector):1,rankBy_vector[signalOrder],lwd=4, col='red') > text(0,0.8*max(rankBy_vector),paste(' Cutoff used: ',cutoff_options$absolute,'\n','Super-Enhancers identified: ',length(superEnha ncerRows)),pos=4) > > null device 1 > > > > > #Writing a bed file > bedFileName = paste(outFolder,enhancerName,'_Enhancers_withSuper.bed',sep='') > convert_stitched_to_bed(stitched_regions,paste(rankBy_factor,"Enhancers"), enhancerDescription,bedFileName,score=rankBy_vector,sp litSuper=TRUE,superRows= superEnhancerRows,baseColor="0,0,0",superColor="255,0,0") > > > bedFileRoot = paste(outFolder,enhancerName,sep='') > > convert_stitched_to_gateway_bed(stitched_regions,bedFileRoot,splitSuper=TRUE,score=rankBy_vector,superRows = superEnhancerRows) > > > #This matrix is just the super_enhancers > true_super_enhancers <- stitched_regions[superEnhancerRows,] > > additionalTableData <- matrix(data=NA,ncol=2,nrow=nrow(stitched_regions)) > colnames(additionalTableData) <- c("enhancerRank","isSuper") > additionalTableData[,1] <- nrow(stitched_regions)-rank(rankBy_vector,ties.method="first")+1 > additionalTableData[,2] <- 0 > additionalTableData[superEnhancerRows,2] <- 1 > > > #Writing enhancer and super-enhancer tables with enhancers ranked and super status annotated > enhancerTableFile = paste(outFolder,enhancerName,'_AllEnhancers.table.txt',sep='') > writeSuperEnhancer_table(stitched_regions, enhancerDescription,enhancerTableFile, additionalData= additionalTableData) Warning message: In write.table(file = outputFile, superEnhancer, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, : appending column names to file > > superTableFile = paste(outFolder,enhancerName,'_SuperEnhancers.table.txt',sep='') > writeSuperEnhancer_table(true_super_enhancers, enhancerDescription,superTableFile, additionalData= additionalTableData[superEnhan cerRows,]) Warning message: In write.table(file = outputFile, superEnhancer, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, : appending column names to fileEnd the interactive session:
[user@cn3107 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$