Rcorrector implements a k-mer based method to correct random sequencing errors in Illumina RNA-seq reads. Rcorrector uses a De Bruijn graph to compactly represent all trusted k-mers in the input reads. Unlike WGS read correctors, which use a global threshold to determine trusted k-mers, Rcorrector computes a local threshold at every position in a read.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g [user@@cn3200 ~]$module load Rcorrector [+] Loading gcc 7.2.0 ... [+] Loading jellyfish 2.2.7 [+] Loading Rcorrector ... [user@biowulf]$ rcorrector Usage: ./rcorrector [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: Required parameters: -r seq_file: seq_file is the path to the sequence file. Can use multiple -r to specifiy multiple sequence files -p seq_file_left seq_file_right: the paths to the paired-end data set. Can use multiple -p to specifiy multiple sequence files -i seq_file: seq_file is the path to the interleaved mate-pair sequence file. Can use multiple -i -c jf_dump: the kmer counts dumped by JellyFish -k kmer_length Other parameters: -od output_file_directory (default: ./) -t number of threads to use (default: 1) -maxcor INT: the maximum number of correction every 100bp (default: 8) -maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4) -wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold (default: 0.95) -stdout: output the corrected sequences to stdout (default: not used) -verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used) [user@@cn3200 ~]$ run_rcorrector.pl Usage: perl ./run_rcorrector.pl [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: Required parameters: -s seq_files: comma separated files for single-end data sets -1 seq_files_left: comma separated files for the first mate in the paried-end data sets -2 seq_files_right: comma separated files for the second mate in the paired-end data sets -i seq_files_interleaved: comma sperated files for interleaved paired-end data sets Other parameters: -k kmer_length (<=32, default: 23) -od output_file_directory (default: ./) -t number_of_threads (default: 1) -maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4) -wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold, lower for more divergent genome (default: 0.95) -ek expected_number_of_kmers: does not affect the correctness of program but affect the memory usage (default: 100000000) -stdout: output the corrected reads to stdout (default: not used) -verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used) -stage INT: start from which stage (default: 0) 0-start from begining(storing kmers in bloom filter); 1-start from count kmers showed up in bloom filter; 2-start from dumping kmer counts into a jf_dump file; 3-start from error correction. [user@@cn3200 ~]$ run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq RPut the kmers into bloom filter jellyfish bc -m 23 -s 100000000 -C -t 1 -o tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.bc /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ Count the kmers in the bloom filter jellyfish count -m 23 -s 100000 -C -t 1 --bc tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.bc -o tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.mer_counts /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ Dump the kmers jellyfish dump -L 2 tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.mer_counts > tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.jf_dump Error correction /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ -p /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ -c tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.jf_dump Stored 253 kmers Weak kmer threshold rate: 0.010000 (estimated from 0.950/1 of the chosen kmers) Bad quality threshold is '!' Processed 70 reads Corrected 21 bases.End the interactive session:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Create a batch input file (e.g. rcorrector.sh). For example:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=4g module load Rcorrector run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch rcorrector.sh
Create a swarmfile (e.g. rcorrector.swarm). For example:
#!/bin/bash run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq
Submit this job using the swarm command.
swarm -f rcorrector.swarm -g 4