Rcorrector: Error correction for Illumina RNA-seq reads
Rcorrector implements a k-mer based method to correct random sequencing errors in Illumina RNA-seq reads. Rcorrector uses a De Bruijn graph to compactly represent all trusted k-mers in the input reads. Unlike WGS read correctors, which use a global threshold to determine trusted k-mers, Rcorrector computes a local threshold at every position in a read.
- Li Song and Liliana Florea
Rcorrector: efficient and accurate error correction for Illumina RNA-seq reads
GigaScience 2015, 4, 48
Important Notes
- Module Name: Rcorrector (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- RCORRECTOR_HOME installation directory
- RCORRECTOR_BIN executable directory
- RCORRECTOR_DATA sample data dorectory
- RCORRECTOR_SRC source code directory
- RCORRECTOR_DOC documentation directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g [user@@cn3200 ~]$module load Rcorrector [+] Loading gcc 7.2.0 ... [+] Loading jellyfish 2.2.7 [+] Loading Rcorrector ... [user@biowulf]$ rcorrector Usage: ./rcorrector [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: Required parameters: -r seq_file: seq_file is the path to the sequence file. Can use multiple -r to specifiy multiple sequence files -p seq_file_left seq_file_right: the paths to the paired-end data set. Can use multiple -p to specifiy multiple sequence files -i seq_file: seq_file is the path to the interleaved mate-pair sequence file. Can use multiple -i -c jf_dump: the kmer counts dumped by JellyFish -k kmer_length Other parameters: -od output_file_directory (default: ./) -t number of threads to use (default: 1) -maxcor INT: the maximum number of correction every 100bp (default: 8) -maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4) -wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold (default: 0.95) -stdout: output the corrected sequences to stdout (default: not used) -verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used) [user@@cn3200 ~]$ run_rcorrector.pl Usage: perl ./run_rcorrector.pl [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: Required parameters: -s seq_files: comma separated files for single-end data sets -1 seq_files_left: comma separated files for the first mate in the paried-end data sets -2 seq_files_right: comma separated files for the second mate in the paired-end data sets -i seq_files_interleaved: comma sperated files for interleaved paired-end data sets Other parameters: -k kmer_length (<=32, default: 23) -od output_file_directory (default: ./) -t number_of_threads (default: 1) -maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4) -wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold, lower for more divergent genome (default: 0.95) -ek expected_number_of_kmers: does not affect the correctness of program but affect the memory usage (default: 100000000) -stdout: output the corrected reads to stdout (default: not used) -verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used) -stage INT: start from which stage (default: 0) 0-start from begining(storing kmers in bloom filter); 1-start from count kmers showed up in bloom filter; 2-start from dumping kmer counts into a jf_dump file; 3-start from error correction. [user@@cn3200 ~]$ run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq RPut the kmers into bloom filter jellyfish bc -m 23 -s 100000000 -C -t 1 -o tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.bc /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ Count the kmers in the bloom filter jellyfish count -m 23 -s 100000 -C -t 1 --bc tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.bc -o tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.mer_counts /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ Dump the kmers jellyfish dump -L 2 tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.mer_counts > tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.jf_dump Error correction /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ -p /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ /usr/local/apps/Rcorrector/ -c tmp_ffad73bdce91fd172154077d85bac6cc.jf_dump Stored 253 kmers Weak kmer threshold rate: 0.010000 (estimated from 0.950/1 of the chosen kmers) Bad quality threshold is '!' Processed 70 reads Corrected 21 bases.End the interactive session:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.
Create a batch input file (e.g. rcorrector.sh). For example:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=4g module load Rcorrector run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch rcorrector.sh
Swarm of Jobs
A swarm of jobs is an easy way to submit a set of independent commands requiring identical resources.
Create a swarmfile (e.g. rcorrector.swarm). For example:
#!/bin/bash run_rcorrector.pl -1 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read1.fq -2 $RCORRECTOR_DATA/sample_read2.fq
Submit this job using the swarm command.
swarm -f rcorrector.swarm -g 4