Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
VirSorter2: a multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA viruses

VirSorter2 is a DNA and RNA virus identification tool. It leverages genome-informed database advances across a collection of customized automatic classifiers to improve the accuracy and range of virus sequence detection.

Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session on a GPU node:

[user@biowulf ~]$ sinteractive --mem=100g --cpus-per-task=4 --gres=lscratch:50
[user@cn2379 ~]$ module load virsorter2
[+] Loading singularity  3.8.2  on cn0853
[+] Loading virsorter2  2.2.3
[user@cn2379 ~]$ mkdir -p /data/$USER/VirSorter2 && cd /data/$USER/VirSorter2
Configuring VirSorter2 (need to be done only once):
[user@cn2379 ~]$ wget -O db.tgz 
[user@cn2379 ~]$ gunzip -c db.tgz | tar -xvf -
[user@cn2379 ~]$ vs2 config --init-source --db-dir=$PWD/db
[2021-09-30 06:23 INFO] VirSorter 2.2.3
[2021-09-30 06:23 INFO] /VirSorter/bin/virsorter config --init-source --db-dir=/data/user/db
[2021-09-30 06:23 INFO] Attention: can not write template-config.yaml in source directory:
makeing a copy to user home direcotry:

[2021-09-30 06:23 INFO] Using {template} as config template
[2021-09-30 06:23 INFO] saving /data/user/VirSorter2/db as DBDIR to config file /home/user/.virsorter/template-config.yaml
Running VirSorter2 on sample data:
[user@cn2379 ~]$ cp $VS2_DATA/* .
[user@cn2379 ~]$ vs2 run -w test.out -i test-for-sop.fa --min-length 1500 -j 4 all 
[2021-09-30 17:03 INFO] VirSorter 2.1
[2021-09-30 17:03 INFO] /miniconda/bin/virsorter run -w test.out -i test-for-sop.fa --min-length 1500 -j 4 all
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] VirSorter 2.2.3
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] /opt/conda/envs/vs2/bin/virsorter config --init-source --db-dir=./db
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] Attention: can not write template-config.yaml in source directory:
makeing a copy to user home direcotry:

[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] Using {template} as config template
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] saving /gs7/users/user/VirSorter2/db as DBDIR to config file /home/user/.virsorter/template-config.yaml
[user@cn0864 VirSorter2]$ ls db/conda_envs
[userga@cn0864 VirSorter2]$  vs2 run -w test.out -i test-for-sop.fa --min-length 1500 -j 4 all
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] VirSorter 2.2.3
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] /opt/conda/envs/vs2/bin/virsorter run -w test.out -i test-for-sop.fa --min-length 1500 -j 4 all
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] Using /home/user/.virsorter/template-config.yaml as config template
[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] conig file written to /gs7/users/user/VirSorter2/test.out/config.yaml

[2021-10-04 06:24 INFO] Executing: snakemake --snakefile /opt/conda/envs/vs2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/virsorter/Snakefile --directory /gs7/users/user/VirSorter2/test.out --jobs 4 --configfile /gs7/users/user/VirSorter2/test.out/config.yaml --latency-wait 600 --rerun-incomplete --nolock  --conda-frontend mamba --conda-prefix /gs7/users/user/VirSorter2/db/conda_envs --use-conda    --quiet  all
Job counts:
        count   jobs
        1       all
        1       check_point_for_reclassify
        1       circular_linear_split
        1       classify
        2       classify_by_group
        2       classify_full_and_part_by_group
        1       combine_linear_circular
        2       combine_linear_circular_by_group
        1       extract_feature
        1       extract_provirus_seqs
        1       finalize
        1       gff_feature
        2       gff_feature_by_group
        2       hmm_features_by_group
        1       hmm_sort_to_best_hit_taxon
        2       hmm_sort_to_best_hit_taxon_by_group
        1       merge_classification
        1       merge_full_and_part_classification
        2       merge_hmm_gff_features_by_group
        2       merge_provirus_call_by_group_by_split
        1       merge_provirus_call_from_groups
        5       merge_split_hmmtbl
        10      merge_split_hmmtbl_by_group
        10      merge_split_hmmtbl_by_group_tmp
        1       pick_viral_fullseq
        1       preprocess
        1       split_faa
        2       split_faa_by_group
        2       split_gff_by_group
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] # of seqs < 1500 bp and removed: 0
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] # of circular seqs: 0
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] # of linear seqs  : 7
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] No circular seqs found in contig file
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] Finish spliting linear contig file with common rbs
[2021-10-04 06:26 INFO] Step 1 - preprocess finished.
[2021-10-04 06:32 INFO] Step 2 - extract-feature finished.
[2021-10-04 06:33 INFO]
            ====> VirSorter run (provirus mode) finished.
            # of full    seqs (>=2 genes) as viral:     6
            # of partial seqs (>=2 genes) as viral:     1
            # of short   seqs (< 2 genes) as viral:     0

            Useful output files:
                final-viral-score.tsv       ==> score table
                final-viral-combined.fa     ==> all viral seqs
                final-viral-boundary.tsv    ==> table with boundary info

                Suffix is added to seq names in final-viral-combined.fa:
                full    seqs (>=2 genes) as viral:      ||full
                partial seqs (>=2 genes) as viral:      ||partial
                short   seqs (< 2 genes) as viral:      ||lt2gene

            Users can further screen the results based on the following
                columns in final-viral-score.tsv:
                - contig length (length)
                - hallmark gene count (hallmark)
                - viral gene % (viral)
                - cellular gene % (cellular)
            The group field in final-viral-score.tsv should NOT be used
                as reliable taxonomy info


[2021-10-04 06:33 INFO] Step 3 - classify finished.

Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:

set -e
module load virsorter2
cp $VS2_DATA/* .  
vs2 run -w test.out -i test-for-sop.fa --min-length 1500 -j 4 all

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
