Bartender: fast and accurate counting of barcode reads
Bartender is an accurate clustering algorithm to detect barcodes and their abundances from raw next-generation sequencing data. In contrast with existing methods that cluster based on sequence similarity alone, Bartender uses a modified two-sample proportion test that also considers cluster size. This modification results in higher accuracy and lower rates of under- and over-clustering artifacts.
- Lu Zhao, Zhimin Liu, Sasha F. Levy and Song Wu
Bartender: a fast and accurate clustering algorithm to count barcode reads
Bioinformatics 34(5), 739–747 (2018).
Important Notes
- Module Name: Bartender (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- BARTENDER_HOME installation directory
- BARTENDER_BIN executable directory
- BARTENDER_SRC source code directory
- BARTENDER_DATA sample data directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive [user@cn3200 ~]$module load bartender [+] Loading singularity 3.8.2 [+] Loading bartender 1.1 [user@cn3200 ~]$ cp $BARTENDER_DATA/* . [user@cn3200 ~]$ bartender_extractor_com -f 2M_test.fq -o 2M_extracted -q "?" -p "TACC[4-7]AA[4-7]AA[4-7]TT[4-7]ATAA" -m 2 Running bartender extractor bartender_extractor 2M_test.fq 2M_extracted 63 "(TAC.|TA.C|T.CC|.ACC)([ATCGN]{4,7})(AA)([ATCGN]{4,7})(AA)([ATCGN]{4,7})(TT)([ATCGN]{4,7})(ATA.|AT.A|A.AA|.TAA)" TACC ATAA 9 1 Totally there are 1000 reads in 2M_test.fq file! Totally there are 976 valid barcodes from 2M_test.fq file Totally there are 924 valid barcodes whose quality pass the quality condition The estimated sequence error from the prefix and suffix parts is 0.00153689 [user@cn3200 ~]$ bartender_single_com -f 2M_extracted_barcode.txt -o 2M_barcode -d 3 Running bartender Loading barcodes from the file It takes 00:00:00 to load the barcodes from 2M_extracted_barcode.txt Shortest barcode length: 18 Longest barcode length: 26 Start to group barcode with length 18 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 1 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 1 barcodes with length 18 Start to group barcode with length 19 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 7 The distance threshold is 3 Clustering iteration 1 Clustering iteration 2 Clustering iteration 3 Clustering iteration 4 Identified 7 barcodes with length 19 Start to group barcode with length 20 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 221 The distance threshold is 3 Clustering iteration 1 Clustering iteration 2 Clustering iteration 3 Clustering iteration 4 Identified 221 barcodes with length 20 Start to group barcode with length 21 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 0 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 0 barcodes with length 21 Start to group barcode with length 22 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 0 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 0 barcodes with length 22 Start to group barcode with length 23 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 0 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 0 barcodes with length 23 Start to group barcode with length 24 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 0 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 0 barcodes with length 24 Start to group barcode with length 25 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 0 The distance threshold is 3 Identified 0 barcodes with length 25 Start to group barcode with length 26 Using two sample unpooled test Transforming the barcodes into seed clusters Initial number of unique reads: 2 The distance threshold is 3 Clustering iteration 1 Clustering iteration 2 Clustering iteration 3 Identified 2 barcodes with length 26 The clustering process takes 00:00:00 Start to dump clusters to file with prefix 2M_barcode Start to remove pcr effects ***(Overall error rate estimated from the clustering result)*** Total number of clusters after removing PCR effects: 231 Could not find any high quality clusters(max entropy < 0.33, cluster size > 20 ) to estimate the error rate! Please use the result cautiously(Better to check the input data)! The estimated error rate is 0 The overall running time 00:00:00 seconds.End the interactive session:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$