Illumina's bcl-convert is the (future) successor to bcl2fastq. The application converts Binary Base Call (BCL) files produced by Illumina sequencing systems to FASTQ files. bcl-convert also provides adapter handling (through masking and trimming) and UMI trimming and produces metric outputs.
The current setup of bcl-convert on Biowulf requires at least 32 CPUs, and preferrably a whole node, to run without overloading a compute node. Additionally certain options have been preset and setting them will cause an error. See Important Notes below!
- Module Name: bcl-convert (see the modules page for more information)
- Multithreaded. Requires a minimum of 32 CPUs.
- bcl-convert will write logs to /data/$USER/.bclconvert_logs or to lscratch, if available
bcl-convert Options
Do NOT set the following options when running bcl-convert:
- --bcl-num-parallel-tiles
- --bcl-num-conversion-threads
- --bcl-num-compression-threads
- --bcl-num-decompression-threads
sbatch/sinteractive Options
You MUST set the following sbatch/sinteractive options as described below.
Option | Explanation/Howto |
--exclusive | The node must be allocated exclusively, else your bcl-convert process will overload CPUs and be inefficient/run slower. |
--constraint | The number of CPUs on the allocated node must be known, so that bcl-convert will run the correct number of threads. To determine this, use the freen command to find the different types of nodes and select one type. (example below) |
--cpus-per-task | Must be set to the number of CPUs on the node type you are requesting. |
--gres=lscratch | Optional, bcl-convert will write temporary logs in lscratch. Additionally using lscratch to write output may be beneficial. See example session below |
--mem | Optional, set to all the available memory on the type of node you are requesting. |
Example session to choose parameters
biowulf% freen .......Per-Node Resources...... Partition FreeNds FreeCPUs Cores CPUs GPUs Mem Disk Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- norm* 0 / 695 7926 / 38920 28 56 247g 400g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd400,x2695,ibfdr norm* 0 / 521 2806 / 29168 28 56 247g 800g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd800,x2680,ibfdr norm* 0 / 7 144 / 392 28 56 247g 2400g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd2400,x2680,ibfdr norm* 397 / 519 13290 / 16608 16 32 121g 800g cpu32,core16,g128,ssd800,x2650,10g [...]freen reports that there are 'cpu32' (32 CPUs), or 'cpu56' (56 CPUs) nodes available.
Thus, to submit to a 32-cpu node (121 GB of RAM), your sbatch or sinteractive command would have the parameters:
--exclusive --constraint=cpu32 --cpus-per-task=32 --mem=121g --gres=lscratch:400Alternatively, if you want a 56-CPU node, you would use:
--exclusive --constraint=cpu56 --cpus-per-task=56 --mem=247g --gres=lscratch:400
Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session (user input in bold):
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --exclusive --constraint=cpu32 --cpus-per-task=32 --mem=64G --gres=lscratch:400 salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn3144 are ready for job [user@cn3144 ~]$ cd /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID [user@cn3144 ~]$ mkdir sample_bclconvert_output [user@cn3144 ~]$ module load bcl-convert [user@cn3144 ~]$ bcl-convert --bcl-input-directory /data/$USER/sample-run \ --output-directory sample_bclconvert_output Index Read 2 is marked as Reverse Complement in RunInfo.xml: The barcode and UMI outputs will be output in Reverse Complement of Sample Sheet inputs. Sample sheet being processed by common lib? Yes SampleSheet Settings: AdapterRead1 = CAAGCAGAAGACGGCATACGAGAT AdapterRead2 = CAAGCAGAAGACGGCATACGAGAT FastqCompressionFormat = gzip SoftwareVersion = 3.7.4 shared-thread-linux-native-asio output is disabled bcl-convert Version Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Illumina, Inc. ... [user@cn3144 ~]$ mv sample_bclconvert_output /data/$USER/ [user@cn3144 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:
#!/bin/bash set -e mkdir -p /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID/sample-output module load bcl-convert bcl-convert --bcl-input-directory sample-run --output-directory /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID/sample-output mv /lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID/sample-output /data/$USER/
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch --exclusive --constraint=cpu32 --cpus-per-task=32 --mem=64G --gres=lscratch:400