BioGANs: GANs for Biological Image Synthesis
BioGANs is a novel application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to the synthesis of
fluorescence microscopy images of living cells. It allows to infer and visualize the correlated
localization patterns of different fluorescent proteins. These patterns reflect important biological
functions, but cannot be visualized experimentally for multiple proteins at the
same stage of cell growth cycle.
This application, reimplemented in Keras from the original version developed in PyTorch,
is being used as a biological example in class #4 of the course
"Deep Learning by Example on Biowulf".
- Anton Osokin, Anatole Chessel, Rafael E. Carazo Salas and Federico Vaggi
GANs for Biological Image Synthesis
ICCV 2017 p.2233–2242
- James Dodgson, Anatole Chessel, Federico Vaggi, Marco Giordan, Miki Yamamoto, Kunio Arai,
Marisa Madrid, Marco Geymonat, Juan Francisco Abenza, José Cansado, Masamitsu Sato,
Attila Csikasz-Nagy, Rafael Edgardo Carazo Salas
Reconstructing regulatory pathways by systematically mapping protein localization interdependency networks
bioRxiv doi:
Important Notes
- Module Name: BioGANs (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- BG_HOME installation directory
- BG_BIN executable directory
- BG_SRC source code directory
- BG_DATA sample data and checkpoints directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=40g --gres=gpu:p100,lscratch:10 -c8 [user@cn3200 ~]$module load biogans [+] Loading singularity 3.8.4 on cn4225 [+] Loading biogans 20220825The BioGANs application, as it is implemented on Biowulf, comprises the following three executables:, and takes as input two-channel fluorescence microscopy images from the Localization Interdeoendency Network (LIN) dataset
and performs training of any one of the three available neural network architrectures,
(1) DCGAN,
(2) DCGAN-separable, or
(3) DCGAN-starshaped (default),
using any one of the three available GAN algorithms:
(1) (vanilla) GAN ,
(2) Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), or
(3) WGAN with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP, default). takes as input a file of weights or a trained model in the HDF5 format and generates an image stack in HDF5 format, with one "red" channel and up to six "green" channels that represent localization of different polarity factors in a cell at a randomly selected stage of a cell growth cycle; takes as input either HDF5 stack or an individual image file and visualizes the data stored in the input file.
To see the entire list of source files and copy it to your current folder, type:
[user@cn3200]$ ls $BG_SRC [user@cn3200]$ cp $BG_SRC/* .To list the executable files, type:
[user@cn3200]$ ls $BG_BIN visualize.pyTo copy sample data and checkpoints to your current directory, enter the command:
[user@cn3200]$ cp -r $BG_DATA_48-80/* .This command will create the subfolders data and checkpoints, as well as an empty folder images in your current directory.
[user@cn3200]$ tree -l data data ├ LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_test -> /fdb/BioGANs/data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_test │ ├ Alp14 │ │ ├ cell1006.png │ │ ├ cell10118.png │ │ ... │ ├ Arp3 │ │ ├ cell10056.png │ │ ├ cell10177.png │ │ ... │ ├ Cki2 │ │ ├ cell1005.png │ │ ├ cell10114.png │ │ ... │ ├ Mkh1 │ │ ├ cell10075.png │ │ ├ cell10106.png │ │ ... │ ├ Sid2 │ │ ├ cell10009.png │ │ ├ cell10098.png │ │ ... │ └ Tea1 │ ├ cell10058.png │ ├ cell10071.png │ ... └ LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train -> /fdb/BioGANs/data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train ├ Alp14 │ ├ cell100005.png │ ├ cell100087.png │ ... ├ Arp3 │ ├ cell100057.png │ ├ cell100079.png │ ... ├ Cki2 │ ├ cell100026.png │ ├ cell100044.png │ ... ├ Mkh1 │ ├ cell100015.png │ ├ cell100242.png │ ... ├ Sid2 │ ├ cell100002.png │ ├ cell100014.png │ ... └ Tea1 ├ cell100077.png ├ cell100081.png ...The BioGANs implementation on Biowulf includes only a part of the entire LIN dataset, comprising 26,909 images.
To list available command line options for the script train.pyR, type:
[user@cn3200]$ -h usage: [-h] [-a GAN_ALGORITHM] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-c CHECKPOINTS_DIR] -d DATAROOT [--epochs EPOCHS] [-g num_gpus] [--lrD LRD] [--lrG LRG] [-m NETWORK_MODEL] [-M MONITOR_STEP] [--num_D_iters NUM_D_ITERS] [--num_G_iters NUM_G_ITERS] [--ngf NGF] [--ndf NDF] [-o OPTIMIZER] [-p POLARITY_FACTORS] [-s RANDOM_SEED] [-w] [-z NZ] [--wgan_clip_value WGAN_CLIP_VALUE] [--wgangp_lambda WGANGP_LAMBDA] [-v] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a GAN_ALGORITHM, --gan_algorithm GAN_ALGORITHM training algorithm: GAN | WGAN | WGAN-GP, default=WGAN-GP -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE input batch size; default=64 -c CHECKPOINTS_DIR, --checkpoints_dir CHECKPOINTS_DIR checkpoints folder name, default='checkpoints' --epochs EPOCHS, -e EPOCHS number of iterations to train for -g num_gpus, --num_gpus num_gpus number of gpus to use; default=1 --lrD LRD learning rate for discriminator/critic, default: depends on gan_algorithm and optimizer --lrG LRG learning rate for Generator, default: 0.0002 -m NETWORK_MODEL, --network_model NETWORK_MODEL network model architecture: DCGAN | DCGAN-separable | DCGAN-starshaped, default = DCGAN- starshaped -M MONITOR_STEP, --monitor_progress MONITOR_STEP store samples of generated images after each monitor_step epochs --num_D_iters NUM_D_ITERS Number of D/C iterations per one step of training GAN/WGAN/WGAN-GP --num_G_iters NUM_G_ITERS Number of G iterations per one step of training GAN/WGAN/WGAN-GP --ngf NGF number of generator filters --ndf NDF number of discriminator filters -o OPTIMIZER, --optimizer OPTIMIZER Optimizer to use for training: default (depends on gan_algorithm) | adam | rmsprop -p POLARITY_FACTORS, --polarity_factors POLARITY_FACTORS Comma-separated names of polarity factors data to be used, empty if all -s RANDOM_SEED, --seed RANDOM_SEED Random seed, default - the answer to the ultimate question -w, --use_pretrained_weights load pre-trained model weights -z NZ, --nz NZ size of the latent z vector --wgan_clip_value WGAN_CLIP_VALUE for WGAN --wgangp_lambda WGANGP_LAMBDA for WGAN-GP -v, --verbose increase the verbosity level of output required arguments: -d DATAROOT, --data DATAROOT Path to the training datasetHere are examples of the training commands:
[user@cn3200]$ -d data ...(this command will train the default network model, DCGAN-starshaped, using the default gan algorithm, WGAN-GP, on image data corresponding to all the polarity factors available in the folder data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train)
[user@cn3200]$ -d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train -e 2000 -a WGAN -m DCGAN-separable ...(note that running of both the commands takes long, so they would normally be submitted as a batch job.)
[user@cn3200]$ -d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train/Alp14 -m DCGAN -a GAN ...(this command will train a model on the data for only one of the polarity factors).
The following options, passed to the executable, are equivalent:
-d data -d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train -d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train -p Alp14,Arp3,Cki2,Mkh1,Sid2,Tea1These options are also equivalent:
-d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train/Alp14 -d data/LIN_Normalized_WT_size-48-80_train -p Alp14 -d data -p Alp14During the training procedure, the following output foolders will be created (if they did not exist previously) in the current working directory:
checkpoints imagesStored in the first of the folders will be files in HDF5 format:
(1) weights of the generator, discriminatori/critic and combined models,
weights.<model type>.<network_architecture>.<gan_algorithm>.h5which can be used by the executable to continue the training procedure from the stored checkpiont.
(2) generator model(s), which can be used as input by the executable
model.generator.<model type>.<network_architecture>.<gan_algorithm>.h5For example:
[user@cn3200]$ ls checkpoints model.generator.DCGAN-separable.GAN.1.h5 weights.discriminator[1].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 model.generator.DCGAN-separable.WGAN.1.h5 weights.discriminator[2].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 weights.combined_model[0].DCGAN-separable.WGAN.1.h5 weights.discriminator[3].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 weights.critic[0].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.discriminator[4].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 weights.critic[1].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.discriminator[5].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 weights.critic[2].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.discriminator.DCGAN-separable.GAN.1.h5 weights.critic[3].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.generator.DCGAN-separable.GAN.1.h5 weights.critic[4].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.generator.DCGAN-separable.WGAN.1.h5 weights.critic[5].DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.generator.DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 weights.critic.DCGAN-separable.WGAN.1.h5 weights.generator.DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.6.h5 weights.critic.DCGAN.WGAN-GP.1.h5 weights.generator.DCGAN.WGAN-GP.1.h5 weights.discriminator[0].DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.6.h5 ...The executable supports the following command line options:
[user@cn3200]$ -h usage: [-h] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-c CHECKPOINTS_DIR] [-d DATAROOT] [-D] [-e] -i input_file [--lrD LRD] [--lrG LRG] [-m NETWORK_MODEL] [--ndf NDF] [--ngf NGF] [-o OPTIMIZER] [-p POLARITY_FACTORS] [-s RANDOM_SEED] [-v] [-w] [--wgan_clip_value WGAN_CLIP_VALUE] [--wgangp_lambda WGANGP_LAMBDA] [-z NZ] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE input batch size; default=64 -c CHECKPOINTS_DIR, --checkpoints_dir CHECKPOINTS_DIR checkpoints folder name, default='checkpoints' -d DATAROOT, --data DATAROOT Path to the training dataset -D, --debug output debugging info -e, --evaluate evaluate predicted images by comparing with real data --lrD LRD learning rate for discriminator/critic, default: depends on gan_algorithm and optimizer --lrG LRG learning rate for Generator, default: 0.0002 -m NETWORK_MODEL, --network_model NETWORK_MODEL network model architecture: DCGAN | DCGAN-separable | DCGAN-starshaped, default = DCGAN- starshaped --ndf NDF number of discriminator filters --ngf NGF number of generator filters -o OPTIMIZER, --optimizer OPTIMIZER Optimizer to use for training: default (depends on gan_algorithm) | adam | rmsprop -p POLARITY_FACTORS, --polarity_factors POLARITY_FACTORS Comma-separated names of polarity factors data to be used, empty if all -s RANDOM_SEED, --seed RANDOM_SEED Random seed, default - the answer to the ultimate question -v, --verbose increase the verbosity level of output -w, --use_pretrained_weights load pre-trained model weights --wgan_clip_value WGAN_CLIP_VALUE for WGAN --wgangp_lambda WGANGP_LAMBDA for WGAN-GP -z NZ, --nz NZ size of the latent z vector required arguments: -i input_file, --input_file input_file Saved generator model or weights fileExample of runing this executable on a saved checkpoint files:
[user@cn3200]$ -i checkpoints/weights.generator.DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.48_80.1.6.h5 ... Output image stack to file: images/stack7.DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.h5Now visualize the predicted images:
[user@cn3200]$ -h usage: [-h] -i input_file [-v] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v output debugging info required arguments: -i input_file The file to be visualized [user@cn3200]$ -i images/stack7.DCGAN-starshaped.WGAN-GP.h5

You can combine the and commands:
[user@cn3200]$ -i checkpoints/model.generator.DCGAN-separable.GAN.1.h5; -i images/stack7.DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.h5

[user@cn3200]$ -i checkpoints/model.generator.DCGAN-separable.GAN.1.h5; -i images/stack7.DCGAN-starshaped.GAN.h5

Note that every run of the command generates synthetic images corresponding to a different stage of a cell growth cycle, which is picked randomly.
End the interactive session:
[user@cn3200 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$