Birdsuite: analytical framework for deriving integrated and mutually consistent copy number and SNP
Birdsuite is a four-stage analytical framework instantiated in software for deriving integrated and mutually consistent copy number and SNP genotypes. The method sequentially assigns copy number across regions of common copy number polymorphisms (CNPs), calls genotypes of SNPs, identifies rare CNVs via a hidden Markov model (HMM), and generates an integrated sequence and copy number genotype at every locus.
- Joshua M Korn, Finny G Kuruvilla, Steven A McCarroll, Alec Wysoker, James Nemesh,
Simon Cawley, Earl Hubbell, Jim Veitch, Patrick J Collins, Katayoon Darvishi, Charles Lee,
Marcia M Nizzari, Stacey B Gabriel, Shaun Purcell, Mark J Daly & David Altshuler
Integrated genotype calling and association analysis of SNPs, common copy number polymorphisms and rare CNVs
Nature Genetics V. 40, N.10 (2008), p.1253-1260;
Important Notes
- Module Name: birdsuite (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- BS_HOME installation directory
- BS_BIN executable directory
- BS_DATA sample data directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=16g --cpus-per-task=16 [user@cn3335 ~]$module load birdsuite [+] Loading singularity 4.0.1 on cn4172 [+] Loading birdsuite 20231107
[user@biowulf]$ Birdsuite Version File not found. Version checking disabled. Argument is required: genderFile Argument is required: basename Error: No cel files specified. usage: Birdsuite [options] cel-files... Run the whole birdsuite pipeline. Steps are: 1: apt_probeset_summarize 2: annotate_allele_summaries 3: cn_locus_summarize 4: cn_probeset_summarize 5: canary 6: cn_create_exclude_list 7: birdseed 8: pre_birdseye 9: birdseye 10: post_birdseye 11: larry_bird 12: birdsuite_report defaultBlockSize Default block size Default: 0 firstStep What step to start with in birdsuite process. Default: 1 platform Which platform the birdsuite data comes from. Options:[AffyMetrix,Illumina] Default: AffyMetrix genomeBuild What version of locus metadata to use. Must be one of: ['hg17', 'hg18']. Default: hg18 configFile Birdsuite config file. Stores sets of command line arguments. Any argument provided in the argument file is overridden by a command line argument. canary.priors CNV priors file, can be population specific. noLsf Do not use LSF to run birdseye jobs. Run them synchronously instead. Default: false metadataDir Location of metadata files. Default: /humgen/affy_info/GAPProduction/dev noOp Outputs all the commands birdsuite would use to run all sub programs, but programs are not run. Useful to debug. If this command is used, also use --noLsf. Default: false defaultMemUsage Default memory used in Megs Default: 4000 genderFile File containing a line for each sample in the data file. 0=female, 1=male, 2=unknown. This file must have a header line 'gender'. canary.allele_freq_weight Allele frequency model weight. Change with caution! apt_probeset_summarize.force Passed through to apt-probeset-summarize. Default: false lsfQueue Use given LSF queue for parallelizing birdseye. Default: birdseed chipType Which chip type the cel files are. This is used to select the appropriate metadata files. Default: GenomeWideSNP_6 noversionCheck Do not check for latest version Default: false outputDir Where to write the large volume of output data. When running on LSF, this should probably be in /local/scratch, so long as there is a way to retrieve the files when done. Default: . lastStep What step to end with in birdsuite process. Default: 12 exeDir Location of executable files. Default: /fg/software/Affymetrix/GAPProduction/dev basename Used to name all the output files. celFiles Text file specifying cel files to process, one per line the first line being 'cel_files'. Default: get cel files from command line.Other available executables:
[user@cn3335 ~]$ ls $BS_BIN annotate_allele_summaries birdseedqc birdsuite_report cn_locus_summarize pre_birdseye apt_probeset_summarize birdseye_64 canary larry_bird shell birdseed Birdsuite cn_create_exclude_list post_birdseye [user@cn3335 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$