Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
CLOOPS2 on Biowulf

cLoops2: full stack analysis tool for chromatin interactions


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session (user input in bold):

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive
[user@cn4274 ~]$ module load cloops2
[+] Loading cloops2  0.0.4  on cn4326
[+] Loading singularity  3.10.5  on cn4326

Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Execute cLoops2

[user@cn4274 ~]$ cLoops2 -h
An enhanced, accurate and flexible peak/domain/loop-calling and analysis tool
for 3D genomic interaction data.

Use cLoops2 sub-command -h to see detail options and examples for sub-commands.
Available sub-commands are:
    qc: quality control of BEDPE files before analysis.
    pre: preprocess input BEDPE files into cLoops2 data.
    update: update cLoops2 data files locations.
    combine: combine multiple cLooops2 data directories.
    dump: convert cLoops2 data files to others (BEDPE, HIC, washU, bedGraph,
          contact matrix or virtual 4C signal)
    estEps: estimate eps using Gaussian mixture models or k-distance plot.
    estRes: estimate reasonable contact matrix resolution based on signal
    estDis: estimate significant interactions distance range.
    estSat: estimate sequencing saturation based on contact matrix.
    estSim: estimate similarities among samples based on contact matrix.
    filterPETs: filter PETs based on peaks, loops, singleton mode or knn mode.
    samplePETs: sample PETs according to specific target size.
    callPeaks: call peaks for ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, ChIC-seq and CUT&Tag or the
               3D genomic data such as Trac-looping, Hi-TrAC, HiChIP and more.
    callLoops: call loops for 3D genomic data.
    callDiffLoops: call differentially enriched loops for two datasets.
    callDomains: call domains for 3D genomic data.
    plot: plot the interaction matrix, genes, view point plot, 1D tracks,
          peaks, loops and domains for a specific region.
    montage: analysis of specific regions, producing Westworld Season 3 -like
             Rehoboam plot.
    agg: aggregated feature analysis and plots, features can be peaks, view
         points, loops and domains.
    quant: quantify peaks, loops and domains.
    anaLoops: anotate loops for target genes.
    findTargets: find target genes of genomic regions through networks from

    cLoops2 qc -f trac_rep1.bedpe.gz,trac_rep2.bedpe,trac_rep3.bedpe.gz \
               -o trac_stat -p 3
    cLoops2 pre -f ../test_GM12878_chr21_trac.bedpe -o trac
    cLoops2 update -d ./trac
    cLoops2 combine -ds ./trac1,./trac2,./trac3 -o trac_combined -keep 1
    cLoops2 dump -d ./trac -o trac -hic
    cLoops2 estEps -d trac -o trac_estEps_gmm -p 10 -method gmm
    cLoops2 estRes -d trac -o trac_estRes -p 10 -bs 25000,5000,1000,200
    cLoops2 estDis -d trac -o trac -plot -bs 1000
    cLoops2 estSim -ds Trac1,Trac2 -o trac_sim -p 10 -bs 2000 -m pcc -plot
    cLoops2 filterPETs -d trac -peaks trac_peaks.bed -o trac_peaksFiltered -p 10
    cLoops2 samplePETs -d trac -o trac_sampled -t 5000000 -p 10
    cLoops2 callPeaks -d H3K4me3_ChIC -bgd IgG_ChIC -o H3K4me3_cLoops2 -eps 150 \
                      -minPts 10
    cLoops2 callLoops -d Trac -eps 200,500,1000 -minPts 3 -filter -o Trac -w -j \
                      -cut 2000
    cLoops2 callLoops -d HiC -eps 1000,5000,10000 -minPts 10,20,50,100 -w -j \
                      -trans -o HiC_trans
    cLoops2 callDiffLoops -tloop target_loop.txt -cloop control_loop.txt \
                          -td ./target -cd ./control -o target_diff
    cLoops2 callDomains -d trac -o trac -bs 10000 -ws 200000
    cLoops2 plot -f test/chr21-chr21.ixy -o test -bs 500 -start 34840000 \
                 -end 34895000 -triu -1D -loop test_loops.txt -log \
                 -gtf hg38.gtf -bws -beds enhancer.bed
    cLoops2 montage -f test/chr21-chr21.ixy -o test -bed test.bed
    cLoops2 agg -d trac -loops trac.loop -peaks trac_peaks.bed \
                -domains hic_domains.bed -bws, -p 20 -o trac
    cLoops2 quant -d trac -peaks trac_peaks.bed -loops trac.loop \
                  -domains trac_domain.txt -p 20 -o trac
    cLoops2 anaLoops -loops test_loop.txt -gtf gene.gtf -net -o test
    cLoops2 findTargets -net test_ep_net.sif -tg test_targets.txt \
                        -bed GWAS.bed -o test
    More usages and examples are shown when run with cLoops2 sub-command -h.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d PREDIR   Assign data directory generated by cLoops2 pre to carry out analysis.
  -o FNOUT    Output data directory / file name prefix, default is cLoops2_output.
  -p CPU      CPUs used to run the job, default is 1, set -1 to use all CPUs
              available. Too many CPU could cause out-of-memory problem if there are
              too many PETs.
  -cut CUT    Distance cutoff to filter cis PETs, only keep PETs with distance
              >=cut. Default is 0, no filtering.
  -mcut MCUT  Keep the PETs with distance <=mcut. Default is -1, no filtering.
  -v          Show cLoops2 verison number and exit.
  ---         Following are sub-commands specific options. This option just show
              version of cLoops2.

Bug reports are welcome and can be put as issue at github repo or sent to or Thank you.

Annotate an SV:

[user@cn4338] cp -a /usr/local/apps/duphold/0.2.3/test_data .
[user@cn4338 test_data]$ duphold \
 --threads 4 \
 --vcf sparse_in.vcf \
 --bam sparse.cram \
 --fasta sparse.fa \
 --output output.bcf 
#To view output, load samtools and view with bcftools
[user@cn4338 test_data] module load samtools
[user@cn4338 test_data] bcftools view test-out.bcf
##bcftools_viewCommand=view CHM1_CHM13/full.37d5.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Sep 24 13:48:04 2018
##bcftools_viewCommand=view test-out.bcf; Date=Thu May 25 12:49:34 2023
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  Eluc-CR2.F
NW_017858824.1  135118  72454   N       DEL   5875.46 .       SVTYPE=DEL;END=135332;CIPOS=0,0;CIEND=0,0;CIPOS95=0,0;CIEND95=0,0;GCF=0.306977  GT:DP:DHFC:DHFFC:DHBFC:DHSP     0/1:200:1.91667:0.597403:1.76923:0
For more information on pre and post processing, please visit the cLoops2 Github