DeCiFer: measuring tumor heterogenicity through clustering SNVs by their corresponding descendant cell fractions.
DeCiFer is an algorithm that simultaneously selects mutation multiplicities and clusters somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) by their corresponding descendant cell fractions (DCF), a statistic that quantifies the proportion of cells which acquired the SNV or whose ancestors acquired the SNV. DCF is related to the commonly used cancer cell fraction (CCF) but further accounts for SNVs which are lost due to deleterious somatic copy-number aberrations (CNAs), identifying clusters of SNVs which occur in the same phylogenetic branch of tumour evolution.
- Gryte Satas, Simone Zaccaria, Mohammed El-Kebir, and Benjamin J. Raphael1
DeCiFering the elusive cancer cell fraction in tumor heterogeneity and evolution
Cell Systems, 2021, v 12, 1004–1018.
Important Notes
- Module Name: decifer (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- DECIFER_HOME installation directory
- DECIFER_BIN executable directory
- DECIFER_DATA sample data directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=24g --cpus-per-task=24 --gres=lscratch:20 [user@cn3335 ~]$module load decifer [+] Loading singularity 3.10.3 on cn0802 [+] Loading decifer 2.1.3 ...Set up references:
[user@biowulf]$ decifer -h usage: decifer [-h] -p PURITYFILE [--betabinomial] [-i SNPFILE] [-s SEGFILE] [-v SENSITIVITY] [-R RESTARTS_BB] [-x SKIP] [--ccf] [-k MINK] [-K MAXK] [-r RESTARTS] [-t MAXIT] [-e ELBOW] [--binarysearch] [--record] [-j JOBS] [-o OUTPUT] [--statetrees STATETREES] [--seed SEED] [--debug] [--printallk] [--conservativeCIs] [--vafdevfilter VAFDEVFILTER] [--silhouette] INPUT DeCiFer. positional arguments: INPUT Input file in DeCiFer format. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PURITYFILE, --purityfile PURITYFILE File with purity of each sample (TSV file in two columns`SAMPLE PURITY`) --betabinomial Use betabinomial likelihood to cluster mutations (default: binomial) -i SNPFILE, --snpfile SNPFILE File with precisions for betabinomial fit (default: binomial likelihood) -s SEGFILE, --segfile SEGFILE File with precisions for betabinomial fit (default: binomial likelihood) -v SENSITIVITY, --sensitivity SENSITIVITY Sensitivity E to exclude SNPs with 0.5 - E <= BAF < 0.5, for estimating betabinomial parameters (default: 0.1) -R RESTARTS_BB, --restarts_bb RESTARTS_BB Maximum size of brute-force search, when fitting betabinomial parameters (default: 1e4) -x SKIP, --skip SKIP Numbers to skip in the brute-force search, when fitting betabinomial parameters (default: 10) --ccf Run with CCF instead of DCF (default: False) -k MINK, --mink MINK Minimum number of clusters, which must be at least 2 (default: 2) -K MAXK, --maxk MAXK Maximum number of clusters (default: 12) -r RESTARTS, --restarts RESTARTS Number of restarts (default: 20) -t MAXIT, --maxit MAXIT Maximum number of iterations per restart (default: 200) -e ELBOW, --elbow ELBOW Elbow sensitivity, lower values increase sensitivity (default: 0.06) --binarysearch Use binary-search model selection (default: False, iterative is used; use binary search when considering large numbers of clusters --record Record objectives (default: False) -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS Number of parallele jobs to use (default: equal to number of available processors) -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output prefix (default: ./decifer) --statetrees STATETREES Filename of state-trees file (default: use state_trees.txt in the package) --seed SEED Random-generator seed (default: None) --debug single-threaded mode for development/debugging --printallk Print all results for each value of K explored by DeCiFer --conservativeCIs Beta: compute CIs using DCF point values assigned to cluster instead of cluster likelihood function --vafdevfilter VAFDEVFILTER Filter poorly fit SNVs with VAFs that are more than this number of standard deviations away from the cluster center VAF (default 1.5) --silhouette Beta: select the number of clusters using a silhouette score ...Downloading mutation input file:
[user@cn3335 ~]$ mkdir -p data [user@cn3335 ~]$ curl -L '' > data/mutations.tsvDownloading purity input file:
[user@cn3335 ~]$ curl -L '' > data/purity.tsvRunning DeCiFer:
[user@cn3335 ~]$ decifer data/mutations.tsv -p data/purity.tsv -k 5 -K 8 -r 20 --seed 17 -j 24 Arguments: input : data/mutations.tsv mink : 5 maxk : 8 maxit : 200 purity : data/purity.tsv restarts : 20 elbow : 0.06 iterative : True record : False J : 128 output : ./decifer ccf : False betabinomial : False snpfile : None segfile : None restarts_bb : 10000 threshold : 0.1 skip : 10 statetrees : /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/decifer/state_trees.txt debug : False printallk : False conservativeCIs : False vafdevfilter : 1.5 silhouette : False 0 D 1 C 2 A Using iterative model selection Progress: |------------------------------| 1.2% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:38]Completed 2 for k=5 Progress: |------------------------------| 2.5% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:38]Completed 1 for k=5 Progress: |█-----------------------------| 3.8% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:40]Completed 5 for k=5 Progress: |█-----------------------------| 5.0% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:40]Completed 4 for k=5 Progress: |█-----------------------------| 6.2% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:40]Completed 3 for k=5 Progress: |██----------------------------| 7.5% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:40]Completed 0 for k=5 Progress: |██----------------------------| 8.8% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:48]Completed 1 for k=6 Progress: |███---------------------------| 10.0% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:59]Completed 0 for k=7 Progress: |███---------------------------| 11.2% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:59]Completed 4 for k=7 Progress: |███---------------------------| 12.5% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:37:59]Completed 1 for k=7 Progress: |████--------------------------| 13.8% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:38:04]Completed 3 for k=6 Progress: |████--------------------------| 15.0% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:38:04]Completed 0 for k=6 Progress: |████--------------------------| 16.2% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:38:05]Completed 4 for k=6 Progress: |█████-------------------------| 17.5% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:38:05]Completed 2 for k=6 Progress: |█████-------------------------| 18.8% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:38:08]Completed 6 for k=5 ... Progress: |████████████████████████████--| 95.0% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:41:16]Completed 17 for k=7 Progress: |████████████████████████████--| 96.2% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:41:19]Completed 11 for k=6 Progress: |█████████████████████████████-| 97.5% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:41:33]Completed 9 for k=8 Progress: |█████████████████████████████-| 98.8% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:41:40]Completed 18 for k=6 Progress: |██████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete [[2022-Nov-22 16:42:01]Completed 19 for k=8 [Iterations: 17]] [user@cn3335 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$