Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
deepmedic: Deep Learning for segmentation of structures of interest in biomedical 3D scans.

The deepmedic project aims to offer easy access to Deep Learning for segmentation of structures of interest in biomedical 3D scans. It is a system that allows the easy creation of a 3D Convolutional Neural Network, which can be trained to detect and segment structures if corresponding ground truth labels are provided for training.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --gres=lscratch:10 --mem=10g -c8
[user@cn0861 ~]$ module load deepmedic   
[+] Loading singularity  3.10.5  on cn4185
[+] Loading deepmedic  0.8.4
Clone the deepmedic github repository and run deepmedic in CPU mode on the provided example data:
[user@biowulf]$ wget 
[user@biowulf]$ tar -zxf v0.8.4.tar.gz && rm -f v0.8.4.tar.gz && cd deepmedic-0.8.4
[user@biowulf]$ deepMedicRun -model ./examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/model/modelConfig.cfg \
               -train examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/train/trainConfigWithValidation.cfg
Given configuration file:  /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/model/modelConfig.cfg
Given configuration file:  /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/train/trainConfigWithValidation.cfg
Creating necessary folders for training session...
=============================== logger created =======================================

======================== Starting new session ============================
Command line arguments given:
Namespace(device='cpu', model_cfg='./examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/model/modelConfig.cfg', reset_trainer=False, saved_model=None, test_cfg=None, train_cfg='examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/train/trainConfigWithValidation.cfg')
Available devices to Tensorflow:
[name: "/device:CPU:0"
device_type: "CPU"
memory_limit: 268435456
locality {
incarnation: 17546255720476806479
, name: "/device:XLA_CPU:0"
device_type: "XLA_CPU"
memory_limit: 17179869184
locality {
incarnation: 16465827944861712538
physical_device_desc: "device: XLA_CPU device"
CONFIG: The configuration file for the [model] given is: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/model/modelConfig.cfg
CNN model's name = tinyCnn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Model parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Number of Classes (including background) = 5
~Normal Pathway~~
Number of Input Channels = 2
Number of Layers = 3
Number of Feature Maps per layer = [4, 5, 6]
Kernel Dimensions per layer = [[3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3]]
Padding mode of convs per layer = ['VALID', 'VALID', 'VALID']
Residual connections added at the output of layers (indices from 0) = []
Layers that will be made of Lower Rank (indices from 0) = []
Lower Rank layers will be made of rank = []
~Subsampled Pathway~~
Use subsampled Pathway = True
Number of subsampled pathways that will be built = 1
Number of Layers (per sub-pathway) = [3]
Number of Feature Maps per layer (per sub-pathway) = [[4, 5, 6]]
Kernel Dimensions per layer = [[3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3]]
Padding mode of convs per layer = ['VALID', 'VALID', 'VALID']
Subsampling Factor per dimension (per sub-pathway) = [[3, 3, 3]]
Residual connections added at the output of layers (indices from 0) = []
Layers that will be made of Lower Rank (indices from 0) = []
Lower Rank layers will be made of rank = []
~Fully Connected Pathway~~
Number of additional FC layers (Excluding the Classif. Layer) = 0
Number of Feature Maps in the additional FC layers = []
Padding mode of convs per layer = ['VALID']
Residual connections added at the output of layers (indices from 0) = []
Layers that will be made of Lower Rank (indices from 0) = []
Dimensions of Kernels in final FC path before classification = [[1, 1, 1]]
~Size Of Image Segments~~
Size of Segments for Training = [25, 25, 25]
Size of Segments for Validation = [7, 7, 7]
Size of Segments for Testing = [45, 45, 45]
~Dropout Rates~~
Drop.R. for each layer in Normal Pathway = []
Drop.R. for each layer in Subsampled Pathway = []
Drop.R. for each layer in FC Pathway (additional FC layers + Classific.Layer at end) = [0.5]
~Weight Initialization~~
Initialization method and params for the conv kernel weights = ['fanIn', 2]
~Activation Function~~
Activation function to use = prelu
~Batch Normalization~~
Apply BN straight on pathways' inputs (eg straight on segments) = [False, False, True]
Batch Normalization uses a rolling average for inference, over this many batches = 60
========== Done with printing session's parameters ==========
CONFIG: The configuration file for the [session] was loaded from: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/train/trainConfigWithValidation.cfg

=============    NEW TRAINING SESSION    ==============

Session's name = trainSessionWithValidTiny
Model will be loaded from save = None
Main output folder = /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output
Log performance metrics for tensorboard = True
Path and filename to save trained models = /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/saved_models//trainSessionWithValidTiny//tinyCnn.trainSessionWithValidTiny
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Generic Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Number of Cases for Training = 2
Number of Cases for Validation = 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Training parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dataframe (csv) filename = None
Filepaths to Channels of the Training Cases = [['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/T1c_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz'], ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0006_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0006_1/T1c_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz']]
Filepaths to Ground-Truth labels of the Training Cases = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/OTMultiClass.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0006_1/OTMultiClass.nii.gz']
Filepaths to ROI Masks of the Training Cases = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/brainmask.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0006_1/brainmask.nii.gz']
~ Sampling (train) ~~
Type of Sampling = Fore/Background (0)
Sampling Categories = ['Foreground', 'Background']
Percent of Samples to extract per Sampling Category = [0.5 0.5]
Paths to weight-Maps for sampling of each category = None
~Training Cycle~~
Number of Epochs = 2
Number of Subepochs per epoch = 2
Number of cases to load per Subepoch (for extracting the samples for this subepoch) = 50
Number of Segments loaded per subepoch for Training = 1000. NOTE: This number of segments divided by the batch-size defines the number of optimization-iterations that will be performed every subepoch!
Batch size (train) = 10
Number of parallel processes for sampling = 0
~Learning Rate Schedule~~
Type of schedule = poly
[Predef] Predefined schedule of epochs when the LR will be lowered = None
[Predef] When decreasing Learning Rate, divide LR by = 2.0
[Poly] Initial epochs to wait before lowering LR = 0.6666666666666666
[Poly] Final epoch for the schedule = 2
[Auto] Initial epochs to wait before lowering LR = 5
[Auto] When decreasing Learning Rate, divide LR by = 2.0
[Auto] Minimum increase in validation accuracy (0. to 1.) that resets the waiting counter = 0.0
[Expon] (Deprecated) parameters = {'epochs_wait_before_decr': 0.6666666666666666, 'final_ep_for_sch': 2, 'lr_to_reach_at_last_ep': 0.00390625, 'mom_to_reach_at_last_ep': 0.9}
~Data Augmentation During Training~~
Image level augmentation:
Parameters for image-level augmentation: {'affine': }
         affine: OrderedDict([('prob', 0.7), ('max_rot_xyz', (45.0, 45.0, 45.0)), ('max_scaling', 0.1), ('seed', None), ('interp_order_imgs', 1), ('interp_order_lbls', 0), ('interp_order_roi', 0), ('interp_order_wmaps', 1), ('boundary_mode', 'nearest'), ('cval', 0.0)])
Patch level augmentation:
Mu and std for shift and scale of histograms = {'shift': {'mu': 0.0, 'std': 0.05}, 'scale': {'mu': 1.0, 'std': 0.01}}
Probabilities of reflecting each axis = (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
Probabilities of rotating planes 0/90/180/270 degrees = {'xy': {'0': 0.8, '90': 0.1, '180': 0.0, '270': 0.1}, 'yz': {'0': 0.0, '90': 0.0, '180': 0.0, '270': 0.0}, 'xz': {'0': 0.0, '90': 0.0, '180': 0.0, '270': 0.0}}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Validation parameters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Perform Validation on Samples throughout training? = True
Perform Full Inference on validation cases every few epochs? = True
Dataframe (csv) filename = None
Filepaths to Channels of Validation Cases = [['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/T1c_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz'], ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/T1c_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz']]
Filepaths to Ground-Truth labels of the Validation Cases = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/OTMultiClass.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/OTMultiClass.nii.gz']
Filepaths to ROI masks for Validation Cases = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/brainmask.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/brainmask.nii.gz']
~~~~~~Validation on Samples throughout Training~~~~~~~
Number of Segments loaded per subepoch for Validation = 5000
Batch size (val on samples) = 50
~ Sampling (val) ~~
Type of Sampling = Uniform (1)
Sampling Categories = ['Uniform']
Percent of Samples to extract per Sampling Category = [1.0]
Paths to weight-maps for sampling of each category = None
~~~~Validation with Full Inference on Validation Cases~~~~~
Perform Full-Inference on Val. cases every that many epochs = 1
Batch size (val on whole volumes) = 10
~Predictions (segmentations and prob maps on val. cases)~~
Save Segmentations = True
Save Probability Maps for each class = [True, True, True, True, True]
Filepaths to save results per case = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/predictions/trainSessionWithValidTiny/predictions//pred_brats_2013_pat0003_1.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/predictions/trainSessionWithValidTiny/predictions//pred_brats_2013_pat0004_1.nii.gz']
Suffixes with which to save segmentations and probability maps = {'segm': 'Segm', 'prob': 'ProbMapClass'}
~Feature Maps~~
Save Feature Maps = False
Min/Max Indices of FMs to visualise per pathway-type and per layer = None
Filepaths to save FMs per case = ['/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/predictions/trainSessionWithValidTiny/features//pred_brats_2013_pat0003_1.nii.gz', '/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/predictions/trainSessionWithValidTiny/features//pred_brats_2013_pat0004_1.nii.gz']
Initial Learning rate = 0.001
Optimizer to use: SGD(0), Adam(1), RmsProp(2) = 2
Parameters for Adam: b1= placeholder, b2=placeholder, e= placeholder
Parameters for RmsProp: rho= 0.9, e= 0.0001
Momentum Type: Classic (0) or Nesterov (1) = 1
Momentum Non-Normalized (0) or Normalized (1) = 1
Momentum Value = 0.6
Loss functions and their weights = {'xentr': 1.0, 'iou': None, 'dsc': None}
Reweight samples in cost on a per-class basis = {'type': None, 'prms': None, 'schedule': [0, 2]}
L1 Regularization term = 1e-06
L2 Regularization term = 0.0001
~Freeze Weights of Certain Layers~~
Indices of layers from each type of pathway that will be kept fixed (first layer is 0):
Normal pathway's layers to freeze = []
Subsampled pathway's layers to freeze = []
FC pathway's layers to freeze = []
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PRE-PROCESSING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~Data Compabitibility Checks~~
Check whether input data has correct format (can slow down process) = True
Pad Input Images = True
~Intensity Normalization~~
Verbosity level = 0
Z-Score parameters = {'apply_to_all_channels': False, 'apply_per_channel': None, 'cutoff_percents': None, 'cutoff_times_std': None, 'cutoff_below_mean': False}
========== Done with printing session's parameters ==========


=========== Making the CNN graph... ===============
...Building the CNN model...
[Pathway_NORMAL] is being built...
        Block [0], FMs-In: 2, FMs-Out: 4, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
WARNING:tensorflow:From /opt/conda/envs/deepmedic/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ calling BaseResourceVariable.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops) with constraint is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
If using Keras pass *_constraint arguments to layers.
        Block [1], FMs-In: 4, FMs-Out: 5, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
        Block [2], FMs-In: 5, FMs-Out: 6, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
[Pathway_SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]] is being built...
        Block [0], FMs-In: 2, FMs-Out: 4, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
        Block [1], FMs-In: 4, FMs-Out: 5, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
        Block [2], FMs-In: 5, FMs-Out: 6, Conv Filter dimensions: [3, 3, 3]
[Pathway_FC] is being built...
        Block [0], FMs-In: 12, FMs-Out: 5, Conv Filter dimensions: [1, 1, 1]
Adding the final Softmax layer...
Finished building the CNN's model.
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 25, 25, 25)
        Block [0], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 25, 25, 25)
        Block [1], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 23, 23, 23)
        Block [2], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 21, 21, 21)
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [train], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 19, 19, 19)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 13, 13, 13)
        Block [0], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 13, 13, 13)
        Block [1], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 11, 11, 11)
        Block [2], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 9, 9, 9)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [train], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 7, 7, 7)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 19, 19, 19)
        Block [0], Mode: [train], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 19, 19, 19)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [train], Output's Shape: (None, 5, 19, 19, 19)
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 7, 7, 7)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 7, 7, 7)
        Block [1], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 5, 5, 5)
        Block [2], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 3, 3, 3)
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 1, 1, 1)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 7, 7, 7)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 7, 7, 7)
        Block [1], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 5, 5, 5)
        Block [2], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 3, 3, 3)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 1, 1, 1)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 1, 1, 1)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 1, 1, 1)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 5, 1, 1, 1)
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 45, 45, 45)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 45, 45, 45)
        Block [1], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 43, 43, 43)
        Block [2], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 41, 41, 41)
Pathway [NORMAL], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 39, 39, 39)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 19, 19, 19)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 2, 19, 19, 19)
        Block [1], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 4, 17, 17, 17)
        Block [2], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 5, 15, 15, 15)
Pathway [SUBSAMPLED[3, 3, 3]], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 6, 13, 13, 13)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 39, 39, 39)
        Block [0], Mode: [infer], Input's Shape: (None, 12, 39, 39, 39)
Pathway [FC], Mode: [infer], Output's Shape: (None, 5, 39, 39, 39)
=========== Building Trainer ===========

Building Trainer.
COST: Using cross entropy with weight: 1.0
...Initializing state of the optimizer...
----------- Creating Tensorboard Loggers -----------
Loggers created successfully
=========== Compiling the Training Function ===========

...Building the training function...
...Collecting ops and feeds for training...
=========== Compiling the Validation Function =========
...Building the validation function...
...Collecting ops and feeds for validation...
=========== Compiling the Testing Function ============
...Building the function for testing and visualisation of FMs...
...Collecting ops and feeds for testing...
=========== Initializing network and trainer variables  ===============
All variables were initialized.
Saving the initial model at:/vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/saved_models//trainSessionWithValidTiny//tinyCnn.trainSessionWithValidTiny.initial.2023-07-

============== Training the CNN model =================

~                       Starting new Epoch! Epoch #0/2                         ~~

*                        Starting new Subepoch: #0/2                    *
[MAIN|PID:1245871] MULTIPROC: Before Validation in subepoch #0, submitting sampling job for next [VALIDATION].
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:=: Starting to sample for next [Validation]... :=:=:=:=:=:=:
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Out of [2] subjects given for [Validation], we will sample from maximum [50] per subepoch.
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Shuffled indices of subjects that were randomly chosen: [0, 1]
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Will sample from [2] subjects for next Validation...
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Started. (#0/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 0
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Uniform: 2500/2500]
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.7] [Preproc: 0.1] [Augm-Img: 0.0] [Sample Coords: 0.1] [Extract Sampl: 0.4] [Augm-Samples: 0.0] secs
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Started. (#1/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 1
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Uniform: 2500/2500]
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.6] [Preproc: 0.1] [Augm-Img: 0.0] [Sample Coords: 0.1] [Extract Sampl: 0.4] [Augm-Samples: 0.0] secs
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] TIMING: Sampling for next [Validation] lasted: 2.6 secs.
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:= Finished sampling for next [Validation] =:=:=:=:=:=:
[MAIN|PID:1245871] MULTIPROC: Before Validation in subepoch #0, submitting sampling job for next [TRAINING].
V-V-V-V- Validating for subepoch before starting training iterations -V-V-V-V
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:=: Starting to sample for next [Training]... :=:=:=:=:=:=:
[VALIDATION] Processed 0/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Out of [2] subjects given for [Training], we will sample from maximum [50] per subepoch.
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Shuffled indices of subjects that were randomly chosen: [0, 1]
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Will sample from [2] subjects for next Training...
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Started. (#0/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 0
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VALIDATION] Processed 20/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VALIDATION] Processed 40/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 60/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VALIDATION] Processed 80/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 100/100 batches for this subepoch...

+++++++++++++++++++++++ Reporting Accuracy over whole subepoch +++++++++++++++++++++++
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Overall:      mean accuracy:         0.0436  => Correctly-Classified-Voxels/All-Predicted-Voxels = 218/5000
+++++++++++++++ Reporting Accuracy over whole subepoch for Class-0 ++++++++ [Whole Foreground (Pos) Vs Background (Neg)] ++++++++++++++++
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-0:      mean accuracy:         0.0950  => (TruePos+TrueNeg)/All-Predicted-Voxels = 475/5000
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-0:      mean sensitivity:      1.0000  => TruePos/RealPos = 475/475
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-4:      mean Dice:             0.0258
=============== LOGGING TO TENSORBOARD ===============
Logging VALIDATION metrics
Epoch: 0 | Subepoch 0
Step number (index of subepoch since start): 0
--- Logging per class metrics ---
Logged metrics: ['samples: accuracy', 'samples: sensitivity', 'samples: precision', 'samples: specificity', 'samples: Dice']
TIMING: Validation on batches of subepoch #0 lasted: 0.9 secs.
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Foreground: 250/250] [Background: 250/250]
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.8] [Preproc: 0.1] [Augm-Img: 3.9] [Sample Coords: 0.1] [Extract Sampl: 0.1] [Augm-Samples: 0.3] secs
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Started. (#1/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 1
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0006_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Foreground: 250/250] [Background: 250/250]
[TRA|JOB:1|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.6] [Preproc: 0.1] [Augm-Img: 0.0] [Sample Coords: 0.1] [Extract Sampl: 0.1] [Augm-Samples: 0.3] secs
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] TIMING: Sampling for next [Training] lasted: 6.8 secs.
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:= Finished sampling for next [Training] =:=:=:=:=:=:
[MAIN|PID:1245871] MULTIPROC: Before Training in subepoch #0, submitting sampling job for next [VALIDATION].
-T-T-T-T- Training for this subepoch... May take a few minutes... -T-T-T-T-
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:=: Starting to sample for next [Validation]... :=:=:=:=:=:=:
[TRAINING] Processed 0/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Out of [2] subjects given for [Validation], we will sample from maximum [50] per subepoch.
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Shuffled indices of subjects that were randomly chosen: [0, 1]
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Will sample from [2] subjects for next Validation...
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Started. (#0/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 0
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0003_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Uniform: 2500/2500]
[VAL|JOB:0|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.6] [Preproc: 0.1] [Augm-Img: 0.0] [Sample Coords: 0.0] [Extract Sampl: 0.5] [Augm-Samples: 0.0] secs
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Started. (#1/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 1
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/validation/brats_2013_pat0004_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Uniform: 2500/2500]
[VAL|JOB:1|PID:1245871] TIMING: [Load: 0.7] [Preproc: 0.2] [Augm-Img: 0.0] [Sample Coords: 0.1] [Extract Sampl: 0.6] [Augm-Samples: 0.0] secs
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] TIMING: Sampling for next [Validation] lasted: 3.0 secs.
[VAL|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:= Finished sampling for next [Validation] =:=:=:=:=:=:
[TRAINING] Processed 20/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRAINING] Processed 40/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRAINING] Processed 60/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRAINING] Processed 80/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRAINING] Processed 100/100 batches for this subepoch...

+++++++++++++++++++++++ Reporting Accuracy over whole subepoch +++++++++++++++++++++++
TRAINING: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Overall:        mean accuracy:         0.3992  => Correctly-Classified-Voxels/All-Predicted-Voxels = 2738260/6859000
TRAINING: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Overall:        mean cost:             1.38944
+++++++++++++++ Reporting Accuracy over whole subepoch for Class-0 ++++++++ [Whole Foreground (Pos) Vs Background (Neg)] ++++++++++++++++
TRAINING: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-4:        mean precision:        0.3182  => TruePos/(TruePos+FalsePos) = 299811/942154
TRAINING: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-4:        mean specificity:      0.8967  => TrueNeg/RealNeg = 5577735/6220078
TRAINING: Epoch #0, Subepoch #0, Class-4:        mean Dice:             0.3792
=============== LOGGING TO TENSORBOARD ===============
Logging TRAINING metrics
Epoch: 0 | Subepoch 0
Step number (index of subepoch since start): 0
--- Logging average metrics for all classes ---
Logged metrics: ['samples: accuracy', 'samples: cost']
--- Logging per class metrics ---
Logged metrics: ['samples: accuracy', 'samples: sensitivity', 'samples: precision', 'samples: specificity', 'samples: Dice']
TIMING: Training on batches of this subepoch #0 lasted: 16.7 secs.

*                        Starting new Subepoch: #1/2                    *
[MAIN|PID:1245871] MULTIPROC: Before Validation in subepoch #1, submitting sampling job for next [TRAINING].
V-V-V-V- Validating for subepoch before starting training iterations -V-V-V-V
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] :=:=:=:=:=:=: Starting to sample for next [Training]... :=:=:=:=:=:=:
[VALIDATION] Processed 0/100 batches for this subepoch...
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Out of [2] subjects given for [Training], we will sample from maximum [50] per subepoch.
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Shuffled indices of subjects that were randomly chosen: [0, 1]
[TRA|SAMPLER|PID:1245871] Will sample from [2] subjects for next Training...
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Started. (#0/2) sampling job. Load & sample from subject of index (in user's list): 0
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Loading subject with 1st channel at: /vf/users/user/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/dataForExamples/brats2015TrainingData/train/brats_2013_pat0005_1/Flair_subtrMeanDivStd.nii.gz
[VALIDATION] Processed 20/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 40/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 60/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 80/100 batches for this subepoch...
[VALIDATION] Processed 100/100 batches for this subepoch...

+++++++++++++++++++++++ Reporting Accuracy over whole subepoch +++++++++++++++++++++++
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #1, Overall:      mean accuracy:         0.8306  => Correctly-Classified-Voxels/All-Predicted-Voxels = 4153/5000
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #1, Class-4:      mean sensitivity:      0.7910  => TruePos/RealPos = 53/67
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #1, Class-4:      mean precision:        0.1312  => TruePos/(TruePos+FalsePos) = 53/404
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #1, Class-4:      mean specificity:      0.9288  => TrueNeg/RealNeg = 4582/4933
VALIDATION: Epoch #0, Subepoch #1, Class-4:      mean Dice:             0.2251
=============== LOGGING TO TENSORBOARD ===============
Logging VALIDATION metrics
Epoch: 0 | Subepoch 1
Step number (index of subepoch since start): 1
--- Logging per class metrics ---
Logged metrics: ['samples: accuracy', 'samples: sensitivity', 'samples: precision', 'samples: specificity', 'samples: Dice']
TIMING: Validation on batches of subepoch #1 lasted: 0.6 secs.
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded labels are dtype [float32]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] WARN: Loaded ROI-mask is dtype [float64]. Rounding and casting to [int16]!
[TRA|JOB:0|PID:1245871] Done. Samples per category: [Foreground: 250/250] [Background: 250/250]
TIMING: Training process lasted: 134.6 secs.
Closing worker pool.
    Saving the final model at:/vf/users/userXC
The whole do_training() function has finished.

=========== Training session finished =================
In order to run deepmedic in GPU mode on the same data, pass it an additional option -dev cuda0:
[user@biowulf]$ deepMedicRun -model ./examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/model/modelConfig.cfg \
               -train examples/configFiles/tinyCnn/train/trainConfigWithValidation.cfgi -dev cuda0 
TIMING: Training process lasted: 85.7 secs.
Closing worker pool.
Saving the final model at:/vf/users/$USER/deepmedic/deepmedic-0.8.4/examples/output/saved_models//trainSessionWithValidTiny//
The whole do_training() function has finished.

=========== Training session finished =================
[user@cn0861 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226