DualFoldCoevolution: Evolutionary selection of proteins with two folds
This application is intended to evaluate coevolutionary structural predictions of fold-switching proteins. State-of-the art algorithms predict that these fold-switching proteins assume only one stable structure. We hypothesize that coevolutionary signatures are being missed. Fold-switching proteins have the ability to transition between two sets of stable secondary and tertiary structure. The approach successfully revealed coevolution of amino acid pairs uniquely corresponding to both conformations of 56 fold-switching proteins from distinct families.
- Joseph W. Schafer and Lauren L. Porter,
Evolutionary selection of proteins with two folds
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.18.524637
Important Notes
- Module Name: DFC (see the modules page for more information)
- Unusual environment variables set
- DFC_HOME installation directory
- DFC_BIN executable directory
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive [user@cig 3335 ~]$ module load DFC [+] Loading singularity 4.0.1 on cn3335 [+] Loading DFC 20240124 [user@cn3335 ~]$ ACE.py -h ... usage: ACE.py [-h] [--msa MSA] [--Sub_Family_Parser SUB_FAMILY_PARSER] [--fasta FASTA] [--b_factor B_FACTOR] [--pdb1 PDB1] [--pdb2 PDB2] [--Extra EXTRA] [--Depth_max DEPTH_MAX] [--Depth_min DEPTH_MIN] [--Manual_PDB MANUAL_PDB] [--Manual_Pred MANUAL_PRED] [--Beg BEG] [--End END] [--Prediction_Offset PREDICTION_OFFSET] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --msa MSA MSA file in stockholm format --Sub_Family_Parser SUB_FAMILY_PARSER Choose between parsing sub-family alignments by QID or E-value (E-value is from HMMER) --fasta FASTA MSA file in fasta format --b_factor B_FACTOR (y/n) ESMfold and Alphafold have pLDDT scores in the b_factor column. This flag colors the dualfold contact map based on pLDDT, poor predictions are red and ok predictions are yellow. --pdb1 PDB1 PDB structure for the first conformation (remove hydrogens, ligands, and HOH --pdb2 PDB2 PDB structure for the second conformation (remove hydrogens, ligands, and HOH --Extra EXTRA Output additional information on superposition, base case, and smallest subfamily alignment --Depth_max DEPTH_MAX Control how many predictions are extracted from subfamily alignments (larger number = more predictions) --Depth_min DEPTH_MIN Control how many predictions are extracted from subfamily alignments (larger number = more predictions) --Manual_PDB MANUAL_PDB Turn off auto-align algorithm and manually align PDBs --Manual_Pred MANUAL_PRED Turn off auto-align algorithm and manually align Predictions --Beg BEG Remove x number of residues from the beginning of the msa --End END Remove x number of residues from the end of the msa --Prediction_Offset PREDICTION_OFFSET Used if a large number of residues are missing from the CTD (ex. 3ejh/3m7p alignment set to 225 [user@cn3335 ~]$ exit user@biowulf]$