drop on Biowulf
The drop is a pipeline to find aberrant events in RNA-Seq data, useful for diagnosis of rare disorders.
- Yépez, V.A., Mertes, C., Müller, M.F. et al. Detection of aberrant gene expression events in RNA sequencing data. Nat Protoc. 16, 1276–1296 (2021). PubMed | Journal
- drop Github:Github
Important Notes
- Module Name: drop (see the modules page for more information)
- Current drop command lines could be run as:
- The current version of drop was installed in it's own conda environment, so please do not load snakemake or R module.
Interactive jobInteractive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session (user input in bold):[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --cpus-per-task=10 --mem=10G salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn3144 are ready for job [user@cn3144 ~]$ module load drop [user@cn3144 ~]$ mkdir /data/$USER/drop_test/ [user@cn3144 ~]$ cd /data/$USER/drop_test/ [user@cn3144 ~]$ drop demo [user@cn3144 ~]$ snakemake -n #dryrun [user@cn3144 ~]$ snakemake --core 10 WARNING: Using the mae defined genome instead of the globally defined one. This will be deprecated in the future to allow for reference genomes to be defined in the sample annotation table. Please update your config and sample annotation table WARNING: GENE_ANNOTATION must be a column in the sample annotation table, ANNOTATION is the old column name and will be deprecated in the future WARNING: Less than 30 IDs in DROP_GROUP outrider WARNING: Less than 30 IDs in DROP_GROUP import_exp WARNING: Less than 30 IDs in DROP_GROUP fraser check for missing R packages Structuring dependencies... Dependencies file generated at: /tmp/tmp1a00_tgp Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /usr/bin/bash Provided cores: 2 Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job counts: count jobs 1 AberrantExpression_Overview_R 1 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_Datasets_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_Summary_R 10 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_countReads_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_filterCounts_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_mergeCounts_R 1 AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_preprocessGeneAnnotation_R 1 AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_Datasets_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_Summary_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_results_R 2 AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_runOutrider_R 1 AberrantSplicing_Overview_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_00_define_datasets_from_anno_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_0_countRNA_init_R 10 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_1_countRNA_splitReads_samplewise_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_2_countRNA_splitReads_merge_R 10 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_3_countRNA_nonSplitReads_samplewise_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_4_countRNA_nonSplitReads_merge_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_5_countRNA_collect_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_02_psi_value_calculation_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_03_filter_expression_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_DatasetsF_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_Summary_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_05_fit_autoencoder_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_06_calculation_stats_AE_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_07_extract_results_FraseR_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_Datasets_R 1 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_Summary_R 1 Index 1 MonoallelicExpression_Overview_R 1 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_MAE_Datasets_R 1 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_MAE_Results_R 2 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_MAE_deseq_mae_R 1 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_QC_DNA_RNA_matrix_plot_R 1 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_QC_Datasets_R 1 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_QC_create_matrix_dna_rna_cor_R 2 MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_QC_deseq_qc_R 1 aberrantExpression 4 aberrantExpression_bamStats 2 aberrantExpression_mergeBamStats 1 aberrantSplicing 1 aberrantSplicing_dependency 1 all 1 dependencyGraph 1 mae 4 mae_allelicCounts 4 mae_createSNVs 1 mae_dependency 94 Select jobs to execute... [Thu May 13 17:33:29 2021] rule mae_dependency: output: /gpfs/gsfs10/users/apptest1/Output/html/mae-pipeline_dep.svg jobid: 100 ... [user@cn3144 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Batch jobMost jobs should be run as batch jobs.For submitting large jobs through cluster, we will create a cluster.yaml file first. For example, this yaml file (thanks for contribution from Sarah Silverstein) is based on 80 samples about 130M reads per sample (if you have smaller or less samples, please run snakemake at interactive session or scale down accordingly):
__default__: partition: norm threads: 2 memory: 2G time: "2:00:00" AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_runOutrider_R: threads: 4 memory: 10G time: "20:00:00" AberrantExpression_pipeline_Counting_countReads_R: memory: 20G time: "6:00:00" AberrantExpression_pipeline_OUTRIDER_Summary_R: threads: 50 memory: 20G AberrantExpression_Overview_R: memory: 5G AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_1_countRNA_splitReads_samplewise_R: memory: 10G threads: 4 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_2_countRNA_splitReads_merge_R: memory: 10G AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_4_countRNA_nonSplitReads_merge_R: memory: 10G AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_02_psi_value_calculation_FraseR_R: memory: 35G threads: 20 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_03_filter_expression_FraseR_R: memory: 15G AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR_R: memory: 25G threads: 10 AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_05_fit_autoencoder_FraseR_R: memory: 50G threads: 22 time: "4:00:00" AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_06_calculation_stats_AE_FraseR_R: memory: 110G threads: 24 time: "4:00:00" AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_07_extract_results_FraseR_R: memory: 25G AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_Summary_R: memory: 15G threads: 4 AberrantSplicing_Overview_R: memory: 5G MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_MAE_Results_R: memory: 5G MonoallelicExpression_pipeline_QC_create_matrix_dna_rna_cor_R: memory: 200G threads: 2 time: "14:00:00" mae_allelicCounts: threads: 4
Create a batch input file (e.g. drop.sh). For example:
#!/bin/bash set -e module load drop cd /data/$USER/drop_test/ snakemake -pr --jobs 10 \ --cluster "sbatch --cpus-per-task={cluster.threads} --mem={cluster.memory} --time={cluster.time}" \ --cluster-config cluster.yaml --latency-wait 120 --max-jobs-per-second 1 \ --max-status-checks-per-second 0.01 all
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch --cpus-per-task=2 --mem=2g --time=4-00:00:00 drop.sh