Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
DUPHOLD on Biowulf

Duphold: scalable, depth-based annotation and curation of high-confidence structural variant calls.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program.
Sample session (user input in bold):

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive
[user@cn4338 ~]$ module load duphold
[+] Loading duphold  0.2.3  on cn4338 

Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Running help command:

[user@cn4338 data]$ duphold --help
version: 0.2.3

  Usage: duphold [options]

  -v --vcf            path to sorted SV VCF/BCF
  -b --bam            path to indexed BAM/CRAM
  -f --fasta          indexed fasta reference.
  -s --snp            optional path to snp/indel VCF/BCF with which to annotate SVs. BCF is highly recommended as it's much faster to parse.
  -t --threads         number of decompression threads. [default: 4]
  -o --output       output VCF/BCF (default is VCF to stdout) [default: -]
  -d --drop                 drop all samples from a multi-sample --vcf *except* the sample in --bam. useful for parallelization by sample followed by merge.
  -h --help                 show help

Annotate an SV:

[user@cn4338] cp -a /usr/local/apps/duphold/0.2.3/test_data .
[user@cn4338 test_data]$ duphold \
 --threads 4 \
 --vcf sparse_in.vcf \
 --bam sparse.cram \
 --fasta sparse.fa \
 --output output.bcf 
#To view output, load samtools and view with bcftools
[user@cn4338 test_data] module load samtools
[user@cn4338 test_data] bcftools view test-out.bcf
##bcftools_viewCommand=view CHM1_CHM13/full.37d5.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Sep 24 13:48:04 2018
##bcftools_viewCommand=view test-out.bcf; Date=Thu May 25 12:49:34 2023
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  Eluc-CR2.F
NW_017858824.1  135118  72454   N       DEL   5875.46 .       SVTYPE=DEL;END=135332;CIPOS=0,0;CIEND=0,0;CIPOS95=0,0;CIEND95=0,0;GCF=0.306977  GT:DP:DHFC:DHFFC:DHBFC:DHSP     0/1:200:1.91667:0.597403:1.76923:0
For more information on pre and post processing, please visit the Duphold Github Page