eXpress is a streaming tool for quantifying the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences. Example applications include transcript-level RNA-Seq quantification, allele-specific/haplotype expression analysis (from RNA-Seq), transcription factor binding quantification in ChIP-Seq, and analysis of metagenomic data. It is based on an online-EM algorithm [more info here] that results in space (memory) requirements proportional to the total size of the target sequences and time requirements that are proportional to the number of sampled fragments. Thus, in applications such as RNA-Seq, eXpress can accurately quantify much larger samples than other currently available tools greatly reducing computing infrastructure requirements. eXpress can be used to build lightweight high-throughput sequencing processing pipelines when coupled with a streaming aligner (such as Bowtie), as output can be piped directly into eXpress, effectively eliminating the need to store read alignments in memory or on disk.
The environment variable(s) need to be set properly first. The easiest way to do this is by using the modules commands, 'module load express', as in the example below.
biowulf% module load expressThis command will load the required
and samtools
as well as express
Express was developed by Adam Roberts and Lior Pachter at the University of California, Berkeley. [Express website]
The sample sessions in this document use the example sets from the Express documentation. In the following two sub-sections, you will run eXpress on a sample RNA-Seq dataset
with simulated reads from UGT3A2 and the HOXC cluster using the human genome build hg18. Both the transcript sequences (transcripts.fasta) and raw reads (reads_1.fastq,
reads_2.fastq) can be found in the /usr/local/apps/express/sample_data
Before you begin, you must prepare your Bowtie index. Since you wish to allow many multi-mappings, it is useful to build the index with a small offrate (in this case 1). The smaller the offrate, the larger the index and the faster the mapping. If you have disk space to spare, always use an offrate of 1.
$ sinteractive --gres=lscratch:40 $ cp -rp /usr/local/apps/express/sample_data /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/ $ cd /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID/sample_data $ module load express $ bowtie-build --offrate 1 transcripts.fasta transcript
This command will populate your directory with several index files that allow Bowtie to more easily align reads to the transcripts.
You can now map the reads to the transcript sequences using the following Bowtie command, which outputs in SAM (-S), allows for unlimited multi-mappings (-a), a maximum insert distance of 800 bp between the paired-ends (-X 800), and 3 mismatches (-v 3). The first three options (a,S,X) are highly recommended for best results. You should also allow for many mismatches, since eXpress models sequencing errors. Furthermore, you will want to take advantage of multiple processors when mapping large files using the -poption. See the Bowtie Manual for more details on various parameters and options.
$ bowtie -aS -X 800 --offrate 1 -v 3 transcript -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq | samtools view -Sb - > hits.bam
$ module load express $ express transcripts.fasta hits.bam
$ module load express $ bowtie -aS -X 800 --offrate 1 -v 3 transcript -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq | express transcripts.fasta $ exit
The following batch script uses the same commands as in the preceding example.
#!/bin/bash # # this file is called express.bat module load express cd /data/$USER/express cp -rp $EXPRESS_ROOT/sample_data . cd sample_data bowtie-build --offrate 1 transcripts.fasta transcript bowtie -p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -aS -X 800 --offrate 1 -v 3 transcript -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq \ | express transcripts.fasta
Submit this job with:
sbatch --cpus-per-task=4 express.bat
Bowtie is a multi-threaded program, and so the job is submitted to 4 CPUs ('--cpus-per-task=4' in the sbatch command above). In the batch script express.bat, bowtie is run with '-p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK' to utilize all 4 cpus.
Set up a swarm command file along the following lines:
bowtie -p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -aS -X 800 --offrate 1 -v 3 transcript -1 reads_1.fastq -2 reads_2.fastq \ | express transcripts.fasta bowtie -p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -aS -X 800 --offrate 1 -v 3 transcript -1 reads_3.fastq -2 reads_4.fastq \ | express transcripts.fasta etc...Submit this job with:
swarm -t 4 -f cmdfile --module express
The parameter '-t 4' tells swarm to allocate 4 CPUs for each command above. Express is single-threaded, but bowtie will make use of the 4 CPUS ('-p $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK' in the swarm command file above).
By default, each line in the swarm command file above will be executed on 4 CPU and can utilize up to 8 GB of memory. If your commands require more than 8 GB, you should submit with:
swarm -g # -f cmdfile --module expresswhere '#' is the number of GigaBytes of memory required for a single process (1 line in your swarm command file).