The default miso setting files can be copied from /usr/local/apps/misopy/miso_settings.txt and modified. It looks like this:
[data] filter_results = True min_event_reads = 20 [cluster] cluster_command = sbatch --mem=20g --cpus-per-task=8 --time=99:00:00 [sampler] burn_in = 500 lag = 10 num_iters = 5000 num_chains = 6 num_processors = 8
Miso can be run in two modes: multi-threaded mode and parallel mode. Each mode use/ignore different directives in the miso setting file.
Multi-threaded mode will be used when running miso without '--use-cluster'
The line 'num_processors' will be used and 'cluster_command" will
be ignored. The default threads are 8.
Parallel mode will be used when running miso with both '--use-cluster' and '--chunk-jobs' flags on biowulf. In this mode, depending on the number assigned to '--chunk-jobs=#', many jobs will be submitted to the cluster and each job will use one thread no matter what is assigned to 'num_processors' line since this line will be ignored. Events will beatch and each batch will be submitted to a job. The smaller the # is, the more number of jobs will be created. The default memory is 20gb and 99 hours of walltime for each job. If more memory or walltime is needed, copy/modify the setting file, include '--settings-filename=The_Full_Path_to_Settingfile' flag in miso command, then submit miso job using sbatch.
If '--settings-filename=.....' flag is not specified in miso command, the default miso setting file will be used.